Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2016

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’§](}§4 · TITLE 26.-—INTE£

 mem of t1gs*’Act and no appearhas been med before the enactgneht of .t11is.·Act, such person may me a petition with the

tioardin the same mmmgr aeita notice of demziency padbeen _ mailed after the ezmcment of this _Act‘ in respect ot a dehciepcy L in u tax imposed by this title; In such cases the ®—d¤y period refer:·éd` to. in. eubdivision (a) of section 274 of this Act shall begin on- tie date ot the euacmenapr this.Act, o.¤d.·t.he.p¤wers, duties, — rights, ‘ and -brivi1eges` of the commissioner ind ot the , fpergoxi entitled to me the petition, and the jurisdiction of-` the _ l boatd and of the courts,-shall, whether or not-the petition is - tiled, be det@ined, and the computation or the ta;'shal1_ be ~made` in the same manner ae provided in subdivision (a) cf

  • tliissectl0¤._ _`_ _' `_ ·`

.(d) In the cose ot any assessment made after the enactment A of this Act;·__1¤ remect ot 41 .tax'im;$osed· by any Act ·ofo-Co1§- gress ~{)1'i01'_.t6 November 23, 1921, interest upon. the pro; posedtobeas dshal1beapsessed.atthe_mmetimeas such tax, shall be paid upoxi notice- and- .dum;¤g1 tram .t11e_go1¢ Iectoé, and shall be eollectedes part of such tex, at the rate of 6 per centum per trom_the date of the enactment of this Act to tke date taxis & d, or,.i¤ the @se;9f_ a waiver under mbqiivision (d) of section 274, to the ‘ i day atizerthe ming of mich waive1*·ore¤o_the date the deiiciency Ziétasweq Whi€§€Y€!`i8.`t]18_&Tu¢f?. .A __ · · ._; - _ [ · `— (e) It nnyxdehdency ixrany income, vyanproiits, or excessi proiite tu by the.Reve¤i1é Act ot 1916, the Revenue Act of 1917; the Revemae Act of 1918, mj the Revemie Act of 1921, or by any meh as amended, was assessed before June 3, 1924, but was not paid ·in‘1‘u11 before the dgteiof the enactment of this Act, and if-the commissioner, the enactment- of--thfs Act, `mnqliy determines the nmoumt of the de-- ¤cie¤cy,° he. is autlgoriéed to send by rqisteted mgil to éthe person liable for such tu notice- of · @ch dedciency, n which notice skill, {or the ot this Act, be considered A notice under subglivisiozg (a) of section 274 of this Act. _»I¤ themseot any such ilualgletermiixation the amoqntof the tax_ (whetheg décieucy _ or I interest, pemglty, or other addition to the tax) _ shaikexcept as provided in- subdivigoxy (h) of ;this section, be

 as it this Act had not ¤ ·  ueupcted, but the amount

me eompizea emu the emxectea mx paid_ an me sam maxméxf and subiebt to the same provisions nid Hmitatloug. (including the ppovisious in case of delinquency iu; payment after `uottce and 'demand, ond the provisioue relating to claim;. and suits for refimdy as in the case of u dehciericy in the tax by this title,. exceot eg otherwise provided `in] smtiou 277._ of _this`Act and in subdivision (1)' of thislsectiou, I ‘ c ` (I) It gay deédency in any` income, 'warpro¤ts,‘°or excessprouts tax imposM by the- Revenue Act" ot 1916; the Beveime Act ot 1917, the Revenge Act; ot 1918, or the Revenue Act ot .1921, o1·’by any su& Act as dmengied,` was amassed before June `3, 1924; but was not 'puld in full before that dhte, aridlif the commimioxaer after Jufw 2, 1924,* but , before the -enaetme¤`t· of this Act emily determined the- imount of the de6cie¤cY.. end if the person liable for s¤& tax dppwled we enactmmt or this Act to the board and the appeal is pending gbetdre the Pélrd at the time of the emxctment of this Act, the board shall. lmve jurisdiction of the appeal. In glfsuch cases the powers; dutim, rigpts; and privtlgm ot the commissioner `md of the person who has brought the appwl; and the jurisdicigou ot the board and of the courts, shall be determined, hud the computation of the tax éhall be magde, in the same manner as ptovided m subdivmon (e) ofthie section, excei>t_a.s provided in ,s:1b· __ division jj) of this section dud uwpt that the person liable tor the tax not be subjectto the provisions of subdividou (d)ot¤ec¤o¤_@4. _ ·‘· Ax - is) It deéciency in any income, war·—pro¤te, or `excmp prouts mx i¤iposed__by· the Revenm Aect ot 1916, the Revenue Act ot 1917, the Revenue Act ot 1918, or the Bevmue Act of

