Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/198

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§ 383 2*11*1,2: 1 than fuutteeen years of age; and whose bodily condition indi? Games that they are i>hysi»<*z1lly tit to pe1‘fox·m militarylcluty, Or ll will be so upon £il'l‘i\'ll}. at military sage. (aluue 3,, 1916, Q. il3‘·1,_ §44,l39 Smt.192.)` t l A

 ‘ 383. Admissidn of medical, dental, and veterinary students

ta txaliuing cm·ps.———~Any xmmlical, dental, or x#<:terix1ary lstudeixt; lmay mlmittcd tg 21 I\Ieclic_;+lQ Dental, or»\’0teri1mry Corps- izonit of tim Reserve OHi<?_ers’ Training Corps for zz course of training at the rate' Of zxincty hogrsfof im;tr11ctig.»u—V per annum for that ‘ fom- collegiaxte years. (June 4, 1920, c. 227, subchapter I, § 34, 41St21t.’2'78Q)=_ t _ l l Y y

 384. Admission of reggrvc 0Qcers·being medical, dental, 0_r

veterinary students.——~¢Any`reserve, officer who is also 21 mediéal, alexgtizls or veteiinasf student xuajxbe admitted to a Médicalt, Dental, m: Yetcrin$ary Cdrps unit fdr traixiixjg, upgler such rules and regulatiems as thé Secretxxry of Wai may pmécribe. _ (Jpuc ‘4, 1929, c. 227, subchapter I, j§ 34, 41_Stut.°77S;) W · f 385; Caumcs of ti·laii1jng.—-—·Tlie Secretary Of'\V211‘ lshereby autlmrized to hpréscribe standard éoursczs of théorétiizem gud practixgal military Atminixxg; for units of the `keseryé Ofiiceysf ’1‘mi¤i11g[C0rps, and nqvunit -0£ such curpé shailbe organized or maintaiuecl ·at any »te.·duc·a1tiona*l institution the auth_0rities pf `whigzh {gil, or neglect qt0 Afxzdopiy into their curriculum the p1·ésQribéd» C'Ol11`S€ZS of `militaty training 0: _·t0— devote at least an') averag,}é of three ghours per week pe: éjcadgmig ycarl to sm:h` militawt training, exccpt as p1·<irvld& sections 383 and 384fcf thistitlc. (Jude 4, 19:30, cr. 227, sub<·hapt@rtI,‘ 5 33, 4]. sm·;.‘7*2·z;) ‘ ° ‘ f l l 386. Détail bf i11struct0rs.~—~Thé President is l;erc2~by {authorized to Qetail sm·h immberrs of ofliceem, w&rrulut·0@¢ers, and enlisted lmcmpf the Regular ¥Army,_ eitlgax active 0: xwtired; as _ may be nbcéészxry fextdixty as professors of mllit&r5% science and gtaétics, assistant pt·ofessox·s df; military scienceyand tac- ·tik?s, and mllitafy instructors at educational—, instlt:ut;ti6ns‘ where

 one or more units Qf the Reserve OtIicars’ Training Corps aie
 xmzintaimccl. lu; time of peace retired 0mC§1?Et, »»1°€2Ci1‘€d vsfarram

<t»fli<:@i·s; or retired cialistad mmm gball not be d&ta.ille¢l`under the prux~lssim1$ of this smtion witlmut tl12ik*Wc0nsm1t, and no cméex cm ttm m·tive list shsxllébe detailed fezarfduty atjalschonl 01: eéllegtg, mt im:lu<lix1g‘ltsch¤ols cit the service, wlxére éfééeré an the retired list eng be &ecurgd;wl;0 -a1*a—®m:iétant for such duty. Retired cmcwxss below the gradqof b1*igadigr g&¤&raliyahG ret ired»sa·arra¤t éiiicets and enlisted men shall, Y\"hG`l1’{)§l active duty, rc»¤g;eis·e full pay and a1l0wances._ (Jxme 4; 1926, c. 227, -$11bcq*a.pte;* I, 5 33, 41 Stat. 777.) . { · t l l 387Q;C¤_mmutgti¤n of subsistence for gwmbers of senin:

 d is#ls1o¤ 9fti'8i11il{g ¢0I`P$i*···\VhBIl am? member at —th& ; senin:

