Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/217

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jjgE§ TITLE 1Q.W `fM§;.,.;;.@fa;1y offxcer of the Army, be furrxishcd by the Gow J th ms2;2z<»22¥ at mst, subject to such I’(}SK1`»iC[i(}I1$S and regulatiam gvi

   xiwzémtary of \Vzir may prescribe. (Aug, 31, 1918; c. 166,  {17
 Ei, $$3 Sim. 9537.) % _. i A » g

i $$533. Right of Army musicians to furnish music in c0mpeti·· 3 m mm with civilian musicians.~~.&rmy ·b3{1dS mj- ngembcrs thereof t A @$2% mt receive remuneration for furnishing music _0qtstdc ac

 iimiis of military posts when the fuxrnishirxg of guch music (I
 {mma in (,‘01t1}}?tifiUH with lééél civilian musicians. (May ’
 mxés, c. 163, .35 Stat. 110.) W t ‘ _ »   E wi

@5. Deposit of saldicrf savings.—Any enlisted man of the be .,\wzimjv may deposit his savings, in sumsuot less than $5,iwi1h·—l0: · :3n;m<+c cfhcer, who shall fztrnish him 3 deposit book, in Cl wévéa shall he entered the ngrue of the finance officer and U; mp mkiivr, andthe amount, dé’te,`ax1d place of mich deposit.

 uzzwuzxt so dep0sitcd·°shalI bg yaccmmtcd for injthe same Q

wmpr as other public funds, and shallm deposited in thee 9. ·;e»;m:r;» of the United Statés and kept asia scpara(te__fuud, gf »§g;;·}aa‘:: as my of the Army deposit fund, repayment of whiqh t gg gi; mp 4·u1ist;>d mg:} ·;m·dischargé from the serviceshall be made 9; mas nf the fund cmatérl by said deposits, and shall Vuotbe sub- ” ·, iw: wt forfeiture by sentence. of p0m·t·martial,‘ but shall " be mwited by descrtiim, and shall not be permitted to be- paid 9‘ mas; 23:::11 payment cm discharge, __0r to the heirs . or represents}- séws of a dmegwd-sqldtier, and that such depdsits becxcmpt 9, {mn liability for such, s0ldier’s` debts: Provided, That the·G0v-·. {»;·mm·¤t shall be sliabie for thetamount deposited to the person · 9{ H; fi<·`p»c»;iti:1g the same. . (R; i‘.‘ S. -§_ 1305; June 12, 1906, c.·3078,_ gl f2;Sim.t246.) , (A  » t .= _ J" ‘ l 907, Interést on deposits.-e-Fox; any sumsnqt less thzin $5 ·s0 ¢¢2~;mited for the period of gix mouths, 0: longer, the soldier, _ Q? mi his final, diéchzarge, shall be paid interest at the rate ot 4 .9; gm- mehixxsin {Ser axmuha. (R. S. .5 1306} Mar; 3, 1883, c. 93,5 1,°» ·9$ 213 $$:11. 456.) T Q · ._», ‘ 4 `. 2 — _· . t ‘ t 968. Rcéulétiénp governing deb0Sits.—~··T11e system of deposits 9: Qmwixx established shall be carried- into execution Quxrdgr suc}; 9, m:.a:3:11i<t>z;s a may be established by_t.he"Sccret:1ry .0f Wai. 9; f 9»G9.· Depcndgats de§ned.-—e-See — Title "37,t PAY AAR!} ALLOw~· _9‘ Axcr1·::s, wxtixm 4. t ‘ . ‘ t _ `9{ 919. Reduction of pay; provision against.-—-—See‘Title 37, PAY. » 94 ,m:»A;mwA¤tcxs, mctiéav18. A · t . E t t - {9* 911.*App1ict£m1 ‘¤f -ti tle__m cextain pcrsmgs serving ivith 3: Agmy but nat _ mmmissicned 6&¢Bl"8Q····rS€€ Title 37, _§’AY Amy Au4swAscxs, segtica 1; _ K I  » t . 912. P§f£ti€£i1§I'§f£ViSi0HS in fsuezc.-———N0thiug in this glgapter 9] gf 1115.;; titlé shall operate tc, change in any way provisions t bf 9‘ 3!s_i $ mia, my .1‘£g!1i8fi9BS msdé in pursuance at law, g0ve1iiiing 9; im' and gééckautw at the General ct the Armies, the enlisted V mxenmf t11g~Phiiipping F Scouts, Indian, scouts, or -§yir1g.cadé~t$; 9; mw théyallnwamw in kind tai- mtimxs; quarters, heat; am light g' zlbr enlisted men; mr ullcwumrm in kind for quarters, heat, mad gg iight {bx- 4;;®.m-s and wax·ra¤t:0§ccf$;*`L¤01f‘al10wam%cs for (priwiic mmmts fp: o§icc¥s;°i1cr transportation in kind foI¥9m€€TS¤` 92 mul warrant q@er5 and enlirsted men and their; dépcndents; gm- trazngwrmtlqut and packing allowancm fc_r baggage for t wxzwhald eEects*c$I awcrs aud` warrant cffmérs and enlisted t 9* _;m m; mx·*additi¤;m1 my for aides; mr extra pa? X9 exalistactf °* zmm sewingtgs stegagmphie regiortefs, or ersxplayed as of  »- tm aiaessmcm cr ar gmistagt mai! clgrks. or engaged in t gubzuariuke giving; mr mam: allawancw gyatntéd tc, entistedt 9i mm ca acwmt qi nwaryls of médals *01* deeomtlqus expmmly authorized by (Jm1¢J1Q, 1922, ez. 1 21, 42 Stat. 9; W3.) “ { _ - ‘ ‘ t · 9% ‘ 913. Frée tuitim fm in Districtyf (hmm- M bia.·+-—~Sc»1diem of me mama »sme¤ me yemdgqm of me 1;»1$u#x;.·z gg nf Cclgmabia who are an Hwy atxtaticug tadjaceeixtt tg the Dis-_ tfict of Colamhig shan bg gdéttted for insumtitm t0_ vi

