Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/149

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lf} TiY’LE S.»———,§LiE.\eS

   lt-~$§g¤1;> of fosselgn amlasarkatkm, :11;;% that thi; exist»eus#<2 csi
 mmtasl cz: physical defc~::t·might hmre been detected by
 gl nz`- :1 ccmpetéhtz medical examination at such time such
 shall pay to the écllectcrlof custéms of the customs
 M lll wlxich the port of arrival is lccatcdzthe sum of $2230,

’ fw zmlééiozx a sum equal ta that paid by such alien for his g ~4,,j..§,¢•§"Y;il§#;•Il from the initial paint of dcgimtxim, imlicated in ` Qu-1*. to the port of arrival, for each and every violatiorg Q sig tpmvision, such latter sum tc, be delivered by the co}-

   qi cusmms` t0`,the alién fm: whose account assessed. It-*
   zzlm he malawful, for amy such person td bring to any port

if mr ‘{"uit¤?·d States any allen who is exéludedby the.p1*0>

 of {said section 136 because uuablevlto read,l0r wh0_is

,_»¤~?·si!§~4i hy its? terms qs a native of that portion of the Qonti-

 gi Asia and the islands adjagent- thereto described in
 ~m··2‘i¢»n,` mad it it shall appear t0_the satisfaction of the

-,;,,,.·;·»mn:·5,· of Labor that these di·sabiIities‘ might have been dc~

·,·.-aw}! by the exercise of rcéspuable precaution prior to the

..g,.;;;;¥-znare of such hligns from a foreign port, such person $112111

.§_» m fim c9llectcr_cf¥ustpms. of the ciastcms diktrict in which

fg wart at arrival is loéatédthe `sum of $1,000, and in addition ¤» mm <~qu:1l`t0 that paid by such alien fo1·- his transportation · fi···m the irlifgial p0int,0f degmrture, indicated `iuliis ticket, to me- part of _1llW1'iV3l, for leach and évéri violation ot this pro-A v§<i•»zs,— smh latter sum t0_ be delivered by the collector- of .—;;~:»¤ns to the alien ent whose account assessed. _, _ J his imqis imposed undef thisnsectioul for the bringing of an

i&.»u Mythe United States, audit sucliallénttig accompanied by

t ;m~¤!;¤*·1·, alien whé is ·¤c;cludcd {mm admission by the last protim at section 154 ot thistitle, the person liable for such, due. l >%z:1l~l my the Qcllectcr of customs, in addition to such Btw mths. a tlxcreof, a sum equat to that paid by such aécomp;;;;;·ing aliexrlfcr his transpcrtatl0¤·fr0ui his Jnitldl pbint of 1h·p:1riurB indicated in his ticket, td the point ct arrival, such- A » { sujxs to beheliveredqby the cqlleétor `qtcustcms to the gccome

a§;3·iug alien when de rtccl. No vemel shall-bggft11ted`.cl&r·

Hum papem pending the dlétetminatitm of the question, of the

   · mzliliiy to tl;e»p¤ymmt_ at such   of while_th¢,§néstremain,

” unpaid, umnsballlcuch Hnes betemitted for brit _ 4·24·:u·:mee· may-be granted ~m·i0r to the determination ot such i;m·>;¤ic¤_up0¤ the kpcslt of di su&clc¤t cater Such hues Q lwr bf n b0ud.‘with·,su&dent:snréty_ tb méurc thé myménf ‘_ :1»··¤·c»f,_ approved by the collector at customs}. Nothing canmimd lu this section sl1all.be_.¢0¤§¤'md to subject trauspérta-· mn commuigs tg`.; aug for ta ctthe Unitéd mates alien; wud are by any dt provisions at exceptiousto _s<_·<·i ion 136 ci this {title excm;$ted fmugythe `excl¤di1xg‘pr0?id¤ohS _ éf mid (Feb. 5,*1917, <:,`%, Si 9,-,39 Stat. S80; May`26, 11•2-4, c. 190, §t2S,.48._St$t; .186.) -` »» . ·` M 146. Pmvmtién at @@5 of- 'nheni.; prima faciiclpmgf ‘pf,lmdhg.·—-·—(n) It shall be the duty of éverjw Mmm, imgluding bwuerh, rg§stcrs,zé&ccrs, and agents of vessels ,4»:‘ transportation lines, nr iutgrmtioual bridgw ¤1·_t<>l1_roads, ,<·$t1wr theq railway lmésivnrhicl; mai enter into; mntract as }¤‘<{vided in section 102 af fl1is·,title,·bdug‘l¤g xm alien to, 015

