Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1897

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1883 TITLE 5.-·EXEGUTIVE DEI’ART.&lBN T S ANI are necwsary for executing UIQ functions vested in the Secre gory of Commerce by this Act °. _ » . New section. `This section constitutes { 8 of tho Act ot 'Ma 20, 1926, c. 44, Stat. 573, entitled “A.¤ Act to encourage and regu ygatno me or aircraft ln commorco, nd for otuer purpose;. _The mmoiudor ot the Act constitotcs chapter 6 ot Title 49 ot thi `~ apptndil. . ` n 593. Qiof clerk md superintendent. Sudan $$3 A ‘l‘ltI• 5 ny••t•d.7—-Tho statutory provision const tuting S 593 o!"1`itlo 5 of the Code jas repeated in Act ot Ap. 29, 1926, c. 195, Title III, 4; Stat. `349C _ . ; _ C. Cosmcrcial att•ch&Q——-For commercial attachés, to t appointed by the Secretary of Commerce, after éxamlnotion 1 be held under his direction to determine their competency an zo he accredited through tho State Department, whose dutie shan be to mvostigate and report upon such conditions in tt manufacturing industries and trade of foreign countries as rm; bo oi interest to the United States ;` and for the compeusatic of a `olork or clerks for uch commercial attaghé at the rate 4 not to exceed $3,000 per annum for each person so employe ond for janitor and mmnger service, traveling and oubsistem oxpougsos of owcors and employees, rout outside of the Distriof Columbia, purchase of furniture and oquipmeut, stationm and supplies, typewrlting; adding, and computing ’mucl1ino accossori& and remirs, books. ot reference, mud periodical maps, reports, documents, plains, spocihcations, manuscript newspaper; (both for I1 and domestic) not exceeding $7Q and all other publim ono, travel to and from tho United State and all other mcldontalcxponses notihcluded in` the forogoing _su<:h commercial attnchés shall serve directly under the Secr tary oi Commerce and shall report directly to him, $335,001 Provided, That foot to exceed two A commercial ·attach§s‘ on ployod under {his 'appropriation may bo- recalled from the foreign posts gud assigned _ for duty _ lu the Department e Commerce. without loss of salary: Provided further, Th: payment ,_ in advance of subscriptions for newspapers, rom telephone, aw other similar services under this approprlatic is hereby authorized. '(Apr. 29, 1926, ·c. 195, Title III, e Stat. 359.) ‘ o b C · _ _ New section. The provision oamo {rom; the Departments State and Justice, Judiciary, and Departments ot Commerce an .‘ Labor Apvropriation Act for the rmr 1%.*7, cited above. Simll _ lprovmonq are contained in prior acts. · ‘ ” ` Chapter I4,-EETIREMENTV 6F` CIVIL C SERVICE El PLOYEESJ C ‘ -‘ ; ” Sec. . , _ _ - 691o. Ciiglhlllty for superannuation roflrcméut. 692a. Automstio separation. 693a. Esployoos included. · ._ (imo; ltotmd of computing annuities. 695;; Computation of accredited service. . _ I 696;. Disability retirement ;_ medical oxnminotlous required. 697a. Involuntary nmrstion from the sorvico. 698t. Boowtx to thou already rotlrqd. . Crédit to: mst pervice. ‘ I Two. Doductloxu and domtloue. " 701n. Iovoitwto no amount. . . _ 702n. Rotors of amounts dowcted from salaries.- ‘. 703a. Psymmt of annuities and form of application. - . 704a. Credit for services bcyom purview of Act. 7Q5a. mms ot tho Civil Service Commission. 708; Boortfot mcmnrlg. _ ·· TOM. Administration: powers, and duties of Commissioner of-’Pe’usl0a _ estimate ot npproprlatlom QGQQQIFX. t C 708u. Exemption !1”0$ executioa, and so forth. W 5* Hm. Etocttyo onto; @1. · ”

  • 4ct “ should be truqlated chaptor. 6 of Title wot this appendix

jumoudunont or Act oomt4¢aMxo.oMotor is or Title 5.-·——·Act oi M: 22, 1920, with amendments oo¤stlt¤t!¤g_‘obnotor 14 ot Tino- 5 ot t . Code was nmoudm by Aol; of July 3, 1336, o. 801, 44 Stat. 904. Tl Act is here mt out ts H ®1•~—769a otifitio 5 ot tho oppoodtx. ‘ Tho Act ot July 3, 1928, yu outltlpd “A¤ Act to amend an A entitled ‘An Act for the retirement of cmployéoq in the clnmhd 61* Service, umd for other purposes; approved Mg 22, 1920, and Ach amendment · there<>!." 4 · ·

