Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/203

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1*%} _ :1‘1;rL1¤: 10.-— sums Arxny, Oil the actite *01* retired list 0n¢Febr11§ry 27; 1890, a “ gl,. i»}"tl1L‘iI° ¢le>;>arfn1cmt· cbxnmandcr, and with the cmncuymneg { L ui. ihv ('UI-lllhlllldillg gcmeml of the `_A1·,my_,_11ave bgen·0r 1;nay be 11 l`¢‘€'<7IiI}iI(‘·I1ll{;¥Il fdr zallzxut servicé inracticu agai11st h0StiIc In-. mms sincv.J&‘t1\§1i11’Y__1,‘ '186'I. (Feb. 27, 1890, c. 20, § 1, 26 1 A) S23-1.};%-) V ff U J · . A M f ’ 627. Date of; bpevet commissiop for scrvicc" against In—· dgimst-—Su<1;l1 brcvggfq C0!HmiSSi-O1lS_,2lS ll1·§¥§" be_issued um};-gr me- c Wu $2-1·‘of this tithe shall bear date only fmm the 2@’_g 11 dpy of Ac

 y§·;,;··, m1-yi, 1850; Prrmidcd, henccircr, That the date of the pm-- J

¤;¤·uI:u· Jwmic het fof which the oiiiger is prpmoicd shal1 app0a1·_

,, his (°0IllI`|li>¢SiUli.’ (Feb; 27, 1890, c. 20, Q 2, 26 Stat. 13.) - »

328.,Ui1iform·”dnd 0§icidl‘titlé of brevet ofliccrs.-—Nd otiicer = ,;;;,111 bv entitled, on account of }l|1Yil1g· been bmvetted; @0 wear, .1

\`m1.· ¢m_¢11ity,·fi1ij'·mlifol‘m other th8I1“f]l$U.Z_,0f his gciual tank;  

Hg N1 no U*fH(.?01° slmll the addresnscdt in orders or 0»iiicial”cn;;1n1unica- 1 mw l»y#z1{1)'__fitl0 othér than tiiat of.his Yhctual rank. (R; S. W

1 ;z.) _ _ _ · f _ n ‘

I n _DE'I‘ACHED D-UTY i ’ _. CI¥OSS'_I{EFERPZNCES · `T _ Isvahuils to Burma; of Budget li¤1.i£cd;·.é¢e segzticin 8-18 of this title,. . ] _ 1•··"t;1i1e4 tudury at educational institgtious; see" sectidn 118} of this ·;

mi;_·i·1ui!s py ufhce }>t_-Assiétaht Sécretary of War; see gecticm 1194 ot

this ti!l<‘. “ _ _ ·‘ ·. - _ » .\ A · _. · 331. Officers carried on detached c$Hceg·s' list.—·——AlI ofticersi

:¤m1m·~ize»d‘ by law and not assigned to d1ity_4 with any bpsmcln Of"

mm·mi” herc·iu provided fm? xyslmil, ibe chrried on the Detached 1•m¢·{·¤·>=' List,. (Juué 4, 1920,c; 227; subchuptér I, § 25,41 Suit} QQ,. Sefvicg wiihltrocpé; proportionate nmgiuxit réquiregl.-+ In mimé bf ·1w~a<·e'cvcry `officer s0rvin'g.i11 a `gmafejxclbw that of, \·n·iu:ulie>r ;·jés{é1•£1l‘spal_l perforni duty with troops `of one mj more

