Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/306

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§ TITLE:} .Z£.~e·—~B.:l.N.K Ami exiriiiiirier eccepting a loan or grati1ii‘.y_f1‘o111 any bank exeiniiied by him cor from an officer, director, or employee thereof snail be deemed. guilty of E1 l1”llS(lQilil(}£ll10i‘__!lllLl shall be 1 iznpz·i:~;oi1etl one y<·2lr or fined not more than $5,000, or both, owl may he lined 21 further sum equal to the money so loaned oi: eratiuity giyen, midi; shall forever- thereafter be disqualified i°i·om llxoidiiig office as a `11atio11al—~l>ank examiner. (Dec. 23,_ Clfiifi, e. G, § 22,*38 Stat. 272; Jime 21, 1017, c.»32, § 11, 40 Sist. 2402 Sept. 26, 1918, c. 177, § 5, 40 Stat. 970.), "' ' 594. Bank exaniiiiers; performance of} other services for cempeiisetiong disclosure of information.———No 'Il3tlOIl8l-·l)%1lll{ exzmiizier shell perform any other service forwcompensatioii awhile lioiding such office for anydbank or officer, director, or empiojtee lliereof._ I ’i* No exiiminer, public or private, shall disclosethe- names. of ,/,llmi'l'il\‘{'t‘!`S.U1`_{lit} colleteml for loans of a.111e1nber bank to other thimilie proper eiiieers of such haul; without first having obtaiiied the express permission in writing fifonf the .Com.p- troller of tllt“1·CllI‘I‘{’I1Cy, or from —the_board of directors of such l$3»illl{,_€K(?{3]llZ when ordered to do so by :1 court of competent jmisdietien, or by direction of the Congress of the United Sletes, or of either House thereof, or any eomniittee of Con! gress, or of either House, duly autiiorized. ‘Any bank examiner violiitixig the provisions of this section shall be imprisoned not ignore then one year or fined not more than $5,000, or both. (Dec. 23, ,1913, c. 6, §_ 22, 38 Stat. 272; June 21, 1917, c, 32,* § 11, 40 Stat. 240; Sept. 20,.1918, 0. 17,7, § 5, 40 Stat. 070.) _ . 595.,.0i’§cers, directors, and employees; commissions and Qeifts for procuring loans, etc.—»-Except: as herein provided, ng.? oilieer, `director, .t§lX1})lO]»’{%€,_Ol‘ attorney of a member bank who stipulates for or receives or ii consents or sigrees to re·_ eeiveeiigg fee, commission, gift, oimthing of velueofrom any uereon, firm, or (·orpo1‘a.tion, for pI‘()('lll‘.lllg or `€l1(`l€3“VO1‘lllg to ]}1°{0¥£‘l.1&’&~f(}l"SilCll person, iirin, or Corporation, or for any other person, firm,ror corporation, any loan from or the purchase or` diseomit of any paper, note, tlrzift, check, or bill of exchange by seen eieinlier bank shall he deenied guilty of a misdemeanor mill slinll be iiiiprissonesl i10fIl1i)1‘€ than one year .01* fined not mos·e_tha¤ $5,0UO, or ‘botli. (Dee. 23; 1013,ic. 6, § 22, 38 Stat. 272; June 21, 1917, c,. 32, § 11, 40 Stat; 240; Sept. 20, 1918, cl. 1}*7, §r 5, 40 •.‘§tat. 970,) .-, ’ Clnzapteaf 6.--·-··I*`(§)Iil%ZI(i}€‘ BANKING. 3£;s’i’11;$I1iSii31l»ZN‘f BY SA‘l`lONAl°; B.xNi<SAOF FOitlilGX BHANCHES ‘ AS1} lNVi2S‘l‘lsil·2X'£5 IN BANKS l:>UlNt; l:`L»lil£lGN I.5lJSlXI€.:$5 _ lS"‘§,, · { _ ;·· . tml.`“.~\etlaori”z:itioi1; conditions and reguliitions. $5:.2,. 1fi’}}£}l°`1?§..§llil_£?X3I1}l}l1itll)II,$· · __ , _ 113;;.%. itesmietioiis iozpmed by ll¤·s¢~rve Board on blinks purchasing stock . i11,<·orpor;1tio1z»¢ xlolng.; foreign liusiness. » · i Gili,,_.1{eeou;1!stif ·foreign hrziiiclsesg profit and loss. ooo. 111li€I’li§£k.ll}g tliimstears, officers, rand employees. Q o11»4;1x2~;iZ.i?i‘1()2€ QF Cfi>Ri’C>R»\T1ll>XS To D0 F()Ill·lIGN ISANKING dill. Formation eutlioriged; fiscal agents; depositeries in irisulair pos-, yeossions. , H · r - — Gif. Ptrihles of asscoeietion; coaternts. N .. 6;::. Signing of articles of association: forwarding to and jliing by A , ” l¤‘e<ler;il H¢;sers·e isoerd; o`r;;:1nizetion certificate ; contents.], {334. Grg.1el§·:a.tion <·eriiii1·:1te; acl;nowlt·tigx‘:1ce·x1t; forwertling to, Bling, and eppi·m·al l>yQl—‘e·1lex:al lieserve lloord; perxnlt to do business; lpodys co:-p·n·:ite; ammo; see}; (‘Ul‘]N.ll`I1t£3·B\1(?C€‘Sé»l(Jll§ cozitractos; H sails; (liI;l’(ftH1'H, ofiiegeis, and empl1;>yees; by-lfows. — . {315. 1“’~.»~W,»r>—< oi omjpoflelitm. ( gv . 1 ‘ ’ go) ,1)eeiix1gs in limits, clxwks, bills of egtelizmge, neeeptanees, {ING £,1tliQi* (?\’l(l£?'1C£`s,0f lm1£‘·l;1tqi*(l;}1~5s; ]`)l}¥‘Qll§g·iQ and gglg _ oi $e@l,il*itieS; l4‘tt<·l‘$ of t·:'1·4lii;-» [mrclinse and 531;;

