Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2090

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_§453 TITLE SS.--PENS‘IONS, BQNUJ place of 1;€‘Sid€H€€,.STdCh installments shelliiot be paid to the eétate of the decedent but shall escheat to the United Statedend shall be credited to the appreprieticm from which the origine.1·,ee;e.rd was made., (June I 1924, e. 320, § 26, 43 Stat. .. 614; July 2,e1926,_c.·723, § 3, 44 Stat. 792;) · · Sectien 451 of Title 38 amended.--The statutory provision consti: tuting § 43} of ffltle 38 et the Code has been amended by the l Ae; er July 2e,_ 19,36, c. 723,»§ 3; ilsmt, 792, to read as above. The amendment inserted the clause beginning "0r‘iu the abseueeff immediately preceding the proviso. , ‘ 453. Paymexits~—· rmt te be recovered. from béneiiéinries, when {reimbursement of United States Government life inetirance mild].-—Tliegre lshall be no recovery of paymente from any beeedgzldryg whe, in the judgment of the dipector, is without fault buihié part, and where. Kin thd judgment of the dlreétor, spell 1·0e0very*w0111d defeat the purpose ‘0f benedts otherwise l emtlierized or would be egaixist equity and good ·ei·ensciex1be;_ ~ · When, under the provisions ef-, this lsectlou the riecovery of il payment madeifrcm the United States Government life insur- ‘ amp fund is waived, the United States Government life insutancel fund shell be reimhiirsed for gthe ameiu:lt‘inv01ved from the e current appropriation for military and uagal insurance; ’ (June. 7, 1924; c. 320, § 28, 43 Stat.»615; July 2, 1926, . 723, § 4, 44 sm; *:92.) » i · ~ it l I Section 4531pf Title‘38 amended.-—The statutory provtlsion constituting § 4353 of Title 38 ot the COd€,,h$1S` been amended by_Act of July 2, 3.926, c. 723, § 4, 44 Stat."792, to read as above. The tmeedmeiat added theeecopd ‘Q&1'!1g'l'B§h. _ ` _ . .’ · 458, Reixiibiirsement of hcspitalieed bene£ciaries· for loss of personal ediects by iire.4——Tl 1e Veterzmsf Bureau shall, `uuder regulations te be prescribed bf the director, reimbu:sl*e—·’bex1e· jlcleries hospitalized or whe have been he;>spite.1ized·fln‘Vetera11s’ ‘ lBuree21_ hospitals for zfny loss of personal edeets heretofore or h€1'{2&f(€P`,S11St&i1}€d by tire while such effects are or were `stored in designated locdtions in Veterdns’ Bureau hospitals. (July 2, 1926, cl 723, § 5, 44 Stat. 792;)· V ` ` · Ness? section'! e · , M 459. Qmirees of Jinetmetipn ·for professional personnel ef! bm~c;¤.·————The <lirecte1·,_ in his idle<;retl0i1,`,may provide courses get instruction fer the pmtessieuel persexmel of the b{u·emi_ and uieyyeteil employees to attend the same, and may demllfuet more than 2 per eentuui at such professional` personnel teatteud `iprefeeelmxel courses eeiuluetéd by other tlmn buredu agencies, ded such employees in idddltien tethei; salaried shall be entitled te the payment of expeiisesg incident to such detail, including . tredepei·_t.dteien: 1?r0vi·d,ed,'hoezeevex, That travel er` instruction cmmiiie cemiuemii limits et the United Stdtes shell pet be J adthexflzed under thisseirticn. ( July 2, 1926,c. ,723, 5 6, dd Stat. ‘ Neu esecdezxp A ’ i

 469. Txmepertatieix pllewapces, to physicians, dentists, and

names of medical service nf burenl.—·--—I*h;*éieidne, dentists, end nurses as the medical pervice of the United aStdt& Vetera.¤s’ Bu- ~ ,_ reed, ie additim.1 tc theip éempeusatlmi, phen ¤·ane_terr'ed from me e@k:ie l‘ etetieu te epéther idk ppemapeppt duty, may be · Vallewed, within the (}*l‘$0!‘€tl0Il£· and upde; wéittm glad of the ` director, the expenses iI3Cl1I'I‘¢(]·` for pacliipg, cxidtlhg, dre:ye§ge,` end treuepertdtien et_,t.heir heueelmld"ed'eete and ethef `pemepal j prepeggy pet exceeding lnoall dve thousand pounds. (Apr. j

 171,,1 1, 44 Smt. 3l.9,) A '

