Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/174

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{ 381 TITLE 8.-—-AI:1EN ` -Departxnent of Labor, if the petitioner·»arrived in the Unite States after June 29,1906, stating the dete, place, and mnnnc of his lartrival iq the United States and the Aeelarntion‘ < intention of such petitioner which certificate and, deelaratio

 shall be attached to and meas a partaof. such petition; (Jur

29; .1906, c. 3592, §`4,_n35t_St§t. 596.) · n . 0 ·, ’ · _ V Cross referencej .For registryl otsliens arriving in the°iUnited State ~ see section 106of éllapter 6 of this title. · ·· · = . A i

?381. Oath —»e¤¤¤¤¢s¤g‘ foreign allegiance. . and. to suppo1

Constitution and lsws.-¥·He slmll, before ne is admitted-1 citizenship, declare on oath in open. court that herwill su] port the Constitution of the United States, and that? he abs lntely. and entirely reimunces and abjures all allegiance nn ddelity to nny foreign prince, pmmmte,. state, or. sovereignt; and particularly, by name to the prince, potentate, state, < Sovereignty! of which he Lwas before tr citizen or subject.; th: he will support and- defend thepjjonstitution and lavvsiot tl United States ngninst ell enemies, foreign and doxnestic, ez beer tree. faith and nllegianeejo the snme. (June 29, ,190 ’0·V3592, 54,34 Stat.`596)- ".”» t 9 · _ ·· _ , 382; Evidence of residence, [ochnracter and attachrnent -1 n principles of , Constitution`; evidence of o 1vitnesses.é-¥-It_s11n1l, I s mdde to appear to the satisfactionlof the court. admitting ar alien. to citizenship that immedidtelypreceding the date of eh i application he hes resided-- continuously within ·u16_.UD1ll€t _Stntes,‘1ive”yenrs at least, and within the State or ._f1‘errito1

 where suchpeourt is atithe time heldone year at least, ‘a.nd_ th;

' during; that ftirne`. he hss behaved. as ·a ·mgm of good- in‘or character, attached toothed principles of A the Constitution of tl United States, and welldisposed to the g0od·.order_nnQ nap; Knesset the same, In addition to the oath of the app1.ica¤t,tl , testimony of at leastftvvo witnesses, citizens of the Unite _ States, as to the facts of residence, moral character, end a K 9 taehment to the principles lot the Constitution shall be ar quired, and the néme, `place of residenee,_' and __e·ccupation._Y eséh witness shall be sef_,`torth_ in the r'ecqrd._* (J nine 29,. 190 c. 3592, § 4, 34 Stat. 596.) Q { » _ _ -“ · ·

 Same; evidence of certain period Vofl 'residence I

Idepmition;.-—¥—In ease `thé`.petitioner“hns not resided in the Stal Territory}, orltke District »ot Columbia torn periodic! fiveyen p 'continuously Qnnd imn1ediately··-preceding_theidlingof his Del don he may establish by two nwitnessesg both in his petition an at the hearing, the time of. his residence within. the State, pr vided it has been for more than one year, ‘and`the`ren1a i a ing portion of his"dYc’years’ residence within the United Stat ' v requiredby. law to be established may beproved by the depot ‘ tions of two·or more. witnesses who arencitizens of- the _Unlt¤ States, upon-`notiee to the Bureau .otlNnt'uralization. *(JuneY2 1906, ez.3592, § 10, .34 Stnt.l599§ Maly 4, 1913,1:. 141 { 3, 37 St: J 737; May 9, 1918, c._ 69, §§ 1, 3, 40 Stat; 544, 548.) iQ` ” _‘ " _ 384. Same;. aliens serving on vessels of, foreign rekistrye ”‘Serviee by aliensupon vessels other than of American registr whether continuous or broken, shall not be considered ns re: denee for naturalization purposespwithln the jurisdiction oft] Uni-ted States, and such aliens cannot secure residence, I nagtnrnlizntion purposes during service upon vessels 01 vforeil 'A registry. " (Mny_9, 1918, c. 69, § 1,·'40nStat. 544.) —_ _ » l ` 385} Sgmer; residence in Hawaiian Islands priorpto April 3 1900, equivalent to- residence in United States;-· validating l re ords, et¢.···-For the purposes `ohnnturulizntionl under the lm of the United States residence in the Hmvnlinn Islands pri to April 30,-Y1000,4sl1:11l be deemed equivalent to residence ( the Uuitédv "SfHtC8`;0BI1d { in the Territory oi nswau, nn _ the requirement of a previous declarntiont of `intention heroine n eitizen of.tl1e United States and to renounce form i nllegglanre shall not npply_to persons iwho haveresided ln sn islands nt least five years prior to April 30, 1900; =but all oth .. provisions of the laws of the United States relziting to l nnturnliz

