Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/201

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f1’1;’i'Ijlz3 1U.s~»~, lr

,3,,,;.,, gmu have the Camry pa? and allowances of major; and m

W,,,_,,,,,;,,,,·S mmoinj pnnseriherlt shall not be exceeded, and s<}1z1il‘ ,;,:,,,,1,,, ghp t;,»u1t·t—rs G»f.l‘fil_li1l![)•l!l€. Scouts who Sil_3il'AC()1liI`llll(} to pq · ,;é,,.,.;,,,; 0;; tile promotion Inst and who shall, he—_promote<l to or

T, ,·,·,,_,,, 11rst_1it—ute_uant to colonel, melusive, .11; the spines w
 ,,· sr pl·oseril>e<l by law for other officers on the yimimtprtm gi
 _,`_;,,,,,» 4, 1020, c. 227, subchapter I, § ·i, 41 Stat. 760; June is

.3, ;,i;;;_ r-, 253_,`1`iU€eI, 42`Stat. 721.1 -1 ‘ · H , p sq

 (;,,sm>_;·al eflicers of line and staff.-Otlicers conuuissioiied   pg

A 5,,,,;, ;,,,;(}mg in the Army, the ofilice\ of a general officer `shall* hr _~h;m`,,·,,,,·, pe known as gt2ll(3f&1i._()fl'lL’(*?I'S of the line. Officers ___d; ii,,`m,;,,S;,,,,{~d.tolarsl holdingin the Army an office other than 3;, ,_,,,,, ,;,p ,;r_·m·;:;i_l oflig-er, butte which the rank of a general pfiieer ,,2 2,,,,,,.;,N}, Shall be_»,kno·wn as general officers of the staff. Vi _ ,,,5,,,,,, S4_ 1:;2€>,_c. 227, suliehapter I, § 4,41 Sts; h %_ 7g;(),)m p ~ pl > _,,,_;_ ;,_p·p0iptmerlts in grade of second §ieutenant.———-Except as to `C U,,,,,,.,,»;S,. pmtiitletl in seetions 64, 92, and 1-22,of this title, tb 2 3-,,,,.sgmpmt·mts=sl1ai‘l he made in the grade of second xieuteumit, uq gm, him;} graduates of the United States Military. Aeadlemy; gp . _ lnii om. from warrant officers antfenlisted inenaof the Regular are

 iwtwooin the agosjof twenty-one and, thirty years; who  Si
,§.;t·,·· lt;nl”at least tire years'i sg·ryice;,-uml, third, from reserve aj

_..gz;,·a%·$, and arms oilic<·rs,i warrant oflicersand enlisted men of gg Z yu.- xs?tiloua`l Guard, ineuiberrs of e the Enlisted b`1fi)S91`\iQ Corps pa; sud rrziduantos eff technical institutions approved 'l»y`the Sergio- et ¥o,r;.·~ of War, all between the ages of twenty-one and thirty S,

,·,,-ms, (June gf, ,1020, ci. 227, subchapter VI, § 24,· 41 Stat.-7 1*4,) at
 Reappointmenfof ·f($fm€I',0mC€fS.—I*`OFl·llQl‘~0lllt'€l'S of of

do- ll<·;.;ular ,AI‘lll§'iIllR)'V be `rcuppoi11t'cd’_t0 the active list, if Sr `iiquzul t·om_potont for active ddty, and sh-all be cominissioned in, ,m lim grades determined by the placesjassigned to them on the dr i is-4mi¤»`ti;·>1ifrlistl under the provisions of §€(.?ll()I'i,_.553V of this title. ` plum- 4, 1920,'c.· 227, sulicliaptfer `I, ,§ 24, 4,1 Stat. 774.) K , p _ in a 485. ·Commissioning graduates of Military Academy;-—When 2 pi. sw cadet of the United States Military Acadeiny lnaspgone 4;]

xll its ·ela‘sscs”a~nd reeeivedia»,re·;,#iilar tliplornzvfrom 01
 lilo atationiic staH, he maybe proinoted and i:ogun1issrion1ed°;ns._i fr

