Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/389

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375 T{TLE 15.·—··COMA MEASURES OF SURFACE n Metr1c denominations sind valqes ‘ d8£?x3m§%gg°ig°m i }{,—.;,,y¤__, .,... . 1€l,000squa.remct.ers-- 2.471_acx:w.‘ ‘ Ayn ,__.. Q . 1 .,.. .,-.---100 square motors,- 119.6 square {ards,. C,.Dg.,r.·__,, ,.,... ,---·-..-..,.---.. .--1square meter-; 1,550 square uchcs. ' wmamjs .. - T Q i . · Metric denominations uid values j &1gqu;§,;],%S in ‘ ‘ ‘ i ___________________________;___________ cmmua ons 7 iN be`<>I W"ht { Ht tit; of ( ggsn is ` . ‘ . um .r ea 0 w a quan Y av r upo Namx, _ grams wang- at muimum density __ . weight) Liillivrior to¤n€#u-.,. 1,m0,3|X> 1 cubic meter Q.Q..-'.·.-.`.-L-- 2,204.6 pounds , q..i¤mi---- -. ..-.-..-.. 1(DJX}9 1 1u·cf.01i§cr-- .-- · ... 220.46 pounds.

yr2.1gmm------; ‘10,w0 10111.ots ..-.. ---.‘.--. `-- 22.016 pounds.

Kilagram or kilo-; 1, (XX} 1 1113012-  ;---L .. ..-.-.. 2,®46 QQHZIGS. 11..4-mgmm_ ,, lm ldoeiliter ...,... · . . 3.5274 ounces. [1lek:.;gmm.--.. . 19 10ct1b1c·¤B¤£im¤¢6t8-... ‘ ..- 0.353'lom;cc•. (imm , ---.. ...-... 1 _1cubicce1i1.1mcrer .----. · --. 1 5L432;rhms. 1>¢>cigmm-.----..;.-..- 1/10 ll10o!.sc¤1bic·cc¤timet¤r ..,... 1.5432¢m1¤¤. (wmigmm ..., -- - -1 I/100 10cub1cmi11im8tat8 . -.-4., 0.1543Zl'81ll3· ~Mil1igram--;--1 . _. 1/1000 lcqbic millimeter .. ..; . 0.0154 zm1ns. 1 . 296. `Standdrd giuge for`- sheet a11d;·-plateiron. and steel.- ·— For the pqrposgbt securing uniformity the following is estat lished as the only standard gauge fqr sheet a¤.d_ plutciron an ' stvel in the United States ot Ameriéa, 11amely:` { 7 .;...- I QJ 9 Q ¤*6 0 Q 0 3 ‘° _ . _ . I ' 1 ::.,3. *2,,. . rs; _. §§ 5 . -.5 5% § , ff- E’=°_ Egg- 5;: El S '__E EE E ` 2. Zia ’SS‘g·s" · SB 25 is-3 · - §· 83. Q affgs .22--gg- `af-’ §·· §§·’5‘ 4 Q2 E3 gl § ·+ ` ¤.€.·:..=.2 ¤:5,·¤“ afi 57. ¤ °" “ ~a·.a;g .. 2

