Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2067

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· 2053 - __;r·1;mpE 34.- ¤fm·“b§ ineligible for lsemaou and advancement. gtmqm any 1 such 0¤cér ·tc_ Ww the required Iihysiéal gxamma‘@;ionQ he 4 _sha1l mit pg in the event of retiijemeut, entitled -t0 l me dat gmc; mm (June 10. 1926. c. szs, 5 3, 44 Stat.T717.) _ J ·‘ _ New section. Sec nets to' { 348 pi this title of thenppendix. ~ 348¢.· Precedence of r¤m1ing·_mstes.—Hereaxter an stm in the NlYy. issi0¤ed prior to" Maizch"4, 1913, when qt the saing nh! as·the1i· rmmiug mates 6; ot the rank gu- which thqixt rw;¤!.¤g_ uiatés hayc selected, shan take · precédw with all otglier lim and ·sta,fl ombets of Qthé same? N mak hom- the d§t@ Stated thwcuinmissions 0; ivliiclj in ` qua cmnrse will the ¢9mHli§Si0HS' of- their running mates ixi shid·¤u;k, S!lCh St8.¤ '0Eccrs 0t_a ‘higl1e1·_1·énk than _ ` me rank héld by their :mmii;g`mates_uuti1 their-running

 - iiave bgen selected mr   rank .s;m11 takcpreccdencé

` with all lim-: dud sta3 0§ccr§ 0£"t,he rank },hen-héld ByAthem·,{11 .¤&CC0lfd8B¢E with the dam stated in the commission dt_the junior lim cmcerx -111 8u& hghér rank; St&¤}Qm§3(:‘{1'S of 3 l0warL rank than the raqk held by their ;uatgs`shal1 take prgce; dence-with all line and stak oiilceré of the- same rank in»ac· ` mrdauce with the dates stated· in the commissions that had , wen held by tlmir in such ,l0wer__ra{1k: Bra- · — vided, That ,0m(;€l'S having same rank had the éame- date uf precedence in that rank lshgll take precedence in the fbllow- . ingbrdér: (a)l Line qmé;·s,.(b) médlcal cmcets, (0) officers ‘ at the supply ccxgps, (d) chaplgius,. (e) naval constructors, (£)<i,.dvircngincers, - tg) . dental 0&<;crs:_.P1*0v£dcd further, That stgi! cheers xsimd }'\ll1I1hlg_H1&tES_ in accoarduncesvith . this Aqtjit. Ehcxuttér _ ed new running mates, shall have with respecfté cthér slm G$¢81'S’Wb0 aléo have as thel1f_ fun! ning mates fha pew running bites so _ assignéd, the precedence h<··1d' by them, pdb: to the assignment ot such new running · mxps. mmqxo, 1926,·¢. 529; 5 4, 44 sm., 7Zl9L)“ - ‘ ` ' -_ Nei Bcctlunf Sec ¤0tc‘t9 j'348 of this title. of the iappepdlx, i _ 348d. _“ Psseé over " d&¤d.—For th¢‘ purposes of i this “ kct? the t@ ‘fpsmed 0ver," when hp§1ed tq an omceg, shall he iq megni that mab oEce: whey eligible for cou=_ sideratlea. for d9ll fdr `&&t advancement has tailed up be sq selected ind an 0¤cér junior to him in the same I·°3I.\k· and bragch of the Navy bam mlectednud permanently advaneed: Prcvlgdedy Thitmo ME émcar shall be remrded ps l having men mud cya byimscq at thetdvapccméqt to the mn; ar was- m may 1, 1918,-0f RH amm jmigicr m him in mg mp: by reason é£,thq advancement in rank since tint date dud prior to the date of this Act' of any owcenj nf his corps npt now bn thé gctivé list of the Naévy. » (June 10, 1926,c.5@,|6,44St•t,719.,) l l ·_ . l _Hew Scimta w Q MSM tide at tzheapvendi;. 348e. of matting td sta! .0m¢¢l#S.·—···Eg1CH` stat @@2 mmmiwcucd in his curbs prior to March 4, 1913, who h& served c0¤t!¤@1y §n the active list ct uid corps since that {hte, aL¤d who { not lost; numbers- for any cause; since January 1, 1914,401* who has ub; been passed ovjer, shall he amgued as lgis running mate tpe `junlor line otliser who apbmrx nbcve him on 1ist·0f._the Navy as rvublished in ¢hg·N•vy Register d hungry 1, ,1914; meh stat umm @m¤m‘ lm- 6:. me: gmx 4, ms, mw an me _ 80YWe list, has not lostnumbers for any cause 01•.Yvb0. has not aver, shall amggued/as running mam that smear with or nqxtg utter whom hc toqk. precedence- ..whe¤_ cammmimd originally in corps, and with Whom he has latex for promotion purposes in ac<:<>rd&néé_ with the Act ¤£.Augu¤t @,'1916:f·R1*022€ded, That. if the mmlirnz _ I A¢¢” 'smum bq tmnamms Hgeuomn 348;:: Msn or this um . or-me·apm&u.•· , . _ ‘ * . _ ·* Met as August 29, 1916:* should ne mwslgted Fsectlcus 8 to l0 of this Gtk? ‘ `