I ;» soroml lieutenant in any arm or corps offthe’Arn1y in —wbich ni l ilu·rl·'1u:1y» be a vacancisand theduties ofiwhich he msyphave vi ltotia judged competent to perform; and in case there shall not at T at 1lle,”fiin1c_ he a x·aeowyt1¤` such arm or eorps,”`1;e may, at S) f‘lio dist·x·otion` of the Presidentybe promoted and ·C(l11ll1li§SiQi1Bd `pgi in it as an uddition"ixI second lieutenant, with. rheusual psy \1 and allowances of a secomlt lieutenant until a rseancyshall sl·i1. . (May 17, 1886, c.__ 33S, 24 Stat; 50.) e _ , X . » E tl i 487. Oideers pcrmainentlypcommissioned in branciies of serv-. 1: ice or detailed for duty therein;+¥»Otficers of all,·gra_des in' the ,_ lxafantry, ,Cus:é,lry, Field glrtilleryg Const Artillery. Corps, ,4‘orps ofrlcnglneers, ·an:1'Medica1 Departnient; officers above go the {rude of captain in the Signal Corps; Judge Advocate`, so 1;r;m· al’s Department, Quartermaster.Corps§ Ordnance Depart-_ · c. u¤<·ut_and Chemical lawsrtare S€l.‘\'lQ&,';_8u chaplains and pro-, _ _l`<·ss•>rs,‘ and the military storekeeper shall the perinauentlf a Mxurxiissixwneel in their res”peetive branclles. »All0iHee1*s of the ft <;t·"ai·i·zil Stud Corps, Inspector _General`s Departinent, Bureau st of 11;suiar,‘Affairs»»and Militia Bureau shall bevobtained by details from otiiccrs of corresponding grades in other branches. ‘ *¤§is¤~,r ofiicers may be eitl1erfdeto,iled, or with their own- consent, ~03 · ii’*’»itilFI`li1!111(,§l1tl}·’ eonimissioned, in the ln.·snehes>Vtoxiwlxich they 1‘= Mu- assigned for duty, _»(Juner4, 1920,. e. 227, subchapter I, ith

 4. 41 Stat, 'i'6Q.)f,y ,   · i ·   p l so s. — ‘

· :188. Posthumons commissions `for persons; dying after 8D- D bointment oremnpletion of training for commissioned grade.-——— r iitimti thefresident be, and he is hereby, autlnorlzed to issue, u f_·l‘ muse ,to,heTissi1ed, an appropriateeomniission in the Hamer I, of any person wilt), while in tlnemilitary `serjvlcé of the United Nilfosel 1dI1l‘li1g the §\'l1l‘ii)€£\V£§€l1_zthB United States and Ger-— 0 army and A_ustlr·°ia·Hungar5·, had heen duly appointed to a; com-, in

lamty § issitmcll gratlc, or lmd sm<;,c@ssfully’ completed the cwsirsh at U‘3il’illlf£§' sclxoul ·fm·· <>ili<*vr>: and haul imma l`£?»{‘<llllllliildlill for »pr»intn1cmi; to 21 COI1ll`IliSS-iUI}(%d gzrmle by thee 0ifii<:m* t·<>1mu:rm<ii;ng · in clmrgc of such sclmol anal, tlxmuglz no fault of hismswzza, as umalxleto acgcept the°c·m1m1i3s<i<m fmrsmeh gzjzzdce by 1·¢;>sle<m1 ? his death in liiae of duty; zmd~· may Sl1ChV€€>lllllll2$Sif}H shall sue ins ofhthe date of such ;1pp0iut.mem, and any smh pew »n’s name shall. be carried upon the 1=c·c0r<ls_-of the War Dclrtment as of the,g;‘acle.si1gd`i“hmncl1 tif the sczhibé to jwhi<=h 3, wmrld have been promoted by su<·h`c·<>m1nissi011, fron: the xtc Of such zrppnixitmept to the date of hisldeath. » (Maui 3, >25, 0,,484,/ §_, 1, 43 Stat. 1255,) ,— 1 . W ,» 489; Posthumouéy wmmissions for persons tin service in Torld War dying after recommendation fm: appointment or r0m\0tion,—Tl1atA the I"’»reSident he, {lll/ll hé is h0l`€b}’,~3l1tll01‘lZ€d ~, »—.i§S{1€, or c·adsé~t0;-be issuned, an iippvopriatp ,c0m1;1issi<m, in me 1lfLI°ll€` of a11y_pc1#s011- who, .Whi‘1€,il1" tll€ military service of ne Unitedt St£}.tQ€vS_ duri';1g__ the wa'): ljetwemi the United Stzxteés