2 ·: *_<: ° _·: J K.; sg B B=.
 li! ‘_ .5 » ·· 12.7   mica 9.072   21,5.1

· 000000 15/32 JQ75 . 11.90625 ° 301 18.75 — 8. 505 91.55 M1.! ·· - 0®0B· 7/16 .4375 11.1125 ·% 17.50 _ 7.%3 86.44 1&.E 0000, 13/32 . .40626 10. 31875 · 260 . lb.25 _ 7.371 79.&_ 174:.1 2009. ${8 .375 9.%.5 ~ 240 15 6.®4 ,73.24 161.4 00 11/32 .34376 -8. 73125 B0 13. 75_ @@7 67.13 148.1 0 $/16 . 3125 7. @75 @0 12. 50 . 6. 67 61. 03 134. I 1 W32 ‘ .¤125¥ .— 7.14375 180 11.28‘ .&1® 54.% 121.1 2 17.%*51 ‘ 6.746875 170. 10.625 4.819 51.88 114.1 3 _1j4 .25 »· .· 6.36 10) 10 4.53 @.83 107.l 4 15i64 .234375 · 5.953125 150 9.375 4.% 45.77 ~ IM.] 5 .7]32,` 31875 {6% 140 · 8.75 3. 42.72 A 94.1 ·6 13]% .%.135 _ 5.169375 · IN l.125. 8.S5 $.07 87.+ 7 ${16 .1375 4.7625 ~ 12} .7.5» _ ·3.4¤2 SAM N.? 8 11.*M_ .171875 _ 4.365¤ — 119 6.875 8.118 #.57 74.1 9 5/32 .15625 3.%% 100. 6.26 ‘ 2.¤& ‘&.·§2 07.1 10 N64 '.14I§25 8.5718% - H) 5.635 2.653 27.46 @..1 11 QIS .1% 8.175 M 5 3.US 34.41 · $1I 12 ‘ [G4 » .10®75_ ,2.7781% 70 4. 375· LH! 21.36 47.1 _13 3}$ .9%% 2.&125 · N 8.76 1.791 18.31 ,49.1 14 ${64 .9781% 1.%-4375 50 , 3.125 1.,417 M13 SJ 15 H13 .§7@1% 1.78@78 45 _ 2$812¢_ 1. 276 . 13..73 gi 15 UM .8% _ 1. $75 1 40 2 5 1. 134 -1I. g 1 17 MQ .G$% 7 _.1.4$75.` 3, 2.25 - 1.031 10. M.! 18 1/E .& ‘· 1.37 » 32 ‘2 j .®73·’ 9“.·766~ 21.. 19 W _ .94378 1.11125 % 1. 75 · .7*% B.644 18.1 @ .@75 .9é%. 24 1.50 .®0¢ 7.324 JQ 21 WW .M·1375 . 873125 22 1. 875 ‘ .m7 6.713, 14.: 2 lm .&125 . .7®7& N 1.25 ·.5B7 8.1(B 13.· ¤ NQ .@125 · .714875. 18. 1.125 .61N . 5.4% 12. 24 IMG l .&5 .@5 . 16 1 .45%' LH? 10. 2.5 7f3®~ .821875 14 .875 4.273 9. .3 MIM .01876 .47625 12 ..75 · .341B 3.663 · 8. 27 11/049 .0171875 .4wG% 11 .$75 5.3119 , 3.357 7. · 28 1,*04 .015825 .NG75 19 .625 _ .&5 8.053 B. .29 @$40 .0r1@& .I571§75 , ·9 _ .6625 .2551 »2. 746 6. NL IM .01% .3175 · —~ 8 .5 .2288 2.441 6. 31 'IIGQ @@75 .2778125 · 7 .4375 ..1984 2..136 4. ‘ 32 13/1%- .01Q1§$5 .2579&75 6}*5 .40&5 .» .184% LW? . 4. 33 UW LW1@7§‘ . 233126 6 . 375 .1701 1. H1 4. 34 .11ll% @@75 ..218%1`2§ » 5% .34375 .1559 678 3. 3.5 Q§£ .®781% JE4375 5 . .8125 .1417 · .5% 3. 36 0A% .tB?®125 ’ JTSW75 ‘ 4g .E12§ . .1276 1,373 3. 37- 17!35® @@5 .1@671875 ‘4 · .265&5 .1206 1.237 2. 38 1,/1Q .00625 . .15875 · 4 .25 · .1134 1. %1- 3. The same and no bther shall be used in determining Edut1· and mxesl levied py me United Statgq gt ‘Amm·icg. on sham m plate iron; and steal; But slecticms 206 -1.6 @6, inchishc. _· this chapter, shall not be cuustgued to increase dqtlm upx any articles wlnicln may be imported. (Mm:. 3, 1893, .c. _%1, § 27 Stat. 746.) · ‘ ·‘ ‘ at

IERGE AND TRADE - § 22] 207. Preparation of standards by Secretary of thé_ Treas- '_ ‘ tary.-7-The Secretary of the Trgeasury is authorized and 1°G(]\liI`C‘d· to prepare suitable; standards·in hccordance with the preceding ,

