Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2081

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 from sale of land on niilitary reservation occuy

pieéobycc American See section 1594 ot Title 10 in the appéndix.__ · —- _ Clnpter 8.—AMEBICXN"cBA@ MONUMENTSN COMMISs 122. Expenses of Army omcers semving on commission. _ .1221. Power as t0_ob1igationa`a¤d contracts; limitation as to. amount. . [New.] •_ s ‘ · .. 322;;. Contracts for woxjk iq Europeiservices ot architects. [New.] S 1:;;;. Disbursing agent for disbursement of expendllures outside; of- `Unitedstates. ‘ _ ‘ · ’ _ _ · ;_ ‘ · 122. of Army o&cers serving on comnnission. A

 ._ ‘si»na 122 •¢ Title 46 }en¢aud2—-'lfhe stptutory provision constituting F122. of Title 36 of the Code was repeated in Act Apr. 22,

1926, cl 171, 4g Sllts 307, with the omission of the words " with Qthe commisnlonf _ .. I __ ·122a.: Bowes to obligations and contricfs; limitstionl as to amount.--The commission may incur ‘obligntions' nndenter into

rmws AND onsmzvnlvcns §133 [ETIES AND QBSERVANCES contrsctsfor building materislsmntl supplies and for construetion work, hwhich. inelnsive of the amounts herein made svnilnble, shall not exceetl n total ot $3,000,000. · (Apr. 22, 1926, c. 171, 44 Stat.,3Q7.) . I. _ ’ · - _ i , New sections This and the tollowingi section nre from the Execiltive, -etc., Appropriation Act {01*11927, Apr. 22, 1926, c; 171-, 44 Stat.'307, cited to the text. - - · `_ ‘ 122b. Contracts for vvork in Europe; services of architects.-- Notwithstanding the requirements of"existii1g~ laws or regulations and nntler such terms and conditions- ns the commission may in its discretion deem necessary- and proper, the commissiontmay contract for work in Europe, and engage, by contract or otherwise, the services of, srchitects, nrms of architects, and other technical end professionsl ‘ personnel. " (Apr. 22, 1923, .c,;_171, 44 Stnt. 307.) _ . - ‘ New section. 'Sce note to { 1’22a, _ 133,. Disbursing agent- for disbursement of. expenditures outside of United States; , · · o »_’` ” ° Qi ‘ Section 133 of —Tit!e~36`rene•ted.—'§lx statutory; provision consti- _ .ltuting Q 133 of Title 36 ot_ the C was repented in Act Apr. 22, 1926, c. 171, 44 Stat. {367. · `