Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/287

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${73 TITLE 1.2.———~1IAN££, nn: and slang!} ai: thn mnclnninn at hinftmntz render to sunk dis- n

,·;,__··;& nn circuit wnrti a full nccnunt ni all his grgqeedjngs;

manipis, nnil, nxpcn<1it=.1r<:§ ns suc}; {agent, wlxmh QOIQIEB shall, , wzgmn dun native, nnttln and z1®1stAsuch»ncc0nnts nnd discharge ,;,5,1 ngnnt and the swrnties upnn snin bnnn, Y A FR And ain nasa any such ngént so elected shall rnfuna s¢§ve, »

 Qn die, rnsign,.nr be rnmnved, any sharehcldny may call a

znnoaing ni {hn shnrehnlginrs nf mxchnssnnintinn in the toysn, city, _ ny vzffggn whéxtn {hn business of °thn»snid as~sncinti<»n§ was cm-- ’;·;{·§1 nn, by giving mticé therenf for thirty days in » a news-

§n;;nr ;nzblis1;nd in sxtcwn, city, ar._vi1lnga,— nr if no news-

_;§;;;¤;¤~`;· _§s there pnbiin _ , in the neésmpcr nearest xéwnin, nt which meeting {hn shafehclde S sh »1.e1ect any ggzvést, vnting by bnHnt, in pnrnnn on by prxy, each share ot G >;.§{=k emziiiing the holder to one vote; an when such Iagent 5 sign!} have received vntw réprcénntingnt lens; n emajérity of n fiw smc·k~§n· mine and number ntshares, and sn all have; exci- , {-mn n. mug! in thn shnrnhcldcrn ccnditiqned for inithfgl

z:&cn jnf his duties, gin than penalty Hned by th? éljm·é·

,;n§2si¤>x·s at said meeting, with two suretics, t0_be» apprqved by, n ~§¥1d§i3 nf n court of 1'B{!i}1‘d,;&1ld §1é"snjd"bond ih thé omcé 4,Q§ me` cinrk nf n cnurt of récnrd in the county whére the busi- K nnss nf said nssocintinn wn$·qartie<}_0n,°he·§ha1l have all the yignts, p<>wers,_ and duties of the agent Hist elected as hémim before insnvided. . At; any meeting, héld as 1;e¤e1nbe:¤re‘ pm-2 vided ndnainistratcrs dr executors of deceased snnrgholdbrs may gm nnd sign gs the déccdent might have doné if._],iYi1}g,v and ,· I gnnminns of IBiI$91‘Sh8Bd trustees of otheen persénsnmay iso act. and Sign for théir wnxjd or wzujds or cestui qua trus§;." 'I§1e_

,»r;n·4#cds of the assets nr. property fbi any such asséciation .·

n·!;inhImay be; nndistribntcd. at the, time at sucfx_ meeting of may be snbseqngntly received shall be Ydis!;i·ib11tedi&s,fcl10xvs :_. `F‘§rst. Tn im? the €$]}€HS€S_ 01 the execution of the, trust in the data 01'Ysuch péyinent. ‘ * { . " `_ $2cnnd.` To repay any gmmmt or amounts which have been = paid in by any shareholder at shgyeholderg qt such associa-‘ tina upon and by mason of any and all assessments inadggyxpmi me stack cflsuch ·asQ&0cinti011 by thn order of the Comptrojler. nf the Cnrréncy in accordance with the proyisionés hot? the Ksmtntcs nf the United States;. and · . · ) ; ’ . Third. The balance- rntably among (Each stockholders, in pr0· pnrtinn to {hn. number éi shares held and pwned `by each. yésnch distribution shall be made fmm time" to time as the procnnds snail be zencivgd and as shall be deemed advisable by the snid comptrpllnr or said ngent. _ (Janne. 30, 1876, 0. 156, § 3, lis Stat. Ang.’3, 1892, c. 360, 27 Stat.`345; Mar. 2, 1897, c. 3§—1,_29·§t§t.60t).} - _ . ¤ ·· [ .. 198, Pmnhasc by mcéivcr of piopérty. of bank; reqpent. t0· ¢nmp~t1jniln1·;—~W11cnnexfer the réceivcr of any nntionalbank duly npgxfixxied by the Ccmptrcuer of ;he_ Currency, nm} who `shall ,~ have duty qamlmed and `c¤tcred' upon the` dismhnrgq of his tru>¤t,sl1a1l_3nd it in l1ié···0pi11ibx1 `necussary, in order to fully .;n·ntcct and `bnnwt hissnid tgust, to the extent-cp.! any anhd. all equi-tins that such hfust may {have in any ptcberty, real cir pnrsnnnl, by, reason of any b0ni1,,m0rtgaga,·`assigmneut. or _¢»t1nn· prbpex, legal claim ‘ attaching thereto, and which said, ‘ ;nm>;;,¤·;:rty_ is w be nam nude; any execution, jdacx·ée— of fcreé <·ins·;nrn, or prepér qrde: Gt. any court qt 1m·isdi<:ti¢‘m,·he may certify the- facts in the cane, t0gnt_her_ with his opinion as ·t0‘ the va1ue.¤f this property tg be sold, and, the vniue ot the éqnity his said tErnn t_may¥in· thesamé, ico the Gcmptrbller ci the Ciirmncy, together with a ‘ request im? tEhn·‘right·a,¤d , authority to an and éxnplnyno much ot ting ninney cot said trust as may be .ne—céssa:éy to purchngsak mach, pmparty at such sale. (Mar. %, 18%, iz. 28, §` 1, 24 Smt, 8.) _ ‘ #· · W ’ _ _199. Apnmval ,0f rcqucst.—--—Suc:h request, it dpprcéred by the Gnmptrollnr of the Curxgncy, shall bc, together with the certmcata at tiétn "in the base, and his recommendation an to s¤2·rc·-ze-—-—-4s * _ ”