section. · (Mar. 3, 1893, ci 221, § 2, 27 Suit. 746.) » x

_ 208, ·V_§fi8ti0RS.——ID the bractical use and uppliéation of the · `stnndard gauge established, in sectiqn_206 a variation of 2% _ per ccdt, eithertway may begllowed. (Mar. 3, 1893,4:. 221, 53, 27 Stat. _746.) , ‘ _ , ‘ _` ‘ - - · 209. Sta¤dai‘ds·for screw- threads ta be adopt¢d.——It shall k be the duty `of the Commission for the Stzz¤,dm·diz;atio¤ bt L Screw Threads t0°ascertaiu_and estgibltsh standards for segcw thpeads,. which sha1l ’ b0_§l1bmitt;edC to, the Secretary of War, _ the Secretary gi the"`N&vy, and the ‘Secrgt ary of Commerce fdr i their acccptaxgée and .appx·ovaI. Snich stsmdardsn whén thus ` ,` acceptedgnd approved, shall be adopted! and used in the scveml Z _ mmtufacturing plaxits under; the control of the War `duci Navy Departxnents,`¤nd, solar as pmctigeaple,. in all specimatimms for screw threads in proposals for manufx1ctm·ed· articles, pm·ts,, 'or materials to be used under the direction of these depart· ` ments. (July 18; 1918, c. 156, §. 2, 40 Stat. 913; Mm:. 3, 1919, Y ‘ c. 96, 40 Stat. 1291.)__ · “ _° ~ - .— , I ° ”_ - 210. Promulgaticn Wfor use by public.—g—-The Segreta{ry`V of , »- Gqmmcxjce shall promulgate such 'stgndarda for use by the d public and cause the same to published as a public document. (July 18, 1918, @156, 5 3, 40`Stht. 913; Max-. 3, 1919, c. 96, __· 40 Stat. 1291.)_ ~ B STANDARDS OF ELECTIQIICITPY _ g' 221. Units of electri£armeas¤ré.—The leg! units of eleé-_` §_ trical rmgéasqm in-tm United Statmslmll be as follows: * ‘ " F£rat,_.Rcaistavicc,·¢1hégat—+Tha unit txt resistance shalgi he wmt —·· ·is'kn0wh` as the interstaticual ohm, whictz is substantially éguai g to one thousand minion units ct resistance at *¢€R€iE§¥€1'· ; rz gram-sgcond system ot. électromametic emits, and is represented } {Q] by the retistancp 01'fered to` umrarying electric cugxjegt by ji; sig cblumu ot mercury at the tmsperafurq of meiting twrtém J as {md mgm- theusandj _¤v¤ hg1rgd;·ed_ and twentrom tm:—t!mn» {K · shudths grams idmam, ot a' c<msi:1mt°ci·0sq—gectic¤al·hrea, and E ot the length of one rhmxdred-. aizgi &x ind threetenths éenti·· g mete:g._ _ · M . `· Second. Current, amp»m·c.·;-·$['h0 unit of current shall what _ Q. is known `ag the intemntionai taixxpcrc, which ‘ is aueamth of — g the unit qt current ot the system _ qt

 electromagnetic malts, and is the mactiésl géuivaleat. Gt tim

27. unvnrytug current, which, when through aj gcwtizou at g nitrate at dive; in water in accordance with specia latinas; 'depoaita silver at the kate oi one thézimgad ¢>¤e’1;uuQ— ; gg yldred and eighteéu xiullioqths at ‘n Qgrgmpet se~cm1d.· · . Eg I Third. Eliot:-oqwtix force, mI¢.—···Th¢ unit of elactmmottve · gg t¤rce shall bg what- is hmm: gs the mtgmntimal voIt%·‘wmc~k_* 4: is' tha electrcmotiye form that. stasdily applied tcla cumluctag S % whom xesistknce is onminterimtimnsl ohm, will pmduce a can g mnt ot ‘ an- international tampergg and is pm¢;@¤¤Hy equivalent as to one .th0¤m¤d 'tburtaw hundred _; and thirty-t¤urths at me Q '€l8€C@9uV;8`1t)1‘¢8 betweeg the mlm or electzcdes. ot the % yqltnic cell kppwu gs Olsrlfs cell, at a tempéramm qt Rtteexy m (183% ceptigmde, and prepare;} in the mamxei described in Q gg the staudnrdspeciécaticxxé, . `_ " Q. ZFourtk.`Qe:a»s1t¢ty. mul0mb.—=—The unit otquantity khall M; "" what is knqwn as the mtemationul c0ul¢mib, which is the BG ‘ quant.ity-o£ electricity trgnstermd by a current of time Exter-

  • 6 national ampere in one sec01i(l..” ‘ ‘ , y . r

°f· F£fth..~ Capacity, f¢r·»‘h»¢!.—·-—··'.E'he unit cit capacity shaw be what m is known as ·tbc~ iutcrnntimml farad, whidh isethea <ra;m<•ity· at . 13 a c0m1enser`charged‘t0 a potentialpf nrxéiixteruutiounl. $‘u1t·by " _ one iutemaftioml ccmlumh -0f eleqtricity. `