Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/170

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§, 334 _ name 8.-—·ALlE1 _334., Punishment for engaging in ceoly trade.·——·~·Every eitiz of me Fnited Staten who, eontrery text: provisions of sectzt 331 nf time title, tnkes one boned of any veeeel, orlrmeieen trnnsperts any ouch subjects ee are described in that sectic fer the purpose of diepnsing of them in any way ae there prohibited, snail be Henle to n dne not exceeding $2,000 and insaprieoned not exceeding one year. (R. S. § 2161.)

 Veimthnry emigration of “ coeliee " cxcep·t.ed.———Not

ing hereié contained shell be deemed to apply to any voluntn mégrenen cf, the subjectespecined in section 331 of this tit. er to any vessel cnrrying Snell person afs peesenger on bon the mme, but n eertiéenee shell be prepared and signed by tl eenenl or consular, agent of the United States rwiding at tl port from which snob vessel may take he: dewrtuxe, co taining the name of such person, and netting forth. thefact his voluntary emigration from such port, which certificate shi be given to the master of such vessel; and the same shall n be given until suchconsul or consular agent is first personal entlsnede by eveidenee of the truth of the facts t.herein_contnine (R. S, § 2162.)’ , 4 _V 338. Same; inquiry and certi§cste, by consular -0&cer.-——` éeterxnining whether the immigration of .nny—subject of Chin Japan, or any oriental country, to the United Stntes,_is fra and vnluntn;y,»as provided by the preceding section, ltshh be the duty of. the consul genernl_or corfsu`1 of the Unite States, residing at the port from which it is proposed to co vey such subjects, in any vessels enrolled or licensed in tl United States, or any port; within the same, before dellverix to the masters of any snch vessels the permit or certiilcs provided for inench eection, to ascertain whether suchpinma grant hos entered into a contract or agreement; for n term .¤ service within the; United States, for lewd and immoral pu

 and if there be such contract. or agreement, the sai

consul general oreonsul {shell not deliver the required perm or certiécntep (Mer. 3, 1875,tc. 141,.§ 1, 18 Stat. 4'FT,) 1 337. Examination of vessels.4-—The_ President is empowere N in such way and at such time ns he may judge prope`r,‘tofdirei the vessels ot the L'nit:ed» Stntee,'and the mastereanh con mnnders thereof, to examine all vessels nnvigated ea owned l whole or inpnrt by citizens of the United States,,nnd regi, tered, enrolled, or licensed under the laws thereof, 'wllenevc e in the j31dgI}1€Ilfo{ such master or commnndingt omcer, ·rensQo1

 ablelcnuse exisrtscto believe that snob-vessel has on ‘bonrd”un

subjects of Chinn, Japan, or other oriental country, known a "co0lies"; _ and, upon J sudicient proof that suche vessel 1 employed tin jelolntion of the preceding .provlsions,_ to com her to be cnrrled, with her officers and crew, into anyport district, within the United States, and delivered to- the niarshs ot such;-dls=trict.,‘ to be held"and°<liSI!°sedt otnccordlng to lim (R,.S,§2I63.)_ · ·· ._ ‘ · nu 838. Involuntary transportntion of Chincec, J¤l>¤¤¢S¢, ck for pnrwse of holding to service; penalty; contracts void.-- It any citizen of. the United States, or other. person nmennble t ~ the lows ot the UnitedfStates, shell take, or cause to be tnke or t.r::meported_,» to._or from the Unl`ted,•;States any subject "o Chinn, Jnpnnroer eny oriental ·conntry,iwithout their. free an

 voluntary consent, t'or·th·e purpose, of holding them td a tert:

of service, — such citizen or other person shell p lie liable to 1; V in"dieted`tl1erefor, and, on “co*i1vlction of such. UQERSEQ shall pb ·pmilslnel_l by et; {HIM!. not exceedln_g_`$2,(X)0 ond t impfisdllel e not exceeding one year; and nll contracts and agreements fo ae term otéervice `of such persons in the United Ststesgwhethe jmade inndmnee- or ln pursuance ofeneb `lllegal importation and whether ench‘ importation- shell have in `—Atnericn1 one otl1er'veoeLel§, are hereby declared _·veldQ (Mar. 3, 1875, c .141, §2.18Stat.°477.`) gg -··· _ l Y` · Z. _ _

 l , 339]% Contractingto supply, cooly·`lnbor.—¢-It any person sha]
 knoxvii1gly`nnd_ willfully contract, or'nttempt‘to contract, 11

FS AND GITIZENSHIP . g,. ‘ _ g LJG en advance mfin QUISUHDCE of SEC}! Illegal importatjgu, to Supp}? on to anotinef the labor of cool! or other pepggn b . · , I ‘ · · rougml lim) or the United Statesem viclaticn of section 331 of this title Qy Q · ‘ ” 1 h' pn, any other section of {IIB IKWS EYSMNUBS the cooly {yada Qi

  • ‘ l _ · ` A ~ is,.

an of this chapter, SUCH DQYSUH SDR!} be d@€m€d guilty of gg f{;]g,}~.; be and; upon conviction thereof. in any United States`mm·g Sim`}; ` . $ V s ézbe fined in A sum rmt €X€€€diBg $500 81216 ¥¤{}1'iSOH®d for a gym

h- not exceeding one year. ·(Ma.r. 3, 1875,.c.· 141, § 4. 18 Sm

ry 477 —· ° A b` le, , rd Chapter 9.--NATURALIZATION.


