Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1639

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1625 TITLE _48.—TERRITORIES A sent of the Senate of Porto Rico.- (Mer. 2, 1917, c..145, § 49, 39 Stat. 967.-) -. ~ , — . 874. Judicial process; officiale to be citizens of United States: oath.-All judicial process ·shal1-run in the name of l " United j States of America, ss, the President of the United gm¢og," and all. penal or criminal prosecnyions in the mean courts shall be conducted in the name and by the authority of “ The People of P0rto·Rico.-" All" omcials shall be citizens of the United States, and, before entering upon the duties of their respective `ofbces, shall take an ozith to support the Constitution ot the United States and the laws_ of Porto Rico. (Apr. 12. 1900.- c. 191, § 16, 31- Stat. 81;.Mar. 2, .1917, c. 145, § 10, as sm:. 054.) . n  ; ~ . ‘ 875. Jurisdiction of courts .continued.—Nothing in this chapter shall be deexned to_ impair or interrupt the jurisdiction ot courts over matters pending therein March 2, 1917, which jurisdiction is in all respects continued,. the purpose otthis chapter being to preserve the integrity of all ot said - courts and their jurisdiction until `otherwise provided by law, except as in this chapter otherwise specifically provided.; (Mar. 2, 1917, c. 145, { 55, 39 Stat.-968.) · _ _ _ 876. Justice of supreme `eourt _•s` temporary or special judge io! United States district eourhewhenever the United" States district judge of the district of Porto Rico shall 'be absent from the enid district, and that fact shall be made to appear by the certincate in writing of the_ United Sfates"nttorney or marshal ot. that district, Bled in the office ot the clerk of the United States district c0urt for said district; or when for any reason the-said judge shall or may be disqualified oruuznble to act an such in any `cause pending in the district court ot the United States for Porto Rico, and that tact shall` be nmde to appear either by proper order entered in the record 2 ot said cause by the regular district judget or by the certiib. cate in writing·oi' the United States attorney or marshal of that district media the office of the clerk of the United States district for said district; the Governor bt Porto Rico inay; by writing med ·iu the said clerk’s omee, designate a justice ot the Supreme Court of Porto mc¤».e1mer as temporary judge ot said district court or as special judge thereof; and, the temporary judge so designated an aforesaid shall have and may exercise · within'»sai•;l district, dnring the absence of _1 the . regain:) district judge, all the power ot every kind by 'law mated in enid district judge, and after the return ot said district jndgeto uid district, shall continue to have and exercise said powers with respect to any `cuuse. the trial. ot which shall have been commenced. before him, or wlgich shall have been mbmitta to him for decidon prior to the return of said-_ distriét Judge; and the specigi Judge so designated ni ntore-_ °said shall {have and may exercise within said district all the power of every kind 'by law vxtw in said district judge with respect to any came named in the writing by the governor, tiled as nioneeaide dosignetlugthep onto epecinl Judge ee aforesaid: Provided, That no additional compensation shall be pniclf Y0 either such temponri district judge or special district judge {or serviem rendered pursuant —to su¢ designation (Jan. 7, . 1913, c. 6, 37 Stat. 648.) · · · - · Q RESIDENT GOMHIQSIONERK 891. Resident Commissions: e1ection.——'1‘he·qualinM .elec~ tore ot Porto Rioo shell choose s Resident Commissioner to ‘ the United States et each general `election, ».who•• terxn ot omce snail be tonr yearn tron: the `éth of Much. following mach _ general election; and who shall- be mtithd to `rmive official recognition ni such .·.· if hy dl M the departments ot the Government of the United States, npqn presentetion, through the Department ot Bute, of s eerti&mte of election of the Governor of Eortn Blm. (lla! 2, 1917. .6. 145, §36,39Stnt.9&.)·“ n

my I§\"SUL;1R POSSESSIONS § 893 892. Saruc; qualifications; appointment to iill vacancy}- No person shall bc cligibleto election as Resident Commissioner who is act a bona tide citizen of the United States and · who is not more than- twe11ty-five.`years of age, and who docs J not read and write. the English language. lu case of . a 0 vacancy in the oflicc of Resident Commissioner by death, resig- 0 nation, or otherwise, the governor, by and with the advice and