 nf the coxubatxint xipms for at-.leai.—at_011c.5·aé1t’ii1 every   ot 2

nw 4·•»use~cufis·é yezu·s, except that 0i;k·érs_gf4les$ -t_haq mic yeufs l ·i'¢>!1i_llli_SSiUll(}(l serxiiéé in the Regular Army may he detailed hs -»;mio1nt>&·at‘svriiice schoglé. (J gmc 51; 1920, c·.‘227;ls11bulmpter I, §1,_¢1lStat.76:?.,) _ * `·-~ V . . 533. What Qnstitgtes service with ti‘00])S;—~j··?~Ill time ndminis·· ..]}'2lfiUlI of the provisions of section ,532 all duty pcrf¢§»rmed( be- ' mwxn April (ig 1917, mid July 1Q 1920, ill(’lUSi\{Q, ok ins}:. stmlcnxt at s¢·r‘<·i<,·e £§1‘h¢>01=<,· othéxf than thosé of the 11011c0xutgait1i1xt· m·;¤m»·l¤·s, at any ti1i1e~,_,ql1z_1ll be regardedwns satisfying tlncgrcw f{ !liI't.‘llll‘IitS_i}f service with qonnhafaut urms`. " (/June-4, 1920} c. 227.»sub<·bnpwr I, § 4, _41 Stat. 762). ‘ I  » · 5342 Exceptbn pf- ¢;ertai1; 6$c¢rs from requirement of serv-1 ice wity troops.-—When in MS juxlgment et i iclenc$* deunundsusuch

..-+1mx, `tl1e'1’reg·siZ]éut is i11ith01.·lzed to except·cfHcci·s qt the_

Z\1~· li<•n} (30rw•,_0rd‘nauVce Degpnrtment, and Clmmicdl (W‘ai·fam· — >¢··rvi<·a from me pmxjision of section’532 requiring duty with x¤··»;»;»»; of one or more of the cbmbafnnt ixrmsf Tlie°l’msideut is fmilner authorized §;o’V_ éxcept from the p1·0v1sions' Qi said _ >=4·&·tion reqqirhig duty with troops, off oneor ugnzc of the·c0m~ Mzmun; arms guch bmpers ot tbé__Judgé·Advocate Geriernlfs De-. lmtnniaxut as- Were on June 6,-1ig24, eugagéd inqmteqxt litigation in which the Government. is involved, (June 6, 1924; 2’Z5, {2, wm sm. 470.)/ _ ` · · g »535. Degnilcf emsiers as studentq, obsngvein, and irivestiga-. tqrs.+-—jTha Secretary of War ih lnemliy authorized, in lgis dis¢;·r€·, mm, ta, detail not to excccd 2 par centtnm of theccxumissiohed <·Hi<:eeré of the Regular :Ax—my » ~-—»%g» any tical year as studenhyat

 >¤m·h technical, protessibnal, aud other educational institutidus,

4.:- aswstudems, observers, or iu¤mstig¤fox~s_,at si1éh·industr;lgl »‘ ‘ 1>|ci¤1ts,_hospit §ls and 'dther places, as shgll be fbest suited tc ‘ _4·mn_\»le such ofncgrs to acquire `a knowledge o£_01··experie¤c0 _iu the spccialt ies. an which lit iis deémed. necessary that such _ ·<»r1i<:crs shall perfect themselves; ¤'1‘h¢ ixgambex at omcers so de-· ` { Anile;} sihall, gs lar a,s_pg·icticab1é, be disttibutéd pr¤D0;‘$i¤¤&t¢Xy

qlzauy § 553e miong the various `brenclxes: Pr0vid<e·d, Tlmhno expense shell ` »e iixcurlred by the United Stateshx ;ulditiu11 to ethepziy and allowances of the- officers s0_ detai1c(l,` except for the cost of uitioh at Such -tcclinic21l, Eprufessiunzil, zrl1d 0the?.edu<:z1tiem:1l mstitutions. (June 4,. 1920, (2. .227, subchapter I, § 51, 41 Stat. 7§6.) , » . 4 ·· e _, , l 536. Recruiting eerviee.-¥N0 qillcer~011 the zmtlive list shzxll lm letailéd fer recruiting ‘S9I°ViC€‘ where eulicers on the lI‘0llI‘(‘{l list X, za-1; be `sec·ug·egl*£v1;,0 are- competent for sm·h‘¢luty. (June -1, " L920, c. 227, subcl1apte1*"f§ 33,. 41 Stat. 772'Q) » 4 ·_ 1 537. Command of Philippine Constab_ulary.——()fli<5ers of the Arngy of the United States may be détaileed for service as- chief md assietu11t"c11iefs,,tl1e_suicl· assistant cl1ieifs.h0t to exceéd.iu ulxulyer- four, Of the Philipplne Corlstsmulary, and that during' the coptimmnce of suclydemils the officer serving as {chief uavlé ,§l'l€rI‘£Ulk, pay, ··illl(l· allowzmces of b1;iga<lier:j_ge11era1l, ang glxebillcers servinxgus assistant; chiefs sl1all_h:1ve the rank, puyg pugd all0W2111<;és_»0f célonelz Prbzerided,. Th:1t,fl1e,_ditfex?énce be? tween the puymmd ullowancesyof brigadier general and colonel; as-herein provided, amlthe pay a11d·nll0wamces of the ofllcers so detailed in the grades ef1°Gl]1` vfhich theynwzre mlemilekl shall be paidrput of the Philippine treasury. (Jan._30,_ 1903, c. 334. 5 1, 32._St:1t;_783Q‘)§~·,. _ I l e. l · Q l » ‘ ‘ _ 538.`“W0rke0n highways.-See séétion 6513 of lthisitltle. e —& 539. Details of niiicers reqtnestetl by Cubi m· Panama.--'Dxe consent of Cengress is hereby A_gtianlQe<l_ to thé°$ncceptax;ce by4 otlllécrs of the Army; in the discretion of the President, of §uch_ military. détgils under the··G0vernments of Cube and Panama us" may be lreduestedeby the Hresidents of these Republics: ’ Pfovidede That Sueh details shell net ive ih inpxmber: And provided further, Theta no officer? so detailed shall receive any preseuy em0li1me11t,lotIlce,—or title; of guy kind whatever f1mm—.the‘G0x·er¤pmenti of Cuba or Panama. (Apr.; 19:; 1910, c, 174, 36,St;1t. 324.) . ‘ ·`

