Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/188

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Q4-· * `TITLE 10.;- ajpproved by an Arnly modiczil board l(‘Oll$·lStlllg_v0f_·IlO(Z less ox than tlnrec ofl‘i cers of the Méllical Corps designated by fthe} ‘bo Secretary Of-YVHY. (Apr.W23,=1908, é. 150, 4, 35`Stat. 67.) y pc l 94; Assignmentpf medical ollicers to dnty.-?——Medio:rl ofliccrsgg 'ch of the Army may be assigned `by‘the Secretary of V$H1'r`t0 Such of duties as tho interests of thai so_ri·io§2_ moy_-doiixand. (July»2·7,o Itll 1892, c;\2·T0{·§ 3, 27 Stat. 277.) ·” _ ’ o° J .l (1

  • 95. Right of__C0l\\l!l§Dd;*;·OfllC€l‘S of the Medical Corps of the

Army shallj`not_ be entitled,‘iu` virtue of their orzmk, to {om-I re manu} in the line or in other staf corps. I (RSS. `§ 1;l69;) V th

96. Medical tattendagicc for families of officers and ¤i1én.4— iin

The medical officers of tl1c—A1‘my ond- contract surgeons shall ·m wlxeuovér practicable attend tho fomilioérrof the oflicors und, qt soldiers froe*of clxargo. _··(July 5, 1584,1:. 217, 23 Stat. H2.) dj 9.7. Promotion on potnplétion of speci6od»te1‘m' of YscrYice.5#ee pn An <‘>ili¢;·er the 1lIo<liC·al*CQrps shall be- promoted 10 the jgrarle of of c·npt£iirfjaft(·rl three yqn1·$' s€¤rvi<·é, to thé gradc`·of major cc after twplwg yoarsf service, tojthe` grade of lieutenant colonel oi after twenty yezirs’ sorxfico. `and to the grad_o‘of#co1onél after he twenty-six, 3·oars` service; (J uno 4,1920, c_. 227, subchapter 1,* tix V§ 10.41ASts1t..767.) I ” _, »_ - ° " ce 98. Service _ credits for pnrpoées, of .- prqmotion.=#-—For pur; zu poses of promotion ·tlgorc~_·`Sl1alI. be credited to officers of the— ti Biedlral D9}}2ll'tll1€llb all active COIDDI-lSSlOll€d sqxjvicéé inf the f dl I{9g\ll2ll".·A.l‘ID}' ivlmemovcnj.romlorcd; ond also all such "servioo 111 I‘9!l(l€1'€(l`Slll(‘(\. April 6, 1917; in the Army or ap the Notlormll or Guurd»w_heu i11;nctive;_~sérvi<·é undor il c‘&1ll,‘·by the 1’rosidont._ b; except service under a resgrveycommission ivhlle-'in· attondance fc at a school orQo:nmp for the tl`8.llllllgvr_Of candidates for comml§—* ‘ pl sion. (Juné,4,·192(), c. 227, subohaptorl, §“ 10, 41 Stat, 767;) " ’ 99., Scrvicéycredité fofpnrposes ofaproniotion of certain oil-; p 'ccrs.-·—¢l<`or fxtamososl of prom gtion_~sift9r July: 1,1920, any por? N ‘ son appointod in the Modiool Corps to tflll vacancies existing 0; on Juli}; 1920, l1m·ing*o-sérred ason officer`·ofth.e Army at S. · some' time between Qtprll B, __19l'{,_ and `Jtlmr-4, 1920, shall! be 'qj considered has having hadjon the dnto of appointment, servloe U equal to that of the-'jnnlor officer of `his' grade and corps in gl tl1o..Ré_g11lax· Army on Jnnoé, T1920. _(.1uue_,4, 1920, 0. 227, smh-· pl chapter I, § 10, 41 Stat. 767.) ’ X. gn ( · Q 100. Length of service of- oHi¢ers losing §lcs.—5—Tho length o of s¢1fvlce·of»nnyrollicer who shall yhdve lost Blés by reason of sentence of oom*t§m:u·tial or `failnre in examination for Lpro· Et] _motion shall bo‘rogt1g·ded as diminished to the equivalent of the th