 of coin, bullion, and eiielxenge; llorrowieg end leaning
 money.; issueot tiebentules, boxzds, end notesgdepcislteg

limimtion of liel1ilit.ies.; i·eserres. . ‘ ' (bl Branelaes or agencies,. . I r i A ` ‘ Qc) l’¤rci1q,sel of stock in ether eorpemtions. ,

S AND BA§Eli\”G W-? SM!. _ (mx, I>m·;e of cmwyinr; on bwsizwsg: vs*h·’*¤ !7u#<¥¤<>¤§ may Em 2,*;-lm, 617, Engaging in cnmmerce or tradv in <v~¤zz:¤1w%im»$; w·gw fgrfeituxwe vi charter; acm f<>rbi<3<i<.{n to gim;w;·;é, G;;;.__·{.,_»S, ` O1' £*Illp}Oy€‘€S. V a B UA' ~;· LGIS. Capital stock; amount; whvu paid in; 0utst;mdi:x;: ii:x%>iii¤;2»;~; NG19, C¤g>itf;1 stovk {by whom held; lmlding 0@¢:@ in oar zwang wg, g In by cyber corporation. _ ‘ 3 ‘

  • 5;3g, 451:;;;1;;·;·g of Fedgral Reserve Beard withmmt ixmrest an ;_»w.,\_,m,

621. Liability of sharélzolciers on xmgmid sub><cri;>ti_<ms; m01uM;·:·sE;i=» gx / congpgratiem in I·`e<!¢{ral ras=ex·ve b:11xk·pmia¥bit;·d. L G2:Z..1·`0rféiture of rizhts and privileges; dissoiutioxx; lizxhiiiw wi ii;. recmrs and officers. · ‘ 623. Voluntary liquidextiou. G2-}:. Receivers. _ ~ A 625. Stuc·klm1dn·rs’ nwetings; b00ks~and_rcc0rz1s; reports; cxamimzizrz 626. I)ivi<k·nds; surplus fund. ‘ ` 627. State taxation. { 628. Extension of corpprgte cxistvnccx 629; C011versi<>x1 bf baukiaxg corporations info ccrpomxtimxs. au$§a¤·1·$z»-:1 ” by this subiiivisicn; p;·0ccdure.· _ (330. Oziwnses by qtficers of corporation; punishment, ’ 631. False l‘0[)1‘(‘S€HtZ}ti0l}S as to liability of United Staies for gzvéxwf , " corpcmtiong punishment. - ESTABLISHMENT BY NATIONAL BANKS OF }:`€")RI.:iI<;N l BRANGHES A·ND· INVESTMENTS IN BANKS DUINL; ·FOREIGN`BUSIN ’ESS - J Section 601, Authorization; conditions and regulations.—»——,m5»· natjmxal banking association possessing a capita! and surygmé _0f $1,000,000 or more may fxig upplfcatjcm with thai l—`¤·de·m Iléécrve Boardfur perxuission {0 éxcrciéc, upon such cmxditiu; s and uxxder such régmlaztions as may be prescribed by the sm! board, either or both of the foll0s£*ing poweysz _ Firs`t..— T0 estab[i,sh» ‘jbx‘anches in foreign cmmtrics ms QL-, pémleucies or insular possessions of the United Statvs fur Nw

