Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1509

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1495 TITLE _4¢ be med $2,000, &¤e¥haIf to the Hee of the lnformer, arm may, 1 eddltloxl thereto. at ._the dlecretloa of the court, be lmprlsone uotexcecdinxtweyears. (R. $4*4432.) ~ ‘ · __ » {11; Premte if euewlblee-·’Ibe workin`; steam pre sure allowable od boilers, of platm luspeeted s required by this chapter, when single riveted, shell not produc —a strdin · to exceed oue·siith ot the teudle Krength of the irc or stew! plates tot which sinch boilers are coestmicted; but ivhen me loagltiidlm.1 laps of the cylindrical parts ori sucwhotlers e1 double and the tint holes for sum boilers have bee mifly drilled imxmd of punched, ee addltl`¢i1‘0t.20 per cehtu; to the working pressure provided for single riveting may I allowed :- 'Diat all other parts ot such boilers sha ` ct,i:·respo11d‘ju strehith .to the additional allowances 8Q`Il1Rd| ood no,spllt @1k§hg.Shs.ll*£rany case be permitted, _(R. 1 °412. efr boiler plate.; space betvireexi _ lanes.- ` No externally dred boiler ·h¤vlug its shell muatmctea ot irc or steel platw, exceeding. -a-n average thicknas of thirtyselgl ope-hundredths ot an inch, shall be employed on any steam ve sel. uevlmtzlug the Bed ,Btver— of the North ··or rivers down mto the Gel! ot 'Mexloo or their trlbuterles: and go extemall dred boiler employed on enypqch steam · vessel shell have lee _ than three lnchés spaoe between lte shell and qnyot its ltxtem: . dues, and hot legs than three inches space between such Hue ' when my each hires are more than, me inches lo diameter, tl meeeurememts to. be taken {rom the center of the length ot rtl — tapered section of said dues; and every _ sueh externally ilu boiler employed on fahy such steem vessel shall be proilde » éritb a manhole in the lower part ot y the trout head lcnereo of such; dimensions as,m$be_prescl1bed·by' the _ Board ot Sx pervlsing Inspectors, lu all cases wherje the distance betwee xits internal dues ;ls les; than - three inches. Exteruorlly ilre _ boilers having shells `eouetructed ot tron or steel plates m yerceedlng an average thickness ot `Mty one-hundredths of a ` meh may, in the dlouetion ot the Supervising Inspector Ge: eral, be soauorxma and employed _ on steam vessels mtvigatir the Atlexltic and Pacidc. Oceans, or salt water bays, or Bound or the Great Laka, or any ot them, and waters Eowing to ar . from the same, or any of them: Provided, That. on inepectlo 1 eo wate that is by this section limited to a thieknms ot thirt; eight oueehuodredths ot an finch. and no plate that is by th inch shall be rejected for use it tound to exmed those dime sions, reepeétively, lt the `appreyed evernke thlckuem there does act exceed the limits. therein specltled, and the amount 4 etmm ·pressm—e that will, be permitted to be carried lu belle · eonetrueted in accordance with the requirements of this sectic shall he determined from meesmrements showing the lust the ness ot the plates. ·_ , . ·- ‘ . _ All eiternally dred. boilers, constructed ot lion or steel, prie to Merch 2,1900, and then in on eny such vessels, wherei the space betiveee the shell and any of its internal Bueew between such Hue! is less. than three inches,. shall be deeme lewiully constructed. (R.; 8. | 4484; Feb. 11, 1885, c.° 55, I Stat. 298*; Feb. rE, 1%, e. 1w, S 1, 28 Stst.·@0;sMar. 2,190 c. 2·14,j§ ,1,2, w Gtat. @7:) - _ I - _ . 413, Ohstrecthe eefety yslrw.-—Every person who tetex tlionally loaa or obstruets,_or‘eauses to be loaded or obstmcte lu any way or manner, the safeq valve of u boiler, or who ez ploye any other means or device ‘vhe¢e§y`the boiler. ·ma.y·_be su` iected te n grmter premiere than the amount allowed by tl eertiueate ot the i@tor•, or who lntentieeally damages —• hindexa the operation ot mmlnery or device employm -1 . demon the etate ot the weter pr steam ln any holler, or to 541 warning ot ajproechlag danger, or who lntmtionally `perml 2 the water to mll below the, prwerlbed low-water line of tl lwiler, and every person `eoueeraed thereto, directly or 11

