Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2356

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IND N{lVy··—(`(llliiIlII9t1 l’ay———Continned . ' ’ Assistants to chiefs of bureaus and Judge `Advocate General. p. 53, §`453 h Aviation duty, increase of pay. p. 1189, § 29 Base pay of enlisted men. p.‘ 1188. § 14 _ ` Base pay of oflicers below, grade of rear admiral, p. `1185, § 1 Base pay of rear admirals and commodores. p. 1187, § 12 » ` Base pay of warrant oflicers and enlisted men, p. 1188, '§ 14 Capture of vessel by enemy as affecting right to pay, p. 1143. § 952 Chief of Naval Operations. p. 51. § 424 Chiefs of bureaus, p. 52, § 441 - ('ommandant of Mare Island Navy Yard, rate_ of pay. p. 1139, § 869 (iommencement of officersi pay on entering service. p. 1139, § 862 · Commissioned warrant officers. rates of pay. p.. 1186, § 5 i ' (`omput'ation of pay in case of delayed appointment. p. 2062; § 870:1 Death of officer or man, settlement of accounts and payment of balance. p. 1143, § 941 _ Deposit ,of savings by enlisted inen,‘p._1142, § 933; p. 1143, §§ 934. 935 _- - * _ Electricians and radio electricians, rate of pay. p. 1140. ` § 877 ‘ I Family allotments by otiicers, p. 1142, § 931 ’ Foreign service, additional pay, for, p. 1189,__§ 24 ·Forfeiture during absence from use of liquor, or drugs. or on account of venereal disease, p. 2062, §§ 882~ 882c i . Forfeiture for absence caused by misconduct, p. 1149, § 882 . Furlough pay, p. 1140.* § 881 _ ° Graduates of Naval Academy, commencement of pays p. 1139, § 863 Increase for duty involving flying. p. 2069. § 29 Increase for length of service. -p. 1188, § 15 ' Increase for sea duty not allowed, p. -1186, § 6 Insular force of Navy, rates of pay, p. 1188, § 16 Judge Advocate General. p. 52, § 441 ‘ " Limit of aggregate of pay and allowances. p. 1187, § 11 , Limit of aggregate of pay and allowances of rear ad- I mirals and commodores, p. 1187, §°12 Longevity pay of enlisted men, credit for service as warrant or commissioned officers, p.`1188. § 18 —·-~—-—rate, p. 1188. 5 15 ` Longevity pay of officers, periodical increase. p. 1186. §.:: ‘ . -——~·-·· service counted in computation. p. 1140.`§ 879: p. uso, t 4 Nurses, p. 1189, §‘ 22 tlrlicers advanced in grade or rank, commencement of pay of higher grade. p. 114o. § 870 ‘ tatlicers appointed from civil life. constructive service period. p, 1140. § 880 _ _ ` (ltlicers employed by contractors for naval supplies or war materials. forfeiture of pay, p. 1140, li 883 Uilicers on leave engaged in service other than that of · Government. p; 1140, § 871 _ t Otiiccrs serving on duty in (‘00l'(Ul1tltiou of Government _ business, p. 1140, it 872 Pay grades for various ratings of enlisted men. p. 1188, 5 15 `

PHX Navy·—Co1 n inued Pay——Uontinued _ Pay periods and rates of pay of oflicers below grade of \ rear admiral, p. 1185, § 1 ;_p. 1186, §- 2 Persons not commissioned oflicers but receiving equivalent pay, p. 1186, § 5 " . Power of attorney to draw, receipt 'for, or transfer pay ` of enlisted men, p. 1142, § 932 A ‘ A Promotion of warrant officers not to reduce pay, p. 1140, 5 .884 _ Reduction by readjustment, saving provision. p. 1189, § 25 = ` Reserve nurses. active duty, pi 1140. § 878 Retired enlisted men, p.`1118, S 431 Retired ofiicers and men, see Retired pay. infra Saving provision as to pay of certain, oflicers and men, -p.1190,§`30 ‘ _ `· - Settlement ofkaccounts of deceased officers and men, p. 1143, 5 941 ’ · _ ~» Subsistence and rental of quarters t°or warrantloflicers and enlisted men. .p, 1188, § 19 _ Superintendent of Naval Academy, rate of pay. p. 1139. § 868 . . . Superintendent·of Naval Observatory, p. 54. § 462 Vice admiral. rate of pay. p. 1139, 5 864 Wreck or loss of vessel‘as affecting right to pay, p. ,1l43. §§ 951, -953, 954 ` I’ay .·1t·¤=ks Acting pay clerks., appointments made from enlisted nien, p. 1103, 5 131 ——g—-qualifications for appointment, p. 1103. § 131 Appointments made from acting pay clerks, p. ltosl, 5 131 . _ Assignment to duty. p. .1104, §_ 132 _ Chief pay clerks,"commissioned warrant oflicers, p. llost. » . § 121 _ - . · ‘ ——·-—-·pay clerks, and acting pay clerks. mnnlw-r ap- · ·pointed. p. 1103, _§ 129 .h . Grade asssvarraiat officers, p. 1103:5 121 . _ Promotion to chief pay clerk, p. 1112, § 337 Qualifications for appointment as chief payclcrk. pay clerk. or acting pay clerk; p._1103. § 130 Paymastcr General, see Nsvv In·fr.umur·;xr Paymasters. see Supply Corps, infra ' Pensions for naval service: sec Prtzvsrons Petty officers. who are, p. 1104, § 146 Pharmacists _ ‘ (fhief pharmacists, commissioned warrant ofticcrs, p. 1103. .§ 121 Eligibility to appointment. p. 1103, § 128 Examination for appointment, p. 1103, ‘§ 123 Grade as warrant officers, p.- 1103, § 121 Number appointed, p. *1 103, § 128 . Promotion to chief pharmacist..p. 1112, limit} c Precedence among officers, see Rank and precedence of otticers, infra Prize, see that title . _ Professors of mathematics, rank, p. 1109, § 252 Promotion and advancement of officers ._ · Advancement as atl`ecting promotion when higher grade · . is full, p. 1112, § 342 G · G" Atlvaneeinent in rank for eminent and conspicuous conduct, p. 1112, § 341 et seq. · Advancement of officers receiving thanks of (fongress, p. 1113, §§ 3-45q-347 ‘ · Advancement of staff ofilcers to rank of rear admiral. captain, and commander, p. 2054, § 3-l8n` et seq. ~ Age retpdrements, p. ‘1111, Q 311 et seq.