f\,U.`th€.!I'§lI1C€ of the foreign (3()l}lHl€3*I'€‘€! of the Uni§e~d Stzxgtw, zu;}

·t0 act if required to do $0 as Hscal agents of théixalmitecl Stmw. ’ Second. Towinvwt an amount not c;xcce·<l·i1ig jin the ag;z·e·:;;;s·· ’10·D{?I‘ ccutumnf its p11id—i¤ capital stock and sgxrpius in .2%- St0c·_k‘ of dna or more banks or cm·p0mtions_charter0d or im··;z·- porated uuderf the laws of the `Uniteel St3t€}S`0I"0f mgy Smw

 tliéxmzof, xjrnjj priucipsxliy engaged in iutearxmtionapl or fmwiuzm

bmxkingyéi} buxiking in_a <k»pemIc>ncy or insixlar p¢~s:¤<·ssi·>_:x ··€ the? Uuitéd States either directly or throng}; Jthe ascxéxxcyg <.>x\·n·=·2·;— ship, or·c01itr01`0f local .iH'Stit\1ti0I1S’iXl fQrc>ign_cm1x 1t ries, us in such dependencies Or insular possessions. J ‘ “ Until Jgmtmry 1, 1Q21, any mxtimml banking ae;<m·i3!i·>r:. '}vit1mut regard to the améunf of its capitéil and `mrplusa. mm: file npj>li<:a}i0¤ with `tbe Fesdeaéil Reescriv Board for ;z¥—z*;_¤:is~·i§>:;. upon amply ckxnditiemys and under such mggxzmtians as nuxy iw _ proscribed by said board, to invest an mxmmxt not exvwglixzs

  • in the z1ggr•;>~·,¤; z1tu 5 cz2·ntmn‘ af its pz1_id=in capital and :¤=u:·pIu—4

in thté. stock of mm or nmrécorparatioxgs vtmrterml or —i¤_u·m—~ pomtccl umlvr tIl€'1£l\\`S uf_t he United Smtcs·._c>1·_·cf any Sum ihercexf aud, ,regm·dlc>=s of its l<’¤:i·3ti¢ m. piinncipzxlly qxz§3,·zsg+—d in . sinch pI1qsas of- international or fnreigxx tiumxciaxl exyxcmtiuzns M “ may be nécevsészxry, to fawilitzxte the uxpnrt of gemds, ws;re·><; mv `IIl(‘I’Ch{liH’iliSQ from xtha United States or-any of its d@peu<l¢~m ·i;»» or iuqulur possseisgqcvxxs to mx;} foreign mi1ntrygNP»·e}z=idcd, lew- <:‘v<‘r‘, '1‘hut in 110 €>v0x1t $11ali }he_ total irivcstgnéntg m;tlw1‘iS€¤ K by this S0ct i0¤ by any gmc H&fiOl1$'ll>b{lBk axgced 10 pew écutum of its c:1pif_u1_m1d surplus. _ ~ _ ~ "_ W Such appliczgtinu shalt smccify the mmm and capital nf my · banking zassm-in*ii0r1 iilixng it, the power; applied for, :111dH1§;n place; or plzmvé wlmm the‘hamking or Bmzrzciazl C?1¥€‘I`£lti€)1lS.i}>I’*· ‘DOS(*d SWG to be f·:11‘I’i¢¤d hu. ‘1‘he} Federal Rcseiwe B<»)§`tl’€T»‘ SYM?} ·h{1V@ *[}UW€·Fl{ fo approve nr fp rejéét sauqh sxpp1ic·atim1_in \\’}1**]¤‘ or in part if for amy l‘(?fiS%4)H the g r:mti:;_..¢§ of such a_pplipat i¢»u;w is deeismvil in0x p@diént,- zmel shall sugq lmve power from iillw A tix time to incfrease Ol? clegcrcase -the·m1mber ot? plmws W’lM‘¥`=-*