Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/185

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1;-1 TITLE IO.- ml muh details shall be limited to omccts whose names are c },,,p;;4~ 011 th€ 1iSt· of GPDGYHI C()I?pS €ugib1€S’€ V(3\]ilQ 3, Q iillli. tr. —134, § 5,,39fStat. ,167 ; June 4, l920,h c. 227, subchapter

_ gn, 41 Start. 763.) _. n l _ _ . _ 5

, 26. General Staff Corps-eligible list.-——The ipltial eligible list s m.¤l.t lm prgpared by *0. hoard consisting of the General of the l Am;·, the conmmmlzxnt of the Gcneral Staff College; the com- .1 ·,mm¤_:lt of the General Scrvi<;c Schools, and: two other gen- 1 wzxll miiucrs of the ,1ii1e, selected by the Secretary. of__ War, < lm; uni nbt then members of the·Gc11era1 St{1_¤`COf'])S. Thi$ < lmgml slia`lllLs¢lec·t andvfeport the names of all officers of the s `]_{·_;l$l;'ll' Army, N3fi0Il21l_G»l131‘dQ and O{mCé1`S’ Reserve Clorps nl ts mw following classes who are recommended by themt as -

i;>{;zEiil('*C}' by educatidu, military experience; and chaructep for _<

(gmwall Staff duty; A — " Q I "_ - T A: ml) Those officers graduated _`i'rpm. th elArmyYStu_ff College. l _,,- ms Army War College prior to Jtily 1, 1917, ’wh0, upon = ` ;mhmti¤u‘, WGXTG SD€CigCHu§f recoihmeridetl for duty as com— 4 l H;;m.rt·¤1 urlcbief of sta! of aldivision _0r highdr tactica1,;uuit,· · t·;·»1_‘t»z· detail in thé General St&E_COI’[)S*;’ - ‘ . ‘ · I: . Ur) Thosé ofiicers_wh0,Wsincé Ag;}'fi1 6, 1917Q hn’vc commanded l . u tlivislun or higher thetichl unit, 01·Yhhzive idémqustrhtéd by ~ gié-zuul service in the _W0rld War th·&(ZbtI1€Y`t1f&_(]U“&]iil€d for _.· (je*l}t’l`1Ll Stai du`ty.Q _ 2. __ ~ — ‘ l YA fwr the completion ofythe in-ltiul General Stqff Corps gligblé 1 ist; tm; name pt 110 0Hlce1j_sha‘ll be added thereto imléss upon l _ ;;1mduuti0h fgom the General Q‘Sta£ School »hé__is·. sbecldcally ‘ ··;jt·m»¤nn1endcd as quaIiiied%for_Gej1eralj Staff duty, `anid no omcct . F ufllle General Stat Corps, ciceptthe Chief ot Statté shall be l zgszsigucd as Q member of the. Wax Department Geucrs.r Stal! _ ¤ inltessyhe4tis a graduate of the General StaR.C0llege or his name ‘ is home on the initial eligible ltst: Provided, That tI1é'nnm_c df any National Guard or rémrve 0&ccr wbc hasn demomtrated by — ‘_"nctu21l’scrvlcé the Warlllkphrtment General Stud dlllfillgw · ' a p·~riLud`0t not lesa_ than éix xinonths, as hcrclnat·ter‘provided lm·.— »tl¤at he. is qualliled; fol.’A-GBBQIQIMBCAQ Huty, imay, uporf the »r··.··4»;inix1cndatlbn of A board coxixisting Of-th€'g0!1*Bl‘8·r omcefs at V · xlgv War Department Ggpgrhl Stall, to .tth§ Chief QI Stuff, be uddéd to said eligible ·l1Bt at any time. e Tha Bccfetufy t of War shall publish ”`§qh·¤1illy_ithé list of bEcé1·»s ellglblo_!on· (iwwral Stat duty,} and such eligibllity'shaI1_t be noted in_ the _ ‘zmm1ul_Army__Regigtet. . (Ju¤c;4, c.‘ 227, lhllbchailtér L_ S. ‘_5; 41 Stat. 7%; Sept. 1922, c.‘423, {1,42 Stat. 27. Line .9§4;eré lsubjgct to detail: pmveleug Y with tm¤ps.—-+111 time ct psalm no omger of that lmé shglltbe or remain llvtnilcd as n member ot Y;hB·G€Il8iI.l Stn! _Co1*ps \mlgsb he haw. ' ;=~¤l·¤·»·éd tm- two Qt the next Qtecodlng six year; lh sictlml com- I mzuld ottrmpg ot one or mais ;of the combatant arms. (June 4. 1920, 0,27, suwhapter I,] 4, 41 St¤t.°?762,‘l)t t ,··» , ' . 28. 0B¢¢r• ¤9m.nis&ed ih inn! coma isubjgctgtu dctgil t l in Geaernl Stxl Cprpsg jmvicés j¢1*Vh¤"With tr¤cpa..——·——Au t

