Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2205

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  • 2191 INDE1

Coast Gll8l‘d··j·C0lrtiB\l6d C ' · R£tB'€IB€Dt-?C0¤tillUQd _ l Bureau of Budget; appointment _ of rétired omécrs to salaried po.<;itions iam p. 32, 5 64 - .- ` Gomméndant, rank and pay, p. 174, § 161 _ _ Computation 0; length ot service 'ot omcers, time · · 'spenf at Eblaval or Milifafy Academy} p. 1925, § 2;; Disabilities ‘¤·ceived vin cooperating with Navyyp. 348, I —§ 177 i _- " Disabilify due to vicious habits, p. 347, § 168- Disability generally, hs ground for fctirement, p. 348, 5 172 _ · · · -~ Disability in course of duty or from age, p. 348, § 169 Engineer in cI1ie=fQ-rank and pay, p. 347, § 162 ‘ ` Enlisted men appointed to salaried Government position after retirement, p., 32, § 62 · ‘ · V _ _` Failure to frass physical examination for promotion,. 1 p. 348, § 171 _ _».‘ · _ - Le=·~ngth of service as ground for retirement, p. 348, §§ 174. 175 · · · . Pvnsicns, retirement as affecting rifght to, ,p.. 348, § 176 Promotion on retired list, p. 347, 5 166:_p,‘ 1189, ‘§ 26 Récail to active duty in emergency, p. 3;!7, 5 ,164w. Retirement before June 30. A1922, equalization with cdicers subsequently retired. p. 2069;, 5 26a Retiring boards, p. 348, Q 170‘ ` · . Salary in `addihon ·t0 retired pqy,` right to receivé, p,. 31, § 59 » ‘ ` ` · _ Status ct retired officer as holding pmce, p. 32,_ § 62; · ·Temp0raijy advancement in ruxikwvhile cm' active duty, p., 347, 5 165 l ° _ ‘ · - .` Temporary chic! warrant officers, D. 349, §_ 205 _ Temi¤>r4ry`omvex·s, `p. 349, § 203 , - - · ’T_<·mp6rary warrant officers aud temporary enlistmems. p._a4s. t 208 ~ · Revenue Putter Service h - .· _ Coast Guard established in lieu of Revenue Cuiter Servie·e.p.‘339, Q1 , ‘ . · Duties transferred .t0 Coast Guard, p. 339, § 5 ` Laws rélatipg t<i_ Revenue Gutter service applicable to Coast Guard, p. 342, S`38 . · · · Sbipwrecks, inyostigation, p. 345, Q 111 Stating; ‘ . · a ` ° Cnmmandantk duties respecting stations, ipt 343, 91 Dlscoutinuance ot sfations, p. 344, 5 93 . District gupcieiuteudents, p. 344, _! 100 et seq. .Diwfision of stations into districts, pQ 344, § 98 " l·‘m·eilloue Islands. ammunition lor Lyle gun and repair of apparatus, p. 345, I 112 . · House ct, refuge maintained as station, im. 343, Q 96 Inspection, detail of omcers, p. 344, { 99 ° Keepers, p. 344, O 102*et seq. ` Lighthmwe stations, D.‘·`344, Q 94 Mauuiugatgticus, p..844, { 94* _ Regulations for stations, p. 344, § 92 . . _ ‘ Sale of condemned grticles `belongin3g_ to stations, p. 345, if 1%. 109 [ ’ ` Sites iq: stations, acquisition, p. 344, { 96 . ° Trgmster ot apparatus ·trcm discontinued stations, p. 344,§97‘ U - ~, Transfer of books frond Treasury Department library - to Stations, p. 845, {107 __ ‘ Q . _ . Status ot Coast Guard, part of military forces,`p. 839, § 1 Supplies and stems . · _ _ —· .[ ’ . ` Quarmrmaster supplies, sale to omeers and men; 31.-342, 5 31 ‘ - · _’ . . . · Sale of clothing to enlisted men, p. 340, tl .18 — Uniforms, nécoutermmta, and equipment tm- omcers ` and qadetsffumished at cost, p. 342, § 30 - ._