s Ayn zmgmzwa § 200 the amohnt of mmiay which, in his` judgment, shoékl be so used, and 1cmp10y€d,‘submitt&d to the Secretary of the Trezxsury, _` and if the same shall liiiewise be approvedby him, the mé quest shall be by the Czxuxptrolicr of the»Cm·i·ex :c§: :1llm.vea d, ami notice thémcf, with copies of the request, cewtiikzzxté of fzxctiz, and irzdorsement of approvals, shall be- med with fthe Treasurer cf] the ,Unit<=:d Statas. ‘ {Mar. 29. 1836, c. 23, §‘E2, 24 Stat. 8.) » ( V i ° » ` 200. Payment.»¥$*he¤cw·er any sugéh rcqqcst shall be alimvszd as .h€I'(?iBb€fo1‘B p1·0vided,_tl:é said Comptroller of the Cm·· nancy shall bg, zmd· ié, empowered tc draw upon and from such funds of amy such trust as maygx deposited with t§1g_. Tw:1s· prér of the; United States for the . etit of the bank $1.1 intewgggt, to the amount as may be mcommeuded and allowed m:d·for me purpose for which such allowance was made: Pfvvided, kmc—· evgzr, That git payments tp be made mr er on aecgunt of the purchase of mi? such property 3lld_\Il`1d€·{' any allawauce shz;11 bé made by_thé Comptmllérbof ihe Currency direct, xisith the appmveu of the Secretary of the Treasury, for such purp0se.<mly and-in such_1tg1a1mgr as he may_det:ex·mix1e and ordezr. (Mau-. 29, 1886, c. 28, § 3, 24 Stat. 8»)_ " 3 >Chapte1•_ 3.-L-FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM. = · 'Di•}I¥fINIVTIONS,` ORG-ANQZATQON, AND GENERAI. PROVISSGNS V · - AIYEEOTING SYSTEM, Sec} · _ _ g .221. Dofinitipus. · _ 22*2. Federal rcgserve,districts. 223, Federal reserve cities. I . .2.* _ 224._Status ct Beservc cities under former statutgx. ·225. Fedargl resexjve banks. _ ‘ e _, 226- "’FederdY Reserve; Act."_


241. Qreation; membership; gamrieé, ·· · , ,_ 242. Ineligibility to hold oQce— in member banks; qszatiitcatickns ana __ terms ot cmcd qt mezgxbers; governor and v=ice`gcvcmm·; ¤=®c• ` for board; oixtt; of owce, _M_;_____m;m__;,___;____________ _. - _ 243. Assessments upon Fedétal reserve banks to pay expenses. , ~ 244*. C}}{.1i1‘II!8'¤_‘0f board.: qpalmgatiéns at memmrs; vacancies., 245, Vacancies during recess of 8e¤a§e. . — . A 246. Powexaot _Sec»ret:u·y bt Treasqry gs gmzctcd by chgpteb. _ 247. Rep0k·té_to Congress. · _“ ‘ ‘_ V J ·· : 248. Enumerated powers. _ - _. . . _ — ‘(`a) Examinutiqn ot accounts and amxirs of banks; pubiicution _ J ot weekly stntc·men~t.s. ~ _ - _ ' (b) Permittipk or rediscguntiug at paper at specmed rate. " (c) Suspeqdiug · rosette requimmeuts; csiabitsking gmduigtéd _ _ tax cp dc§cie¤cy`i¤ gold reserve. _ _, _ · . (cl) Supervising and x·c.¤;uIatgi¤g»iss¤a and ”m§irémc:xt at notes. (0) A;dding`t0 or reclassifyihg reserve and centmi reserve cities. (I) Suséevdiug or removing omezers or diriectars of reserve ' ~ ·· banks. -. `. ° _ · `(S)‘ Requiring w`riti¤g‘05. ot doubtful or wcrthkzss- assets ctr W banks. . `· ‘ * . (hi Suspendingfopcgratiqns pt or Hquidzxting él'- x·c¤z·gauiziugbanks. , » - `_ . ° , · M (I) Requiring bonds of pgenté; safeguarding progxmty ix} hzmds — . oi agents., - · · ‘ · · , · _~ _ (j‘•”Exvx*cisi;1g_supervisié¤ over rvservc bmsksf • ' (k) Permitting nqtmml. banks tp act as t rustm·s, ctc. · (1) Enxplcyiug attorifcys, cgperts, assistants and '€1&k`k3;' smaries gud bees; .¢:·h·tl·sex·vim rules as applicable; _ - (m) Rules and re;;u1ati<;ms `fcr transfer of fuxuis and char;§;·:·s* ° thefeim amging banks; clgmzing hmxses. _ . : FEDERAL; ADVISORY COUNCIL Q`\\ 2¤1.'Crcatid'r1; membership; <:ompen;aatio:£;_ _¤:xcctings’; —o!§cers'; pm- ` ’ ° . cedure; quorum; va_ca,ncies. ` ‘ 262. Powers. ‘~ · CéAPITAL AND STGCK OF FEDERAL RESERVE; BANKS: » DIVIDENQS AND EARNINGS 281.‘Capita1. . . ‘ ‘ . " »2$2.`__Subacrfptlnn to capital stock by national banking asaoéiauon. »

 283. Public spbscriptimx to capital stcqk. .

3 284. Stock almttcd td United Sums. _. g 28.5.~‘N¢nv¤ti:ig stock. i