I GOVERNMENT OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES §692g 2- ’ Section 691a. Eligibility for. superannuation retirement.- All employees to whom this Act' applies who, before its eitecy five date, shall have attained or shall thereafter attain the` lj age ot seventy years and rendered at least ilfteen years ot is service computed as prescribed in section 5 of this Act‘»sl1all _ be _ eligible for retirement on an annuity. as provided in sec- · tion 4' hereof: Provided, That city, rural, and village letter

"_ carriers, post·office elerlrs, sea post clerks, laborers, and me·

,_ chanics generally shal1,_§under· like conditions; be eligible for 'retirement at sixty-nve years of age and that railway postal ,8 clerks and those employees engaged in pursuits whose ocho cnpation is lnazardous. or requires great physical edort, or ld which necessitates exposure to extreme heat or cold, _ and as tl10se employees whose. terms of service- shall include fifteen le years or more of such service rendered in the Tropics, shall ly be eligible at sixty-two years of age ;_ the classification of m employees, for ehe purpose ‘ot assigmnent to the varions `age of groups Shall be determined jointly by the Civil Service Com- _ d, 'mission and the head ot. the department, _ branch, or inde; ce pendent officefdf the Government concerned: Provided further, ct Tl1£it·..n11y.such employee. who was employed as a 'meehanic ry Afor__tl1e major portion of. his service and not less than iii- ,S, teen years, and .vvas subsequent ° to August Z}, 1920, involunkg, tarily transferred to employment as ia. laborer end thereafter ZS, ’involuutarily discharged from the service of.the· United States, ,0, shall receive such annuity as he would have been entitled te, ,S, if on the day of his discharge from the service he had been g; retired under the provisions of this Aet‘: Prollided further, .8, That. any- mechanic; having {served- thirty years, `who was, B; through no fault of his own, transferred or reduced to a minor R. position, and who shall verattained, or who shall»thereai'ter M- attain- the age of sixty wo years, shall have his annuity com- Dg pputed upon his averag annual basic salary, my, or compen- M; sation,·_ for the `last ten years of hisfservice as a mechanic. . ,5; Q - further, That the term “ mechanics ’? as used in this m" Act ‘ shall include all employew in the Government `Printing H Office whose duties¤are`to_snpervise, perform, oroassist in vap4 prénticei helper; or journeyman work ot an recognized trade or gf craft, as determined by the Public Printer. (July 3, 1926, c. nd 801, §j1,44'_Stat. 904.) _ , _ __ V ‘692a. Automatic _ separntiemg-——All‘ employees to whom this `Act ‘ applies shall, on arriving at retirement age as denned in u' the preceding section and having rendered Bfteen xars ot service, be automatically separated from the service, and all salary,_pay, or compensation shall cease 1$rom.that date, and it · shall` be the duty ot tlie head of each department, branch or in- · dependent omce of the Government concerned to notify such employees nnder his. direction ot. the date ot such wparation from the service at least sixty days in advance thereof: Pre- ('t*i{?€d, That tt not less than. thirty days before the arrivel of an ` employee at the agelot retirement, the head of the department, ‘ bra nch, or independent o§ce of Government in which he is employed muses to the Civil Service Commission that by reason s ot his etllclency and willingness to remain in the civil service ot the United States the continuance `of such employee therein would be advantageous to the public service, snch employee may be. retained for a term not exceeding two years upon the. ap- 8 _ proval and certineation by the Givii Service Commission and at . '; the end of the two years he rnay, by similar approval and certiiication, be continued for do ans additional term not exceeding {two years and so on: h·owerer,'That after August 20, Z; 1930; no employe? Shall be `continned in the civil service of the gg .United States beyond the age of retirement for more than tour he years, . ·· ’ · ‘ _ * ~ ·? LII "‘Act" sllonld be translated "chapter." »» N _ so et •"Saction 5 of this Act" should be translated " section 6954 ot ril this chapter? · t _ . in "“ Section 4 " should he translated " section 6:.{4a of this chapter of ` Title 5 ot the appendix! ‘ ‘ .