Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1497

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1483 TITLE 46.-·-l who may have granted such enrollment and license. Q(R. S. w 4338-) ‘ . _ § 289. Papers for vmels in `whale ishery.-All vessels which may clear with rwisters for the purpose of engaging in the whale nshery shall be deemed to have lawful and suillclent _ papers for such voyages, securing the privileges and rights of registered vemels, and the privileges and exemptions ot vessels · enrolled and licensed for the nsherlea IR, S. Q 4339.) ` 281. Enrollment: at Jersey City.——The asmstant collector at Scrsey City may enroll and license all vwsels . engaged in the coasting trade and Bsherles, owned in hole or ln part by `resldents of the counties of Hudson and Bergen, in the State of Newlersey. (R.S.§4340.)· Q ·· `" · 282. Enrollment: at Camden.-—The assistant collector for ' me port of Camden, in New Jersey, may enroll and license all vessels engaged in the coasting trade and llsheries, owned · in l wlxole or ln part by rwdents of that portion of the Bridgeton district lying north of Allows!} Greek. in the county of Salem, in the State of New Jersey; -(B. S. { 4341.) . . ., · I 283. hrolluenti at Wlhuingtg%—I;·The owners of vessels residing on New River, ln Onslow .4 ty, in the State of North Carolina, shall have the privilege or taking- out .reglstersF or e·m·ollments‘ and licenses at-Wilmington, in that State, andthe collector ot that district. may grant the same on the conditions required by law, (R. S. _! 4342.) ·’ . - · 284. Enrollmmte at Qeaapeske City.:-The deputy collector who maybe appointed to reside at Chesapeake City, in Mary-. land, shall have power to grant enrollments and licenses to x·essels..(R.S.§4343.) `_ ‘_ .. S 285. Enrollment by mrveyors.—>'1‘he Secretary ot may authorize the surveyor of any port of delivery, under such regulations as he shall deem ne&ry, to enroll and license vessels to be employed ln; the coasting trade and dsheries, in · like manner as collectors or ports of entry are authorized to do. alt. 8. § 4344; Feb; 14,. 1993, c. 652, 32 Stat. @ ;. Mar. 4, 1913, c.141,378tnt.·736.) i . _ `“ · 2%.· hrehaent by mrveyore at Cold Spring; Greenport; and Port Jelerm.-—'1‘he surveyors appointed for the ports or Cold Spring, on the north dde ot Long Island, Greenport and Port all in the State of New York, shall have power to enrolljand camels to be employed ln thetcoastlng trade and andto mter and clear; and grant reglstus new a — .< - tries,  »»—~·¢ restrictions and rqulationeas the or may dm ·(B. S.|4346;B‘eb,`1~1, 19%. c. @ Stat. @9; liar. 4, 1913, e. 141, 3’l'_=Stnt.. 736.) . ‘ 287. Neue and sedan.--·e-Every llcemd · have her mme, andthe port to which she belwge, palntedon her stern, in the lhed‘tor vmsels; and ` D it any umd rmt be found-withontsuch painting, tm owner thmeot emll he liable to.: penalty ot m _(R.. S.§· ° Nnnbuhg mdomiuted vessels.-·Every undocumented wwe!. @4ted ln whole or in part by machinery, owned in mtu and found on the neviuble waters — thereobexeept and vwoels notexeeedlng dxfem feet in lmdl endto md omthe deck exclmiu shes; mponrlly with detachable meters, shalluhe,namhm·ed. 5-mnnmhm»eshallbonotl¤eln else" thanZthneea1& nM or a' , to eew how an the


HTM uid Q ot or master, shall beewardedby theeollectorédenetmodthedlstrlet .inwhtehtheveeeells·owned¤ndareeord`thm·ee¢’hemtnthe

 ortho d t in whl@'th• owen w  

owner resides., No embers not so awarded nhnllbe eerrled onethebowsoteuehrwelp ‘

SHIPPING § 294 Notice of destruction or abandonment of such vessels or change in their ownership shall be furnished within ten daysl by the owners to · the collectors of customs of the districts where such numbers werekawarded; Such vessel sold into another customs district may be numbered anew in the latter district. ' _The penalty for violation of any provision of this section shall be $10, for which the vessel shall be liable and may be seized and , proceeded agninst Vin the district court of the United States in nny district in which such vessel may be found. ‘ Such pennlty’ on application may be mitigated or remitted by the Qecretary of Commerce., y · ‘ . d The Secretary- of Commerce shell make such, regulations ns may be necessary to secure proper execution of this section by collectors of customs end other o$cers_ of the Government. (June 7, 1918, c. 93,”§§_ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; 40 Stat. 602.) 289; Transportation of, passengers in foreign vessels.———No foreign- yeesel shall, transport passengers between ports, or places in the United States, either directly or by `wny of n foreign port, uunder a penalty of $200 for bench passenger so transported and landed.* (June 19, 1886, c. 421, § 8, 24 _ Star. 81; Feb. 17, 1898, c. 28, § 2, Stat,248.) —- 290; Transportation of merchnndiseln foreign .vessels.—-No merchandise shall be ·· transported by water under penalty of forfeiture thereof from. one port of the United States to another port of the United States, either directly or vin n foreign port, or tornny part ot the voyage, in `anybther veséel than a vessel ot the United States. But thiseeotioén shall not be construed to prohibit the sailing or uny foreign vessel from one to another port of the United States: Provided, That no men chnndim other than that imported in; such vessel from some for€i8¤ port which shall not have W been unladen shall be cnrried one port or place in .tb§ United States to another. (Feb; 17,-1898, c. 26, { 1, 30 Stat. 248;) _ - 291.` Trsnuhipment of lgported merchandise intended for y immedidte Vexportetion.-—Whenever merchandise is imported into the United States by eee for immediate exportation to · a foreign port by een, erby e' river, the right to ascend or descend which for the pnrpw of commerce is secured by treaty to the citizens, ot the United States and the enbjecm of e foreign power, the Secretary of Commerce is hereby. authorized to prescribe rwulatione for the and transportation o£.eueh—1nerchandise. , (Feb. 17, 1893, e. 26, § 3, 30 Stat. 38; Feb. 14, 1903, 'c._ 562, 32 Stat. 8%; Har. 4, 1913, e. 141, sv sm. wee.) _ . ·, · b Q, -292. by foreign-built dredges.=···-A foreign-built dredge not, under penalty of fortelture, wage in dredglnzln the United-Statw d ented· as n vmel of the United States; -(Hey~%, 1906,%:. Nw, 84 Stat. M4.) * 293. Establishmenf of great districts.-—·The eucoasts and navigable rinere of the United State! and Porto Blco bball be dividedlnto nre greet districts: The first to lncludeeell the collection dietriots on the aencoeste and . navigable. rivers between the northern boundary of the State of Milne and the southern boundary of the State ot {texas; the pecond to eon·· aint ot the Leland or Porto Rico; . the " third to include the collection "dletrlcte on the seaeonsté ind nnvlmble rivers between the southern boundary of- the State of `Cnllfornis end. the northern boundary of the State of Washington; the fourth to coneiet of the Territory of Alaska: the dfth to consist of the Territory of Hawaii.- . (R: 8. { 4348; May 12, ·1906,_c. 2453, I1. oe &e:;1eo.)" · ~ n · · · $4. and permit; before departure for vessels trading betieea neighborinx districts.-—-—The master of every 1*% under twenty tone , burden licensed for cérrying onfthe coasting trgde, dwtlned from n district in one Stnte_to,a dis··

 .1n the ape or an adjoining State, on {the seaconet or

on a. navigable river, bend ot every. vessel ot the burden of