garwp ClT1,ZENl9H1P __ 160i ra tier; shall, so far as epbliffablév RBD}? to persons in the smut gr. lslnnds. U Q ’ l _ 4‘ » , - l F yr U Ap records relating to natur&1iz&ti0¤,,ral1declarations of iuvn tention to become citizens of the United States, and ell certifile ecates of naturalization filed, reéorded, or prior to June 29, 1906, in ·._· or frornrany; cireuit court of the Territory of est Hawai}, shall for'ul1 purposes; be deemed tohe and to have been jg émade, filed, rggordggl, issued bye `court nwithjurisdietiouo as rt; naturalize aliens, but shall. notbe by; this section further valiho dated orlegalized. (Ap1‘.t30. [1900; ¢.·339, $,100, 31 Stat, 16;; 9- May'27,.t1910, c.`258, .§` 9, 36 Statr 448,) ~ _ - · t r o-~ t 386. Renunciation of title `or orderéeof nobility}-In cnse the id alien applying to be adniittedeto Citizenship has tqborne 3335; y, hereditary title, or has of anyof. the orders ot nobility gg yr the kingdorn orwstate tromiyvhltzh he ‘k¤1ne,' he shall, in addition at to the above requisites, make an texpressi_renunéiation or his me title or order of nobilitr 111,_ul€. court to whiéh his application _ nds is xnade, and his renunciation shall be recorded in the court ms; (.1u6et29, 1906; e; 3592; $4, 34 Stat, may Q o v l U 387. `Citizenship traininx of applicants for uaturalizatierv;. to reimbursement for publibhink textb0ek.~—For the oej? `phrpose of curryix1g_`0n_ the work 91. the Bilréiu of Natulralfzrp of tion'_of sending, theenanies of ,theQ°en¤didatw for citizvenshiure

 thee 'public schools) and emu-w1¤e.·p•¤m¤u¤g .instruction· and

ed training nin lcitizenship responsibilities of applimnts for namry raiization, provided in this subdivision, huthoritv is given for; at the reirnbursement of U the printing land binding·egpproprlat·i¢s&¤ al, or the Department ot `Labor upon the records of the Treasury he Departxnente from the nnturellzationtees deposited in the Treas Ji- ury through the Bureau ot _Naturallzqtion for the cost of pub- · he _` lishing _ the eitizenshlp textbook prepared and to be distributed ed eby the Bureau ot Naturalization to those candidates for citize}l· . Lt- ship ewho nre in attendance upon the public schools, suelr ‘ Fe-. reixnbursement to- be made upon statements by the Commissioner of Naturalization of books actually delivered to such

  1. 6, student candidates ‘Iorjcitizenship, and a montl1ofnatumlize·_

E don bulletin, and in duty to secure the sid of end cooperate W vvithrthe .0ii1eia1_ stated ond unfional organizations, including ZBQ l thweponcerned with vocational educationee and including perg 1‘¤‘ éonal services in the“1)istrict ot. Columbia. (May °9, 1918, c. _ U· _69,§1,4Q8tnt.544J)  » "_ _ U ° o M1 Filipino declarants honorably fron Navy, ‘<>- Marine or Naval Auxiliyy Service; Porto Ricans or on- nervglng inhrmy, Navy, Corps, Coat of és rU¤ited Stités Government vesselis, etc.; red .—=-Any native- Si- born Filipino of the age otdtwenty-one years and upward who Bde thas declared his intention to become a citizen ot the United ¥9» States and who has enlisted ·.or may enlist in the United States it·_ .lN£vy__0r tM&riue oi the"Naval ABXui&1"]YS€!'Yi€Q,V_8Ild "who, wifter `servim of not less than tlxreeeymrs, may·be honor. -¢- ably discharged theretrom, or who r may receive an`ordinvi1ry ry, discharge with recommendation for reenlistment: cr U1? =1¥i¢*¤, Si- or any Porto Rican not a citizen of the United Stata, of the are he of twentykzne vearswand upvy·nrd,‘ who lgasenlisted ormtered or "Orf may hereafter enllstrln or_ enter the armies of the United Staim gn. either the Regular or the Volunteer Forces, or; the National _ Army, the National Guarglvortblnval Militlg ot any State, 'I‘eri‘i{ I0, tory, or the District of Golumbid, or the State rnllitiuninl Fede_r;_zl ee- · service, or in the United States Navy or Marine Corps, or in the ws United States Coast Guard, or who has served for three years U or on board otgny vessel of the United States Governrnent, or for in- dtlnreé years on board of ernerc·han_t or nshing vessels of the ud tUt1it€d States Of `morel than twenty tons burden, and while SYN! to in the service on a reenlistment or reappointment, or twithlll ker six months after and honorable discharge or separation therg~~ .id from, or while on furlough to the Army Reserve or ‘Re;:ul;u· ‘ »01'_ UAPIDY RGAGYVQU after lhonorqblé servitfer may, 0n_ prescntutivli

1- ot the required declaration of intention petition for naturalimr