Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2351

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2337 IN; Navy——Continued _ . conduct of personnel generally, see Arrrictms Fon. Govnaxe Mawr or Navr . . . Y Construction and repair of vessels _ . Armor, cost of production at 'Government factories. p. 1119, § 482 . _ I _ Hull and spars, determination as to necessity and expediency of. repair, p.`1120, § 484 `. `_ - Patented articles, purchase and use in connection `with . `marine engines,_p. 1-119, § 483 ‘ _ ‘ ‘ Sails and. rigging, determination as to necessity and expediency of repair, -p.- 1120, §_ 435. Steel material, domestic manufacture, p. 1119, § 431 Construction.Corps . . ‘ _. _ . Advancement of— officers to grade of lieutenant com-_ mander, p. 11.12 § 321 · _. _ Assistant naval constructors,. appointment, p. 1102, Distributionof officers in grades, p. 1100, §`§ 5, 7, 3 Filling vacancies in corps,. p, 1102, § 82 — . ` Number of oflicersin corps, p,__1100, § 3 . ‘ Promotion of assistant naval constructors, p. 1112, § 324 _ . ‘ ‘. — Rank of officers, p. 1108, §‘251 _ ° Transfer of otiicers of line _`to corps, p. 1102, § 83 Contracts, see_ 1’rope·rty, stores, supplies, and contracts. infra - . . ‘_ Corps of Chaplains ° Acting chaplains, advant-cnient to grade of chaplain,. . p. 1102, § 94 . ‘ , ~ · Acting chaplains, appointment, p. 1102,-§ 92 Age of appointees, p. 1102, § 91 _ _‘ ‘ Annual reportsby chaplains, p. 1103, § 96 .. Appointment of acting chaplains, p. 1102, § 92 Distribution of chaplains ·_and acting chaplains in grades, p. 1100, § `6 . _ Form of worshipyp. 1103, § 95 Number of- chaplains in corps, p. 1100, .§ 3 Rank of chaplains and acting chaplains, p. 1109, § 257 lievocationof appointment of acting chaplains, p. 1102, Corps of Civil Engineers - Y Actingensigns for enginecriiig duty; p. 1102, § 7*5 Advancement to grade of lieutenant= commander, p. 11,12, § 321 . Q · Assignment of line oflicers to engineering duty, p. 1102.. Distribution ofofficers-in grades,_p. 1100, §§ 5, 7, S . Engineer of ° fleet, `designation, .p._ 1102. `§ 76 Nature of engineering duty, 1102,'§ 73 · _ ` Number of line otiicers assigned to engineering duty, p. 1102, 5 72 _ ~ · t ·, A _ . Otlicers performing shore duty in 1911 as- additional number in grades, p. .1102, § 74 ‘ Rank and precedence of oliicers, p. 1109, § 250 Corps of professors of mathematics. Appointments discontinued, p. 1103, §.101 ‘ Duties of existing professors,. p. 1103, §. -102 . Courts, see GOUR'I`S·ld·AR’l‘IAL (NAvr)·;· Gbums or Ixormv 1 (Navy) ` Criniinal laws, use of naval forces to enforce, p. 1·25,· § 55 . ‘ Death in service . ‘ , Allowance to dependent relatives of decedent, p. 1143. $..943 _ _ . . Disposition of decedent's edects, p. 1143, § 942 Funeral expenses, payment, p. 1143, Q, 941 ‘ l s027o° —-26e—¥147 . A

DEX _ Navy———Continued h Death in service—Continued ` . Settlement of accounts andpayment of balance, p. 1143, _ 1 § 941 _ _· Decorations, medals, and badges _ Additional pay to enlisted or enrolled persons receiving medal` or cross, p. 1114, § 357 - — _ Additional pay with" award of distinguished ilyings cross, p. 2056, §_ 357a _ _ ’ ' Badges of military societies and organizations, right of - officers and men to wear, p. 1115, §§ 371-375 _ Death of person entitled before award, p. 1114, § 363 _ Delegation of Presidents authority to .make awards, p. 1114, § 364 ·- V ' Distinguished flying cross, p. 2056, 356:1 x Distinguished-service medals, grounds for award, p. } 6 1113, 5 355 l Duplication oflost medal, p. 46, § 116 · I Expenditure- for medals and crosses. p. 1114. § 359 . Forfeiture of right to medal or cross, dishonorahle con- l duct after meritorious act. p. 1114, § 362 . . i 0 'Lost medals and crosses,. replacement, p. 36, § 116; p. i 111-1.`§ 359 ‘ . ‘ a ‘ ·_ l i Medals of honor, award to enlisted inen, p. 1113, § Q _ ·-———aw:_u‘d to otiicers, p. 1113, § 353 l 4-——grounds foraward, p. 1113, § 354 , il, -—-——-rosettes and ribbons for holders. p. 1113. § $$2 ° _ ’•" Navy crosses. grounds fo_r award, ‘p. 1113, § 356 ( One award only of medal or cross, bar, or other ein- i ' i l hlem for additional deeds of services, p. 1114, § 358 1 4 Postbumous awards. p. 1114, § 363 ‘ . Time limit on awards of medals and crosses. p. 1114,, T ` §§ 360. 361 - Dental Corps · A ° K Age of assistant dental sprgeons at time of appoint- - ment. p. 1101, § 52 ‘ _ · - _ Appointments in grade of assistant dental surgeon, t p. 1101, 5 51 _ · ” (‘omposition of corps, p. 1101. § 51 Number of officers in corps, p.l1100, § 3 { Qualitications forappointment. `p.k1101, _§ 52 E , · Rank and precedence of officers, p;.1109, § 255 i Retirement of dentalofficers, p. 1116. § 396

 Derelicts at sea. detail of vessels to remove or destroy, p.  

l- , 1119, 5 473 F i O Descrtion · _Arrest of deserten by civil oflicers, p. 1146, § 1011 , 1·`orfeitnrc` of citizenship rights. p. 1157. art. 18 Forfeiture of pay on aeeount of desertion, payment to ‘ . Navy hospitals, p. 671, ;§ 5 ‘ Limitation of trials, p. 1161, art. .62_ · - , 1 Proeuring or aiding desertion, p. 466, § 94 i ` · Removal of·eharge of desertion from record, p. 1146, §§ *1012-1017 ” l Details of enlisted men _ . _ ‘ Assistance to foreign governments, p. 1907, §. 540; —· ·p. 2057, § 44111- r ` I Bureau of navigation, number of men detailed, p. 2057, D = § 44Sa , · . (`ivil employment prohibited, p. 1119, § 449

 Credit- for service on detail with foreigncountries `p. Q

1113, .§ 445 _ · »— _ , 1)ominiean_ Republic, servicewitln, p. 1113, § 446 if Haiti, service with, p. 1118, §§ 443, 444 K Navy mail clerks, p. 12-45, §§ 134, 135 Rural post roads, work on, p. 1119, _§ 448 i