Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/335

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331 ? TITLE 13.-—-·BAN4 {$»§&4_·&e of the Comptmuer d' the Currency. Any vawucy in the it ard shall be ·¤i;ed by xzppcxiument by the remaming directors, mx any dircctér sa a t imed shall hom his place until the QM; electieims tibia!. 4, 19%, c. W, Title II, *1202, 42 Stat. H;’;;I)2. Aéditiwal paver: mder regulation af CéQptmllcr.¢——

—;m Nhtimmr `Agricuituml Credit Ocrpomticm ~shgl1 have

§\,,¤—.·¤·, under such mm and regulations as me Gqmptmllgr at gw <?u{·res»cy‘may prescribe- ‘ · _· - __ {1) To make advances upon, to discount, rediscount, or purigtwe, and to sell lor negotiate, with 01·`w§t»hm1t‘its indqme-

 ur or guaranty, mms, drafts, or bills. ct exchange, ‘and` to

§m.,.pt drafts or `bmé of exchange, whiéh-- B ‘ wx) Are issued or ·drawu fqr dn agricultural purpose, or the

¤·t·t·é<i.5_0f which haye Beep cr are to be for hn agrtculi

mnt} pl1l‘f>0S€`§ { l _` __ _ _ t ._ im Have a ¤.éatur!ty,_at_tl;e time of discmmt, purchasg, pr gm_'·;»raa1t·e, not exceeding nine mmgthsg and · . _` ‘ ` ‘* uw Are secured nt the of discodpt, purchase, or acceptm§··t· by v.·arehouse recc·ipts or wither like documents mnveying it socurhng dug ca ¤b¤p¤r1Smb1e‘ and maany mgrietgble agu- §·az§¢»duct$, or by ·ch&ttel`mQrt8'¤ges cr other liké"iustr*¤i malts conferring a_ §i·st km}- paramcudt. lieu upon livestock wiela is being fatteaéd for market. _ _ _ l ,12) To make advanceé qpori or to disc01mt,·rcdisc0unt, or

.tm·hase, dud to sell c; negotiate with orbwitheut-its·i¤d_0rse¥

Qymu or guaranty, ¤0tcs—geéui·ed‘· by chgttérmo;·tgages~c0ntcrrim':1 tirst and paramount lieu uptru maturing or breedfugttlivcgmt}; ar dairy”herds,_ and lxaviug a maturity gt the time Yot Qéimnunt, redisccunt, QI purchase hist cxceedingvthreetvyezirs. · {3) Tc·$ubscribe` for, gcquire, cwh, buy, sell, and otherwise _ tml in Treasury certmcatcs .6t indebtedness, bonds .01- other

z¤tions of the`Unit>é<l States to such extéxxths its board of

aiirvctnrs maj determine. . I _ ?‘ · A 44) To act, when requested by the S9c1{ctary» of the Treasury, z» iismi ageht of the United States, and to f>éri0rm\ such >··¤·vi<·e·s_ as the S·cc1§etary_ ot the Trmsury may- require in can- ‘ m···zi·m with thqzissue, sale; redeamtion or repurq/hhsg 91 bonds, ' n··1{·¤s, Treasury eértiiicateé `cf iudebtedn}-aw,. 0: 0thé1i___0b;ig~&· ._,1i·»m~. ct the,U¤lted Stu$&£ . ~r . ~_ ~ (5} Tg: pmchaisé, hold, icquire,”a¤d°di Qi shams qt the <·api:;3i qt ju; corporation organised under the provititms ctsectioai IEI of this chapter, in an amount not to exceed at my time .20 per cmtqm d Rs p•i•:\·ln and unimmimd _ czmiiai and Stidlw. ‘ ` °_ ° I. ‘ _ l6}· Te hold, ccmvey ih! estate fd: the folttminz ?¤rp¤¤•e¤,- and td: no others: “_ -_ _ . (A} Such idshall M _¤ee.&i‘y for its accommodation in the ta·z11m&£tia¤ biiti blaiacsgt - a _ t ‘ " ' i {B). Such aslhhll be mcrtgaged té itlin good-faith by lway ¤f sméurity mr dma pnjcvlbmiy ‘ Q _ _ . (C) Such as shall be conveyed to it in satisfaction ·cf°l¤ans cr advances made qt nba previously cwtractéd in the cohifsa cfitsdwliw.-] ° , . U. Q. " - (U) Sash _•s it shall p¤r&ué at aiu under judgnents, dc— crew, m- murtgagu held by th: ¥étio¤‘ or nmli mrmsm to secure ;1%·due to it. . . Q. · · ·l7-)¤Tc gct-u_.@dian, £1’l£&,,6i' agent for-holderani notég, dxatts, ar bills bt cmhmge sold or Jicgotinted under mmgmpm (1) and (2) at subdivision (a) of this mation, cx umkzx sectigms.1@_1\¤d , · .- . _ _ {S) Ta issmé, t•¤bj§ct to such regulntwm iQ LM Gomptmllezr ot. the —Gm·m¤ c1 my prescribe, ·m1 i¤tml twat mum mi de» beatum witl; n maturity nm €1 iB§AthP86 mérs, and to Diwze as security tqr such, pétg or debehturg my nom qmtm, bills ci éxchnnge, or other secmitks held bi the cprpomtipa tmd¤·.the terms ofthis The rmulntiozas of the Ucmptratler of the Cprreucy may ib¤ the {dim "0t note! 862 ?0°——·—26·-·-——2r ` ‘

