Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2088

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§422 i 2*11*1lad.:a1--.z=eas10A*e,~B0xpaE C ·S€c• · . · el . Q 4§1. Payments te personal repnesentatives [Gr p-egeea entitled te de- E T eedeate property in case et iutestacy-; eacheat to United I · _States]. _ · _ _ _ _· 453. Payments ast to be recevered tram beneaciarlea, when ;_ [reim- E ‘ W has-seazeat et United States.‘Goyerximeat life iasufance hind}. · h { 4%. Reimbursement ei·-hospitalized t>enedeim=iea_ ferlbse of personal 1 , . l e§ecte by"l`ire, · {Nev.] . _ ; · it _ $2 M9. ~€eerees of lastractled for professional personnel '0f_ bureau. d {New.} ’· - e . ° - i 'étlxt, Traespertatlea allowances to pllysiciahsi, dentists, and muses °0f ; mediazil servdive of lmreau. _{New.]· - I i 4431. Pay and ailewaeees et Medical Reserve Corps emcers and nurses. _ " {New.} - __ _ ‘ T . l P.uiz·· II.-·;~(‘G31PENSATION. ANI} TREATMENT ' 4%*1. Cempeeaatien fer death or disability: to whem payable and for ` wlxat `causee payable; preaumptlous as to. soundness .oI_‘ condition and time of acquisition of disabllitiee. _ ·. {I2. Deatll reaultizgg from ‘i¤jm‘3`§ amounte payable; bufial allow- _ .1 ` aaces ;` payments to widow oechiidren; veterarie of other wars. ' —i’E3l Disability resulting from injury; total and (permanent disability; 1 less of beth eyes; less-`et use ot beth eyes and one or more `llmhe; tubereular exyservice men. _ Q _ Q ‘ { H9. Medical, aurgical, and `deutal treatment in additglon to cqmpen- 4 ~‘ _ eeatiea; artificial limbs, trusses, ctc. . " _ ‘ _ _ 486, Insane perseas §aaiutai:1ed‘iajiustituxiqns; paymeneof compensatle1i;¤'additional allowance on recovery of reason. 481. Cempeaeaticn of veterans dn `l‘nst.ituti01;1s; rate after June §30, 1927. . - . A _ _` * 484. 'Heepltapgatiea fer veterdns e(·0(her wars; lmspitzilizaticn in_ the ‘ , . insular possessions. _ · · ‘ ,. . _ 492. Egcamiaatlen of applicants for compensation for disability; neces- · sity fer; ac·glec_t or refusal €5\}1bmit_to. ‘ ·; » _ V- ‘ 3495. ffime of ectzuueuce of death pr diszxbility as &K€Ctii1g liability, , _ therefor. · __ ‘· . _. ‘ 1 49S._’1"ime for ming claixafcr compensation or itreatment; extension ‘ of time., · _ - Q ‘ . · ” . ‘ PART IH.-—»—INSURANCE " 511, Persons eatitledte; amounts; time for application tor; to_whdm_ M payable; expense of ; premium rates. · · ` 5152. 'ferm insurance; wllen terminated; conversion to elected. policies; , payment. . · ‘· '_ ' 515. Lapeed or canceled insurance: reinstatement; procedure; .ter‘mi- — nation of term insurance.-una'Eeeted. . · `- y 515. Same; availability of compensation to revive insurance., mile. Samei payment within seven days. [New.]· . ~ 518b._ Same; application of imcellected bonus te premiums. [New.] mm xw?.-wocaasxoxar. R—HABILIT§TION· M

 Same: time after which training and allcweneesllall `nct  

granted. ·· - · K R é/ { t _ PART V.-·—-—PENAIl’l?IES · ’ ·_ 551. Applicability of title Ito Philippine Islands. [New.] PART _I.-—GENERALt . 422.- Purpeee.;‘etHer gratuities or pensions; military br naval · tetiremeat laws; eempeneatien te iperseas. receiving active l eerviee or retirement pay.-——-This Act " ia intended to` provide a system fe: the relief et persqne who were disabled, and for the dependents of these who died ae a result of disability suffered ia the mllitayy service of the United Stat%‘ between _April 6,” 51917, and July 2, 1921. _Fer such disabilities and deaths x10_ other peaeiaa laws er laws providing for gratuities er payments in the event of death in the service ahall be applieable: Provzkied, Iwwever, That the laws relating to the retirement of peraéaa in the regular mllitary_o1·»aaval service shall not be considered to be laws pravidi1,1g·fm· pensions, gratuities, or payQ meats within the meaning of this sectienzdlnd provided fw·—. t listen, That eempeneatioa under this title‘?.ehal1 not be paid while the peraea ia in receipt of active service 01* retirement pay, this praviec to be edectgve as qt April_8§ 1917. Titles JI and IV of this Aet” shall not be appllcabletc. any disability ‘—*°**A<;·t_" slienzld be translated "‘eI1apter."’ e d _, = ‘ l ¤= This title " should be traaelated “Part I of this ehapte1·." ° ¤= *· Titles lj! and IV of this Act " should b¢ltP&11$l8Céd.‘° Puts I] and IV of thie·el1aptt·r." · “ . li A at