-1uvY `_§348h, mate who would be_assig1$e€l lh accordance with the feregolng clauws of thi; section to any staff cmcer appointed in _ his corps prior to/March·4, @13,,15 juniéeto the msming mate of _ <· any stud omcer appointed in the Same corps, on or after- said date, the staff bmcer ilrst [mentioned shell then be aééigned as · hie running nmté the Ifqnning xnate of the senior sta! oflicer of the same corps now; bn. the 'gctive. list who was appointed on or;gfter_ March 4, 19,13; Provided twiheri, That ‘if the line omcer assigned he a running mate to n staE owcer, in accordlm<:6_ with this section, has become eemmted from the `activn List, han been puesed over, or has for fany cause lost numbers, n running mate shall be assigned such stai omcer who shall be l`-UB line oEce·r on the active list who, on· the date of this Actf occupies the position _ on the aetikef list of the Navy . next S€IliQ1‘ to that which would" have been occupied by the line , oflicer first mentioned had he not? become separated from the active list, been- passed over, _ or lo,e»t numbers: Provided further, That each staH dfllcer new on the active liu who has been passed 0VQ1‘_ or who has lost numbers for any cause sinee J anne.;y" 1, -19l4,’ anq. each staff officer appointed on- or after March _4,- l913, and who has lost numbers bmrveen that date * end January 1, 1914; shall be assigned as his running mate the

 mate of ‘ senieorestai o$cer now `onrthe active L

list of thesaine corps, bi1t_ shonld snch running mate beeenior to the running mate who wonld otherwise imder- this section - have been’ assigned the staff_omcer who has Been `paeeed over; or lost fngmbers, as aforesaid, such etni omcef shall be assigned as his running mate the omeer who would have been his running mate under this section had he not been mseed over ot lost numbers; 4nd_ provided further, That any o§cer` of a staH corps of the {Navy advanced to the rank of rear- admiral prior to July.1, 1918, shall have hs. his running mate that line’ omcer who shall be the running mate of the omcef inhis own corps next junior "toeuch staff omcer pn the date of this Act ’ or _ thereafter until such time as the line omcer who would otheri wise be assigned gs, the running mate of such staff omeer in accordance with this Act ’ becomes his running mate. ‘ (June 1Q, 1926, c. .529, § 6; 44 Stat;719.) ·· · · . , New_ section. See note to { 3·l8 of this title of the appendix. 348f. Running mates for newly commissioned or trimeiferred _ .ollicersJ—Hereefter each oétaff officer, when; first eoninnissioneel in the Navy, shallheve assigne¢l_asQ his running mate {hotline omcer who at the time is the junior ofllcer of therank in which the staff officer js commissioned :. Providéd, ?aY‘~€—_li_ne officer o Q hereafteir transferred to a stnilcorps Sh3l·-1fQt3_{l the rzmk and date of cominieeion in, such rank held by him at the time of such- transfer nndmshall hnve assignetl as his running mute that line oEcer.lmn1ediately]above him in the Navy at the. time of such transfer; `(June 10, 1926, c. 5%. §»7, 44 Stat. -720.) _ Nev! section. See note to { 348 of thistitle of the appendix. 3483. Assignment of » new running Z1nate.———·Shonl¢l the running mate aséigned a stad oiilcer he semrnted from the nctive list, o1·°foi·.nny kauSe*1¤se.¤ui¤1»e¤s, a new rnnning mate elmll be nsslguedeuch Sta& o$cer who shall be- the line-officer next senior to such former .running_·mate, or the line omcer »next junior ifsuch former running mate wes the senior pillow in the rank concerned. (June 10, 1926, c._`529, § S, 44 Stat. 720.) " New section. See note to $1 348 of- this title of the appendix. . 848h. New running mnt; on advancement of etaH czmeer.-- Whén a` hstad ohlcer is ndvancfilwhose runnlngmate has not men selected such staff omcer shall have assigned as n n_•·w‘ rplnuiuj mate the line 0Mc€r who is selected nucl proniuted next senior to his former running "mate-: Provided, That sllould his mnnlng mate bethe senioromcer in thernnk from which said staff omcer is ndrnneed. such staff omeerlsllell have ns- ·


'¤" This Act_!’ should be translated ‘_‘ sections 348 to 3-18:: of thie title of the -•.ppem:llx."» ‘ ‘