Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/442

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§ 569 _ TITLE 16.-~—&6 aratloutwitltany State or ether coopératiagageacy Quring any · Hsml year shall not exceed the amount éxpended by the State or other cooperating agazxcéyfor thesama purpose, duripg tha same Hsml year. Them is authorized to be appropriated annually out of any money in the`Treasury_t10t otherwise appro- 'priatéd, not more than $100,000 to enable. the Secretary ot Agriculture to carry aut provisions of “t1ais»se<;ti0a.. (June 7, 192-1, c._348, § 5, 43 Stat. 854,) - —· -_ ··

  1. 569. Donntiang ta United States of lands -for timber 4 purposes.--T0 'euabla oxvneg bf lands, chietiy valuable for- thegmvyiag of timber `crops to donate or devise such lands to the

United States in ordeg tc" assure future timber-supplies for thaavgricaltural and other industries of. the Statepr for other national forest purposas,. the Secretary of Agriculture is aixtherized, in his·diScreti011, to accept ou" behalf bf the United Statks title to any sdch land, so donated ar devised, subject _ tcp such reservations by the donor of the préseut stand of mer; plgautable timber or of mineral or ofhgr fights for la period pot Exceeding twenty years as the Seci•etary'0f Agriculture may mad to be reasogzable and hat detrimental to the purposes of thisséection, a11d·t0_pay oat of any m0ueys-8DD1fopriated__ for the general expenses of the Forest Service thecost of recording. deeds or other expenses incident to the éxaxaiaation and acceptance of title. Any lands to which title. is so accepted shall bein units ofsach slze» or s0_ located as to be capable of economical administration asl aatianal forests. either separately or jointly with other lands acquired under this section, or jointly with an existing national foresti All lands to which title is accepted Nader this section shall, - upon acceptance ot. title, Mc0ma_pati0ua1-foicst lands, subject to a all laws applicablé to lands acquired under sections 513, 515, and 521"0f this tit1a._' In the sal, of timber from patioaal . forest lands acé quired under this section preference shall be given to applb cams who will furnish thé products desiied therefrom to meet the necessities of citizens of the United. States engaged in agri-» ·cultm·e ia the States in which such national forest is situated, All property, rights, easements, ami benefits authorlzed by this section to be_retalned· by or reserved to owners of `lainds donated ordevised to the Ijxgited States shall besubject to the tax laws of. tha States where spch lands are loéatad. (Jana 7, 1924, ,c.348,§7,43Stat.654.) ·· 1 ,~ `. V 579. Ascartaixameatpby Secretary af Agriculture of public lands valuable for ; stréandayv protection and, · report theréaf.-—-—·-'ifhe Secretary, of Agricixltuziaia authorizad t0_ ascen tain and determine the location at public lands chiefly valuable for streauvdcw protection 'cr for timber production, which can be economically administered as parts of national-forests, and to report his tladings to` the National Forast‘·Rcservati0u Commission established under section 513 of this-Btitlé, and it the comzaxiaaiaa shall determine that the administration of said lands by the Federal Government will protect thayiiow of streams used for navlgationfor far irrigation, or will promotaa future timber supply, the .PrcSaide11t shalllay the findings of_ tha caxxxxuission before tlia Congress ofithe United States; (J una 7, 1924, <·. 348, 8, .43 Stat. 655.) » V _ · I ' 571. Buildings for uatianal forest purpdsesg lcoastructica} and so fcrt»h.·——·-In additionto .buildings_c0sfiug pot to exceed $1,500 each, tl;e·Sec·retary ot Agriculture, out of any moneys appropriated fair the improvement or pfotectiou of the national toréats, may caaatruct, llll[`l1"0\’(%, orlppurchasa during éach Hsca-1 yam- three Imildiiaga for national fareat purpoaesat hat to ex·_ cccd $2,5300 each, and tlime at nat to exceed $2,000 each. Tha post of a water gmpply or sapitaty syataaiahall not be <:ha:·gad_ as a part of the cost of, any abuildipg except those mating in qxvess of $2,000 each, and no such-water supply and sanitary systenx shall cost in exéess of $500; (Mar. 3, 1925, Q. 457, I 2, 43 Stat. 1132.) —‘ - ` ’ · v