 consent of- the senate, shgll appoint a Resident Commissioner

to fill the vacancy, who shall serve until the next general election aud until his successor is elected and qualified. ·(Api·. 12; 1900, ‘c. 191, '§ 39, 31 Stat. 86; Mar. 2, 1917, Q. 145, §_36, ,39 Stat. 963; Mar. 4, 1925, c. 549, § 4, 43 Stat. 1301.) —. ‘ ° 893; Samc; salary: allowamccs;_ franking privilege,-4'Dho Resident Commissioner shall receive a salary payable monthly i by` the United States. Hetshall be allowed-the same sum for I stationery and for thepay ofnecesuary clerk hiré as is allowed . Members of the House of Representatives of the United States. > He shall. be‘a1l0yved the frguking privilege granted Members t of Congress. u (Mar. 2, .1917, c·. 145, § 36. 39_Stat. 963.) _ 0 Chapter 5.+-THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. t Sec. , · . — » l 1001. The Philippines: meaning of term. Y1002. Philippine citizenshipr — · 1003. Application of statutory lnw`o( United States. 1.004. Continuing force of Philippine laws {amendments. · 1005. Legislative 'power to repeal, modify, ctci; laws (continued in ( force. ‘ ‘ ` 1006. Other laws continued in force. 2 -1007. Expenses paid by Philippine government. _ 1008. Bill of rights and restrictions fox; islands. 1009. Evidence of treason. _ 1010. Export duties prohibtted; taxation and assessments. _ `1011.»Law_s relating to ebtgging. customs duties, seamen, health. _1012. Railroad matérial admitted free of duty. ` 1013. Administration of immigration laws.- 1014. Administration ot navigation laws, · _ _ 1015. Temporary regulation of transportation of merchandise and . passengers, ‘ ‘ ‘ 1016. Licenses to ccrtatn vessels. _ _ 1017. Restrictions on transportation otpasscngcrs and merchamllqc _ ‘ _· not applicable tocprtelu foreign vessels. . . —_ 1018. Improvement of harbors and uavigablg watersrbondod warchouses. - ` ’ — 1019. Acknowledgment of deeds. _ 3 _ THE SEGISLATURE 1041. Legislative; pqircr. _ _ 1042. Same; trade relntious`;_tar1tt acts; immigration. 1043.. Legislature, how constitute:}. _ p 10-i_4. ·8euntors·; election and quclmcqtionn. 1045; Bcprenentatizes; election and qualmcatious. _ 1048. Senatorial and representative districts; first election. ’ _1047.'Qu¤lttlcntio¤¤ of voters, _ — ‘ ~ . 1048. Terms ot o®ce of senators and representatives. _ _. . 1049. Legislgturc; convening and sermons; changing date of sousiuns. 1050. Compeusution and privilcgeeot mcpmbersg eligibility for oxuco. 1051. Senators and representatives ineligible to certain omces. ,, 1052. Euactmcut ot laws; cpproval by President; vctoes. W 1053. Failure to mak; gpproprigtiona;` mms deemed reopproprioted. 1054. Laws to be reported to Congress: power to Iuuuul-resorvod. . 1.055. Income.? tax lawn; modiucatiou or repeal tiy legislature. _ A THQ JUDICIABI 1071. Jurisdiction ot suprcmercourt and courts or Strat ipstnnce. 1072. State: Id¤iil‘&IfY Jurigqictiou not to be changed. » 1078. Appointment ot chief justice and nnociate justices ot supreme . court. 4 . . f· 1074. Appointment ct judges of courti of ti:-sto instance. 1075. Salary of chief justice and essocfate justices of supreme cmnrt. 1070. Smctel term ot supreme court. ‘ . A ~ 1077. Temporary judgu of supreme court; expenses. g&078. Jurisdiction ct_mu.uicipa1_eourtg..


1091,.‘B.•|ide¤t Cpmuxisslouernf 'quntmcutlour; tvnmornry appointment? gm}, 3gmq;_•p£potntmé¤ta to ull vacancies. · .

004. Bamcgtsllggunce for stationery and clerk hire; {ranking privi