Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2282

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_ ‘INDEX IIl1D1igP&[i01l-tCUDti1lU€d _ - “Im _Contract ·laborers—Continued g _ _ _ _ _ _ - Domestic servants not within p1;ohi_bition,_ p. -131, g .136 _ Importationprohibited, p. 131, —§' 136 (h) ; p. 133, § 139 Informers against violators of law, rewards, p.'_133, · §§ 139, 140 - ·` ". -` . Q Jurisdiction of suits under contract labor laws, p. 868. §41·(22)`.` · .’ _· Nn_rses_nof within prohibition, p. 131, § 136 (h) { ) Penalty for unlawful importation, p. 133, §.. 139 _ _ Prepaying transportation or assisting importation, for- ` feiture and"punishment, p._ 133, § 139- . , Professional actors, _-artists, etc., not within prohibi·f —tion, p. 131, §·136 '(h) , ·__ n . Y Professors not `within prohibition. p. 131,* §; 136 (h) · Reward to informers, p. 133, §· 139; p. 134,_§ 140 _ - . Skilled labor, exception to prohibition, p. 131, § 136 (h) _ Solicitation offnrmigrationaby transporting companies

 ,.prohibited, p..134,° § 143 · _ .` ‘  

Contracts with transportation lines for entryand inspection ` · of aliens, p. 148, § 217 ' Afr- . » Control of immigration by Labor Department, p. 130,·§ 131 _ Criminals, exclusion, p. 131, § 136 (e) Defectives, exclusion, p. 131, § 136 (d) · nenninons I _ -_ . ansfp. 14:;. s 173 Immigrant, p. 144, § 203 - ~ Nonquota immigrant, p. 144, § 204 _ - Person, p. 143, §i173` - -‘ Quota immigrant, p. 145, § 205 Seaman, p. 143,5 173 United States, p. 143, § 173 _ . . Departure of ·resident_aliens, record to be kept, p. 135, 5 148 · · ·< _ Deportation · _ · ‘· ~ ‘ ‘ ·· Alien seamen landed unlawfully, p. 14:1, _§ 166 Belief in or advocacy of certain doctrines as ground of deportation, p. 133; §_ 137 - _ · Bond to secure enlargement of alien. detained as witness, p. ·138, .§ 154 r W " ‘° Burden of proof, p. 149, 5 221 _ . _ _ . Cost of deportation, how paid, p. 139, 5 156 » Diseased aliens, hospital treatment before deportation, r>..138.%154 _ u _‘ " ‘ Duties and liabilities of transportation_1ines·bringing -inaliens,p.138,§154` " ‘ ` Entering after previous deportation, p. 133, K 137 (h) Entrimnin- violation of act of 1921, p. 150, 5 229 Expense of deportation, how'· paid, p. 138, 5 154 Ground of exclusion discovered after entry, p._ 133, § _137 r(g) . . _ _ · Hospital treatment of diseased or insane alien pending a deportation, p. 138, 5 154 . . I Maintenance alien pending deportation, p. 138. § 154 Place to which deported, p. 139, G 156 Readmimion in certain cases prohibited, p. 140, § 157 `· V Reentry after deportation, punishmeutjp. 133, SS 137

  • ` (il). 138 ~

Suspension of deportation to use alien as witness, pf 138, 5.154 r _ » . _ l Time of. deportation, p. 138, 5 154; p. 139, § 155 War offenders subject to deportation, p. 140,} 157 'World War veterans returning after war, fight to re- A admission, p. 150, 230 ` Deported persons _·attempting` tojreturn, exclusion, p. 132, masq`) ·_ ·‘~ . Detention of aliens for observation and examination,. p. · 134, § 147 _ . . ` l °

. __ 2268 migrationf——Continued · _ Discontinuanceofproceedings under immigration law, p, .141,5164 , . _ l_·Di‘scrimination in rules and contracts for entry and inspection. of aliens,· p. 141, '§ -162 "‘`. Exclusion, p. .131, §`136‘ (cf Hospital treatment beforedeportation, p.‘138, § 154 __ Domestic servantsnot within contract labor law, p. 131, ,_§136<¤l° M ~ . ,‘ Ellis Island hospitalyuse by Publi-c' Health Serviee, p..130, § 117 " t o A I Entry by aliens , - . _ ._ r ‘ Arrest without warrant ot aliens entering, or a-t$L;;l;,Q to enter in violation ·of,lavv, pi 130, § 110. _- ° " ·Bond not to become publici charge, p. 140, § 158 ‘ .Burden_of.prov_i¤¤right to enter, p. 149. 5 221 ` Detention for -observation_ and examination, p. 135, § `.‘147· — ·‘ - · `· Discrimination in rules and contracts, p. 141; "§‘ 162 Identification tickets,. duty of omcers - of vessels to _ f1irnish`, p. 136, 5. 149 · . “A ’ - U ._ . Prevention ar unauthorized landing from vessels and °` vehicles,.p, 135, § 146 D · _‘ · Search of vessels and vehicles to prevent unlawful entry, p. 130, § 110 _ · 'A npaiepncs,. exclusion, p. 131, 5 136 (a) . _ Examination of alien passengers on arrival, temporary. removal `for purpose ot, p. 137, 5 151 et _ · ' Excluded aliens, enumerationof- classes, p. 131,. §_ 130; p._ . 133, - I ‘ . Y · : . _ _  » Exclusion of Chinese immigrants, see CHINEREt·EXC|.IISl0X . Exclusion proceedings, Bnalltyof decisions of immigration `officers, p,` 143, 174 `_ U _ Expenses ofenforcing immigration laws, accounting for ex; ‘ penditures, p. 129, § 109 . . False personation, penalty, p. 149, § 220 (b) False statements in applications. atiidavits, etc., penalty. ` p. 149, §.220.(c)- ..‘, . A · iFeeble·ininded persons, exclusion, p. 131, § 136 (a) Fee ~for furnishing and verifying application for visa, p. \ 145;§207‘ Q · · Fictitious name, use by immigrant; penalty, p. 149, 5 220 ( b) Forging or counterfeiting of immigration visas or permits. penalty, p.‘149, § 220·.(a)‘ · .. ‘· . . 1 Harborlng or-eoncea1ing`allens_` entering without- due an-

 thority’,,p. 134, § 144 . _ ”

Headtax, see Tax on immigrants, infra llliterates, exclusion, p. 132, § 136 (_o) Immigrant inspectors . , _ · . . __ ‘ Appointment and compensation, p. 129, 5 109 ' Detail for duty on foreign vessels carrying immigrants. ` p; 130,_.§ 113 -· . . Reporting condition ot vessels carrying immigrants. p, _135,§147 J ‘ _ . t Special inspectors at Washington, p; 130, 5 111_ Immigrant stations - . i _ · Ellis Island `statiou, use of hospital by l~’ublie llealtb Service, p. 130,} 117 - - » Intoxicating. liquor,. sale at stations prohibited. p.,-130. § 115 _ ‘ - — . Lease otistation at Charleston, p. 130, 5 114 ` Local jurisdictionover stations, p. 130, § 110 · Privilegesat stations, letting by competitive bldelina. p. 130, 5115 ‘_ a · _ . State and municipal officers, authority in inini,igr:mt stations, p. 130, § 116, - ,~ ’.‘ ’ Immigration Commission, reprinting of public documents. p. 1433, tear T `