ccs Are eezvxtyo § 1282 or debentures, and ot notm, drafts, bills of exchange, warehouse receipts, drattel mortgagw, er} other instruments which may be pledged ae security theretergthe prevlglons which- may be made -with rwerd to release, substitution, or exchange ot such seeuritiee, and with rmrd te preteetien, supervision, ieepxtiee, and ·reinspection of the agricultural commodities of liveeteek I pledged er mortgaged as. security therefor. (Mer, 14, 1923, c. 252{Title II, { 203,.42 Stat. 1462.) l o DEBENTURBIS AND OTHER OBLIGATIONS; LIABILITY; ` ‘ ,$ECUBI'I*Y ‘ · 1181. Liabiliti of United Statq {er debentures w ether obligadons "bsucd byj awk tio¤s.-—-The United States _ Government shall aséume ee liability, direct er indirect, fer any debentures or other obligetiene under this ehepter, and ell such aeuepmr and other obligetioml shell eeeteie , conspieueus and appropriate leeguege, me prweribm ie term

 and substance by   Cometroller "ef the Currency ged epproyved by the Secretary et the 'Preasery, clearly lndiwtieg

d that '110‘é\1é].l liability is assumed. (Mer. 4, 19Z3,‘e. %2, Title ‘ 11,1203,-42.Btat; 1462;) __ * ·, · · - 1182. Additiemtl security for ebligathes.-4my obligation referred te in m@p¤q (1) er (2) of 1172, wurqms swarm by chanel mrtreee e1§<>¤’nv@wn or ee ` related market value at least equel te. the face ameent of meh ` obligation, imay additionally seceréd by__ mqftxege of deed of trust upon reel mtatei or by ether securitim, imder seek: ·regu1_atier1s ELS may be made by. the Cfemptroller of the Currency. ` (Mar. {1, 1923, c. 252, Title 1I,°§ 293,; 42 Stat. Mw.) i ' . · . _ { ’ _ }_ · , LIETATIONS t 1191. Restrictions ora. nmeaet. of mdebtedness ned ea née " venea, jetc., to single is Evxek re-` btricted.-¢-·-Except as hereinafter previded ieseetion 122 of this chapter, no Natie§11aI“Agric¤1tpre1 Credit Cerperetiem liabllities whether direct or cemtingerxt; ze exeeee of ten times its paid in end lmiimpeired capital eed ‘ eerples; nor shall any such corporation make adirahcee te `er held rletw or other direct obligations `ot any person or eerperstiea, er" have eu; standing ac&ptaecm_ for any persee or eemeration, ln an; ‘ amount exceeding ·m centum ot_ tbe. pete in end unim- _puired _·_mbitzg1,·aL¤d surplus off such _ cerperatitm, unlwe such 'ndvances, new; eeceptances, er V other "eblimtiens are ade- · iquately secured by warehouse receipte represehting rudily _ muketabke. and neneeriahable a.:rie¤1turel,`ee _ ities, ie l which evwt, theemetmt of smh advaeew te, er uetm or other direct obligations ef, er •.cceptn¤c@ fer, etree one Yperson, association, or cerperettoxl shall not 50 per eehtum ot mm we In me wmpexree capital me were- ne eerperntion °sl1all ppr®sse,._ owe, or d@I in any livestock except llvedteek in the course oi uquteeeon ot oblige, . tions-held by lt. (Mir. 4,1 1923,Jc. 252, Title II, 5 204,‘_42 Stat, 1464.) _ · —· ‘ J INTEREST RATES W ~ 1291. Chdrges en leans nag dis¢e¤¤te.—y——Ai;y National Agri- r -c¤ltt1ra,I Credit Corporation may charge ee ehy teen or discount ’ made. cr‘ uboe any note, bill _0! excmmge, or other evidence l of debt, interxt at the inte ellewed by the laws ot the State . lin which such corporation is located. (Mer. 4, 1923, `o. 252, e Title II, S $, 42 Stat. 1464.) ~· ‘ .. . ‘ e 1202. E;§ctieg` anlurftil interest.-—-—Tbe taking, receiving. rex serving, or chgrging —e rate of interest greater tlum is allowed) l by the preceding section, whe¤._lmewiugly'_de:re, shell be deemed A forfeiture of the entire lnterwt whielrthe note, bill, or other · evldeéeeot debt eerriee with it br which has beenagreed to be ‘ ». mid thereon. In_ cam the greater rete or lnterest·lms been r _ paid, the bersoxi by whom it has been paid, er his legul`repre·,