I ‘· Eoast Guard-—-Cm1tim1cd' ’ Suffmén 1 A, Enligted force of Coast Guard, p. 339,'§ 5 . N0. 1 surtmeu to be`p<·tty 0g5c·@rs, D. 339, § 5 '1‘emp0r:1ry’pers0x1nel _ , Q Appointment in perxmiuent Service. pi 1926. ·§ 215 Appointment of temporary gommissicnéd omccrs, p. 349, 5 201 ey; seq. · _ " Appgixitments from Naval Reserve, p. 350, § 207 Chief warrant niiiyers, p. 349, § 205 - . _ Disrpisszi-1 or digcharge of ·tempm··.u·y officers, p. 349, .5 204- _ _ - · ` Enlisted forvé, DQ 349. § 206 · _ _ Numheij of ·T€‘II]]`l0l’8I;\’ c·0mmissi<med_ e»tBce·rs. D. 1926, · §212 _ Pérrnmieut persmme! unaHe¢·;ed‘ by temporary appointm¢nts,p.250.§208· _ I `_ — . Promotion of temporary officers. of 349, § 204 Retirement of temporary umcers, p; 349} $ .203_ · Warrant officers, pg 349, 5 206 ‘ _ Training at- naval station, p. 1921, § 220 _ . Transpdrtation for persohnel and supplies on Army tramsports. p. 220, § 131'Q _ _ · “I i Treasury Department control in timé qt peace. p. 339. § 1_ Uniform __ . — _ . o ` Discrimination against wem·ers`.0f pmifofm by theaters ` iI14T€1‘1‘itOi‘i9S.' etc., ‘punish11)ent, p. 503, ·§ 523 . Sale to luiiicersat cu5t, p. 1123, §__537 · ‘ Vessels U __ `Change of statiorys. p..342,, `§ 54 _ 'Cmnmanderjs of vessels, power to punish ¢)fr€lldPI‘S, p. ·"346,§142 ·‘ ‘ _""‘“ Constructionjot vessels at nhvy yu:-dsQ p.‘3ri2. 557 Crews; appointment, p._ 345, § 105 ` Cruising du(y; *p. 342, 5. 54 ~ _ _ _ Customs, protection by cutter Service, p. 343. §§ 66, 67 Derelicts, vessels to destroy or ntengove, p. 343, 5 .63 ‘ Detail of vessels to aid distressed navigatnrs in .»· severe weathenj, p. 342, § 53 . ‘ _ __ _ " . A Eusigns and pendants. penalty for wrongful display ` b)’*0tll(‘l' vessels, `p. 343, §·64 `— _ ‘ Fishing ciews, mediqul and surgiéal aid, p. 343. 5 61 Lake servic<.·,‘ aiding vessels in distress, p. 343, § 60 liigsigsippi ..ARive1·, vessels for use on, p. 342, § 55 _ ‘ Ngval vessels trgnsferred to Coas;`Gunrd, p. 342. § $ .Numbé;· maintained to protect revenue, authority or President, p 342j Q 52 I A _ OEcéré and crews 'q1'.vesse1sQ.. assignment to duty. p. 343, § 58 . ._ .- _· ‘- Ohio R§vg1·, vessels for use cm, p. 342, § 55 _ Patrol duty in seasons of severe weather, demi! of. vessels; p. 342, { 53 _ Yj ·— ‘ Private use pr0h}bited`, 9...342, § 65 ._ _ Réports ot nctivitiés iufcusfoms service, p.- 343,` § 70 Revenue, use of cutters to protect, p. [342, § 51 _- - ` River·bm1ts_for use on Mississippi and Ohio ¤Rigers, p. · 342, Q 55 I ‘ Salalof useless vessels.- p, 343, § 69 Stopping vessels. fm; c~xa;11ination, authority `aud im- - ~ munity of 0mce1—s,.p.`343, 5 68· I . . Surgeons, detail from Public Health Service. p. 343. § 59 Tug to aid vessels on North Paciucccast, p. 3-13, § 62 Use of cutters td prdtbét revenue, p. 342, §' 51 Waniqut bmcers _ _ · Appointment, p. 341, § 23 , · Assignment to duty. p. 341, 5 22 . Grades and rayingsé p. 341, 5 21 _ — ‘ Keepers to be warrant omcenzs, p. 339, 5 5 · _ Ruticm supplies for warrant oQ{:ers’ messes, p. 342, § 32 ‘ ~Beti4·emeut of warrant: cmbers, see Retirement. simru ‘