~llic·cr cbmmiqstonod in n sta! ¢¤17psg11all°¤6tba or remain de-t  

mimi as g member {qt the General Sum Cdrps lunlesaihch has »¢·m·eel mx due ot the. mit precmlng hm years with troops oi unc or moréot thé combatant 8I'l118.` Uuné 4,-1920,,:c., 227; sub—< trlmygtgrtl, { 4, 41·Bt&t.'7G&) * ‘ · ‘ " ‘ 29, Whgt conditatcq glut! with tméps.-——·In the tu¢Imi¤`istralim of the prov1sicm$_0!‘th6 twgfnextlprecediug Sections illl <iul,v perfoi-med between~April·6, 1917, gndliuly 1, 1920, inch}- sive, or as; student at seiviée schogla, other than those ct that U**N(?OI}1Y58t§Bt,bf&BCh€8, atmny time, shall be 1’B§§§Ifd€t1 he satislwing th~e.rt}quircmq¤t¤ of séhrtcé with combntlmt arms. (J uma 4; M20, c. _227, gubqhapter I, § 4;,.41 $tat._762.) · l k ~ t 30. Aétlng Generél SME 9¤•:c m.;-—-·II at any time the- numbeif V ·—£ officcxs available and éllglbleforl detail to the Genelml Stuff i» not smiicicnt to Hllall vacancies thertgln, Il`I£ij·0l'S-0PhCGQt&il1S'-A » muy be detailed hg acting Geug:rul_ `Staf£_. 0Ecc;·s uutdét such ¤‘&·gu1utlp¤s§ag the f*msideht' may pmscriba;· {June ${1920.

-,,41rMr § 35 rg 227, subchapter I, 55, 41 Stat. 76%; Sept. 22, 1922,- c. 423, i 1,-42 Stat. 1032.) p i _ e » Q

  • 31. Additional members of General Staff Corps.-———ln order to

nsure intelligent cooperation between the General Staff and the several honcombatant branches, oéipers ofsueh branches may Je detailed as -additionar niembers of the General Sta§ Corps mdersuch special regulations as to eligibility and redetail as nay be preseribeti by the President, but not more than two xffioers from each psueh branch shall be detailed as zmembers Jf *t,he'Wa`r Department General,. Staff. (Jime 4, IMO; 0. 227, subchapter I, §"5, 41*'Stat. 763; Sept. 22, 19%,/c. 423, § 1, "42 Stat. 1032.) ’_ i · ‘ p - ‘ _ 32., Restrietion on duties of members of General Staff Corps.-—Members_·0f the General StafE,Cog·ps shall be contineei strictly to me discharge of duties of the '§en,eral~nature of those specified for them in this chapter of this title, and they shall not he {permitted to assmi1e`0r— engage in work of an administ'rotiw*e`nature that pertains to establish bureaus or 0i’dy‘·es of Uievwar Department, or that, being ‘ass`nmed or enf gaged in by members of the General Stai Corps, would involve _ i_mp»airmc11t of the" responsibility M or initiative of snob bureaus . or oflices,. or would cause injurious or unnecessary duplication of or delay 111 me work thereof.- (June 4, 1920, c, 227, subchapter I, § 5, 41 Stat. 764.) l » p Q i “ _ l · i 33. Dutiesof Chief of St_aE.·-·;The` Chief, of Staifoslnall preside l over the Warj Department General Staff spd, underthe direction of the President, or of the _Secretai·y_of War under the direetionofathe President, shall cause to be made; by the War Department Genera1‘8taf£, the neceawry plans for recruiting, organizing, supplying, eqnipping, mobilizing; training, and demobilizing the Army of the United States, and for the nse o£· the-military forces for national defense, ‘He snail transmit to the_Secreta,ry of War the plans andrecommendations pre> __ pared for that purpose by the`War Departn1ent General Stal! suaacvrse him in regard thereto; upon the approval ot snob plays or recommendations ·—by‘ the Secretary oi War, he shall actyas the agent of the Secreta1‘y of.War in carryinga the same into effect. (June 3, 1916, c. 134,i§ 5, 39 7Stat._- 167; June 4, 1920, ·c.` 227, subchapter I, §‘5, 41 Stat..76·$,) \_ e - 84. Duties of War Department General Sta!.--4-The duties of the War Department General Stat'! shall be to prepare plans torinational defense and tlie use of the military- forees for that purpose, both separately and in conjunction with the na·ral" iorées, and for the mobilization of the manhood of the I_}1atienV and its material‘re.sonrces,·i£ an emergency ; to investigate and irepcrttupon all questions aH'eeting the eihcieney of the Artur of the United,Stat&, and its state off preparation for military operations; and iq render protemionafaid and assistance to the Secretary ofwar and the Chief ot Stud. (Jane 4, 19%, c. 227, subchapter I, § 5, 41 Stat. 763.) N _ ·‘

 Duties of General_Sta§ ,Witl!_TfQQ|¥S;·~Thé duties- ot. the

General Stat! with troops sjhall be to render professional} aid and assistance to the general oili¢·ers"over them; to actas_ti1elr agents in harnnoaizing the plans, duties, and operations of the various organizations and services under their.»jurisdiction, in preparing detailed instructions for theexeeution of the plans of the.commanding_ generals, and in supervising the execution of such instmctio:1s.__ (June 4, 1920,pc. 227, subchapter I, § 5,, 41 srst.i·1e4 .>, .~  ; . · t _·.` W 36. Submission to Congress of plans affecting hational defense, etc.} accompaniment bi `stndy prepared by War Department Genera! Staff.-r—\\’li¢·nei»ter any plane or recoxnmepci:1ti¤»nf involriug lwislation by Congress aeffeeting national defense or the reorganization ot, th_e».Army is presented by the Secretary not W'art0‘Congress,,orQ to one of the eommitteesgot `ffongzross, ·_,{hé_8i1'!!iQQ,8,h§II` be aécompanied, when net `ixwompatitile with etlne public interest, byma study premredin the appropriate tzivisim ,oftl1e;W_ar Department General Staff, including the eomments