Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/415

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401 1*12*1.}.2: 16.- C\ and objects of interest therein, aedder other purposes auth ized by sections 12410 134, inclusive, of this title. He shall have power, upon sworn information, to is: pmcem in the name of the United States fo: the arrest of as

 p,»x·eou charged with the Rrommission of any misdemeanor,

t·hm·,{Q·;ed,with ei violatioxfot the rgles and regulations, or wit] viulntiou of any of theuproviéiohs of the above-named sectje ].»1`€‘SC1:i'b€d for the government of said park and for the prot finn of the tmimals, birds, and_Bsh in said park, and tot _‘t_lw person so charged, and iI'fouud guilty, t0* impose puui ment and to mljudge the forfeiture preecribed. I 11 all cases of convictiouau appeal shell lie from the ju ment of sitid comu1isLsi0uer_,'t0 the United States District Co im- Oregem, and the United States court in said district sh pn->¤cribe the rules of, procedure end practice for said comu

~=iouer in the trial of cases and for appeal to said United _Sta

Distriet Court. (Aug. 21,1916, c. 368, § 6, 39 Stat} 523.) . 130. Same; commissioner; arrests by; bail.-Any such co missiouer shall also have power to issue process he provided eeetiou 129 of this title for'the nfrest of any person engr, witlr the coxmziissiém within Said boundaries. of any criinin offense not covered by " the provisions of section 127 of tt title to hear the evidence introduced, endif he is of opini that proljgple causeie shown for holding the person s0°cha1·; _ 1`4»r.t1‘ial~shall cause such person to be safely conveyed tc ` lsecurc plhpe of_"c•.milnement _ within the jurisdietioxx of 1 Fuited Stutes_I)istrict Court for Oregon, and certify h ti·: 1 svrlpt of the rec0x‘d.o! his proceedings and the testimony the ease, to Said court, which codurtehell lmve jurisdiction the case. _The sold commissioner' shall grant bail in all cat gmiluble under the lawe 0£_,t}_¤_e United States or of said Sta (Aug. 21, 1916, c; 368, § 7, 39 Stet. 523-.). { · “I 131. Sqme; commissioner; direqtion of proceed; nn·esfwi1 out .pl‘ecess.·-————;All. process ·18S\.\6d by the c0mm»ts$lo¤.er_ shall ·-directed to the marshal of the United __States for the distr of Oregon, but uothlnghereini coriteiued shall be's0\co:1etrz a as to-pnjeveubthe arrest; by auyoofficer ox: employee ot 1 · Govemmoxit or any person employed by the United States the policing of eaid· reeervatlou ,withln.;_se1d boundaries w1 out process of any person taken in the act ot violating thel or sections/124 to 134, incluaite, of tlhistitle, of the regulatic

»rv'eerllgegl by the Beoretary of the Interior as aforesaid. (A
  »21;t191.(l, c. 368, [$,*39 Stat. 523.) · l '

` 132. Same; commissioner.; salary; residence: fees,-Leos anal expe1ue•.—Q·—The ·¢o1imileaioner ln_ Crater Lake Neue: 1’:u·l< elmll be paid an. annual salary as appropriated for Ctmgx·es>s, payable quarterly. 4_He shall reside within. the ~ t.rim· boundaries ot said Crete; Lgke National Park, at place to be designated by the court making such appointme ~All fees, .e·osts, and expenses collected by the commission Lshznll be diepowell of as provideel in section 133. of this·1,ti1 4.111;:. 21. 1910, c. -308, 5 9, 39 `Stnt. 523; Feb. 27, 1925, c. 3 43 star; 11125.) ,, · »‘ - A it 133. Same; deposit of hues and costs collected.--4All .m und costs impcued uml collected Shall be deposited by amid ec xuleeiener of the United States, or the merelml ot the Uuiw Smtee eollecttng the same, with the clerk ot the United Sta District Court for Oregon. (Aug. 21,, 1916, c. 308, { 11, 39 St 521.) I 2 · . _ ` . _ O 134. Seine; accounting for fees, gontsyantd expensed.--=-—. fuege. posts, and lexpeueee i{§··1ein§‘ in eases under sections; to 1£, incluslvé, of tht; title d¤qrpr0i1etly'cherge§.b1e to 1 United -Stlxtes shall be corti¤ed.·8.;>Dl‘0¥ed. Midi Dim BI .1 like fees_,.eoet¤, and expenses ihfthe courts ot the Ui1ted.8tat (Aug. 21, 1916, c.,368,j§_10,_@‘St&t. E24!) . , .· ‘ ; · 135. Same; doxxgtioneof p;a.te¤¤ or tights of way ' The Seeretary ot the Iuterlorois authorized to accept patem t lands or rights of; way over petentedjmxds in the Grater Lz ¥ 8627Q°·-·2G*———··;--26 ° ‘ · ~ = ‘

