Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2284

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p IND __ Imrnigration4Continucd i . _ ` Porto `Rico, admission of certain, Spanish subjects, p; 1897, Posting of immigration laws by agents of "steamship com¥ ._— panies,p.·143,5.172i. ` . "- " " _ Professors, admission as nonquota immigrants, p. 144,- .5204(d)· ‘ .' - _ Professors not within contract labor law, p. 131, 5 136 (h) . Prostitutés, exclusion, p. 131,, 5 136 ig) _ · _.Public charges, exclusion, `p. 132, _5 136 (i) . q Quota andnonqnota immigrants _ . . · { Alien veterans World War as nonquota immigrants, _ ~p.1897,§241et’seq., ,' ‘_· .. _ Annual quota based on nationality, p. 146, 5 ;211; p. 147, 5 211 _` `_" · “Q " Appropriations for enforcement of law, p. v_ 150, ·5· 225 = . Arrivals in excess of, quota under act or 1921 per-- mitted to remain, p. 150, 5 228 i _ ‘ ·· Changes`. in political boundaries ot, foreign countries, edect, p. 147, 5 212‘ _ · ‘ ·_ _ Clcrgymen as havinghnonquota status, p. 144, 5 `(d) Definitions, p. 144, 5 204; p. 145, .5 205; p. 149, _5 224 Familyot nonquota immigrant aslhaving same status, Yp.144,t2o4“‘_ ·. Q v Immigrant denned, p. 144, 5· ‘ e Immigration visa, p. 143, 5 202 et ` ~ immigrationlvisas limited to quotas, p. 147, 5‘ 211 _ (f) · I Minimum quota, p. 146, 5 211 _‘ _ M .. `. National origin, determination for purpose of annual` .· y quota, p._147, $.212. -. _‘_ · ‘ ' ‘ Natives ._of American countries having status of non- ` quota immigrants, p. 144, §_; 204 (c) _ . R Nouquota immigrant defined, p.`144, § 204; p. 1897, Nonquota visa, p. 145, § 208 et seq. · . n _ Partial invalidity of law, effect, pg iso, 5 226 ‘ Percentage ..ot annual quota, of 146, § 211 -, Persons entitled. to `admission, p. 148,*5 213 _ Preferences 'within quotas, enumeration, p. 145,·§ 206 rroressoss as having nonquota status, p. 144, 5 204 (d) Quota immigrant defined, p. 145, § 205 · __ Quota law additionalto other immigration laws, p, 149, Rcentry permits, p. 146, 5 210, - _ - Relations oi citizens, nonquota status, p. 144, 5 204 (a) “ Resident indivi·duals·of·various nationalities, determi- ·' nation of, p. 147, § 212 · , _ * · ’ ` `Return. after temporary absence of alien `previonsiy,. · admitted, nonquota. statusgp. 144, 5 204 (b) ‘ ._ Students as having nonquota status, ‘p. 144, 5· 204 (e) Temporary admissions under bond under act of 1921, . p.150,§227..; _ _ i f ‘ Reentry by `admltted alien after temporary absence ` Permit, application, p. 146, 5 210. Q t _- n Permits, preparation, printing and distribution, p. 149, . § 219* . . s ‘ _ . visa not mann-ea, p. 148, § 213 an Registry of aliens arriving, py 129, § 106. i _ . Regulations governing physical and mental examinations, p.137,§152 . . ¤ _— ,"·" Rules and rogulationstor enforcement of immigration law, power to make, p.r1‘29, 5 102; p. 149, 5 222 . Sabotage, advocates of, exclusion, p. 133; 5 137 .(c, d)‘ —_ Seamen . - . i Definition, p; 143, § 173 _ — Deportation oi seamen landed in violation of law, ‘ p. 141; § 166 u · _ ` Detention on board yessel, p. 141, 167 ·

EX · e 2270 Immlgration—Continued R ) Seamen—yContinued _ _ . ~ ~ D Landing of excluded seamen-prohibited, p. 141, § -166 List of aliens employed on_ arriving vessels, p.—·142. § 171 ‘PaYi¤3 off or discharging excluded aliens employed on yessel, landing-to all0W_1'eShippi¤g,p. 142, § 168 ‘ Signing alien on ship’s articles with intent 'to permit unlawful. landing, p.` 141, § 165 ’* ` _ Temporary landing for medical treatment, p. 141, § 166 ‘ Search of vessels and vehicles to prevent unlawful entry of _ aliens, p. 130, § 110 Q ‘ ‘ ' ` Ship owners and omcers _ _ , ' _ Certification of passenger lists by surgeon of vessel, ‘ “ pQ136,§149: - ‘_ ‘ 1 .Duties_and `liabilities as to aliens brought in yiola-

 tion of law, p. 138,.§ 154 ·‘ . ' l_

Expense of. return ofdallcn not permitted to enter, _ p;.135.s1=i¤ · * _ ‘ - ildentiiication tickets to be furnished alien passen- · ·gers, p. 136, §`140_' I _" U -_ - · Landing of aliens yvithout authority, duty to prevent, ' pZ,135,§146 _ . ` ’· · Liability for violations. of immigration law, p. -133, §139etseq. . " _ "` ' , Lists of alien passengers- arrivingor departing, deliv- 1 — A ery to immigration omcers, p. _135,‘§ 148 et seq. Penalty `for failure or refusal to_ furnish" lists of alien . passengers, `p. 136, §·150 ‘ :_ Ships, see Vessels, infra, _ ‘. j- - . Singers not within contract labor 1aw;·p.` 131, § 136 (h) Solicitation of immigration by-tmuspoiaiuon companies _ prohibited, p. 134, $143 ‘ ‘ - _ A · State agents at immigration stations, facilities afforded, ` .» p.129,§105 ‘ __ ` Steamshipshsiee Vessels, infra _ ~ Stowaways, exclusion, p. 132,·§ 136 (I) _-Students - .` _ Admission as nonquota immigrants, p. ‘14f*» 1 204 · Contract labor law not applicable to students, p._ 131, ."·§`136(h) I ".i- ,. Suspension of immigration`» to prevent introduction of disease, p. 1320, § -111 » _ ' I .Tax oniimmigrants . -— Amount of tax, p. 130, S 132 _ _ _ Children of immigrants, exemption from tax, p. 130, ·§ 132 . ·‘ » u t . (Disposal of tax, p. 131, 5 133

 Lien on-vessel or vehicle carrying immigrants, p. 131,

—§132 _~ ” t ‘ Payment of tax, 131, ·$ 132 . ` Persons subject to tax; p.`130,,§.132 . · Refunding tax erroneously imposed, p. 131, S 134 Seamen subject to tax, p. 130, _§ 132 L , · · `State not authorized. to. impose tax. on immigrants, - p.131,S135_ 1 ____ · ‘ · Temporary absence of alien- after admission, right to rc- _ turn,·p. 132,} 136 (p, q)— . i ». `_ . » Temporary detention in case of diseased wife or minorq ) child of naturalised alien orresident alien, p. 140,·§ 159 _ United States donned, p. 143, ·§ 173 ‘ · Vagrants, exclusion, p. 131, _§ 136 (b)` _· _ Vehicles ‘ »- - ‘ · ·" ·Motor vehicles for enforcement of immigration laws, p. 130,5118. · . , . _" ‘ . Search for aliens attempting unlawful entry, p. 131. _ ·__ §~110` _ · · ‘ , ` >~ Venue of proceeding under immigration law, p. 141,5 164`