Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/35

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21 TITLE 8.-e-·—THl gep;-emutative mein speak tcl such objection 01* question Ave y _mimite!,-;&!1dl¤0¢ menthan once; but nite: mndebete ennu have two IMM'! it s&l1 bathe duty ct the presiding

  • edicet ct ww Home me put mein question without further

debate. (Feb; &—1&’Lgc. 90; 18, 24 Stat. 375,) 1 29. Seats for to§cer• anti Mcmhrs of ttm Houses in joint nzeetinge-—;At lane}; joint meeting of two Beuw seats shell be péovlded ea eiollcmz Fer- the Prewdent not the*Sennte,Qthe gpnnkefq chair; fer the Speaker,_im1nediate1y upon his left; the Senators, in the bod! of thenHa1l upon the right 615 the presiding Ycmcer; _ fo1·*tm lBepresentativm in the { body of.: the _11a11—net pwvided for the Smnters; foxfthe .telle1is,_Scc;·etary gf me Sennte, and- Clerk of the cnoueé {of Repre®ntntives,· at the Clerks deski for the other c$cers ef) the two. Houses, .-in l front; ci the Clerk’s desk and upon {each side efthen Spehkefse pzmsem;. Such 1eintlmeet1ng» enu11;n¤t bela1ee¤1veq—n¤l;i1 the vnunt ez electoral votm shell be? completed and-lthe resu1t deelnreil.; and IlDt1°€@€@ siisllllye taken unless- aj qnestion"sy1n11] » have nxrisen in regard td countlng any such votes, or otherwise under thié enemy, inr which case cit shall be competent tmelther House, actin! Séparately, in the manner.het·einbefore. pm`- l vided; to direct a` ot such House not beyqnd tt1e<next—e, calendar dey, Sundey excepted, at the"l10ur”0t ten 0`cl0ck in me feneneen. `But ifethe conntiug- of the eléctoiral votes and ` W the declaration of the result shall not have been completed be5 1 fore the fifthécailendar day .neit‘_nfter such first meeting of the .= two Houses, no filihexi ex: ether neceg shall be taken by eithet }‘I<m.é·.e. (Feb; cc, 90,.5 7, 24 Stat. 375Q) . v_ e ·· V 1 . 21. Vncmcyin oEees of both fgesident and Vice President.-—In< cnee etcremevgx, denthe resignation; ot inability ef beth the President and Vice Pr&ident of the.`United Stntes, the l eséeretaxyot State, er lt {1191*6-b9'DDD€,`0f‘iD·CtlQ€ or his re! l!l0»\'81; death, epedgnatinn, or inability, then the lSecretnry`_ of e the Trenenry,_er if ltheftybél none, or an case not his removalll ’ de:ui1,: resignation, ”0r" inability; then the Secretaey oi _War, on n if there be none, cr in of his lrjem0t·:1l,f death, resignation; l ce- inability, 'theneffic Attorney Geneml, or it there be none, or in cneel et his removal, denth,' resignation, or inability, then the Postmaster General, or ltthere be none, ep in cane Qt his remevnl, death, redgnation, -01·`inability,`then the ·S€cretary.—0f the §avy, or it there be none, -01* in case of his removal, dezith, resignation, or lnnbility, then the Secretary. of the Interior, shall act as ·President.uuti1 »‘the disability qt the ·Presiden,t.0r—— Vice President ie removed or n Ptesident shnllglbe @cted:_ Pro- l vided, That whenever the powers and dnties of the 66ice of A President of the United 1 States shall d€}'0l\'€ ll[lO!1l8llY ot the nyanreenn named herein, if Congress beinct then in session, on if it-would not meet 111 .acc0rdance‘ with lnw?within‘ twenty days thereafter, it shall be theduty et the peteon Vup0nl»·w·h01n·_`nald »pms·ersn and duties; shall develvel to issue a proclamation con- " vening Congress- In extmcrdlnnryl session, giving twenty days' . netice et the timecte meeting, (Jun. 19, 1886, c. 4, 5 1, 24 Stut.1.)`_· ·A - _ _,` l _ ` 22. .0§cers eligible te act as President in case of l vaca.ncy;—-— · Section 21 ct this title shell pnly be heldgtc describe and npply tc such cmcers nn shell have been appclnted by the advice and consent ct the Senate te, cwces; therein named, and snclr as are eligible to the eféce at President under the Consth tntlen, gud nat unde; impmchment by the House of Representatives ei the United Staten nt the time étheiptwers emlj 1 duties act ee cmce shall devolve lupcm them respectively. (JnnQ ·l9.18S&c.4,|2§24S_tnt.1.') .. .n ‘l ‘ ' · 23. Bflftflllll of 0&e.-····‘1‘he only evidence of an refusal te necept, or ct aT neslgnntien of the cwce at President l or Vice President, be an lnetrum·¢ntc.1n1vvriting, declar- ·ing me same, nnd by the person refusing to accept A or rmgning, as the mee may be, nnél d@ivered into the cmce of the wretnq nt Stnte. Sl { 151.) 1 l· -

BPRESIDENT t 48 Chapter A2.-OFFICE AND COMTPENSA_'1‘ I.0N OE PBESI- l DENT. o " Sec. f _ . · 41. Comméncement of termini »omce.e 42. President'; salary. ‘ · - ‘_

  • 43. Presldufs traveling fexpeuees.

