Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1869

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QOHSTHTUTION OF THE UM W: rm: at the Huiféd Smtcs; iu_0rd—cr fdtvrm a mm perfect Uhism, _§_Jumc@,`i¤S¤\’¢_ domewc Tranqgilit p4·ovi® for ihe cvmmcé defmm, gwérai We {are, and éemre BM$¤@ <.;,f°Li§1>ert3* to ourséveq and m pggterity, {10 Wotdain land 'gstablish this O9us§itu¢i0h_ for tl United States 0I Americfé. ‘ ·_ ’ _ Ssxrrxoxz 1. AH lxiélative Pcvyeis- hcréin granted shall I vested in a Cemgrm of the United iSt¤§es., which shéll ~c0usi Yof g Senate and House 01 Representatives. y __ ‘ _· I Smwmzv. 2. The Home of Reprwéqtatives `shgll be compose of Memiaéré chosen every séccml Yea; by the Peopleo of swam! Stitw, and the Ecctors in gachf State shall have__t1 ‘Qsw1i§catimss pgquisite for _E1ect0;·s of , the most rgumerm Brmxrh Gfulié Stqtc Legislature. " __ _ . . - 0 o No Peéson wail- be `Q"'R€pi‘é$¢!1`C8(iVE who_ shall not . haw atfamged to the Age of twénq me Years; &l1d~b€€I}_8€V€lI.Y9&j a 4 'isizen. dt the United States, gud whashqll not, wheiy electe bb gii inhabitant pt that §tgte in which he shall bé.ghosen.`· ·% Représentgativeés and _`direct Taxes shall be appcttiom among .612 seycxfal States which may be jnc1uded.withiu th Iiuiqn, a<·ccrs;}i;1g’t0 their rwpective Numbers,·jwhiqh·Sh&11 I ¢k=tgg·rm§¤ed 'by nddixig ta the whclg Number of Ahge Person including those bound- tq Service for a Tam of Years, and gz emding Indians not tzaged, three mths of 411 other Ifersqu (libs actual Enumeration shall & made `withjn three Yars "aft¢ tho iirst·.Meeting ci the .C0ngress»0t the United _Statm,· az within every subsequent Termpf ten Yedrs, in such. Manner 1 they glial! by Law dirpct. The Number bf Repfcmntatives Sha not exceed cnc fc; cvgty thirty Thousxmdk but céch Staté sha have at Least one Representgtivg ; jmgi uitilsuch emgmeratic sh;:l1`bgmq¢§e, the State ct_ New Hampshire qhall be entitled = vhusg t1u1ce,»·Massuch¤setts eight, `Bhodelslami and Providem I‘;1§ cnc, Cmuzejéticut Qvc, New-»Y0rk six, {-New J erse

 ';Iu Aiziy, 1785, akohami-ttee c§·Co¤,g1·ésn madén r~c·§0:t·rcc0r;§m¢¤

ing an alteration in the Articm of flcnfeéeration, but no action .w when on lt, and it was left to the Bigate to prcicpeed in tl matte:. In Igmury, 178Q, theibegisintum of virgins; passed I Msn! tion prgvtdiug for thé Appointmgxat bt mvé N188i§l1¢1;|,·W¤0,. 9: hz timee of them, sbciuld. meet such .£0¤Ei3¤$0‘¤€}‘§ qs- might be mppoinh du me cam- Stgaes af the Union; ntf; time and éplscg be bg gsrfecd npc tgrsake. inigo consideration the trade qt the U¤1te¢_8t•t¤:-to coéaid 110%* fa; n, uni£0m1_`sys}cm.ip their commercial PGQGHKGBI may ' n¢·c¤—ss:ax·y to t1zeir'co$mo¤·i¤te:est_·n¤d their permanent ·harm¤b¤y/; an to :·4~;>»>rtj§0 thq several States such qu act, relative to thingmst cbjee cw, wma mtihw by jimmy, will enable the United Btntai in Cuniré pmavtuaixy té· provide for the same. The 'Vix·gtm_ mmmimigmgxm; att mma comvwudmm, Qmd me Brat Mmadny in Septmmber an thm w and the city of$A¤uap¤1\s as tbetplace for the maxim;. bit only fm yxiaer Sgzates were represented; rk: I}e1nim·e,—New Yoik, New Jem and Peamygmnia; the eqmmisagiqxaezs appointed- by Jlisuchusetts; Ns Hampshire, North Catalina; and 111% tnilql to attend. Un;} the eireumsuncea at sb partial" n the commission