 Jsorvice¤_of.tho officer of his corps lmmodiatoly preceding him in (

relative rank'., (Juno 4,1920, kc; 227,"subclu1pt<.·r I, $#10, 41. ,Stot.l767.)l .. o , · - li- `~ ·— o . ( 1011 —Examinstion of oolliccrs for promotion.-—#X0 oillcer of no the Medical `Corpsibelowy the‘ronk_o otQlieute11anto·!éolonel Sll8ll\ tj he promoted theréinuntil ho Shall have successfully phased an 3 r oxaminntion before on iArmy· mcdiczdhoard conslst_lng_ ot .no.t loss; than three omcors of the Mo¢licol»”CorDS._to be designated hy the Soorétary of War, such examination to be prescribed to by the Secretary of War ax1d.`to be hold-at ouch time anterior .1] to (ll0·8C(!1’l1l1lg4lf)£·tll€ right to promotion no may betor the ‘ host interests of ·tho, sseryicei (Apr. 23, 1908; c. 150; 5. @5, 35 o` St;lt.lG7.) · · ‘ ~ T · · 3 Y · .1] r 102. Failure'of first lieutenant or captninto pass examiner _~\( tion for -pr.omotion; honorable dischargé or retirement.-- — Sl1ould·al·fi_ rst_ lieutenant 0;-olycqpmxo of 'tho Medical Coros foil - in his physical cxmnhmtion and bo,. found incapacitated for { _survll·e_hy reoson of physlcal`disobllity contrglcted in ttholine l of duty} ho shall be retired with tho took to whioh lnlosonlorltyo A ‘ ontitloelllmn to he promoted} but if horzshonld be found dis- to qualified ionapromotion for guy, other rooson, o second exoml- is nntlimi shall not ho”.nllowéd, bilti ~tl“lG`$Ql.*1‘l}C&l‘Y of War shall _( allvointia hoardlof rovtow to consist of throo officers ot, thé'_0 1`lt*lll(‘1llA'C0I’[)8· superior in rank to the otiiccr- examined; none il of whom shall have ·s0rved vas R inonnhcr of the board which 6

ARM Y 17—L guniped hiixjy Ifthe u¤f§1vO1‘éb¥€ Hndihg Gif the. éxa¤iim,Q2‘ myd is ccmcurredé in by theboayd of feview, the ()fH{·gr Hu prfed disqualijietl for prqmotitm shall be houmamy ,{;x_ T katged from the —;S€1°»ViCB"\Yiu}. one yea1·’s; pay, if-hg abtgvu ~_ ’* lthe examining iboard is diSf¤ the.b0:;urd {ot rcy·;{.._\,_ A' 1, Omcey Sha}; be e0nsidered ·qualiii€d·.&¤d Shall be p1·<»;m»g·q_ ‘ kpr. 23, 1908, c. 150, 5 5, 35 Stat'. 67;)° -_ '· . ’ . `· 103. Failure of major to pass exgminatimr for [promotiémf rexaminaiiop;. retirement ,911 second fa;ilure.—Any.,11xs1j¤»;·" ur ’ me Medical CQrps 'cix the active ·liat_¤t the Army‘ who` at His; rst examination for promotion to the grade of lieuttemmt (·» »;. ,- ali ix; said c0rps,fh’&s bpéh 0nTghall~·hereaftcr be fmmd dis. ialiff1ed'for suc}; promotion `for any reason 0t_ber than Eph$*>¤iuu1. usability incurred in tl3e 1iuc·0f duty $1811 be-suspended frehpm wmotion and his right thereto shrill pasS`.`successivély m_ Sm-1, {jects next be1ow" ’him"in» ra;nk in said corps as {are or may 2.*.. »mge‘e1igib1e tq pr0moti6u.i1nder €xistiIi‘¤ lqw during the f»m(.q This. puspension; sind»a.ny 0Hic¢=;r`suSpe¤¥d0d from promontiun, M zréipbefore provided, slfall bc—_rcex&minéi1 sis spoir hs framgablc afteif the_exi>iraticu pt 0ne.yeai·-from the mite dttho »mpletiun; of~the examingtion that r<:Su1t¢·d_in his. suspension; nd if on such recxqmixnatioix he is found qualiiied ioxvpnyomgon, he shialbugaiu be¢0mc_cligible thereto; brit if he is {mug! isqu:1lified·b;··reas0n ofiphysical dis:1bIIity incurred iii line of . _ uty, he shall be retired, withifhe rank to which his .seuioriry' _ , xtitlcs him `to-be promoted ;__ and if he is_ not found disquaiiiiod ymreasoxg pt such phy§ica1~disabi1i(y, but is found disqualihm wr promotion for any other mason, Qic shall be refired wihtlmutl romotiqn. {Mar.- 3, 1909, te. 252, 35 Stét. ‘ _- 104. Cooperation) ofmedib•1»oEcer;*with line c§cers in su-. érinténding cooking by- cnglisted mc¤.~—'1’1;é'.0fiicers of uw ledical Depdrtménb ot the Ai·ugy,s}x`all» unite with the 0tlic§·r»; ‘ E the line under rsucb 7ru1és and regulations. é§__8h8u be pre-

