Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1555

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_ 1541 _ TITLE 46.

{ ct or fmm fareign lawn, 0: or tm: cdmpetitive or`. pncticw — employed by owners, dpea `morsjageuts, or masters ct vmals at a tcreiw country; and (4;) fm request the head at my d@tmen1;,·p¤gr¤,_.p¤;g; Qf agmxcy‘ of the Government tc d, @1ty, or mm mm or mgulqficns whi·& haw! been wblimed 5 by such 414 pm·me¤t,` human. cr agency, or té mlm 'uew_m1•s·¤

 mguiations swectik Shipmnsin the foreign tmcta cthértm

such rules m regulatlans rehtini to the Pwlic Health

he,C0a1S¤*ll1‘ Service, dud tho,-Bwbcnt Inwtian Service.

(2)- `Ndrule mi rmlutiou shall be eqtablishestbyt any pe partmeut, boarq, hates; or agency ot the Govémmeutwhic ` meet gamma; ia, the tomigu bade, excwt rules or regulation mectiugwer Pqmic- Health 83*16%. the»Od¤¤¤1¤r Service, an me Steamboat Inspection ’Service,· until such rule `qr rxuhfic

 has-bash mbmitted to the bcardgtcr its npptcvnl and Bm

` action Sas bqzn taken threen by the board or tbé President. (3) Whmcverthe had of any · ·¤ t···»~ poard, burem _ or agency of the Gcvuawt t0_ nmpéhd; `inodib, c auuuinny rule pr resulqtion, or. make- new pula or resulntic upon request ot the bond. nsprovidod hr subdivision -(c) 1 paragraph (1) 'ctjthh {section, or objects to ·¤e decision ot th board in respect to the approvn1_ of any mlg 0; regulation, a ‘¤>r<>vi<%ed in paragraph (2)· ct this secdém, dum me- nm or the head of the department, board, bureau, or agemy whic has established or is attempting to éstdblish ‘u18‘1fH]é or rw 1ati¢m_ in , question may submit the fucw to the President, wb is authorized to establish or suspend, modify, or drmul suc rule or z·egu1•tik>¤.· ~ “Y · if ·. n ; · (4) Ng mls or rmulatfcn shall be tmauuszm which in an maxmer »givéa vmscls owned by the United Stateé any preie; once or favor over thbseyvgscls documented underthe laws 1 ghc United Stntwnad owned by persons whq are citizens of tt United Santa) (lame 5,1920, c. 250, S 19, 41. Stat. 995.) . _ 877., Coastwisc- laws extcadéd . tc i¤l;¤d Territories an pcsseduasa-+Fmm and " utter February 1,‘ 1922, · the coastwie laws of the Unitm Statq shall extend to the island Tenfritorie ‘ md i·0ns, gt the United States not covered thereby o J una 5, wh), md" the `bmrd In dimctm prior to the `eipimtic ot such ju: to have edalilishgd idmuate s hip éervica 1 ·_reascnable -mtu tb accommodate the commerce md the pa senger travel ot mid islands and to matntniu and operate sux sezvtm ¤nti1=it @.:1 be takw mar gud operated alnd —mainta.1h¢ upon satisfactory tprms by ptijntc mdtat and . émtérprisr . Prcvidad, that tt. adequate shipping swéica is not esublishe by February 1, 1922, the Prwtdeut qball extend the peru herein allowed mr the, establishment of such service in tl _ case ot may iélgnd Tari·ito:·y· or l8i9§ for such time a ‘ may be tm the mtabiishmwt ot adequagte shippu tacilitia therefor: furfher, That until sha have authorized the r ae, ;»• ° §. in vuscls ot the United 8tato•'· Vessel;. qvymd in the ,Phu1mna Izumi, the goiemmntpt tl Philippine .1: ¢utE¤riwd_ to adopt, from ·ti:b;¤"t0 this and cxitorce reshlnticu gcvéruing the mnsbomdon at me chanqise and bet¤w9e¤ ports or gilgcah in the Phill jviué Arphipelagnz AM prévtdd further, That; the toregcix hmvisicm ot this section shall not exact wit.h_ rétemutv the Philippmo Ihhnch until, the Pmtdent ot the Uuitn · States s!fa:*a`tx;1l11¤v¢•ti@tion ot the local needn and éoné tions mal], by declamt that an ahquate shi Ping has been. Qtgbiished as herein providad and 1 3 date for the mths into emct at me game. (June B, 1®0, 25¤.•‘2,1,41sc•¢.[wr.) “ ’ , »_ M. 8*78. Dqwim allowed mmm-: af sbchnmted wemels • " United fer incsné and cxmswpmits tg: pau·p¤¤e•.·· 'B1e`¤rr¤et’0t a. vsnl docu@ted· under the jaw; ‘0f_·tl United Btntunud opcrinted, in foreign traildsthnll. mr eagzh, · the tea taxable years while so operated, @ni¤¢ with tl

v e .-—-SHIPPING ° · § 881 n mst. taxable year ending after June 5, 1b20, be allowed as a r- deduction for the pur@ or hheertnimng his neéjgncome gubject to the war-profits and excess-prenta taxes by 1, Title III of the Revenue Act ot 1918 am amount aeqyvalcnt to u the net eogcningnof-such ymel during such taxable yqr. de-

