Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1560

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_§ 972 . ° , r11·L2 46; bf, the wher, shell heve 8-l!1l1‘it,i1B8’u8ll_ on, the vesbel, which may be enforced by suit in rem, and it shall not be necessary to allge or prove that credit rms given to the vessel`. (June _ s, : f’T‘ -¤ so,.s¤¤eee. P, 41 sm. mee.) · · · · · _, 972.}* awthorued te precure supelics, and

 following perseias shell » be presumed to have

·giut1aéori{y’trom the owner te procure repairs, supplies, towege, use of dry er `mariixe railway, and otha: -necessaric-as for l the Y@l: 'hie meuegleg shlp’s husband, mesternor any persen te whom the mam1geme¤f et the_j·em1`~tt the port ot semi; is intrusted. · Ne person tertlouisly or unlawfully in

 of ehnrge er Ja vessel shall have authority to bind
 reésel. (Ju¤e_,5, `1§%,‘cQ'250, S 30, subsee. Q, 41_Stat.`10(B.)

$73. Notice to person f¤r¤i¤h&g repdrs, supplies, and

—The ¤e§cers and agents ot a vessel epeclded in

subseetioa Q. sectioe 91*2, shall be taken to include such 0Ecers and when appointed by a elmrterer, by an owiierfprc Y imc vice, or bien agreed purchaser in possession ot the vessel; ` but nothing in this chapter shall be `coustrued‘··-to confer zi lien thee the furrilsher qi by exercise of - reasonable dili- - genee could have ascertained,. that because of the terms of a V eharter pnrty,_ egreement for sale ,.013 the vessel,. ‘ or for 'any , other reusoe, the persee ordering the repairs,. supplies, or other neéeséarles was without. authority to` bind the vessel therefor. (June 5, 1920,*e. 256, _§ 30, stibsec..,R, 41. Stdt. 10%.) · _- 974. Waiver ief ·right Ito. lien.-¥Nothing in this chapter shall be construed torjirevent the `turnisher of repairs, supplles, tow-

1gé;· use of dry deck or marine rallw , or other necessarles,

or the mortgagee, from waiving his l t .to olien, o1·‘l¤·t¤e ease ofa preferred mortgage lien, to the preferred status bf such. lieu, at ahy time, by agreement or otherwise; and this chapter shall net be construed to aiféct t°h_e-rules‘ of law existing eq June 5, .1929, in rekard to `(-1) the right to pxéoéeed ega,°the— vessel for advances, _(2) laches in the enforcement of liens upoxi vessels, (3) the right to proceed in personam, (4) the rank of preferred me,r1time liens among themselvesfor (5) prlerfties between maritime liens and mortgages, other than preferred mortgages, upon vessels of the United States, (June 5, 1920, c. 259, § 30, aubsec. S, 41 Stat. 1005.); · _' ` WIS. State statutw superseded.-»—Tl1ls chapter shell supersede the provisions of ell State statutes conferring lieins on vessels, in so {ar as sueh "statutes· purport ~ to create rights, of action to be enforced by suits in rem lu admiralty agaiuqt(,veseele {er repairs,. supplies, towege, Euse ot dry dock or marine railway, aud ether necema-ries. (June .5, · 1920, .c. 250, § 30, eulgseci T, 41 Stat. 1006.) .‘ ' - ‘ MISCEBLANEOUS PROVISIONS 981. Existing mortgage! not .aEected.·-·-—This chapter shall not apply (1) to any existink mortgage, or (2) to any mortgage hereafter placed on any vessel under an exlstlm mortgage, on June 5, 1920,- ee long M such existing mortgage u¤dlsclmrgedr (June 5, 1920, e. 250,] 30, aubpec. U, 41 Stat. 1006.) 932, Books for eelleeters ‘ of customs.-—-—·Tlie ·Secretnry of Commerce is euthorlzed end eglirected to furnish (collectors ef customs withhll nieceemry beoks mid .record.s, and with'certl¤— cares of registry and of enrollment and license lu sueh `torm as providm lor the making of all lndorsements, theregm re- · · * _ mrrm See Title 46, Surrrxzqe. ’_ s1u'rHs0N1Ar1 ' I _ See Title 20, Eoucxrtou. _ \_ sm · Exeess tax; see Title 26, Imr

q-·SHI.PPING`~ 1546 L quired by ethic chapter. (June _5, 1920, c. 250,4 _30, subsec. V,