"»mvidiug1‘mc§¤s for an alien to comb tc, thelfuited States,

· ¥·· vrcvént the landing M such altienhlé the Uuitad States afany limo or place ether than ab designated hy. the lmmigrativll 4·11 ;<·ers; my such, person, owner, master, amber, mr azeizt wha _ t f:4iis,to· ¢¤mp1y_·w1m the £0;·g0i§g_requlret:m¤ts shall be guilty l Ur ia misdedaauof smtlou ccnvlctignl msllbe punished ‘ W a Em in each éném at not lexthmz $@ nar more thtau $1,G00, =·r by imprisonment {mi a. tefm not éxceedlng yéarf or by ._ . *·f*¥h· such Hm and imprlsoximeht; cr, lt in the gmihion of the ‘ = iwcrctary at labor, it is lmprsctiuble 0; incawrenicut to prosc- Mxte the pgggog, mmgrf mggtér, br agcxit- of any SMB \‘<.·#:~=cl, such param, pwnér; maiter, cmcér, 0:** agent thtlll be 'liuble tpl 3 penalty of ’$l,000, which shall bé a·lliB¤;\1DO1}`fh€

AA`;) cz a_#1zr22vss11 s 343 L . vessel whose mvnor, nmster, ofl`i<·er, or agent violates the provisions of this eeltrtion, and such veeeei shell be liheled therezms in the approgsriete United States ceurt, (b) Proof that the alien felled to present hlxeseti et the time and place designated by the immigration o@sct·s shall be prime facie evidence that such alien has landed in the United States at a time or place ether than as delslgnatetl by the iHiiI]i§3§1'{l£l(»il officers. (Feb. 5, 1917, c. 22), § 10, $$3 Stat. Sei; Hay 2é;, lildl, c. 190, § 27,43 Stat, 167.) ‘ E I _ e v 147. Detention·.of aliens for observation and examination; inspectors to report condition of veesels.—·-—For the purpoa nf determining whether aliens arriving at portsof the United ‘ States belong to any of the classes excluded, either by reason of being iatllicted with any of the diseases or mental or pl;;,·>;i- xcalldefeclts or adisabglitles- mentioned in section 135 of tlnie · title, or 0tl1erwise,‘.0`i· whenever, the Secretary of Laborehus received i11form:1tion showings that any aliens are coming from ·· a country or have embarked at an place where any of said diseasesvare prevalent or epidemic, the COH1HiiSSi€)UG¥,G€D£3f&l Y of Immigration, with the ariproval of the Secretary of Labor, may idirect that sueh aliens shall be detained ion.`boa.rd, the evessel bringing them,‘0r_in -a United States immigration station at the expense of such vwsel, gs eirenmstances nxay require or justify, a s `mcient time toengble the inunigratienv officers- and medical oécers stationed at sneh Mhorts to snhjeeti aliens to _· an observation and examination; snmient to detero mine vyhetQ or not they° belong to the said excluded `classes ` by reason. of being amicted in the manner indicated. In order; sito avoid undue delay in landing passengers or interference with commerce, the-tC ommissioner· General of Im e lgration may,. with the approval of the Secretary of Labor, issue meh regnlations, not inconsistent with law,,` as- may `be deemed, neeeseary to effect the p·m·p0e& of · this seetion: __ It shall ml tm énty of lxnniwrant inspectors to report to the lvl ~ :ione% General of Immigration , the condition ot; all vessels hringng aliens to United States - (Feb. .5, -1917, c. 29, 5 11, rw Stat; 881.)

outer-¤ame·¤e¤ Mies ·=kw*§¤$; . . a

, of r@ent_ and étigms leaving for {ann f Upon the arrival of any allen by water at any port within the s United States on the North Lmerigan Continew from a foreign port or a port of the Philippine Islands, Guam, Hieo, or _ Hawaii, orjot any port of fhéjeid insular womens funn sny ¥ foreign bert, imma port in the United Statm en t&_ North American ~ Continent, or from a port ot amt@r insular _ · sion` oi the-United States, it shall hethe duty of the master or commandingl.o§eer,»—oréners, or mnsigneee of the steamer, sell; lng, orother iveml having said alien on beard te deliver to the llmmigration oQcers; st; the ·port‘ of frrlval qpevvritten or - printed lists er manitwts- made at time and place of enrbarlcation ot such alien on- board such steager er vemel, which shallfln answer to qneetione at the top of said * list, déontnin . $11 and accurate information rnsjto eaeh alien es _ folIoxs·s:_ ~ ull name, agefand-, sex; whether married or single;. ealling. Y er occupation: personal description "(lnelndjng vheight, com- “‘ plexlon, color of hair and eyes, and marks ol. tdentihestiong ; whether able to read er write; nationality: eonntry otbirth ;‘ ° race;4 country oi last d permanent raidenee; nanze and address _ ot the nearest relative in- the country from which the alien

 came: seaport for landing lnfthe United States; nnal destina-

‘ tion, if any, beyond theeport ot landlng; whether baring a .~ _ tleket through to such ilnzlhdestinatolong by whom passage was t j mid`; whether in possession of $50, and lf less, how, much'; 1 whether going to join a relative__or friend, and, if se,.vehat rel-

atlve or friend, and hisor her name andeoznplete address; `

- whether ever before ‘ln the United States, and if so, rrheniaml l vrhere; whether ever in prlson_or`almshonse or·an institution e or hospital for the eared and treatment of the. insane; whether _- > erer seppmepee by ermuy; whether n* polyganl_l_st_; whether an