s.-=—es111rr1N0 Y § 432 Lu directly,-.sbnlrbe guilty ot-n1mlsde;neano1·, and shall be iined =d $200, and may also be impdsonedn not exceeding five; yenrsr (R. S. ,§ 4437;) _ _ » t . · I · s·. 414. Records and reports by local inspectors.-··-The local in- Ls jspectors shall keep a record ot certincates ot inspection of ‘vesze sets, their boilers, engines, and machinery, end ofell their acts »n __ in) their examination and inspection ot Steamers, whether oi npre proval or disapproval; and when s certincete of approval is re recorded, the original shall be delivered to the collector or other rn chlei. oiltcer ot the customs of -.tl1e district; They shall also · gn keep s. like record ctcertldentes authorizing. gunpowoer to be me _-carried as freight by any steamencarrying passengers, and of dl ell licenses granted to masters, mates, pilots, and engineers, and e; 1 ot all retuqletot the same, ‘ot oll's sions and reyomtions S. of license, of all refusals, suspensions, or rerocstions of which they shall receivenotlces {rom other districts; and shell report —<_ to the inspector "ot their ° tlye districts; in _ »n `wrlting, thelr decldons lncsses ot refusal or licenses, or ot the at suspension or revocation thereof, . and ell testimony received by n- them ln such proceedings. = They shell else report promptly to gg such nnpervisini inspector all violations ot the steamboat lows ly that come to their knowledge, They shell also keep an nccnl so rate aecountpi, every steamer boarded by them dnring the yenr, nl__ and of all thelr omcinl doing, which, in the form of o. esi report, they shell ~communicnte to the supervising- inspector le Dot the district, at such timm es the Board of Snpefvléing In- 1e. spectors, by their’estnblished_rulee shall direct. (B. SJ4457.) ga Q . 415. Initrunents, stationery, end printing for local burden;-—_ _ yq The Secretary et,-Oommercetshall procure for the several super- »r, rising inspectors end` local boards of inspectors such instru- ¤. 'ments, stationery, printing; and other things necessary for the ng use ot their respective omces as may be required therefor. gd (R.y·S. it 4460; Feb, 14, 1903, c. 552, 32 Stat. 829; Mer. 4, 1913, ~ ot c, 141, 37 Stat. 736J)· _` ‘ ‘ c _ ‘ · ' nn g_ 416. Reg¤latlo¤¤•——The Secretary ot Commerce shall make n. such. regulations an may be necessary to the proper gg execution of this and the following chapter end sections 214 xg, and 215. (R. S. $` 4482; Feb, 14, 1903, c, 552, 32 Stat. Sw; td` Mer. 4, 1918,,c. 141, 37 Stat; 736.) ‘ ‘ gi PROCEDURE; DECISIQN8 AND REVIEW QTHEREOF is 481. Appeals to snpervlslng lmecton and N _Snperviséng ms e-inspector ·G¢B8¥ll·¤~WTh£$£I&¥— to n- in or ntected by any decision or action of any board ot local of inspectors ot v eels shell feel sgriered bynuch decision or of action, he _, eppeeltherefrom to the supervising inspector rs totltbe dlstri ti and a like `nppeal shnllbe allowed from ony rn" `declnlon or ection of s supervising inspector to the Supervising k- Inspector General, whose decision, _ when epproredpby the Sec- _ retery ot, Commerce, shall be mul: however, That ‘ or application for such reexemlnetion of the cose by s supervising ln inspector or by the Supervising Inspector General shall be or made within thirty days after the decision or action appealed ad trom shell have been rendered or taken :` And provided farther, H Thnt in all cases reviewed under the provisions of this and O. the three following sections where the issue is the suspension t or revocation ot_ the license ot • licensed o$cer such omcer ne shall be allowed to be repreunted by connm °end-to testify · { d,. in his own behalf. » (June 10, 1918, cj 95, l 1, 40 Stat, @2.) n- 432. Posters of iupuvising lnspcctori and Snperviéng Inb- specter General.-—-·Whenerer there shall be dlsgigreement hee . he tween the local inspectors infregerd to any `rnetter before J or them for decision they shell report the ease to the snpervising to inspector of the·distriet,`who·el1ell investigate sud decide tlgoj O re “ same. Any supervising inspector may within thirty days {there-}; ts after, upon his own motion, review any decision or ectionj le otnany, board of local inspectors within his district end n- l like manner the Supervising Inspector `Genersl may withinj ¤» - . `