_ § _ 5 . ls, um vnrsmws RELIEF ‘· 2074 lr rwultant death in the serjce if sich disability occurred as ‘ 1 fesult of service prior to Apt!} 6, 1917, e1·`affer July 2, 1921 ; Wqvided, however, That the of rating prenided by section 202 (4) of this stetute“ shell hermfter he applicable ‘

0 disabilities occurring as e result of sewice prior te April 6,

L917, or nfter July 2, 1921, wherever he persqn hss en seemed tight to coxnpensetien tmeér section ,302 of the World »W_sr Veterans Act, (June 7, 1924, c. 320, S 212,, 43 Stat. 623;- Iuly 2;_1926, e. 723,55 13,`_44 Stat, 708.) . . R "

 422 of   $8 sacmled.-—¥Tl1e etartuterj previislen constituting §‘· 422 of Title 38_·e£_the Code hesgsbeen e  Jttled by Aetet

July:2, 1926, c. 723, § @3, 44 Stat. 798, terwd espaheexie. The 5 amendment added .t0 the second pgovise the words " this prevlse to be effective as of April 6, 1917,"-and else ndém all of the V‘ closing previse. _ _· { . r A I · _ J . 425., United States —Veterans’· Bugean; eanblishment; director; appointment; salniy; technical andtdmieistmtive There is established an independentbnréan under the Pfesiéent to be kueym es the United Statx Veterans Bureemthe directs: T t h ef which shall be appeinted by thé President by end with the advice engl consent Aof the Senate. The Diyeetef of the Unitm States Veferai1s’ Bureau shell; receive e- misty et $12,000 pee annum, payable monthly.- — I '_ - ' There shall be inclnded onthe technical end· sdministtetiee staff bf the director synch staff emcers, experts; inweetors, and assistantshs the director shall prescribe; end there shell he in the United L States Veterans! Bnrenu such Qsectiens and subdivisibns thereof es the director shell prescribcxi With such exceptions as the Preddent may deem advisable, all employees shall ‘be subject to the‘civil¢servlce law end regulatiens made thereungleg. (Jnnel.7, 1924, 0;,320, §`4; 43_Stst; 608: Jnly 2, 1926, c, _723, 5 21,b4{Stnt.;800,') _` U p _ Q ·_ _ Section 425 if Title $8 s¤¢nd¢d.¥——The stntutery precision eenstlt » tuting § 425 of Title 38 of the Ccde hes been amended hy the Act p of July 2, 1-926, c. 723, { 21,14 Stat. $00, to reed as abeve. The " amendment related to the salary et the pirecter of the Vetersns’ ·Bui·eau, increasing it from $10,000 te :§12,000. - 427. Statement by director to of ennpleyecs and rates of °pay.——~Oq_ the`first day et each regular sessien of Cen; M gress the Director of the Veterans .Bureen shell transmit to the President of the Senate audi! the Speaker of the Hesse of Repiesentatives a_ statement giving in detail (sl, the total 'nnm r — of-vpbsiticns at a rate of Y$2,000"er mere (per annum, (h) t‘dd e tate of `snléry attached to each position, (c) the- nnnsber et .p0sitibns‘at" each mte tbe”centrel,q@ce nndtin each feginnel ‘ omce or subonlce and hospital, end (cl) a brief statement cf thegrdnties of each positien. (Apr. 22, 1926, e. 171,‘§ 1,44 Stat. 319.) · A · l _: New sections p j` °_ 434. Hespitelieatlen, medical care, and treatment of bene- Eciaries; `pewers of clirecterg hospital fscilitiesg transfer ef hospitals from Treasury and Public Health Department,-———The _ _ director, subject to the general directions of the President, shell be responsible for the {Semper exsmi¤letien,`·n1edicnI care, trestment, hespitelizeticin, dispenseryi end convalescent enre neces-. sary and reasonable efteicure, we1fure_ et, nursing, cecetiennl training, and such other services as may be‘neces_sery in the · carryingt out of the prcvisiens of this Act,"° and fef that purpose is hei·eby`_anth0rized, etfthe dirwtiencf the P:e~eident»e: with- _tllelvepprc}vul of the heed et the deps.x·tmenf concerned, tc utilise! the new existing or future facilities of the United Stntes`Pnblic Hmlth `Sefviee, the War Department,. the Navi? Yilepsrtnxentl the Interior Depnrtmerlt, the Nations! Hcnne for Iéissbled Yelunteer Soldiers, and such 0t.hei· gevernmentnl facilities es ma? . *°·"Aet*‘ should be translated ··c¤spes·.··, ’ '· ‘ ·‘j‘$‘ $€¢t1¢¤ 202 (4)` of this statute" should be translated "sec·tie¤ 477 efthis chnpcew __ ~ _ t 3 . .- “" Section 602 S! the»W<.n·ld` War Vetera.ns’ Act, 192·i," sheuld be 'tl’&B$1§.t0f}·“I€C£1¤¤ 57rot this chepter."? `A · · · he