Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2463

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2449 umn; \Vojnen’s Bureau V See Lanoa - \\'orkmen’s Compensation Acts _ Admiralty jurisdiction, p. 866, § 41 .(3) Saving remedy in· maritime causes, p. 866, § 41 (3) \\’orld \\'ar '-`·` See also Pamzvrs; Umrnn Surms Bunn Vnrrmuns or rm: Woaw Wan · _ 1`ilcs and records ot war agencies, custody, p. 36, .§ 111 _ \Vorld War Foreign oestcammtsstoa ° . See Pvamc Dmr _ World {Var Veterans} Adjusted Compensation _ Adjusted service certificate Amount of certificate, p. 1231, § 641 _ Assignment of certificate prohibited, p. 1232, § 643; p. 2083, § 643 , Conditions and terms to be printed on_ certificate, ‘ p, 1232, § 644 . Forgery or counterfeiting, p. 2083, § 648 Fund for payment of certificates, pp. 1232, 1233, §§ 645~ 647 ‘ · " . - Loans oncertificates, p. 1231, §.642 Loss or destruction, p. 2083, _§ 649 _ Negotiationof certificate prohibited, p. 1232, § 643 Time when certincate becomes operatlve,.p. 1231, § 641 To whom and when payable, p. 1231, § 641 _ When veteran entitled to receive, p. 1230, § 611 Adjusted service credit ‘ · . Amount of credit, computation of, pp. 1229, 1230. §§ 601, 603 _ ‘ ‘ _ Maximum amount of credit, p._"1229, § 60%*1 'Persons to whom allowances shall not be made, p. 1230, §§ 602, 603. N Adjusted service pay . . _ Assignmentof service pay void, p. 1231. § 632 To whom amount payable, p. 1231, §§ 631, 632 - . Whenyeteran entitled to receive. p. 1230, 5 611 Administrative reports to Gongress, p. 1231, § 617 Application for benefits ‘ ' · Certificate to accompany application transmitter] to ` Veterans Bureau, p. _12%0, § 613 `_ p Filing with Secretary ot Navy, p. 1230, if612 Filing with Secretary of War, p. 1230, § 612 Joint rules and regulations by Secretaries of War and Navy, p, 1230, Q _612 · Personal application, p. 1230, § 612 Representative ot veteran may make, p. 1230. § 612 Time for making, p. 1230, S 612 l “ ‘ "I‘n·ansmitta·l of application to Director of Veterans° Bureau, p. -1230, 5 613 - Attachment, benefits exempt from, p. 1231, § 618 . Benefits exempt from seizure under legal process and taxation. p. 1231, § 618 _ . _ In-tinitions of statutory terms, p. 1229, 5 592 “ ljependents _ ‘ _ —t Application by dependent, certificate to accompany application transmitted to ldirector of `bureau, p. 1233,} 665 . _ -——- tiling with Secretary of War or of Navy, p. 1233, 1 § 664 · - _ -4--—joint regulations by Secretary of War and Navy, p. 1233. 5 @$4 ——personal application, p.`1233, Q 664 _ -4-- representative may tile, p. 1233, § 664 _ —-—-transmittal to Director of Veterans’ Bureau, p. 1233. 5 6¤5 ° _} -——-——when to be flled,‘p. 1233, § 664 Assignment of right to payment void, p. 1%3, Q 666 56270*-¥26;—154

I Vorld W’ar \Teterans’ Adjusted Compensation-(Q7or1ti‘nue¢l ·Dependents—G*ontinued . _ “ Child " defined, p. 1233, § 667 Child presumed to be dependent, p. 1233, § 662 " Dependent " defined, p. 1233, § 667 i Enumeration of dependents in order of preference, _ p. 1233, 5 661 Q · . Father and mother must submit sworn statement of dependency, p, 1233, 5 662 ~ “Father " defined, p. 1233, %667 General provisions, p. 2082, 61.2 et seq. Installment payments to dependents, p. 1233, § 663 " Mother " defined, p. 1233, § 667 Payment of adjusted-service credit to dependents. p. 1233,_§ 661 . l _ Persons to whom payment should not be made. p. 123:%, § 666 · ~ . Preference of dependents in payment of credit, p. 1233, 5 661 . Widow or widower presumed to bedependent, p. 122%%, _§ 662 · _ '. ,Digest and explanation of statute, publication. of, p. 1231. _ § 614 . _ Estimates and appropriations h _ Appropriations authorized sutlicient to defray expenses, p. 1234, § 683 Estimates to be made by Secretary of War. Secretary of Navy, and director, p. 1234, § 683 Exemption of benefits from seizure under legal process and taxation, p. 1231, §_ 618 · _ Findings as to veterans entitled to credit conclusive. p. 1231, § 615 ‘ _ . ‘ . Levy under execution, benefits exempt from, p. 1231, § 618 Listing of veterans with amount of credits, listcoiiclusivc, p. 1231, § 615 Offenses 1 Charging or collecting unlawful fee for services rendered, p. 1231, §_619 _ _ - l·`alse.or fraudulent statements, making of, p. 1234, ' §682 A Oflicers and employees Appointment of oflicers, employees, and agents, p. 1234, § 681; · - _ » Authority of administrative oflicers, p. 1234, § 681 L‘ivil_ service laws. applicable toappointments, p. 1234, _ §‘681. . _ ‘ 2 · Expenditures fOl‘ rent, office equipment, etc.. p. 1234} . § 681 _ Veterans to be given preference in appointments, p. ° 1234, § 681 i Payments to veterans’ dependents. p. 2084, §&661 et seq. · Process, benefits exempt from seizure under, p. 1231, § 618 Publication of digest and explanation of statute, p. 1231, § 614 ' · ` Regulationsgenerally, who may make, p. 1231, § 616 · Taxation, beneiits exempt from, p. 1231, § 618 · " World War Adjusted Compensation Act," citation of act, p. 1229- § 501 l World \Var Veterans’ Relief See also Pnxsroxs ‘ Aliens, care and treatment of aliens after discharge from military service, p. 1229, § 576 Allotments under Army system, no recovery of, p. 12221, §i 575 i Arrests for crimes in hospital reservations, p, 1223, § —ls•7 Assignment of right of action to United States, p. 1221. § 502 , · Attorney General, opinions may be required, p. 1216. § 423