4 dlivisitcm {sf the B€§<;ers*e_ Ofiii:crs’ Tmiqiug C»0rp·.s héts completed ' ttm}; academitz. $@818 _0*£ service in that vdivialicn, and has time;

 sc2lc¤téd_fo;· aldmnced training by Tll1&·Df¢3Sl§Iél1C 0£;the~ix1$tituticm ami by the pimfessor oi military tscimcé anal tmj:ti<f:.2=,*mx<§
 Xlmes agrcedl ix; m*ltiug~ tc mntinuetlln the 1{esx2t·ve OiHcar$f2Trsxix1·

ing Gcrps fur the reaxtmggzder of hist c¤u1·$é Qt the imsftttutiun dcmtlzag Eve, Emuré per wéek- to the military training pre lscribe d by the ;Secretary , ¤f_=Wg1r," aim hm; agreed ixxlwriting to pxmsmaa the cuumc in camp training péemribed by? the°Sec

;tet,ary» Qi W"a}·, he may be fumislxezl at tlnéfcxpeixse ot lathe
 C31i[£%g1 @ Statvssl gemuizutzzitiqu `mt subzllzstenceyat . such rate, ucv
» _ exmcllixag .tl1;zt餻st not tim gm·1*is0n mtiixxx ;pmsscx}ibeel fekttlle
Ax·my, {tes nmy be “#1lxedJl>y_ tim ;&·2c
crctaQ;·y of War, ¢lm·ing tm

r2i¤:xind€z·*··¤f his sm·vie.:e° in the llczxerwt (}i3iécx·$" "fmiuin; in Qottis, mt cxceeeelizxg ltvéfcb ycrmsl _ (Jung: 4,; 192G: 4;. 22‘2`, sub claaptexil, §3—1,_41 $mt. TTS.) t , _ t  » ~ · l 388. S¢rvim‘¢:r¢di ts for mmputing ccmmlntatinn of subsist V €!§€?Et.—¥Ill.{h£% interprgtatimz hail axecutlim smtiem of thi! title, cmllit nslmll the meal myior séwgise in the xmior divisiéx

   at lX`1(}aR@i“—i@l’\’(.§ OlIic<} x·s’ Tl'8iEli.I3g CmipS tc apy EI§€§1‘bQX*'9j£` the

Q _ ~ t divisiim fm; any period or mri0s.1:s of timqéuring wlxieh am:]

awaeay lee {member has received or shall harereeelved not an edueatloeel? iestitutioxruuder thedirection of B11 oH*iC€1’ of the Army, they tailed as proteseor of military science and taetlcs,_a course ag , military training substantially €<l].ll¥l&l€lllZ to {hilt preseri{l_>or]l,»,,y Q regulations under this section for the corresponding period or periods of training of the senior division, Reoerve'·;Oill4,e{·a·>.` "Traiuing —Co1jps..- >(,Sept. 8, 1916, c·. 478, 39 Stat,. 853.) · ‘ »

 389. Equipmexit and eupplies;———The Secretary of War, umm
 _ such regulationsl as he may prescribe, is hereby Jéuthorizeu ;,,

ieeue. to metitutions at which one or more units of the,`.’Reeerve `OHieers’ Training Corps are mainteihedlsucli public aniamqr, ( transportation, arms, lammurmleu, Supplies, teatage, equipment, ‘l and uniforms ~belou}giugl to the U¤ltedStatée` ashe may deem 4 necessary, and to forage at the expense of the Urglted Stratos t lpublie ahimule so issued,·to pay, conlmutatlexrveiu lieu. ot uniforms at grate to be ilxed anuually by the'Secretary of Win;. l , andre authorize such expemliterm from proper;·;.- priatious as he`,may'lQdeeu1 ueceoeary for the e§cieu”t mafml>· l r uauee of the Reserve 0_Hleer§’l 1‘ra`lui¤~g Corm, He shall requir,· .. froui each institution to whlehproperty of the United States is l issued a bond in the value of the property l for the ¢·a;·;; . aud eafe-keeping thereof, except foruniiorme, expendable artilel s, ‘anld_ supplies. orpeuded lu operation, maintenance, and —ln§·uction, aud for ltareturu, when required; ‘,(Juue 4, limo, c. 227, subchapter .·I,~ 5 34, @1 Qtek 777-); l c to . — 390. Commutaticn for uuiforuraw-·The Secretary of War zzooc, ’ in hieidlseretion and uudereueh regulations ale lie may pre ·· scribe, permit lnetitutloris at vvhieh one or morefunltel of the v . Reserve Omeere’ Traiuiug Corps aremalntalued, to furnish their s own uniforms and receive ae eommutathm therefor the sam