  • '41·`.Stat._1000,) . a — `· ’ _

» - 988t Rules and regulations by Secretary of Commerce The J Secretary of Cowerce is authorized to make such regu- , lations in respect to ‘e recording and indorsingoof —mortgag€§ ¤ covering vessels of the United Statm, as he deems necessary , ·to` the mcient execution of the provisions of this. chapter. · (June 5, 1920, c. 250, § 30, subscc. W,_41 Stat. 1000.) E · _ · 5 984. “Skip Mortgage A¢t.”·-geSection 30, Act of Juno-5, 1920, . 5. chapter 250, may be as the ".Shlp‘ Mortéage Act, 1920;* ,, (June 5, 1920, c.-250, { 30, subsec. A, 1000.) _ _ · L Chapter 26.-—PRQVISIi)NS BUPPLEDEHTARY T0 NAVL. ` · GA'1fION LAWS AND '1‘@ SHIP DIOBTGAGE ACT. P· Sec. N; -_ _ __ o I · 1011. Port `of documentatioh. _ ,1012. Record at home port. . _ · - · _ _ ’ 1013. Conveyanceeand other instruments and acts validated. _’

1014. Navigation laws and Bhlp Mortgage- Act amended. ‘ f

“ ‘ Section 1011. Port of docnmentation.—Whenever in the Ship _ ' Mortgage Act, 1920, otherwise- known as action 30 of the Mer. · chant Marine -Act, 19E, chapter _ %`,of this title, the words Z "‘ port of documentation ” used they shall be deemed to ` ·mean the " home port " of the vessel, eacept that the vvords ’ " port of ·‘ documentation _" shall not include a port `in which a temporary document is issued. (Feb. T10, 19%, c. %5, I 4, 43 ·stat.948.)‘_ '. ’j} ' _-1012. Record at home port.-No bill of sale, conveyance; 1 'mortgage, assignment of mortgage, or hypothecation _ (except

 bottomry), which includes a vessel of the United States or any

portion thereof shall be valid in respect to such vessel against any person other. than the grantor or lmortgagor, his heirs or ndevipees, and any person having. actual notice. thereof, until such blll otsale, conveyance, mortgage,‘a—ssignment of mortgage. or hypothecation is recorded in the ofdce of thecollectorvot Ycustoms at the home port of such vessel. Any bill of sale or·· conveyance of the whole or any part. of a` vessel shall be rccorded·at_ the home port of such vessel as shown in her new documents (Feb. 10, 1925, c. .235, § 2, 43 Stat. 948.) ‘ _ 1013. Conveyancea and other lnatrunsmta and acts validated.-—-·All conveyances and mortgages of any, vessel or any . part thereof, and all Pdocumentations, recordations, indorse ments, and indexing thereof, and proceedings incidental thereto a made or done, prior to- February ~10,` 1925, aredeclared valid · to the extent they would have been valld.if the port or ports ‘at which said vessel has in tact been documented from time to time had been the port or ports at which it should have been _ documented in accordance vvith law; and this section is declared — retroactive so as to accomplish such valldatious: Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be construed to deprive any person of any vested right.- (Feb. 10, 1925, c. `235,'l 8, 43 Stat..9·18.‘) · . _. . · · 1914. Navigation laws and Ship Mortgage Act amendcdq-· All snchgrovlsiona of the navigation laws of the United States and of the Ship Mortgage Act, 19%, otherwise knovvn as section 30 of the Merchant Marine Act, 1920, chapter 25 of this title. as are in condict with sections 18, 1011, 1012, and"1013, are ` amended to conform herewith. (Feb; 10, 1925, c. 235, l 5, 43 . Stat. 948.) ‘ ` O G BOARD r ¤~{srr1‘U’rl0N_ UF! _ msn. Ravenna. °