Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1967

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TITLE .‘?2.—-—1*‘0l»£1£1(i..\' RELATL zsi. Manner of use of buildings; contracts for construction, E t· 5;;,.-Buildings and grounds acquired under this Act °"·or hereto ft ore acquired or authorised for the use of the diplomatic and i a eonsular establishments in foreign countries may, subject to t;he”{ l lireetion otft.he commission, he used, in the case of buildings and u groundsfor the diplomatic establishment, as Government oflives g t ir residences or as such offices and residences; or, in the case { t if other buildings and grounds, as such offices, or such offices 0 md residenees. The contrasts for all work nf construction, Q t lntemtion, and repnir under this Act "“ areauthorized to benego- » c tiated. the ternisof the eontrncts to be preserilted. and the work i gn he inirformed, where netivssarjc, in the judgnient of the com- it mission; without regard. to sneh statutory provisions as relate · >= ln tin- ne;:otiati<•n·, tnnliing, and ;•ert’orn1ance of co—mi·acts and t perforn1nni·e- of work in the United Stntes. (May 7,“ 1926, ¤·.` 250. § 3, Stat. 404.) ‘ i . l —· · S i i _ New'section{ ·_See note to § :.*92. e _ "

 Appropriationf Foreign Service Building Fund.; ex-  

penditures.-——For the purpose of·r·arr;ving_ into effect the pro- : visions of this Act ”" there ishereby authorized to he appropriated nn ninount not ext·eedin;: $10,00t).0t•0, und- the appropriations J mn<le`;mrstltll1t to this authorization shnll vonstitute a fundto { be known its the I·"ore·i;.€n Serviee Building° remain- a$‘uilL‘ ahh- until expended, lfnderthis authorization not more than s;3_otx•.0O0°shall be asipnroprinted for auf one year. but within _1 the iota! authorization proyided.in1'this Act “·the Secretary. of ( State. subject to the direction of the comiuission, may enter into ·•·ontrn•·ts for the acquisition of the buildings and‘grou'nds ·j authorized 'by thfs‘Act."“ ln the case of the hnildings and grounds E ‘nm1g.»r2zt·o by this A<·t.“ after the initial alterations, repairs. and furnislhing have linen completed, subsequent ‘expendit.ures' for such purposes shall not he made out of the appropriations nnthorized by this Act.°"‘ (May 7, 1926, c. 250,,§ 4Q 44 St1¤1t._404.) ·: ’ New section. Seenpte to"! 292. . r i R 296. Duties of Secretary of State with- respect to cominission - and properties.-·-§l‘he_ Secretary of‘State is empowered, subject ___ _ _..,,.-,..,.,.;..--. ..~ .-... ..,»--.- 1 ith" This Act" should be translated " sectious}!92 to 299 of this title of th¢·.¤ppendlx."' ,· · · ‘ ‘ t ‘ i `· . l 882T0?—=~26-g-l.2I,

uxs nyu 1xrr;1ecot>nsa . §299 0 the direction of the commission, to collect information and to ornmlate plansfor the use of the commission and to supewisg, nd preserve the diplomatic am1»co¤suim· propenties of the inited States in 1‘m·eign°countries and theproperties acquired~ under this Act.°‘ ln the collection of such information and in he formulation o1` such plans be may, subject to the direcion of the commission, obtairfisucb special architectural or tther export technical services as inlay be necessary and pay herefor, not exceeding in any case 5 per centum of the cost of construction oxirennodeliug of the properties in respect, to which aid spo2_+ial‘seryices are rendered., from such, appropriations as .'U1l£$l'&‘SS may make under this Act,°" without regard to civil tcrvice·la_ws or r<‘·gulations anal tlteprovisions of the Classiiicaion Act of 1923. (May T, 1926, c. 250,.§ 5, 4-1 Stat. 404.) ° `New section! See xiotc to §,292.` 297. Acquisition of property by 1ease.——-The autbo,rity`grante<l o acquire sites and buildings by purchase :·hall,'in cases where t is impossible to acquire title, be construed as authority to acquire the property by lease for a term sutiicieutly long, in the iudtunent of the commission, to be practice-ily equivalent to the acquisition of title. (May `7, 1926, c. 250, § 6, 44 Stat.·—l05.)_ ~ New section. See note to 5 292; ` 298. Repeal of prior Act;` eE'ect.——·The Act entitled "An Act

,•roviding for the purcliase or erection, within certain limits of

rost, of embassy, legation, and consular buildings abr0ad,"-approved February '17,`1911,° is repealed, but such repeal shall not invalidate appropriations already made under the authority of such Act. {May 7, 1926, c. 250, § 7, 44·Stat. 405.) ‘ · · Near section. See note to Q 292. · 299. Title of Act.··-¥l‘hisQAct_" may be cited as, the “Foreign Service Buildings Act, l926.T’ (May 7, 1.926, c. 250, § 8, 44 smc; 405.) s · · - , · New section. Seenote to { 292] "¤." This Act " [should be translated “ sections 292 to 299 of this title at the appendix? - ‘" _· . °Tl1e Act ot ·Feb. 17, 1911,,c. 105, 36 Stat. 917, repealed by this sec-

ion constituted § 133 of Title 22 of the Code. -