444. Vice Presidemfn salary. A - 45.VSa1arr of Secretary to President. _ , ~ o 48. Detail of employees of executive departments to omce ot President, 47. Accommodgtioxln for herpes, carriages, etc. ~ · 4 48. Publlc propertiivné-and bclonginglto Executive Mzmgsion. `49._ Furniture torVWhite House; h l I. ` 50. Ammalestetementkot public property, - _ 51: Inyoutory of public property. · _. . · "_ 52. Animal sthtement md ’l¤·rentory of stationary. and fuélQ l 53. Protectioix ot the‘I·?resldent. _ _ W 41; Commencement of `.of e§cc.-+—The term ot tom- years l rm- which a Presaaenmnaryiee ,,.» ymiaeneezrmur be enema; emu, _in,»all·cases,o_commei1ce‘ 6§__thé 4th day oi Karch next s¤c·

ceedi;1g-the·'dayI0n.Q$r_hich» the votes of the electors, have been

given. (R. S. §h152;}f `· ‘ - ° [ - V V 42. Presidenfs §#]§fy.’——Tbé_ Presideirt shall recelve `ip {full for his services dg1*ing‘ the term for which. heshall hehe been elected the sum of $75,000 zz year; to be mid monthly, end Shall _beoen,titled to the use of the fumiture and eEeets belo1ag¢ lng t0‘~Yghé'lUI1it€dl*__Sf3`téS‘_&Ild kept incthe Executive Mémiiou. (Ry l§ 153; 4, `l9b0,q c. 297,5/`1, 35 Stat. 859.) l ’ t 43; Presidepfs invoking expenses.-—5#There maybe expended for or oh account of thétrevelingh egpenses of the President of the United States such suixi xsfloxxgieés may frm time to time appropriate, not excceiling $2,*2090 ¤mmm,_ s¤ch mm when appropriated to be expended me the discretion of the Prwlciexxt: land enécounterlfor oh; his certlhcete solely,. (Jm1e 23, _1%6, c.‘3523,';34 sm:.`454J§o r ~ o c 44, Vice ePresident’s ¤bry.+—qThe¤ Vice Presidente shall receive m r¤11=m;”¤1¤ services, during theiterm Iorywhich he o esholllhave been electediheimmx .o{M$15;000 ahyesr, to be paid. monthly. (R. S.} 154; Feb; 26,`1907,`c.,1635, Q 4,34 Stat. 993,; LIHYL4,. 19%, c. 549, 5 4, 43 Stat. 1301.) ‘ lf _ h l

 Salaryeof ·S¢•:rctnry to Prc§&t.——The wlury of the See

V ery to the_‘Preside¤t at- tjherrate of $7,508 per aw num.; (R. 5 ·`155;.·Me.r. 4, 1913; c; H9;37 Stgt. 9l3}; Mer. 3, 1925,}:.468,§1;43Stat.¤-1198.)*  » · ‘ " t 46; Detail of employees of exmeme dcwrtmests to &ce »‘ of Presi dem.—Emplo§#ees ot the executive oepertménts and othereotublishiexents4of the`ex€€t1t:ive branch of the Government may; be Q detelledfrom time to time to the omce ot e the I’re$i·Q dexgt of the United States for such `temporary l assiegtenm as e may be necessary. (June 12,’o1922,`c. 218, 42 Stet."&6; Feb. 13,1923, e. 72, ”~42»Stat.e 1227; June 7;·~1924, { 1, 43 Stat. V52·1}`Mer. 3, 1925, c.·468,_§ 1, 43 Stot;1198.) r - A l 47. , Aééo¤m0datio¤s for horses, earriaga, etc.-l'I.‘he Quan tcrmustcr Genio1*&l~—o1 the Army provide suitable accommo4 doaotiems for the horses; carriages; end other rehlclééiotw the r President; and of the Executive Omce, in the stables m.ol¤ta.irne<l in the District of~CQ1l1lIlbi& by and for the use oi his clepart— ‘ ment. (Mor. 4, 1911, c. 2%, § 1; 36 St¤t.»14£}4.) Y - · 48. Public property in and belonging to Executive Mem sion.-—-The stexvnrd`, housekeeper,· or such other employee of the Executive Mansion &s` eilresident may designate, sshall, under the dlrcction of the President, here the olwrge and t custody of and be responsible for the plate, furniture,`r and public property therein, lxncllcshell, before entering upon we duties of the ofllce, §lve»boud·£or— the faithful diseharge thereof, sold bond to be ln the eumo of e.$10,000,_ and to A he approved by the Secretary ot lWar. Ao complete mveutory, iopropcr • books, shall be made annually in the month ot _Juue,_ underthe direction ot the omcer in charge ofgpqhlic buildiggs nucl`, grounds, oth ell thepublic property inéomd belonging to the Eiecutive. Mansion, showing when purchased, its cost; cou- 1 · _ »