Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/412

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§ Q7\ _ TITLE I6.·-;~C( the district court of the`- United States in and for saiddistrlét ‘sliall— have jurisdictioij _0f all offerises committed within- said ` Bbllhfltlfiééz (June 30, 1916, c. 191, § 2, 39 Stat. 244.) ` 97. Same; tsrreuses in; punishment.-If anyetfense shall be committed iri the Mount -Rai21ie1• National _Pqrk, which offense is not prohiliited or the? punishmentyfor which 18.11011 specidj cally —»prc>vidcd for by any law ofhthe .United States,_the 0f}’e:§der shall be subject t0_ the same punishment as the laws ef the State of Washington ixr force at .tl1e`time lei the comll}iSSi0L1.0f me offense may provide for. 21 like offense in said State; and ne siibsequent repeal of may stick law olf the,Sthte of \V:¤shingt0`n shall affect zmyfprosecution. for- Saitboffeuse committed within said park. (June 30, 1916, c§.197,`$ 3, 39 Sm. 244.) . _ ·_ ‘ ‘ A · 98. Same; protectiorrof game and Iishg forfeitures and punishments.--All hunting or the killing, wouudihg, ·0r_ capturing at amy time- of any nwild bi1*d or animal, except daxxgerqus ani? mails when it is_ necessary to prevent them Hfrcm destroying lmman lives O1"illHi(‘tllrg personal. iujuryiis prohibited withixi the_-limits_0f said {)!ll'k§·I10l‘ shall any fish be taken_0ut of the waters of the park in any other way `tlmu by hook and lipe; and then onli at such .sieasons· :md.ixr sueh times and manner his may be directed by the Seeretgiry of the·Inte1•i·0r. Tliat the Secretary of the IlltQ1`i01‘ shall_ make end .publisIi_ such rixles and 1'€§;`llI&t101lS’£lS-·h0 may deem ueé`éssa_ry iuid proper fdr the 1uaLimgemen_t and care Of the park and for the_pr0tecti0u of the pmperty therein. especially for lthe preservatibn fi·¢>m'injury er spoliatieu of all timber, xuineml deposits other than those legally .lo<·uted prior to` Mnyk.27, 1908, natural curiosities, or wmiderful 0bjec·ts.within said park. mid fdr the protection of the ianinimls and birds ingthe park from capture 01'.dQSt{‘UCti0Il, l and to prevent their being fri§c1ied or driyen from the park; and he shall mhke iules mul. regzulntions governingthe taking of tish from the S{1‘€&D1S_01‘ lakes in the park. ‘P0sses>=i0n within smid park bf tliedeud bodies, or any part thereof, of any xi·ild_bird O1‘rfl.llllll1til shall be [itimu facie eviclezncethat the pemuni or persons havirjg the, snmejare guilty of violating this ·.eeee·tion. Any peron 0i·.-persons, or stage or express company, , or railway company, \\‘]l0·.kl10\t'S or has reason to believe that they were taken or killed contrary to the provi ions of this sebtieu audwho reg·eives.for transportation any, of said animals, birds, or tlsh so killed, caught, ortaken, or who shall‘vl0- late any of the other provisions of sections 95 tb 105,ix;el1isive, of this title, or any rule oxiregulutiqu tl1at· promulgated by the Secretary of the Interior with reference to the management and cure of the park _0i· fof the protection of the property tlierein, torythe preservation from injury or spoliatiorfof timber, mluerhl deposits other than- thoselegally. located prior —t0 -Muy "27, 1%8, natural eurlesltles, br wonderful objects within said park, or for the protection of the animals, birds, or fish iii the park, or who shall within said perk,<Eommi_t* any dam:1;;e, injury, or spoliation C0`01' upon may building, fence, hedge, gate, guidepost, tree, ivpqd, underwood, timber,. garden, emps, vegetables, plantsyland, springs, miuerzil depoéits other l than those legally located prior to May 27, 1908, natural curiesitieés, of other matter or thing gr0wlng or being thereon of situated therein, shall be deemed guilty of 21 misdemeanor and shall be subject to et fine of riot more than $500 or imprisonment not exceeding six months, orlboth; and be adjudged to pay tall costs of the proceedings. (June 30, 1916, of 197, G 4,

s0smc.244.> ··‘ » _ V _ ,

99. Same; protection —nf game end Hah; forfeitures and seizures of guns, traps, teamsfand s0_fm7th.—-All guns, traps, » teanua, horses, or mezms of tranxsprwtutlmx of evei·y_nnture or description `used —I»y any permnn ¤0x· bersmiss within Said park limits milieu engaged; in killing. trapping, C*i.lSH81'lllg, or cap-