ARMY § @15

<= day schools and night, svhmtslsrmf the iI`)i
~;trict of ii;t;1uxzz`i>iu

iithmxt p;1_yu1¢;mt of tiziticm. {Mar. 25, 191éé, si:. 25, § 1, 40 Sim, 'O. t) , , · t as t 914. Free tuition in schools for children of officers and ten.—~·T—he children of Otiicezrst zzmi mem of the United Stzgmet muy stgiticmcd outside di th District offiqlurrzbia slmil me lmitted to the public schools without paynmat of tuitiem., Hur. 3, 1925,-c. 477, § 1, 43 Stat. 1233.) _ _ 915. Allqwanée to Indian scouts fm; hcrsesrelnrlian scmztsy hen they furnish their own horscsund horse-e<;:zip_me¤L®, shall e entitled-to receive 40`cents per day for their use and risk so !;1g.HS_tl1l1S employed. (£A·ug.~12, 1876, c. 263, 191St21t._ 131.) Pmpter 26.—5RETIREMEN,T. U _ I QRETIREMENTI FOR INCAP,-xC1TY c. V " _ ( 31. Retir01;1ent·wh0lly from service nr from active service cmiy. 32; Failure of oiiiper to pass physical examination for promotion, _ 33. ‘ Disability found by `retiring board t0·be.incident of service. 34. Disability `fouud by retiring bqard not to be incident of service. 35. Periodical examination of officers retired for disability. l 36. Restoration of retired ofdcers to active list; . ` RET-IREMENT QFOR- AGE»·*OR LENGTH OF SEBQVICFE 41.t·Right to retirement after forty years oi corixmissioned service. W 42. Rightqof qtiticer t0_ retirementaftcr forty years ttf military service. 13. Right bi officer to retirement aftqr thirtyryears at scrvic. 44. Power ot President tp prdar retirement of omcer forty-five years ' in service or dt age of sixty-two. - ‘ t ‘ 45. Compulsory rctirementuf officers when pixty-four years old. 46. Right ut pmcer to retirement in rank above coI0¤e~l.· ` 17. Right ofenlistcd men to retirement., _ t ’


( _ . RETIREMENT " ’ · 51. Service inyfyrovisionai dr tetupdrairy. forces. · 52; Period pt cadctship gt Military `;>r__Narslt Arademy. 33. Service credits of o&}cers`discharged.·a¤d r•2c0mmisaio¤ed`i¤ lower , grqdeh ~ , ._ t . , $4.` Service by enlisted meg as commissioned bmécrs of Plmippine _ _ Scouts. · _ · y _ ~ 55. Temporary commissioned service by Venlistedmcn. 36. Double credits for foreign service by `emisted men; · RETIRING BOARDS _ B1. Compqsitiop of hoard. d _. d 32.1 Oath qt ‘mcmbcrs_0f board; . 53. Inquiry into anddeterminaticnrot tactst B4. Findfng cnuga ¤rmcapac1ty.* — E ·

 Revision by President.; ,

56. Right of 0¤icers'tq hearing.-`

 · ¢ 4 t t t `RETIREIIPAY

I1. Rate ¤r`_p¤yt¤s retired fomccrs. __ ° _ I2. Bnslstor computing retired pay ot omcers and warrant omcers; N change, of base pay ag dftecting previous retirements., t ‘ » F3. Payarzd allcwénces of‘·1‘€fi·!’€{] 0@gers, warrant omccrs, and men on active duty. » ‘ ·` — _ " t X · ?4<.·Active duty by retired cmcgr {counted in computing retiredpdy. 3 - T5. Attendmice on mhrse at prepdrdtory tustructkm pdrsuant · to »

 detail under section 386 dr_11S1 ng active duty. _ » " _

F6. Ratidcationpt adminiatrativé gction-as tc. pay ct,<>$c<·rs QH duty ·· —· mentioned in next preceding section. - · , I1. Retiredpay qt certain warrant omcers of Mine Pld¤ter·$;ervice; T8. Pay of officers retired id reduction df commissidned personnel. ` F9. Pay of d§ccr retirgd as- warrant ¢>@¢;er in lieu of discharge with t one yea1f’s”pay. t ’ · 3,0. Rate of pay ot retired {enlisted mem. _ d 31. Retired gxplisted men githm égamrdgssiqnedt service in_ World Ward 32: Cqmputzxudu of retired pdyot gniisted men, _ .· ¥ AGTIVE DUTY BY —RE’1‘tftEB OFFICERS l D1._ Duties tp whirl; retired déccrs may be`assigned_gex1eraIIy. l2._BdcaIl of rettred cécars to gctive dutyvin time ot war. _ r D3, Assignment to duty with` Quartermaster Corps. » ` M`. Assignment tdduty as' !0&d:€0R1IIlK88i¢il€!§>,fo! Aiaska. ‘· i5. —AsS£gi1mc¤t tg c0m__mandj0f past teuspcrarily without qmeers. td. Akstgumgnt to duty stlS¤tdtex·s’ Home. ‘ · VI. Eligibility tq duty gg engineer Eomcers. _ _ _ _ • _ A k8; Detail ot retired cmcer as ddjutant general of Distrxct of Cc1umhia`mi1itiz;.‘ _ t — · t8. Sthftup at retired ddicers on active du-ty. S,