   I CROSS REFI·:RExf:§3$ _` ) .

Chaplgxlns; sen sections _2.36,‘ 237 of this title. ~ e _, Enlisted men promoted tmcommissioneel rank; see section 484 of tbl: title. me ‘ — · » · ‘ · l - Dentdl Corps; eee section 126 eteeq. of this title; _ _ » _ ` Medical Administrative Corpég see section 153 et. seq. qt this tltle. J Medical Corps: see section 97 et seq. ot this title. ' Phlllpplne Suqxnts; see section 326 of this title. _ Regierve otHcets‘; see gestion 360 of tbisltitle.- * ~ _ ~ !Tze‘tl_red qmcers, promotion tor. a,cti»ve servlce nfterretiremeut; see " sectlbiné 1011-101-; of this title. E`»_ , ~f V ‘ _. Re;i;·eme¤t_of efllcer pn- ‘fgIlixre te pass physical examluation for pmxnetloh ; `see eection 932 of the titles! · ’ Veterin¤ry_Coz·ps; see section 143 et seq. qt this title. A

 551. Appointment of general mmm of the line.--Majt»r  gen- »

eruls of J/the line shall `be hppelxinted frem otilqers nt the grade . I0! hrlgstllleregéneral 0tlt.he.1lne,` and bgigndier generals oil the line shalllbe appointed from officers ot the grade of colonel of the line whose qpmee ereelvorxxe on ereellgible list prepared argmuuly by a beard of not less tha;_n_ five general emcere et the lln,‘ not bel0w»the_grade ut major general, (Jrine 4, 1920,°c. ” 227, euhelxapter I, § 4, 4; Stat. 760.) , · e · · — · 552; Rule V of premetieé in ¤ graécs 'belewe brindier gen-‘ eral.-·-Vacehcieelix gmglee below that of brlggndier general Shell be .illleml—·by the yirounotionpt pmmrs in the order in wh_iéh_ they etaind on: the promotion lisf, v5·lth0ut_regaLrd tg the btanqhes in l which they are eemmlssioned. (June 4,,1020, kr. 227, Subchapter I,··§2—1,41.Stet.714;.)’ ‘ Q , e ‘ _ _ l n ` 553. Ercnietlen list.—·»··Fpr the 'f)ll_l’[QS€ et estgnhliehing {more ; ulnlmrme B$’_é§tBl§l fe? the `prememm et emcers, based on equity, , merlt,,a.ud the interests etitlre Ariny as e. whole; the Seeremry · of We: shall cause tobbe `prepered e px*om0ti0r1,llst,` enwlxlcln - shellbe éerried thenemes bt all 0Hieers of the Begum: Army and Philippine Scouts below the grade at colonel, except emcers el the Medical Degértnpexit, chaplelns, professors, themilitury