. llililew nectleu., , ( l _ 461. Pay and sllewmces of l Medieal Reuniige edlcem j and nm··ees,‘%—~'.I‘he my duel allewupees et such iadditlerml em— sem and purses et the Medle:1I”Redé?rve es exe" tp eumilemezzt the like tweers and purses of the Regular Army in the edm et beneficiaries et the United Stated Vetemnsf Bureau 1 treated 1l§`A1‘m§ lieépltzils imap be paid frbm the fmidd dllettied

s·1z#;s;l.4.,2v1> VEm:RANs· RELIEF 2975 tc' the War Department by that.bureau umlar existing law. " (Apr. 1_5, 1926, (:..146, Title 1, 44 Stat. 283.) l ~ New section. _ I / Il.———COMPENSATION AND TREATMENTt —> 471. Compéxgsaticn for death or disability; to- whom? payable 'and for wehat causes payable; qgresumptions as to agmndixess of condition and time of acquisition of disabilities.--·For death 0; disability resultixgg from personal injm·y_ smltercd or disease contracted in the mllitary`oi· naval service an or afte1*=Apri1 · 6,51917, and l;<,zfqre· July 2, 1921, or for an "aggrmiation or mcgrrencé bi a tlisability existi1{g’;5ri9r to ex/lxmlination, acceptance, and enrollment for scrvigle, when such aggmvatkm was sutfergd or c0ntraéted»in,`0r such recui·r&11ce,was' caused by, the military`»o1·’naval service on or uftvr April 6, 1917, and befom July 2,1921, by any commissioned dihcer or enlisted man; or by any gnember 'of the Army Nurse (female), or . of the blavy Nurse Corps ('female); when employw ’‘’f ih-llthe active Yservice_ undef the War Department? or Navy Depart¤e¤.t,— the United States shall pzgy to such-commissioned 0@cé: orénlisted man, hxemberligf the NEl1'SB{ CGFDS .(f&l11&I9},‘ 01* 6f the Navy Nurse ébtfrs (female)»`Q0r woman citizens of the United States _;WhO-l/WSIB taken from the United States. by the United it Statesj Government and who served in fbgse hospitals mera seag, or, in the discrctign of the dlrect0r,~Sep&mtcly to his mh her dependqnts, compensation és hereinafter provided; lmt as compeugutloushalll bé paid if the injury, di , am·avatlou, _ dr rechrrence has} mused by fhlq awa Xvllltul mlaéonduct: l -Pr0v£ded, _ThQt no person sumaring from plamlysls, qparesis, or blindness ‘shall be denied compexlutlanj by v rmscm at willhxl ` mishomlqct., mr shall any person who is helpless cir bedlrldden ‘ hs Q resillt ot anyfdlsablllty be` denlgd m&emhtlc—n' by _ot willful ".misc0indulct,.é-_ That; tm: tlié ~p¤rposes· at t1;ls"Act ‘ every jsuch bmcer, énllsted lmsm,. pr other membqr _ employed ‘ in the active sérvlcé `urQ1Aer_ the War Departmém; or Navy De partmelxt who was {dlcharged of who prlertc July 2, 1921, l and every such cmcer, ehllsted msn, or other member mg` ‘° played in the" active service under the ‘Wd1.· Department ar' Naw Department cm of before November. 11, 1918, wha or l utter July 2, 1921, is dlsclmrged or resigns., shall be couélw esiéelxy held and; Qtakéq tc have in sound ccnclitiozx when r exami¤e§., éccjepted, and enrolled {sr service, eicept als "tc de·· fectg xllsovders, ·or inmmltles made; of ,;·ec¤rd"l¤ may manner l by gixoper `mztlrqrittiést ot the Unite;} Statw at the- time cl', mr pricir to, inception of active service, to the ‘extant to which any such defect, disorder, ciflgztltmlity was sc, made of mcordg * Pg·o·vided»,— That an- erservice mai who is shawn to have ar, it dlmmgi, to lmvé had, prin: to January 1, 19%; neummychlat-· xjlc and mimi meningitis; an active tébctculasis disease, mralysis agitans, encépllalitis lgth¤[1:gi@; or amwbicf dysentery dévelcping a 10 per centum dégreé of disability or glare lu ¤¤..·&»¤1¤¤¤¤l`wlm thé* pruvislom at subdlivlmén (4) lot sactlca 202 of .thi&;ALct,?’ shall bé pmsizmed téthave acquired his dis-·" ability in `éuclz service betwem April $6, 1317, and -2, 1%1, ¤-or ta have suffered an ;@v§tio¤ at al preaxistslég nemo- .

  • psycpigtric dlseaée and spinal mérilmitls, t¤~liér€¤l®i$Q“,p&rélY—,

sis akftlms, encephalitis. letllarglm, or ammbie , dysentery in lunch serviee betwwn wm dates, &I1d”`S&ld tiresumptiau shall t be cmclulslve in atmctivé tuberculosis diseasg gm! mma! rgémxigltis, but in all other ‘&id pmwmptionl shall be rebuttable by 'ciesm; and l(?€)hYiH€i.Hg..EVldQ¤¢B; but qcthing in this pmvlso shall lie }:¤:1stmm— to `pxévent 4 clalmant_l1[r0m ° iéemlvlnge the beuemzsg of compensating $ a.nd medical care and treatment for a dléablllty duel to these diseases "*0f_more ~tl;ap _; l `;“Act ** sbmxld fmnhlgted *‘“seétl¤n.’* t ° ` .

    • ‘V‘ Subdivlslmm (4; or mudg 202 at this Act" be translgted ";cctl¤n' Q4 of this¤.” “