Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2208

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IN. C0lliaiona¥¥·C0nti11ued * . Reports _ - . . to . . _ _ Doty- ot owner, agent, or, master "iot barge in tow. to report accident to collector of customs, p. 1066, § 365 ` Duty ot owner, agent, or master to report accident .to collector or customs, p. 1665, § 361 · ‘ , —· _ ·. _‘ Duty or owner pr agent toreport proqble loss ot vessel vto collector ot customs, p. 1%5,‘§-362 · _ ¢ · _ mifransinlasion of reports by collector of ctrstoms . to ’ Secretary of Cxnmergce, p. 1066, '§§ 3Q, 365 U . _ Tranmission of »porta by, Secretary of Comuierce to e ‘ Congress; p.· 10%, § 3% *· . Colombia · ‘ ·— _' · _ .. _ - · , Envoy extraordinary and minister.plenipote11ti°ary,- salary,

p.645,g·§32," 2 ·‘ .

coronoo P , * _ , _ _ - Representatives in Congreas, number, p. 3, § 2 Colored Soldiers and Sailors .l Q —» ·; '_ See Pnrzsroxs. "' . _ · Colors e » °’ e -SeeFuo ·,. _ - mlnrabia Instltotionl for the Deal ‘ · `_ Hmmm; no Asrr.o¤s_ `

 Morworouao lmo Coun1ml·r1o1vs’.
 a ge l `· ..· `

` Former Consumer; _ _ Gommcrce and Trade ,

 also Iuroxra nm ·EXP03'l`§; INTHSTATB .mn' Foxsmozv

Aonaal report ot. Bureau ot Foreign and Domestic Com;

erce, printing, p. 373,   = ·

Arbitration ot dlmtesrp; 161, § 1"et seq. _ , Burma or and Domestic Ciommerce, see that title ° =» v w ; trade, colmztioa ot statistics, p. 873,} 186 . `Cmbinationa in " rcqualnt of trade 'or ‘conmlorce, Mouoromm neo Gortauwrroirs `

    e    intrude, scc Uarm_.Courm¤o¤· ,
 to monopolim or restraint ot   see

Moroaouaa Ana ·Go1¢mA·rxo1ia_ " "

       P °Q7·‘i¤ Q°·& . l · ‘ ‘

Deanition of cmracrce io arbitration law,. P- 167, § 1

 or  we   in Fcder¢l‘Trsm Commlmion Act,

“`o357.i§4 _ » 3 ` Forekn conditioner, tnrostljation by Federal Trade G¤oa¤l¤o1aa._r.`3¤&_l—_46 l · roiem undo rclationa, for appropriations (or .. exmm or Statebopartment, p. 81, |~157,_ `_ _ Foreign traveling salesmen, facilitating work ot, p. W, Q- 247 · .c _ ‘ Future dalverypace Sola for ruture delivery; intra . information obtained by diplonmtlc consular omera, publication by. Secretary ot Commerce, p. 878,1 `188 information relating to commerce, reports by Smrctary or State,p,37,§`163' `· l ·· ., Invmtlgtlom as to conditional ot commerce, and commercial workers, p. 616, {11, . , w · . Labor article otcommcrce, p. 858, § 17V

  • , dednltion in {aloe atamplug law, p. Qw, I 299

jlonopollzing or restraining commerce, seo .u0B0?®1M "‘ aaa Gozannaxrroas ,` ‘ _; -_ Rmtrnlnt or trade or coxnrnerce, ace Hoztoromm Arm Cow nzaxrxoxs _ 3 · Sales for future delivery ‘ Cotton, see Cormac Grain, ace Gum Furoam

DEX 2194 Commerce and Trsd¤e#··Continued · 'Standards of quality - Cotton, see Corrox Srsnognos . Grain, see Gum Srneosnos ‘ · 0 Navalstores, that title ‘ ‘ Stutistics _ _. · ( ‘ , ~ - Annual report by director of Bureau of Foreign and ° Domestic Commerce, p, 371, §§— 173, 174 _ ~ ‘ Collection by Bureau of Foreign und Domestic Com·

 ° merce, p, 372,_·§ 176.. . _ · _ · " ‘

_ Transportation in int_ersta.te·conxn;ert·e, S€!9_TRQNSP0llTA1`lUN _ Commerce Department " , '

 See also Snonmumr or Con manor - __ _, .

. — Buildings cccupiédby department, custody, p. 61, § 603 Bureau of Foreign and. Domentic Commerce, See that title O, ._ - Bureaus in department enumerated, p, ®;"§ 592 · , Q Chief clerk and superlntendent, powers and duties, p. @0, ‘ ~ Cost or prodnctkurdlvlsion. transfer to Tariff Commission, I p.,529,_§99 `’_' _ _ · " . 1 ` ·_ j ·Dl¤bnrsing clerlf, omcejestnblished, p._ 00, 5 "594` Establishment of department, ja. 60, § 591 `. Foreign- trnde·‘t.·onditions,C informations furnished by State o _ DWIWWL D-°37.1_$_162 · . ` _Hei1d ot_depnrtment,,Secretery of Commerce, p. 00, § 591 _ Laws anplicable to department, {fw, § 591 . n " _ otmmmm building "authorlned, p. 01, § 005 . _ _Personnel‘ of department · . J o Assistant Secretorjx P- 60. §_ @2 . . Chlet clerk and superintendent, é. 00, { sos; Disbursing clerk. P·im» £ 594. _ — . Secretary ofGomerce,p.®,$&1_ Powers and duties. of depnrtment, p. 00, { 598 - _ 1

 and records ot. depuwent, core and custody, p.

61,§603 `__

   pdpers transferred from varicose bureaus, p.

60, Q 598 Y y ` Reports _ , _ ‘ Matters renorted generally, ·p. 371, § 173_ et seq.

 Political, religious, and moral discussions excluded,

pr 373, [190 . 1 · 9 · Sale or comnaorcinl reports, p. 373, { 189 · Terms of weight, IBQGSIITE, and money ln' commercial reports, p. 373, 5.191 ‘ L · ` sm or ocpqtmen: · Adoption,. ti. 80, { 1591 . Judicial notice of seal, p; 00, {591 _ " Skinning and navigation, powers formerly exercised by ` Secretary of Treasury transferred `to Secretary of- Come merce, p. 60, { 600 · . Solicitor, appointment, `p.- 45, { &7 ·_ t Stntistlul ond scleotinc work, transfer from other depart- , ‘ ments, anthority for Pmdent, p. 81,1 602 `- · ·

Commissioner of   Land 0Mco _

. . See Krsna Luton nm Mnmte; Public Lands Commissioner of Lighthouses See Nsvtosntr Wn r Coxmnisdoncr of Navigation ` _ See _Smrrxso _ Commissioner or Pcnsioné ( `·See_£1doP¤Ns1oNs - - - " ` Retirement of civihservicc mployecs,‘ad1nlnlstratlve pow- · l cm of commissioner, p. 73, § 700 Commission of Fine Arts

 Establishment and duties, p. 1296, { 104

Commissions of Officers — Seal or-United Smtee, smxingbto commlmlons for omcers

  • sppointetl by President, p. N, 5 5