 allotted by the Secretary ot War to auch ll’lS$ll`l1lll{Zll?l$afQl’ unl-

. forma. (June 5,__192D, c._240, $1,, Stat, 967,) l l Q g _ _ ENILISTED RESERVE CORPS _ __ l r 421. éCompoeifi»ou of Enlisted Reserve Corpse-é~The Enlisted Z! Reserve Corpe shalleonelet ofelperaoue voluntarily enlisted V thereiu. (June}, 1920, e. 227, aubehapter I,;§ 35, 41 Stat. Toll.)- ? ‘ ,422. .0rgamization., and eqi:ipu:eut.~—~1‘he;I*reaidem:xuey fem. F any or all memlnere of the Enlisted B.eeerve°Corpo late tactical l orgautzatione similar to those of the Regular Army, eimllax·ly,_ T l armed, ·e¤:rermea,t and equipped, aodrcotupoaed, so fares prao ‘ l l tieable ot mea residing la the aamel locality, mey`o&c·er them B by the l`aae,lgnu1ent·of reserve oweeraor, o§cere’ of the Re;.;ul:u*i ` . `Army, ietiveror retired, and may detalileueln pereormelayof the ,A‘rmy as maylbeueeeesary for the administration, of auch ori ganlzatione audi the care of Government, property,,“‘ieeoeH " to 2- them, (June 4, *1920, subchapter I, ge 35, 41 Stat.`7S0.> I 423. Pomona eligible for eullstmeut.——~—-—E¤lletmeots shall he l limited tolpereoue eligible for eullelzmeat la the `)Regul~a,g Army-

 vllho have had Sll€h”Il1llll&_1‘Y or teehnioal training as may he

l preeerltpw by r·eeulatio oa of the Secretary of War. (Jane 4,

 19%, e. 221*, el¤m¤a;¤er» Le es,.41 eo<o.i·:e0.) _   . Q
· 424. Period of eulietme¤t.-f§he period »of·enlletmeut shall llc!

·· three years; éX(?€fllS*lil`tll€¤€&@ of perivoushvvhvo, eervod lalthe

_ Approved, Navy, or. lllariae Corps at some time. between, April G,

—· 1917, and November 11,, 1913, vvho may bereulleteil for one your Il periods ou<l,vvh.o, in time of peaee, ahallbe entitled to diocrhaxnw E vvlthicu uluety doye if they "mlake `eppzieatioa therefor. (June 4, y

 1920, el 2*.37, euhehopter I, § 35, 41, Stat.""l'S£l.) " l Q * . e y  

A $25.; War as extending eulletmeut perlotl,m.;\llv enllatonente 3; Yin foreeat they orntbreakpof worseor eotered lntodurlng its cons

 ’l;lll11§;lZl¢l1, whether io thelllegular Army lorithe Enlisted Ro-v

aerive Corps, shall continue ia foree until air morlthe eafter its , · ’~termiuatiou ·ur1loee.ooouor terminated by the §Preeid,eut; . (J'i1_ao a` 4, 1920, ew, erihehopter I, 5 @,41 S,tat.~78Q.)l_ f _ ’ l 1 · 426. `Pérformemée of active doty.·¤—Memlxerel of the _Eoliato¢l t_ Iteoerve Gorpe may be `plaoecl on aetire duty. ae lmlivigrloele or 1 ,orgaalga*tloae, liu thejdieeretloa of the ltreeidexxt, but except indi