Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2163

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2149 mw pony-Continued- E · 1 'Desertion , __ ` . , l Seealso Anrrcms or- Wan . " ‘ Acts constituting desertion. p._231·. § 1499 Arrest of deserters_·by_ civilians; compensation, p. 224, §§1431·`__ _*‘ . _ ‘ · Arrest of ldeserterslby civil officers. p. 239.* § 1578 . _Forfeiture 'of right to _. pension- by desertion, p._ 224,. g §`1§32 » ‘ , , ‘·» A g i .— . ; Gtiieer quitting duties without leave, effect of pre- ' -vious-tender of resignation, $.1499- _ _ ‘_ . ‘ Pt-rsonswho may be deserters, any person subject to ` military laW.·p.`231, § 1499 L l ... l _ _ . Procuring or causing- desertion, penalty.- pi l§ 947 Quitting,cominandat.-terminatton,ot Civil ·War,._effe<·t, 9 p.224i§_1—1~33—` ~ ,'_. . _ . p -‘ V a Removal or record., of charge, p. 224. § 1434`.et>scq1» -. Soldier roenlisting or enlisting in another service i . before 11c§·civing discharge, p. 231, §_ 1499 , { Detached enlisted men, n»mp0¤é·¤ts part of Regular ’Army, l _ p.`l1‘ll9,§4.` ‘ * P ‘ l Di*t&t‘llP(l ttHl(‘Pl‘S · l Command of Philippine Constabulary. p. 189, §· 537 (‘ompom-_nt- part of Rezulzir Army, p. 169, § 4 i Deta_che'd officers' list,-_p. *189, § 531l v _ Y » _ Details under Governnneuts of ·_Cuba and 1`fanama. p. _` 189, § c` Q · - · ‘. Detail of oftlcers. aslstnrgleut observers and irivéstigal { t<:rs.p..`189, §,535 _ . A “ · i l ’ Iust.t·`uct0rs for Reserve (lliicers’_Trai1iin;·,*-Corps units,

 p.“1;84. § 386 - 4 ·   ·' » 8

Recruiting- service by. oflicers on active list_,_p. 189, ’· Service with troops,·0llicers_exempt from requirement, p. 189, § .534 ‘ " · . ‘ l ·--—---propox·tit.>nate amount required, p. 189, § 532 V . - . A--—-—-ivhat constitutes, p. 189, § 533 A D l Details of enlisted men - 0 _ ‘ Assignment for instruction of National, Guard., p. l l 1038,-§ 66 .· " · ,1 ; Assistanceto gfoverntnents of foreign countries, p. loot,. §540 . " ~" _ ` »Dlsclplinary lmrracks, 193, .§ 641 ` »Edncational.il1stitutions, p. 213, § 11,81 ` Instructors for Reserve 0illcers’ Training Corps ' ‘nnits·, p._184,.§ 386 ‘ · ‘ National Guard, details to- attend encampmerftspetc., `p,1038,-§67___ »‘· ‘· `~ 1 —-——·—-details to duty with, p. 1038, Q 68 vp , Recruit depots, p. 193, §' 641 ` A ' llexnonnt depots, p. 193, Q 642 c _ ` Reporting proceedings of courts-martial, etc., p. 19, Ride clubs requesting detail of instructors, "p. 1045, ` lfiftle ranges for instruction and sects? for civilians ,p.`1645,§183·_ i »-. Work on Fedarabald highways, p. 193, § 643 ; `ii. 669, Details ot otiicers p _ ._ _ E, _ Assistance to toréigxrgovcrnments, p. 1907,‘§ 540 '_ A Assignment for instruction of National Guard, p. 1038, 566 _, . ‘ K ‘ . · Assistants to Director ot Public Buildings and Public Paras, p, 1288, s 5, "· _ l Bureau of Budget, number of omers detailed, p. 200, -—-—-—-pay of officcrs detailed. to service, p. 200, § 848 `

X, _ _. \rn1y——Continued. . I Details or O`iH(‘(!PS——(;`(llltlll'iI(?(l ‘ Camps forinstruction of National Guard, conduct of,

n.1038,§04. W _ ¥ _ . t

Chiefs of staff of divisions of National Guard, p. 1034, ., .§10i ·~ E ` (Toast and·"Geodetic Survey work, 1007. § 880 Command of ,Natio1`ial Guard units, p. 103,3, ,§ 8 ‘Duty with Natioiial Guardfp. 1038. § 68 ‘ { Engineer ofiicor detailed to Federal Water Power Conimission. p. 441. § 793 _ l General Staff Corpse p. 170, § 25 et seq. K " Indian agents, p. 600, § 26 · · » . ‘Indian_education. p. 700, §§‘ 273, -276 A _‘ inspection of National Guard, p. 1034. § 15 "Mili,tary_instruction ei educational institutions, p. 213, .\ - . ·§ 1181 ‘ ‘ · · '_ National Gaiam, assignment of officers to instruct, p.` .,1028. § 66 " i\ _ -—-—-‘chiofs'of staff of divisions·, p. 1034, §. 10 2+-+(?<!lIl1ll8lI('l of tactical units, p.'1033, § 8* . . ·———+-details to duty with; .p. 1038, § 03- U · . ' °——-—— detail to attend encamprments, etc., p. 10324, § 07 . ---·inspection, p. 1034, '§ ,15 9 , f · . Promotion of civil aviation, p. 1903..§ &c: p, 2123. § :.*01 Red Cross, medical oiticersdetailéd to military relief ‘ division and first-aid department. p. 174. §§ 105. 100 .Riiie ranges Yfor c_ivili'a_n instruction. in practice, duty V at,_p.'10·i5, § 183 _` · · · i , Secretary of War, t‘e1npora_ry performance of duties ef, ' p. 38,_§ 183. . — , Q · Supplies fo1·.Ariny. service ini procurement. p. 211, §_1194 _ i Work on Federabaid highways, 600, § 47 Disbursing officers V { ..» ` Accounting for disbursements under appropriation. ` acts, p, 1006, § 400 . . _ _ » Y Bonds. "rosulation and increase of amount by Presi- . dent,\p. 1008, §`521 ‘ Designation of deputies. p. 20—11,·.§ 103a- Otiicers permitted to keep‘—funds» for snhsistenre of __ Army for Dilymentspof small amounts, 1000. § 40:% Paymenf in fsettlement of transactions of Engineer Denartment, p._ 1007, § 501 ` Q Payment ni se_tt_lement of transactions of Medina} Department, p.,1007, § 504 . .. Payment in settlement of transactions of Military _ ‘ Academy,_p. _1007,`_§ 503 it ~ _ ‘ ‘ Payment insettlement of transactions of Simal tjorps, _ ·p.*1O07.§502 l Q ‘ ‘ Payment of pressing obligations by__certain disbursing . officers, p. 1006, §. 500 , ‘ 0 U _ Discharge generally . e . · Claim agent withholding idischarge papers, penalty, p._ 982.5100.. `* i * P ~ . - Evidence of honorable discharge to be. returned to ofticers and enlisted men, p. 982, § 101 ` Discharge of enlisted men. ” . Certificate of dischargpp.239, § 1€iS0 — Dependent relations, discharge on account of, p. *104, _ { 352 r Q , Diseharse for hniisrepresentation_of age as hoxioralile ' discharge, p. 1907, 5 654 » , . { ` Forging certineate of discharge or using forged certiticate, p. 470, § 136 _ - " ` Functions 0% personnel bureau and territorial oommanders, p. 172, {42 i ‘ _