-TO’ONSERVAT1ON" § 151 lor- National Park that may be donated for park purposes. (June 12, 1917, c. 27, § 1, 40 Stat. 152.) ’ 31; _ _WIND CAVE NATIONAL PARK Q or A 141. Wind Cave National Park; estublishment.-4Tlzere me t1 a reserved from settleuient, entry, sale, or other disposal, and set ms apart as a public park, all those certain tracts, pieces, cu:

ec— 'parcels of japd 1`ying and being situate in the State of South

try Dakota and within the boundaries pa1>tiéular·ly described as sh- follows: Beginniué at thelsoutheust corner of section 13, town ship 6_ S0l1th,··mi$ge"5 east, Black Hills meridian, S0.uth·Di1kota ; dg- thence westerly to the southwest corner of the southeast qu:u·· lift ter of section 16, s;1jd_t0wi1ship; thence northerly along the [all quhrter-section lines to the énqrthwest corner ot the northeast liS-·' quarter of section, 4, said tovvushi;;g;‘tl1ence easterly to the tes southwest corner of section 34, township 5 south, range 5 east thence northerly to the northwest corner of sai;1»secti<m¢

  • 111- thence easterly to the northeast corner of section 31, lxownelxip

ill 5'suuth; range 6 east; thence southerly along the section line: {Gd to the s0_utl1eqsft:0r11eré0¢‘secti011 7, township 6 S5l\th.‘I’8Dg{) { ual cast;` thence westerly tp the southwestlcomer ct said sectimn his J theage southerly to the‘s0utheast_c0rner of seg:ti0u°13, town lou Wship 6 south, range 5 east, the place of beginning. Nothing; {Gd herein contained shall be construed t0,aEect any valid_ rights > fi acquired in connection with any of the lands embraced wltlm the the limits of said park which shall be ,ku0m*n as Wind Gave M1- nNati0ual Park, (Jan. 9; 1903, kr.} 63, §§ 1, 2,` 32 Stat. 765.) in 142, Same; control of; regulations.-—-¥Wlnd. Cave National ofw Parkehall be under the exclusive control of the Secretary 01 SGS the }x1terl01·,· whose duty lt_.$hall be to prescribe such rule: lte._ and regulations? and establish such service as he may dem necessary for the care and management of»the same. (Jan, 9 U}- 11903, c. 63, § 2, 32 Stat. 765.) · é V ‘ l .' be 148. Sime; leabes of cavem and lands.-The Secretary oi ict the Interlor is authorized, in the exercise qt his discretion, tc l€G· rent cnf lease, under rules and pwulatioins to be made by him U18 the cavern underlying the nb0ve·déserl!;ed lands, aud alsc ·i¤· pieces and parcels ct ground within said hurl: for the erection ,¥¤·~ of such buildings asl may be required for the accommodation 01 ew visitors. (Jan. 9, 1903, c.- Q,} 3: 32 Stat. 765.) ‘ . me _ 144. Same; dispéeition of fum: from rentals or leases.—-——A,-l H2! funds arising from meh rmtals es; leases shell be covered Inu · the flfreeeury of the"United Stetes as provided by law. (Jan. 9 lil, 4903, c. 63, S 4, 82 Stat. 765; May $2;, c. 5199, 42 Stetf 590.) xml Q, 145. Samegw exchange of hands iu.--—·I¤ cases in wlllch utrucn by covered by `an uhpeftected b0na._H;le claim or by a patent is GI- jueluded within. the limits `of this park, the settler or uwner A a thereof mai, it lxeedeelres to Bde so, relinquish the tract tc mt. the Government had secure 0the1.·\land,_ outside of the perk, ner' lu nccurdunce with the provisions ct the law relating to the ties subject of sucl1_relinquiehmeht’.0f lunils in national f•u·ests $-1, in the State of South Dakota. (Jan. 9,1903, c. 63,'§ ii, 32 sm., me.) . · » . l · mes 146.·;S•me; 0¤’enm.—l-—-All persons who sliell unlawfully inml- trude upeu salt} park, or who shell witlxout permission uppro— ted Qprlate any, object therein or commit ·-unautllcrizj injury ms tee waste in any form: whatever upon thelaude 01: other public

ut.` "éroperty therein, or who shall violate any of the rules hud

’ regulatlups prwribed hereunder, shall upon conviction be All mzedln a sum_ not more than.$1,0Q0 dr beimpriecmetl fur a l2—t mriod not more than twelve mcuthsdegxshull suffer both flue theqend iheprlsoument, lu the diwretion {of the court. (Jae. 9, are l9<l3,c,B3,§8,32Stst. 766.) M the ‘ m` _· “PLATT NATIONAL PARK .—;-- · 151. Phtt·NaEtioé•1 Park; ncqulsitiem; p•y_mentL—-Tim Olmeted tem Abd Owekksnwg Tribes nbselutely mggl uuquelifledly rc·linnlée quleh, cede, and conveguuto the United States a tract or trects