Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1690

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§ #53 'TIZTLE 49.-¢TRANl ilS€d`0I1‘88ld railroad in said workpf valuation; · The service `v daboyee required shall be regarded asa `special service and.shall_ o `be rendered Lunder such forms and negulations and for such .11 reasonable eompensation as may be prescribed by·`the Interstate "p Commerce Commission and ·as=w111 insurean accurate record oi. and account ofgthey service rendered by the railroad, and such f evidence of tl`&1'lS[il01°t&u0D,Q_· bills of lading, and so 1'ort1i,`shal1 t be furnished to the commission as"_may‘ from time to time Abe, q required by the commission. (Aug, 1,, 1914; c. 223, { 1, 38=Stat. t 53. Exception to law prohibiting free transportatiou`.—Noth- ` ing contained- in the preceding ehapterhshall he so construed t by the Interstate Commerce Commission, elf by the courté, as t ’ to ____ prevent the lessee of the Cincinnati Southern Railway from d complying. with its obligation assumed in leasing said railway, I t. io furnish free transportation. to the trustees of said Cincinnati · 1; Southern Railway, their oilieers andageuts: Pmpided; That the - free transportation r‘eferi·`éd to shall be furnished onlyjwfheh. t persone entitled-thereto_ are traveli1ig en the business of the J company. Feb; 17, 1917, c. 84, 39 Stat.922,) ‘ , . " .,1 54. Statements Vshowiug ·emplo‘y1uents’ under ippropriaé tione;=—A completestateme1it__‘showing the employmelnts under` ( appropriations made for any iiscal year for the valuation. ot C carriers shall be made to Congress" at each succeeding regular ,4 Ysession tlnereofx `Said staterr1ents»sha1l`J;how,·i1nde1··ez1ch die . ivisiou or title of erga»nization, the. names of’a11` persons em-·_.( ployed ·under' the Interstate Commerce Commission alphabeti- cally arranged,· the State from whichyeach {s` appointed, hand ‘7 _the rate of compensation paid to each; (Mar. 4, 1915, c._ 1517, 7 §.1,3SStzit.11=10.)~ 1 · _ ·· __ . · _" . “ _- , 55. Policy in juakin`g· rate adjustments; lnyestigation of I rates authorized.4-It is declared to be the {Je policy ln rate making to be pursued by the Interstate Commerce Commission in adjustiugtfreight rates, that the conditions whichat; any ' given time prevail in our T several iil’l(]l1StfiéS.'Sh01lid.bB_ considered in so far as it is legally-poézeible to do so, to the end. l that commodities may freely 'moije. _ 3 . ‘ M · ‘ _ The Interstzlte C'0l'lU`XlQI`C€ Commission is authorized.-and 7 directed to make irfhO.1`0llgll investigation of”the‘ rate structure of common carriers: subject ,t0 the preceding chapter, in ”o1i¢ler to determine to what extent t'illd_iD_‘Wh&t_*H1&I1l1éf existing rates and t?hf\_1‘{.€(‘S· may be unjust, unreasonable, unjustly d-iscrixuinatery, or unduly preferential, thereby imposing undue h` burdens, or giving undue advautagems ·bet<veen. the various iocalitieé and parts of. the country, theevarious classes of tr:1iiic§ and me various 'classesgand kinds ofgeommodltles, and ’to make, in accordance with law, such changes,.udj_ustments, ,7 and redistribution efprates and chargesaas mnymbe`, found W1 necessary to correct any defects so found to exist. Inlmuklng any am-li rlmnge, zrdjusatmezlt, oruredlstributionlthe commission » shall give, due regzml. agmmgother factors, to`· the general and l‘••!§li{l2ll`Hti\’Qfi€\'0lS in inurket value of the various classes 1 and kiluls of (‘O1llTl1(¥(Uti(*S»8$ indicated 0ve1‘_ ajéasonable D01'i0d*' <>f_ya—zlrsli0 an natural and propere deyelopment of the country ue sl whole, mrul to the xnaiutenance of an ziclequate system of _ t1·:m:sportatilm. `I`11 the [)l’U§,;’1’Gl$S of Such inyestigatiou the c0m· ‘ mission shall,' from time to time, and as expeditiously 'as poe- ><iL·le..ll1uke such (l€<‘iSi(`lIlS aud orders as`1t may Gnd to be *1 xu~;·l·><s:lry or nmjrlipfiate upon the record then made in order 1 io place tl`le`1‘1ltc>s·upm1 designated classes ot tramc upon 0, just uml reasonable hzlslsr with relation to 'othernrates. “Such iu- ‘l \'(-'r·§ti;;'2`i'tif)l1: shall he (?()Ild`ll('tC(1/ with due regard `to other ] y iuxje>=tl;:ati0us or procet·<l'ings affecting- the rate adjustments 1 wliieli maybe pending beforej’the‘eommisslouu · ·' ’ g { In view of the existing depression in agriculture, the cem- IlilSSi0ll is dirc~cted‘ t_o‘el'1'ect with the least practicable delay t such lawful changes in the‘rute ·structure_ot the country ae 1

