Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2202

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Coast and Ccodel ic Survey——Continued , Instrmnents may bc transt'erred‘ to educational institutions and l'1QlllS€LHIl$,'[). 1096, § .867 ‘ _ i Navy oflicers employed on surveys, p. 1097, 5 886 North Carolina survey l - `Conperation with North Carolina State Fish Commission, p. 1097,_§ 889 · _ W ` Marking triangulation points, p. 1097, § 890 Oiiicers and employees '_ · - Assignments of payauthorized, p. 1096, § 862 Comniimioned otiiecrs enumerated, p. 1095, §.851 Disability benefits when cooperating with Army. or- Navy. p. 1096, § 857 ` Leave of absence to -ofiicers on duty in Philippines, p. 1096. § 863 · . ~ Qualification for appointment or promotion generally, p. 1095, § 854 l · _ ”‘ Relative rank of officers when serving with Armyor. Navy, p. 1096, § 856 _·__ Relative rank of officers with Navy, p. 1095, .§ 851 ‘ Retirement of oliiicers, p. 1096, 5 864 . · Service 'at `Naval or Military- Academy not to be counted in computing length of service, p; .1096, Obsolete instruments transferred to Smithsonian Institution, p. 614,55 62, 63 _ ‘ - Pay and allowances ’ ,Base` pay of otiicers below grade ot rear admiral, p. 1185; 5 .1 q . — i 1 ‘i , Commutation of quarters, heat and light, p.* 1189, §·24 ., · Limit of aggregate of pay and allowances, p. 1187, § 11 · ‘ ~ · .\ Q, — Longevity. pay of enlisted men; credit for service as warrant -or commissioned officers, p. 1188, § 18 _ Longevity pay of officers, `periodical increase, p. 1186, -—--— service counted in computation, p. 1186, 54 Mileage andtravel expenses ot officers, p. 1188, § 20; .p,2069,§% ‘ ..— Money allowance in lieu of transportation in- kind· for ·Aependents`of officers and men, p. 1188, S 21 · _ Pay periods and rates of pay- ot onicers below grade ot rear admiral, p. 11.85, 5 1.; p. 1186, 5 2 Persons not com_missioned;omcers—but·recelVYng“’e<`iiiiv'5.i” lent pay, p. 1186, 5 ,5 _ » _ Quarters and subsistence of enlisted menidurlng sicknessor absence,·p.,2069, § 19a A . . I Reduction by lreadjustnjent, saving provision, p.`" 1189, Rental allowance to` otllcers below grade·· ot rear ad· _ Ymiral, p. 1187, .·$ 10 . V l · Retired pay, computation of length ot service} service I at naval ormilitary academy, p. 2049, § 865 -—-——— onicers and warrant officers retired before June 30, " 1922, p. 1925, § 167a;_p. 2049, § 864n`; p. 2069,— ·Saving provision as topay ot certain omcers and men, _“p.1190,$30 ;·_ t ·_ ·. _`- Subsistence allowance to omcers below grade ot. rear t admiral and their dependents, p. 1186, $5 8, 9 Transportation for dependents of otlft·ers and men, pf 1188, §.21` » —· _ . ·_ _ — Travel expenses allowed officers, p. 11%, 5. 20 _ · Traveling expenses when on Governmentmwned ves- ' sels, p.-1096, { 861 A · t ` {Procurement of services_outside'of District of Columbia, p.. 1099;, 5 888 · · ·

DEX 2183 Coast and Gcodetic Survey——Continue<l Promotion of officers . Qualincations for promotion, p. 1095, 5 854 Retired onicers on active duty, p. 1189, 5 26 I Purchase of supplies outside District of Columbia, p. liiiiaci, § 868 . . _ t Report of superintendent, printing, number ot copies, p_ · 1432, § 2-17 · _ ` Report to ( ‘ongress on coast surveys, p. 1097, 5 888 Retired pay ‘ . Active duty by olncers below grade of commodore. wor- · rant officers, and enlisted men, full pay and allowances, p. 1189,-§ ‘ ._ _ Basis of computation, retired ollicers and ivurrant oth- . ` _ cers, p. 1189, 5 26 · _ Retirement of officers, p. 1096, $ 86-1 , _Rules and reigulations as to duties when cooperating with _ Army or Navy, p._ 1096. 5,858 · Seismologlcal investigations, p. 1096, § 866 Students and investigators, right to use facilities of olllce. p. 615, 5.91 i Surveys ° » _ __ Additional authority to order surveys beyond 20·leagne . limit, p. 1097, § 882 » A Army and Navy otfieers employed on surveys, p.‘1097, . S 886 _ _ _ i , ` _ ———-allowance for subsistence, p. 1097, § 887 Army or Navy officers to be employed, p. 1097, § 886 `Astronoiners‘and’ other persons may be employed. p. 1097, 5 884. . - i Authority of President to order surveys ofpcoast, p. .· 1096, 881 _ j 1 _ . , Employment otxpgrsons in land or naval service of United States, p._ 1097, § 884 · . , ` Maps, charts, books, etc., belonging to United States ._ may beused, p. IW?} 5 884 = _ Mode of conducting surveys generally, p. 1997, 5 883 ` Public vessels may. be used, p. 1097, 5,885 ` Coast and Interior Survey _ " · . `- . Collections of specimens, deposit in.National Museum,. pq ` · 614,} 59 a " ” ` Coast Defcnses _ See Fears Ann FoarrmoA·rross

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See also Lmnrnovsn Snvxosz Pnzvsroxs · Aiding vessels in distress on Great Lakes, p. 343, § 60 Aviation _ , · ' Increase ot pay for flying duty, p. 1189, 5 29 , Instruction at Army or naval aviation schools, p. 341, , 5 28 · ‘ · " ·‘ ·. ‘ ~ _ Schools for instruction, p. 341, § 29 Cadets . , .- - · Appointment and dismissal, p. 840,} 15` _ Hostages ground for dismissal, p. 340,6 15 - \ . Number and term of service, p. 1926, § 216 \/Pay and allowances of cadets and- cadet engineers, p,. 7 1189, 5,28 ‘ _ ` Probationary term. p; 341, S 25 , _ Uniforms, accouterments, and equipment furnished at cost, p, 342, 5 30 ` · Coast Guard courts v Composition and jurisdiction, p, 346, § 143 _ _ Concurrent jurisdiction of civil courts, p. 347, 5 145 Deck courts, composition and jurisdiction, p. 3-16. § 141 Surrender of onenders to civil courts, p, 347, § 144 ~ Coast Guard cutters; see Vessels, infra · Coast Guard stations, see Stations, infra Commandant, see Commissioned omcers, infra_ _ .