Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/270

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§ 110 ». r1*12·w$11.-.1 whom an lnvolm1tary»petitlou has been illcd and is pending MS. ?"mmm°d im ah? Qf b&¤k1‘l1Df¢Y_, 01°yh83 neglected orgls neglecting, or is about to so neglect his property tha; it has 1lmrcl»y` deteriorated or is thereby detegfratlng lor is about thereby to deteriorate in value, issue a w rant,t0 the marshal to seize and boldlt subject to further orders., Before such warrant is issued the petitioners applying therefor shall enter into a bond in such an amount as the` judge shall Hx, with such sureties as·l1c shall app1:0ve,‘c0uditioncd to indemnify such bankrupt fo1·_sucb damages as he shall sustain in the ,. évcnt such seizure shall prove to have been wrongfully obtained. Subh property shall be released, if such bankrupt shall glvé _ b0ud_ ih a sum which shall be iixed by. the judge, with.§uch sureties as hé shall [ approve; conditioned to ftum pver sli}?11 property, or péy the vdlue thereof ln money to the trustee, in the 'event he is adjudged a bankrupt pursuant to such petitiqn. (July 1, 1898, c. ,541, 5 69, 30 Stat. 565.,) I . 110. Same; tit1e.·———(a) The trustee of the estate of in bankrupt, upon his appoiutmentiand qualiilcatiim, and his successor or successors, ji he shall have one 01··.m0rc, upoilhis or their appointment and qualmentlcn, shall ln turn be Ivested by opera- -tie:n`<>t law with tlxetitle ot the bankrupt, as·of the date hé- was adjudged 0, bankrupt, except in so fir as lt is to property which js exempt, to- all. (1) documents relalinglo his, property; (2) interests ih patents, rights, copyrights, and trade·marks; (3) powers which lge might have exercised for hlé own benellt, but mt those Fwhlch hg mlght haire _ exgrclsed tcm somé other perécm (4) property transferred by hm; in fraud ot his credimré; (5) lproperty which prior to' the Hli¤g'0i· the petition he would by aziy means have transferred or whicll might have been levied upon? and sold undexijudicial process against: himn. When any bankrupt shall have any insurance policy which ha.s_—a éush su<rre_ude.r_valué payhblelfd himself, his estate, Q1; personal. represeumtlvm, he may, witlxiirthirty days after they cashlaurrenderc mlm has 8SC€1°t.&iI1€d’ and stutgd to the tfustae by the comymluyllssuing {hc sameppay 01; sécure·to_ the trustee the éum sb al1S(?E1’[£i¤0d and stated, and Icdntlzxuef to hold, own, ·g¤d carry such gpllcy tmc- from the claims `of the creditors barticlpating ln tQl1e`dlstrib1itionil~o£ his estate undg_1·_“¢l1e bankruptcy pr6caed— ings, otherwise che policy shall pam to the trustee as assets; And (8) zrlglntsut action: arising upon 'éontmgts or from the nm- . lawful taking or geteution of, `cr injury ic, his pmpe;·ty._

 (ia) All real and personal property belmzglug [tn bankrupt

estates shall pg appraisegl by Tthree disinterested ·appraJ.se1ts; they be app0i11ted"by."and report to, the murt. Qltéal gud pé&a1lpt*0perty shall; wl1eu‘practlcab1e,·¤é gold mbject to the approval qt the éourt; it. shall not be sold `btherwlsa than mp.

BANKRUPTCY 256 " jectto the approval or the court for less than 75 per Qigijtum Us its appraised value. ‘ . l (o) The title to property of a bauktullt estate which 3,,,. been sold, as provided in this title, shall be conveyed to {lugs purchaser by the trustee. - ‘ ° (d) Whenever a composition shall be set aside, or dlsclmrgo . revoked, the trustee. shall. upon his appointment and qualitl; cation, be vested as provided in this title with the title to all of the property of the bankrupt as of the date oi the anal decree setting aside the composition or revoking the discharge. ’ (e) The trustee may avoid any trander by thebankrupt or his property. whfch ·any creditor of such bankrupt might larva avoided, and may recover the property so transferred, or its value, from the person to whom, it was transferred, unless he was a honaiide holder for value-prior to the date of the adjudit cationy Such property may be recovered or its value collected - from whoever may have received lt, except a bona Bde holder » for value. For the purpm of such recovery any court ot bankruptcy as defined in this title, and any State courtwhlch would have had jurisdiction. if bankruptcy had not intervened, shall haveconcurrent jurisdiction. · Y ~ · , (t) Upon the lconilrmation of a composition offered by rg

 bankrupt, the title to his property shall thereupon revest in him.

(July 1, 1898,, c. 541, § 70, -30 Stat; 565; Feb. 5,-19%, c."4S7, § 16,32Stat.800.) Y _ ‘·. . " · _ - 111. Records { duty of clerks to keep} kspectie¤.——‘1’ne clerks of theseveral district courtsot the United States shall prepare and keep ln their omces complete ~and.conveniont indexes of all petitions andidischargm indhnkrumcy Bled prior to Jul! 1. ISH, or thereafter Bled in the said courts, and shall, when requested so to do, lsmereertlncatesof se•zeh_certl1’yin—;_ as to whether or not any auth pctltm or "dismarges have , been tiled; and said clerks shall. be wtltled to charge and , collect for `8¤¢h cartlécatea the uma tees ” as now allowed hy law for certllleates as'to_}¤¢ ts ln saw conrts. Bankmptcy indexes and- docket: shall at all times be open ‘to`in·. spection and examination by lll persona w corporations with- ~ out any tee or charge therefor. (July 1, .1&8, c. 541, ·§ 71; Febp 5,1903, c. _°487, 5 17,32 Stat. 800: Feb. 11, 1025, c. 20·l§ 5 §, 112. 1 of compensation of receivers, and thlyltees.-+—-N¢l·ther the r¤ferea..recclver, nor trustee shsllin any

 or   receive; nor shall the court allow nlm, any other

{or further compemationr for his services than that expressly authorised and- prescribed in this title. (July 1, 1wS, ¢·. 541,. 5 72 ;‘ Feb:·_5,·1_003, c;'·487, @,18, _32 Stat. June 25, 1010, c. 412, 5 13, 36.Stat. 842.) P ° `