BNAL REVEKUE-_ 2002 1921, br by any such Act as amended, was amassed bCfo1'€.JQl]Lg- B; 1924, but wasixot paid ih full bgiorqthe due of the micsmm; of this Act, and it the i¤icner niterimm 2, 1924, mmlly determined the amount ’ df the de§<:ie¤cy,” and nafiaed the person liablelor sich tax to that $2}:1: 1esS than 60 days _ prim? to the‘ma¢t¤ie¤t this_ Act undue appealhas been Bled · be10re_tb_e, euactmint of this Act, the pzrsomgso Iwtibcd may me n·_petition‘with'the board in if n notice of deficiency had-been mailed dfteni tlie mnctnmt cr! thi; Act in régpect of a d@¢iency i¤._a. ts.: mposad by thk title. -In S!1Ch.@8&`th€A 60-day period tefcrrcé tain &ivi¤o¤ (8.) or seéti0:i274o£thiaAct¢a.ll·beQ¤¤¤thsdate`0£t!;eenactmc¤m` of this Act, and, whether or mt me petition is Med, the powers, duties,. tighw, and privilqm ct t,m‘ccm dm! Gt thké

 who is m ·n0;i§ed,‘ gm the jurisdictioq M the bard

and of the couru, éhn}1 be cqmbmation cf be ·made,, in tm game as pmvideyia subdivision (_e) oi thigsecticn; { ‘ ‘ `_ _ · · (1;) cases within of.¤§6ivisi¤¤ Ke), (_£—). 01* (t) in computing the amount which shmtd be interest _up0xi the mount py the c0mmi¤dcmr,__ or by the

 dccisiqn of the bpard Which has bec& hal, to béthe nmgrant

¤¢ mu nqmenutm ui me xs wmtm per from the date ¢t_ the enactment of this Act np to the date bt and `déingud from tx collector, or, in the gaze of a waiva under subdivimn (6):01 sécdw 274, to the thirtlethjdéy alter the ming ot such waiver or to the am`¤r‘_‘ , notige and demand jvhichcver is the earlier, The ‘ provided in this subdivision shall °` be i¤c1uded_` mly in cgm - where no `btber interest for the same period is pmviduj by law. —’ (i_) I¤ baseg within the scope of-shbdiviéiqh ·(¢) , (1), 0: (g), Wtfthia b¢·;1icves,thet1the dt tbedwwncy · will be jéopnrdisedbj delay,‘lie-may, desgw the provid0m_ot qubdivmoh (a) of section 274 ot this Act, the collector to proceed to enfqrce the of the unpaid portion ct the -dcHcie11€y, and notice. and demand shall be mick by_ the cbllwtor for Lbe payment theme!. 10 days sinch jeopardy notice- and demand the pétson liable ict the tax may obtain a stay of collection ct the vébole <;r hn: part of the amount included in the notice and demsuidwhy mirig with the ciollcgitof a bond in like manner, under the wma conditions, and with thé same·e¤’ec;, as in the case 0; a bond to_stay_ · the collection nf a jeopardy assoésment xmder section `279 at thisAct..t I . i . __ (J`) In cases within the scope 94 mbpiivision (b) 0; (fj .0t this section where 8.DY·h€&1'iB§ bcfqxje yhe baud his berm held bétore the enactment of this Act- and ttm Qeéiaou is mndeged after .the emctmetxt 6t,this__Act, such dectsicm shui}, t01··Lha purposes of this title, be to have hmm Baal upon the date whéxi it is rendéred and. nelthelf I-¥¤¤'t¥‘ have any right to petition for a review at tho decidozk The com- Tmissioxigr 11183, within one year frqm the time the decision is . _ mndered, begn a `proceeding in court for the collecdén ot any ·m1Tt of the amount disallowed. by the b0d1*d, unlamthn statu- -t0ry périod· ot limitations property applhnbld thereto has -expiped‘befc;·c Lbs appeal was takento thé board. The c0urt" shall iuqudc in itsj judgment intcxest upon t;he`—•,m0¤,nt·th¢re0£` _i¤ the same cues, at thé sam r•t¢,__s.n;1 for mriod, as if guch m¤qp¢- wm eouectm othwwise mn by mam; lh court. In any such précéedingby the- ccwisgiomy 'or in 1 any mijb by the t8.XKJ¢y01’ for • refund, the-¤¤din@" of the board shall be prima facie evidcmie of thejacts `themin stated; _` (k) Where before tpeyenacunent at this Act n jeophrdi asmgmwnt buf been made sgbdlvisiou ‘(d)· ctwsecticu .274 of the Revemxe’Act‘0¢ 1%4` (wwther ot a dmdecncy in ; the fax by Titlg II of such-Act or-oi q an income, war—p1·0&ts, excehqprcms tax impuaad by- my cf __» pg·i0r.Acts enumerated in mhdiyjimon (a) of this section) ·_