he i Secg e ‘ -_ . ’ . !n_ 351. Bm-eau ct Natuml1nti0¤;L evmmiyrieyer fwd deputy e;,m,;,;- at ·· sioner. ‘ e _ 352. Same; supervision of naturalization of alien;. in 353. Same; powers of commissiénef and deputy enmmigegzonem oi; 354. Same; administration of oaths by members otburegu and $.»;»`_§.t iv 355. Same; report of expenditnrest _ — ` Ki 356. Regulations for execution of law; cextmed eopies ot papws ll, ‘ evidence. ‘ e _ e 1, -JURISDICT§ONAL <~ H _ _ , ha, 357. Jurisdiction of naturalization courts; t ,. Be 358. Same; District Court of the United States !orlFortn Rico; mtg- U dence in Porto Rico. , K ` gd . GENERAL LIMITATIONS OF NATURALIZATXON U? 359. Racial limitation ot naturalization; white persons 5:,;; ue e Africans. t . .. _ e lg 360. Admigsiou of persons not citizenq owing permanent allegizmve ze te _ the United States. · · ‘ e ~ 361. Residence pexriod necessary. . _ _

  • i‘ 362. Naturalization within thirty days preceding general eleezim

pf _ pr¤hibitedQ _ e _ , · A ° _ V E I IERSONS INADMISSIBLE 'T0 CITIZE§S§IP it 363. ~Pe;·sohs inadmissible té c£tiz·:3¤shii>;tCtii1iese.· · 364., Same; ·a¤archist¤‘¤r·p0lyg¢m§sts. A .365. Same; persons unable to speak*En¤ish. _ - . t (Y, 366. Same; aliens withdrawTug`lhte¤tiop to. become citizens to awid gt .servi‘ceiuudt·r Selective Draft Act ¤»0_t_~to be naturalized,. Q' NATURALIZATION OF WOMEIW .11 . ‘ , . e . e e · S, — 3$7.‘}€atazraiizatipu of women ;_ sex or mgrrfage not s bar. g _ _ 368. Same; women marrying citizens or permns becoming naturalized; I, ·- "`pH»ccdure. a 4 e Q Fir .369. Same; women who have lost citizenship by marry`ixxg*n1ie¤s eligime ly tq citizenship: ppccedure. ‘ W - ’ , _ · ‘ N 370..`Same; womep married te persons ineligime 'to citizenship. _ ,` 311. Same; wife ot“alien·deelaraut becqming insane before, naturzum- _ {S e ‘ tiont; minor children; .- ‘ QQ .. · , . · ·. . _ _ N e hr A N;¥TURALIZATIONtPROCEEDI§G8 IN GENERAL Ll *37*2,. Proeeeciings ',for` natqfalixation. l Q V t p·_ 373. Declgfation othxtenticgn.- · * ‘ . e _ Q- ‘ 374, Same; not to beixmde on election day; etcl Y -_ _ · _ _ ‘ 1375. Same; mi: required from widow and minor cmxdreni of aliens d_v¤¤:;.; . Tg, t ._ - ·~ {nite; dcclarx1t_ion·0f intention. , ‘ —·· 376. Same; ~4Iieu seanpcn dcc1:u·auts-deemed citizens fof pu_r‘p<>$t·_§ ef O `= ·_protection. ;_ ‘ . 377.i Same {certain qliens erroneously- _ exere1.2ii¤g‘ rights and vM‘· n" _ _ forming d1;t_ies~.qf· citizenship prior to Jpiy 1, 1914, ‘ , j . ’f 378. Alien enemies tu be n¤turalizedfon}y under specmed .c<>nditi¤»:¤s=.v d` 379. Petition for m1tur&li:atie¤:‘,whe¤ ire<mitcgl‘ to be tiled; a!h·c;e· n —· V- Gong; everiHcration`by citizéh wit¤`asses.— . Z ‘ ; .

 I 380. $&D1EZ.C&l°UH§!§lfé of [arrival and declaratibq of i¤tentl9n_t<> he

Q made a. part; ” _ _ _"~V _ · _ __ _ - M i e 9 381. _O&1thA1‘e¤0m1cing foreign xllegiigpce `gnd to support CornSfit¤{t=··_¤ ‘ rl‘< _`qncl_laws;e· · `f,?‘ e ,' - ’ _ -‘  »‘ y ‘382.-Evidepce nfresidencgz character anti gttgehment t¤_»pri¤}cgw¤ i,· . `ot ‘C0natit¤_tiqn; evXde;xea·c•t_ witqgsses. Q M · ·· . 383. Same: evidence ct cqrxgi;1 perikx}-ot residence by depc•sition._ ’ t 5- _38$. ·Sa_¤;e; alien; serving on vessels ot foreign tregigtryi · - _ ’ ·. B. _385-_,S8!§i§_$ reSide°;1c¤· in Hawaiian Iiiaing prior to Aptril 30, 19¢¤•*. y, {_ __ equivalent tbjuidence- m Unitgd Sta-tes; validating r€¢‘¤_¥‘Q!*·

t $$8. Renuneintiqm ot title. or orders of nomlity. t 4 .. ·

1 387. Citiaenship. training pt- appliqanis for gmtuml{z¤ti¤n;_ reirxnbu¥=<•?f_ L 1 J _ ment tor, pqblishing citizenship textbook. W_ _. t