ribed`byjthe Secretary of,\V&i‘ iusupcriutemdingg gba mdkiug

(mp by the enlisted maxi; had tlgé Surgeon General? shall pm- gulgatc t_0 thé omcersjot said éorps Such regulations and im tructions as may tend to insure the·prope1* prephrntion ct the ution of `thq soldier. _ (RL S. { 1134; l•`¢§b. 27, 1877,.é. 69, 5 1Q Ju »tat.2·13.) ·-·° ‘ `.` — _ `~ _ 105. Detail ‘6f medical 0&cérs"to military relief division of led “Cl#085···—··§·Th€ President.iyuqtiiorized. to detail not wmv _ han. §ve ‘0tl‘}¢qrsT0f the.Mediéal De partme;1t for dutyivith the miljtqry relief division cfjhe American Nat.i0m1l_Red June 4g 1920,; c._227, subcbagter I, § 51, 41 Stat; 785.) · ° 106. Detgflwof medicnl`0&¤cr to §r¤t-mid depaitment of Red · · Zres¤.—-The Secretary at War is hereby authorized tddemil an mcert of the Medical to `take charge {pt the- iirat—ai¢l ebnrtméncf ot the'Amcriqui1 Red _Or0ss . ( M&:~.,3, 1911, cQ 209; 6_S‘tat.1041.)_ - _ — — · _ ~— _ _, 107.‘App0intmentWof contract surgeons.-rein gmergencie·s—tlw>- Surgeon _Genex*a”l of th; Army. with the {approval dt the: Secw ary of; War, may `appointns mgny comzrncw surgeons as maybe “ »eces$ary. (Feb. `2, 1901, c. 1§2, § 18, 31 Stat; ‘{&.) f _ 108. Authority of contract surgeon ini charge of h6spital.·-* When- {contract surgeon is ih charge of nmhwpital h9_sbz1}l_ ¤p.xge‘· theosame authority asn mmm1s8g¤¤¤¤¥ medical omcer. Apr. 23,1904, c,·1485,_-33 Stat; 266.) ‘ ` l DENTAL s CORPS 121. C0mp¤si§icn of Dc¤tal_C¤rpé{·g-·~T§ne Dental Corps of tho l ujmy shall consist of one hueudred and t1ft$f·elght’ c0”;umiSL$i01m¤1K Ecegs of the same grade `qpd proportionally iiistributed zimousx uch grades asam or may be p1·0vidc!¢1*byé—lnw for the Median! lqrps, who shall have the .rm1k§”pay, psbnmtiqn and gllqwmnvvs »f_bfHcers _0t ~corre.·spungling grades in the Medical Corps; iuclpcl- ’ ' ng the rightYtQ 1·‘étlre1n‘cnt»¤;s in the ease of other omcémss. '(Oqr. ‘ * Q; .1917, c. 101, 40 Suit; 397; Jqne 30, 1922, c. 253, 42‘S;ut. 7212)*