weemnem “ ‘ 4% ‘ I ? . _ . . U c · A 572. Specialfnad fosnpayment of expenses of reforegtation, adminietratien, or pmtectionof forests by Form Serv-' ice, end for refnndn to ccntriMt¢rsQ·——~All moneys, received ne contributions towards retox·este`tion‘ or for the administration or protection otlendsbwithin or nent the national forests shnil ` be covered into theflreaénry and shall constitute ¤_ special fmnl, which is eznthorized to be appropriated for the payment of the expenses of- said reforestation-, administration, or protecting; by the Fonjest Service? and for refunds to the contribntexje uf amounts heretofore or hereafte; paid in by or for them in excess of-thei1·__share‘0f the cost, bnt, the United States gshnll nn; _be liable for any damage incident to cooperation hereunde; ‘ `(Mar. 3, 1925,_c. 457, S 1, 431 Stutf 1132.) Chaptevf4`.-—PR`QTECTION 015 TIMBER, AND DEPREDA. TIONS. · t ` 591. Live-oak and red-cedar lands. 592. Same; selection of tracts. [ 593. Same; protection of tlmber; . · ` 594. Protection of timber owned by United States from nre, disease-, 'ot insect ravages. ° ” 595. Same'; cutting ordestmiction. . 596. Seine; foi·teItnre_o1' vessels_ca:·x¤ying away timber. 597. ,§ame[; clearancepf vessels laden with; prosecutlen of depieclnters. -598. Lands in Florida reserved for navalpurposesi examination; - . 599. Same; lands not needed restored to entxy and uk-. ‘_ , 600. Restoration to public domnln of naval reservations; preference _ right of entry; lands elisp·osed‘oe£—undex· town-site laws. ` 601. Disposition of moneys collected for depredations. _.602. Seizure bt timber ,cnt.t _ J — · · 603. Relief trom prosecutions on payment fortlmbcr cut. 604.`.Cnttlng timber on certain inineral lends; permits to cerpoqetions; · A railroad corporations, ‘ , . - 605. Same; notice to Commissioner of General Land ·0&ce of unlew, ful cutting. Y _ ‘ 608. Same; [offenses; punlehment., ‘ · . 607; Cutting and removal of timber on certnln pulgllc lan& fox; certain . purposes; ,_ · · ‘ ' @08. Permits to cut and remove timber'; citizens of- Mnllneur County, _ Oregon. . · ‘ t _ · 609. Same; citizens of Modoc County, California. — · · `6l0. Same; citizens of Washington County and Kane County; Utah. 611. Same; citizens of Idaho and .Wyomlng. ‘ 612. Same; permits to certain corporations. 61§;l.'·Same; limitations of use of timber" taken not to épply to certain _ _ territory.; _ ‘ » · 614. Sale ot timber killed or damaged by forest tires. - 615. Disposal of proceeds of gale of burnt timber on existing clnlm. ; ` " Section 591. Live·odk and red·cedsr lends.--=The Secretary of the Nnvy ls_nuthorized, under the direction of the President, to cause sucllrvacnznt end unnppropidated lencle of the United H States as produce the liveyonlt and red·ceder timbers to be explored, and selection to be nmde of eneh trneteor; portions n th€l7B0{,‘ where the principal-growtl1‘l.e of eitller of such tim·._ here, as in his judgment may be neces.snry to furnish for the Navy alsumcient supply of the same. (R. S. 5 2458.) " 592.·Same;' selxtienfof `tr•cts.·-—The President is authorized - to Znppoint surveyors ot pnbllc lands, who shall perform- the dutiies prescribed in the precedlngiseetion, end report to him the tracts by them selected, with the boundaries ascertained and RQCQFRCBIY designated by actual survey or watercourses} Hand the__tracte of land thus selected with the npprohation of the Pnfesident shell be reserved; unless otherwlee. directed by law, from nny Intmfe select the public lends, end be appropriated to the sole purpose of supplyingotlmber for the Navy ot the United States;. bnt nothing ln this section contained jshell »be·constrned‘» to prejudice the rights `ot any person, prionto March *1, 1817, eleiming lands, which may be reservedin then xnanner l1erel,n—provlded. (R. S. 5 2459.) . · I`593. Same; protection of timber.-—Th’e President is authorised to employ eo) much of the land end naval forces ot the United Sthtee ns may be necmary emzctmxlly to prevent the