1d"· Germany and AUStPiHjHUllg&f§', may have been officially

zcomméndgd for appointment O1; fgr prohxction to :1 ¢0mmis—s oned lgtatle, which ,I‘GC0lIlBl€H(]8tiOl1l` shall have been duly pprovéd ·__liy.;_the Secretary of \Vs1%£•,, or by the eqmmandmg me1·:1l_'Ame1=ica»11 Expeditionary ;Force>s, as the case may he. nd who shall have béén "unahle to reécivé and ·aéc·ept_§mch )l1}l)ili.SSi0l1 by rcasqn bf his ldeéth in liiié of duty; and any ich commission fshnll lsxuel as of theldate of such, approval, _ ud. any such persons nhimé shall he carried upon the records Eithe Wgxr Ilgpaijtxucnt as of the- grade and" branch ‘0f— the

i·€i0§ to which 1§e,w0uld hayé been `prémotletl hy.? sixchrcomy

iisslion, frc>1;1‘the date of"$uch approval td the dstteof éatlx._ (Mar. 3, ·1925,.c.Q4S4,'§ 2, 43 Stat; 1255.)‘ ,__ 490, Ppsthemoxis commissions fog- 0@ccrs dying after pass} t ng? examination for pr0m¤tion.#—~Tlxat the l’reside—nt·he, Kami e is lnérehy, authorized to issue, or tmussc tohe ixsuevd, an ppropiiate commission iip the name of may asdievr st the Army fthe United States whq, after having hewn exzzmimul and mud duly qualified for promotluu, died mr sha;} sits?. ta line at uty’_ after thé. 0C(}LlIi1‘€I1C€ ot the vne~a;:s;·y mtléling him, hy lrtiietof ’senl_m·ity, to such promotion a t he? he mae or gzcgptzigncé of a couxinissioxx therefor; and sn; >»l~ t mmmlsslem mall issue ilwithmtmk as of the data at mw msxmy, ami any uhh ¢>Hic&r‘s name `shull he carried umu the mwrdx af the Var lllilepartruent as of the! grade and hrnrmh af the sewlxase hdwu iXl_S\lCh_C0lDH1iS$i0D, from the date at such mmney tot tm dateot his death., (Mar. 3, IWS, c. 484, S 3, 43 Stat. ,491} Bbsthumcus commissions as ¢¤’ecti¤g right tcl gratuity, ay, ktc.-—-No person shall be llleufiftled to receive any bonus, l x*zituity,_· pay, or allowdnqcs by vli·tuc‘ of any provision of €)CtiUll8` 488, 489, 01:4190. of thisfchapter. `(Mar., 3, 1925, .484, § 4,43 Stat. 1256.),* ~ t . _,__, 3 · , t _‘ _49·2.l Assignments to regimehtz.5-Omcéx·s of grades, in melt l PII} oftlte service shall he assigned to regiments, Qkllldl tra11s4 erred from one .rcgiri1ent‘t0,another, as tlie inteéests of tha arvlcdmhy require, by Aottlers from the \\"m·»Dé;1artn11aatxt. Oct. 1, 1890; 0.1241, §, 2, 26 Stat. 5§2,) _ _¢,‘ l ‘ t · _493. Transfer of 0$cérs;—·-élfpcvu his own application any Hlcer may the, transferred .»A£ to another __bl‘fU'l€*h without 1o.s.¥;_ of {mk or Qchuugc of plzlcé GH thekprométion lisf. (June 4, 1920, . 227, suhéhaptgr 1,5 24, 41 Stall:. Ujl.) ; .. _ t . 494, 0§¢ers carried as additionalm1mbers.-,¤Qrl5· 0i ll•;·e>t· upointbd 11I1d€Il,th€ px·0vi¤;imls` of law ma, gljadh in which rm gcgncy ekl.<§t~s,· slmll be ain adtlitlmml numheré, in Ult1t g'l‘§l,€l€2 util ahsoi·lwd. anti no loingcr,. (Juxm 4, 1920, 0. _227,<SilbCll2l!_l£1‘f , §· 51,.4‘1.Stat. 785.,) , t ‘ l , l 4 .

 495.) Civil gmployment, interfering with °m il_itary~*du»ties.~——~—No

Blcezzr of the Army ghall he emxplhyeel on civil wm·k.s·: at- iutvrxml a1prc:_v0u1§nt;$, or be allxcxvéd tb eengehxge ,iu`tl1c,¤onwfi¢0 of any