»r¢·mm ugrw umn a repurt, (drawn by M1. Hsbllten, of New York

expressing their uumaimouai conviction that ituagnight. mentinlly tm

0 ¤d·v:mc—e, the !.¤z¢:·<~q;; er me Uma: it ttm Mite: M yhich thai we

r<·¤;pc·::1iv¢·3y deiepted would émacur, gud me ,th¢ gr‘ Endeavor; to pimeu `tlw concurrence as _ the other Stmzés, in the appviumeutl ct cnmmi simmrs to mnt at Phmdeiphia an amend Hdhdn; at May !¤1Iq·

 ing. te. take iinio consiéemma  nitugtt@~ et the U¤.it& States;

d•.:x‘i$~4g such furtim pmvishm as sbbulé awa: to rcendw the Coastitutica of the Fcdexgal G¤¤ve:·¤¤@t adequgtc to ti oxigeucim of the Ummm; and ta report •u® an ut Tm: that purpose me Uuitad Shing; in Cougrmé i~ bled an, pnhm agreed jtc by the and afterwards cmammed hy the Lmidaturn at Stats, was c§`e<·ma1ly provide mr tim E=I.®¢B. , { ‘- , ’· J Ccmgwm, on the 21st at February, 1787, inéépted A resolution- favor ot a couvautiw, and me Lcgm¤taa:—¤·o£·_th¤a¤ Statm xhhcb ha

{TED STATEQ OF" A§{ERIGA—··;-1787 TED STATES 0F~ AMERICA-1787 " rem {Qur, Pexmsylvahia eight, Delaware ozie, Mgéjland six; Virginix y,_ tc¤,_N0rth Carolina Eve, South Carolinahve, and Ggofgia three,

1- ‘»Whe¤ yacancies happm in the Representation from muy?

11* Stat¢,_ the ‘ Exegzutive Authority thereof shall imo. Writs 01* 1e_ Elgcticn tp HH such Yacanciu. . _ · · ·° ~ _ 7 E-The House of Remfeseutatives shg!1 chusé their Smékér and . othexj O@cers; and shall have the._s01¢ Power of Impuchmut. 3; Smcmm. 3, The Sépate of the United §ta§es shall {16 cmbe posed of two Senators from each Stgte, chmen by {hg Legisq St lature thereof, for six Ygars; and eaéjb Senator shall mv? one vote.- . 7 · ‘ » ”` edt Immediately gtter. they sbgll be asse bled in ge -91 the iir$t’E1ec1i0¤,»they`·shaJl divided aseqixhliy as may

 be into three Classes. The Seats ot’the Senators at  Erst
1s_ Glas; shall be V11€‘&t€’d'8C the Egpiraticd of the second year, cf