JNSERVATION . ·- 3gg turing such wild' beasts, birds, or animals shall be_ iorfeinted _. to the, United States and may be seized by `theonlcers in Sam park and held pending the prosecution oflanyo person or Jpgy`- sons arrested under lcbarge of y violating the provisions gf . sections 95 to 105, inclusive, ot this title, and upon (!0DViCIlt»ll' thereunder of such person or person using said guns, traps, r teams, horses, or other means of transportation, such for-

 teiture shall be adjudicated as a penalty in addition to the other ».

punishment provided therein. ‘ Such forfeited property shall be — disposed ot andnceounted for by and under the authorlty or ,_ the Secretary of the, Interior. (June 30, 1916, e. 197,- {-5, 3g` ,`Stat.245.)' W .. _ `_ or ’ . 100. Same; commissioner; appointment; inrindiction and p0wers.—;—The United States District Court for the Western Ijistrictof Wasmngtoir shall appoint a commissioner vvbo shall . reside In- the park and who-shall have jurisdiction to hear and act upon·‘all complaints made ot . any violations ot law orvof the rules andregulations made by the Secretary of the Interior ,` for the government of the park and for the protection oi-the animals, birds,.and·ilsh,_and objectsnof interest therein,. mm _ for other purposes, authorized by sections 95 to 105, inclusive, ` of this title, ’ 1 K · . _ j I ·- ‘ He‘·sl1all have power, upon sworn information, to issue prooessin the name of the United States for the arrest otany persmi . charged with the commission of any misdemeanor, or charged with violationof the, rulesand regulations, or with a viola- Vs ,tion of any of the provisionsof suc}1 sections ·pres<·ribed. for · W the governmentlof said ·park and for the·protection’_ of the animals, birds, and ilsh i·n saidpark, and to try the pm.m.r.. charged, ancl,·if found guilty; to impose punishment and to t adjudgefbe forfeiture prescribed. . · · —, _ · In all cases of conviction an appeal shall lie from the judg- _ment_ of 'said commissioner to the United States District Court gforthe Westerng District of Washington, andthe United States district court in saiddistrict sball.preserlbe_ the rules of procedure and practice for said commissioner in the trial of cases · · and for appeal to said United States district court. ’(June {lo. 1916, c. 197, § 6, 3$l°·Stat. 245.) 101. Same; commissioner; arrest; bail.——·Any such eommis-`0’ o .sioner shall also have power to issue process. for the arrest — of any person charged with the eonxrnlssion withinpsaid boundarle.s·of any criminal offense not covered by the·pr_oris{ons of section 98 of this title to hear the evidenee`introd§oeed;.anel if ` be is of opinion that probable cause is —sbown· for heldingthe person so charged for trial shallreanse such person to. be safely conveyed to a secure_plaee.of confinement within the jurisdiction of the United States~Di‘strlct Court for the Western District of Washington, and certlty s, transcript of the record-of his proceedings and the téstlinony in the case to said court, which eourtslnall l1ave·jurisdlctien·ot'the ease. The said cernmis-· sioner shall grant bail ln all ease ballable under the laws of the United States or ot said State, (June 30, 1916, c. 197, § 7, 39 Stat. 245.) " . . » y , K

 — 102. Same; commissioner; direction oi process of; arrests by

. other oEcers.—--—All process issued by the commissioner shall be directed to the marshal of the United States for the wwtern _distrlcfof_\\’asbington, but nothing contained in this motion · shall be so construed as to prevent the arrest by an omeer ' or employeeof the Government or any person employes _ by the United States in the policing ot said reservation within said boundaries without process or any person taken in the of of violating. the 1aw_ or sections·95 to 105, inclusive, of this title or the regulations prescribed by the Secretary `of the Interioress aforesaid. (June _30, 1916, e. 197, 5 8, 39 Stat. 245.) · . 103. Same: commissioner; salary; residence; ·_fees—-—-The ‘ commissioner provided for herein shall be paid an annual salary as appropriated, for by Congress, payable quarterly.