Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2125

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. 2111 TITLE 46.,- TITLE 46.··- Chaier 12.+-REGULATION OF VESSELS IN `DOMEST1C ·c01lmERCE. " · e

 :::;:;:1. Creation of additional great district. [New,] . _

£*¥*3t~. Vessels operating iu. gre¤t.district createdi laws applicable. · ` 293a. of `IGQRSBRS1 great distrlctw-—Tl:lere is·_herebY preated. in &®ifi0B to the Kit-? 'great districts provided by section 4348 of the Revised- Statutes as amended by the Act ot ‘ B1ay»12, 1906,* a sixth great district tohinclude all the collection districts ou the Great Lakes, their connect_iug_ and tributary

  • “·giors.` as far east as the Raquette River, New York, ¤;,(July_

$(1926, c. 757,51, 44 Stat.-- 832.) I ` , ‘_ -P séw section. This section and the‘·section next following are §§ 1`and`2 of an Act entitled "An Act to create a sixtlrgreat dis-_ trict to include all the collection districts on -_tlre Great Lakes, their connecting and tributary waters, as far east as the Baguette River, New York,"‘cited above. · , · _ . Section 3 repeals R, S._ §§ 3116 and 3117, which constitute §§ 234 nnd·285 of Title 19 of the Code. ` - · · 293b. Vessels operating in great district created; laws apg . plicable.-¥—I<.`nrolled and licensed yessels operating in the great district herein created shall be-subject to all or the requireenems of llcensed and enrolled and llcensed vessels imposed by_ sections 4349,-; 4351, and 4352 oi the Rerlsed Statutes and amendments and laws supplementary thereto: “Provided, _That nothing herein shall affect the rights or privileges reserved to no·:uneu· under existing law. tJuly_ 3, 1926, c. 757, § 2, 44 Stat. ·'-_ ’· ·_ - _ V _ _ See note to §·293a, which precedes this section, _ ,· . _

¤ ·: section 4348 dof the Revised 'statutes as amended by the act ot May 12, 1906," should be translated " section 293. ot Title 46 otxtbe (`m!r.” _ ‘ _. _ _ _ · [

  • " Sections 4349, 4350, 4351, and 4352 ot the Revised Statutes and

nraendmeuts" should be translated “sectious 294, 295, 298, and 297, larpectively, ot Title 46 of tho Codt." 7

-s11r1>1>1x0 §817a —SHIPPIN G Chapter 23.-gSHlPPING ACT. 807. Limitation on salaries. _ 817a. Prcferentlal rate to alien veterans and families. 807. Limitation. on salariess-No officer or-_en1plo,$ee of the United States Shipping. Board or the 'United States, Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation shall be a salary or coinpensation ata rate per annum in excess ot $10,800. excwt the following: _;One at not to exceed $13,009, three at not to exceed $15,000 each, and one at not toexceed $12,690. {Apr., 22,-1926. c. 171,. Title I, 44 Stat. 318.) — _ · _ . A ·. ‘ . . ·· , Section 8Q7 of Title 46 repented.-—The statatorynprorision oonsti·‘ _ tutin-g 5,807 of Tltle.46 ot the Code is superseded by the prov ‘ vision from the Executive, etc., Appropriation Act at ·Apr. 22, - 1926, c, 171, Title.], 44 Stat, 318, cited to the text. _, 817a. Preferential rate to alien veterans aw "faiilieae-—?1'hat the United State Shipping Board be, and_it#l`s herwy, authorized to grant I a preferential ratetor the transportationi to the United States ‘ upon such vessels subject to the control of the C United States .Shipping Board at snch times and fer sash ._voyages as that boardarnay designate, of alien veterans of the · World War, their vvives and minor, children; who aregranted visas to enter the United.`States in excess of qaota under the i terms ’of,' the .Act of May 26,®192§:Y Pziovideéifhat the preferential" rate. shall be fixed. by the United; States Shipping Board, and the extent- ot the concessions may vary according to the vessel and the class by which the veteran, his wife wor minor children, may_ elect to travel;_` (July 3, 192*6, c. iii-}, 44 Stat. 837.)] V _ ‘ _ ·- ‘ U

 This section is from the Act of July .3, 1926, e,. 764, $4 Stat.

. .837, entitled ·"Au- net authorizing tnej Shipping Board to give a preference rate 'toalien veterans and their-familie•," cited togthe télt. ·' · . , ‘ ‘ • _; . · ¥'1‘he act ot May 26, 1926, mentioned `in tm text, lshset oat in ‘Title 8 of this appendix. ·