SPORTATION o " 1676. will proxnote the freedom _ ofr movexnent by Q common .carr1ors‘. .f the · products · of agriculture- affected by that depression, n nchtding livestock, at tlgxe lowest possible lawful rates com; . »atib1e with the maintenance. of adequate txnnsportation serv. ce: Pm1gidcd,..Thaf no invest1gation"or_pr0oeeding resulting ‘· rom the adoption of this section shall be permitted to delay e he decision pt eases, on January -30; 1925, pending before thé” gommission 'involvfng rates on products of agriculture,. and E hat. such cases shall be decided in accordance with this’sec= ion. (Jan. 30, 1925{tg, 120r 43 Stat. 801.) · ‘ __ ‘ - 56. Statement of eipendit¤res"éf eommisaion.——It shall be he duty of the hxterstate Commerce Commimiou to include x;"t11eir‘annua1_rep0rt to Qongrms - a statemexxt showing in letail their ekpenditures for -mch Baca! year;. including the number of persons employed and the amount `of compressiou to each; (Oct. 2, 1888, 0.71069; 25 Stat. 530.)r ‘ . ._ ‘ 57. Auditing accounts of oommission.——Eipénses ot the Interstate Cohimerce Commiss}ou_ Shttll be audited by the General · Lccounting Omoo. (Mar. _2»· I889, c. ;411, $,1,,25--Stat. 954; fime 10;,1921, c. 18, S 304,,42 Stat.’24.) , -'._ _ · _ '58._Exch•ngc. of typewriters, ece-*rne· Interstate Commerce " Qoimnission may exchange typewriters, adding machines, and rther labor-saving. devices in part payment for like articles: [Aug. 1, 1914, `c. 223, 5 1, 38 :Stat.'4627.)_ Jhapter 3.5—TERMINATi0N. OF COEKTROL. sec. " . n ;· " ' V1. Definitions, · . · ’ '2._Fi1¤ds available. _ j - · _ · '3. Reimbursementpf Jedcits during Federal control. (a):-·P‘ Carrier ” and “ test period"' deanéo. _(b) Compatation of railway operating income or `dedoit for ` " specidedperiods. · ’ _ _ . __(c)`Asoe1jtainmei1t of amounts of railway operating income r _ nad deBci·tn`_therein; test fivriod return. · ‘ _(d) Sums to -be·credtted to_car1¤·ier. ‘ (0) Qpms to be crediteehto United States? (f) Payment of difference to carrier. . f _ ·(g) Certification of amounts payable to <·a:·ri··rs;vwarrants _ - and paimonttlxereof. · ·_ " '4. Causes of ectiouar sing out of Federal control. t (a) Against whom broqktzt;_11mitations.* (b) Sefrvfceof process. _ `° { (c) Complaints for reparation; jmjisdiciioa to hear, -(d) Abatement of actions: ~ _ _» (ef Paymentot anal judgments, decrees, or a·wnt·ds.` (I) Computation of limttations. · , · ·- .(g) Execution or other process; _ _ ‘ (h)‘Et1'ect of death; oté2,_ of dh·;ector··gener;1l orsf pulllc _ _ oméer bringing suit arising out of Federal eontxjol. » (j) Substitution of parties validated. _· . t» . '5.·Certit1cate ot amounts due from carrier to President; de·<1ueuo:1 ot amounts so certmed. ’ [6. Existing rates to continue in etect.  » ‘ .' (a) Divisionsof joint rates, fares, or chsrg•·s continu{·d..·_ ` _(b) Compensation ot land-grant railroads for transportation t ot troops, etc. e _ " ~ °" ‘ F7. Guaranty to carriers after termination o!—Fed¢ra1 oontrotl "(cn) Dennitions. ” .· 4 · (b) Acceptance of section by carriers. _ (c) Gunrnnt_eos" exiumomted. ’ ‘ ld) Guaranty in excess of mtnirnum operating. income. I (c),Computatiou ot railway operating income or ~dexi<·lt.- tf) 1·`urt1.nor provisions as to co¤.xputntion.’ . ‘ - r (K) Ascertainment and payment ot amounts guaranteed. V8. Exerution of powers of President. ` V9. ‘F‘urther· certldcatesjnnd warrants. ‘. · Section 71. Definitions.-—Y\’hen used in this chapter the term "Federal Control Aet"“ moans the Act entitled ‘fAn Act to provide for__the_ operation of transportation systems while `nnder Federal control; for the just compensation or their owners, md for other purposes)? approved March 21, 1918, as amended; The term "‘_Federal control ’f means the possession; use, eone _ crolgand operationwot ratlroadsand systems ot transportation,

aken over or_ assumed by the President under section 1361 of.