. ttermined in accordance with rules and rmulatione to M `made

»r by the board: Provided, That auch- owner shall not be. enn titled toeuch deductionnnlm during such taxable yur he e, investfvd. or set aside mw rules anti rqulationa to be made by the board in a trust fund for investment, fn the building in p- shipyards in the United Stem of new vessels · of a type and ` h kind approved by the board; an amount, to be determined by tg the Secretary ot the Treasury ancbcertihed by him to the gd ,,b0ard, equivalent "to the war·pro§ts and erceseproite taxes tu that would have been payable by such owner- eh account of u thenet wrnlngs ot vessels but for the-deduction allowed under the -proYid<ms· of this section: Provided, further, {fmt ¤_ at least two-thirds of the cost ot any vmeel constructed under ,;· this pnrazrairh shal1._be mldter out ot the ordinary funds or ’· M capita1‘ot.the`pereon having such {easel constructed. (June" 5. · ‘ ,g-» 1920, c. 250, { B, £1`Stat. 997,) _· _ - te _ 879. Exemption fron booms taxes en. sales of documented tg vessels.—During. the period- or ten years from , June 5,- 19%, ed any person a citizen of the United Statu who may sell n ves-

h_ sel documented the laws 'oiethe Unitedy States_`end' built

u- . prior- to January 1, 1914, shall be exemgt irom all income taxee tqf that would be payable upon any of proceeds int such sale eh under Title I, Title I1, and Title ,111 of the Revenue Act ot 1918 it the entire proceeds thereof shall be invested in the .y‘· building. of new hhipb . in American shipyarclq such. ships ·t0 y. be documented under. the laws ot the United State; and to be K of a type approved by the board. (June 5, 1920; c._°250, § 23, m' 41~Stat.W998,) “J _ a _ _ 880;. United States, mails carried on Anerieambailt hen-. id me¤¢e;rveml¤,-A11 mails -015 the United States shlp=ped or se carried on vessels shall, it practicable, be shipped or `mrried es on Axnerican-built veaels documented under the laws of the an United States; No contract gnade after June 5, 1920, with the in Postmaéter General for mn-yin: mails on vwls sn_`built and . at documented shall be assigned or sublet,' and no mails covered te-_ by. such contract shall be- carried on any veml not eo bu$_ zh &Ild,·d0{!\}.Ii€I1t€d. *No money shall be paid out ot the`Treasu1-y adn ot the United States eg or in relation t• any snch contract e': for carrying . malls on vessels se- built and documented when gd such contract has beenasalgnegl or sublet er when mailscovered xi .by auch contract are in violation `.o£· t@,terms thereof carried le on any vessel not he built and, documented. The hoard and gg the Postmaster General, in aid of the development ot a mer; lg chant marine adequate . to provide for the mintenance and Lu expansion} of the foreign or coastwlse trade of- the United States ‘ my and ot a satisfactory postal ln connection therewith, ge from time to time determine the just and reasonable rate ` {QL"; of compensation to be paid, 'tor such service, and the Poet- ,14, 'master General is authorized to enter into contracts within the p.._ limlté of amiropriationa marie therefor by Con to pay for

g the carrying of such mails in such remela at such rate. Nothse lng herein shall be aiected by sections 657 to 6§5, inclusive, of .

35 Title 39, Postal Service. (June 5, 1920, c. 250, { 24911 Stat. 998.) u. Y 881. Classiicstbn of vusels by Agerican Bureau of Shipp. ping.———-——For~_· the claeeincntion of vessels owned y— the United xg States, and for- such other purpose; in connecti erewith ae c, are the. proper functions of n cleseihention bureeg, all depart- A ments, boards, bure&\tS, and commisaionsi of the Government gf are hereby directed to recognize the American Bureau on Ship- V -·-· ping ae their agency so long as the Amen-lean Bureau of, Shiphe ping continues to be maintelnedt as an organization which has of nocapltal stock and pays_no" dividends; Pr¢w§ded,_That the lie Secretary of Commerce and the chairman of the. boarcl shall