the second Clas§ at the _I}xpirat10¤-ct the £0mth`Year,· and ci we the third Clgss at the Expiration of tha. sixth Ymr; so that rs me third may be chosfpn every scécmq Year-; md it Vacamzies dg happen by“ Resignation} or otherwise, during the Recess at ine Legislgture of my State, the Executive thereof may` make thmed pgxtary Appointments unt?] the ¤éxt’Met>ting cgi the I.0gis¥atm·e, is [which ShQll,_(;hen`iillsi1ch Yacmxcies. i 8 ‘ , .' _ I bg QN0 P€lTS0l1.Sh8u. be aj Senator who shall not pave attained to »s, the Agg bt thirty; Years. and béem uigxe Yéars a Citizen of the x-· United States, zmd- whq SHA1] rmt, when Mected, ’ be an Inrs. ;.hi1biti1nt ‘0f that State fqrwlgichime siyall be chasm., f ` er The Viée `Présidgmr of the United States be`P::c$iémt nd, -0f the Senmte; but shall hawcena Vote, unless they be eéuallj as_ d1\'id@d. ’_ * I . · gll The Senate shall their other O$<·er$, and élsoca Prégsi- L11 { dént "pro femfmre. in ihé Absemze df the Vice. P1‘¢§i¢&nt, or >i1 · wlyen he shall cxeréise the Oféce of President of the Ugiteé to States., _ _ _ K , _ - 1 . ‘ * ce _ The Senate shall bgve the solg Power tp try atl ey méuts, When sitting 101; that_ they shall be ag mth qi. `not already done so ¢(wi1h- tfné`exceDt}c; Rhode Island) prcmptb gg appointed delégates. On the 25]:11 of May, seven' States Baring mane vcncd, George Washington, ot Virginia, was umnimeaxgly ekwted Presiu. dent; gmd the consideration of the proposed ccnstituyiaq was comgy mesgced.· On the`17th of.September, 1787, the°C¢gstim&m8§s;ehg:cg&& ed énd agreed upon ééas gignvd by all the pmsentz, except Mr. kn, Qerry, of Massachusetts, and Messrs. Mama add Eagdciw; at Yirgixm. gg The president at the gzcmvcntian transmitted it tar `C0ugre·ss,, jdtg a mscbex lutmu sfating hpw .the proposed Fec¥ef£1k.Gcver1a&¤r;t shozslé be put in M1 operation, and sm explanatory qietterf Cmwress, on the 28m at Semen-,

1, b¢r,`1787, diréivtcd the ’C0m¤¤tution so framed, with the rmwmm sm

N letter ccncertiiug the same, to “‘be tmixswittcd ta the sevjyvrql _‘L•a·g·is1u· er; tures in dyder 10 Lie gubmitted 10% &“C0l1Y‘€B]Zi0§ of delegates chases; in ge, ·ea_c¤ State by the people therecf, in ccntcirmity ua the -r•zsc1ves or the up »cpuventicn." = ; J — J , _ · · _ _ 1y, _ On the‘4th at March, 1789,··the day which had uxed {mr c¤m~· 1w mencing the cperstipus `oi Gcvcmmem funds: jha new Ccustimtian, in gg hid bun mtmed by me canvmtions chosen in each Stgte to Eeoasmer ars it, ng follows: Defaware, December 7, ,1787: Pennsylvania, Decvmberv

,) 12, 1787 ;, New Jerséy, Decémbez 18, 1787
Gemmgi Jamzary 2, 1788;

{14 Co¤¤ecticut,.1anuary 9, 1788; Mgésnchusetts, I*`Eb1:\l&!'¥ 8, 1788; _Ma:·y· re land, Aprii 28, 1788; Quan; `Camlina., May. 23, 1783: Nm !·1ampre dum, June 21, 1788; Virginia, Kuna 26, 1788; and New Ym·k,_J;¤1y 5.*1;. l¤·~1788. _ _ » w- `, The Pggsident iutmrmed Congress, on tha 28th oi', Janumw, 17m. to that- North ,Cm·0Iism hnd_ éatiued the Cun¤»Jt.iqn Navember 217. 17f·49§ to aud, ha informed- Congress on ath: lst ot June, 1790, that Rhmie Islam! by had mtmed the Constiturmn May 29, 1789. Ve-:mm1t,_£¤ com·eu1iou. to mtmed the Coxistitutiou kuuary 10, 1789,; and was, by uu act of mmvm gnu appwvd February 19, 1‘;91, -**n~geeiv¢·d and admitmk imo this ld Union as sa. mw and entire member ct the United Stamaf _ ‘_ . tTh1• dana: has been *’a1!~¤te~d by me r1_tu and mm nzpcudrinvzats. in Y ppl ‘ E A ,4 gmx; ggqtieu gg; new anecgeq by the xm: ¤m·~m1i¤em, p. 1861.