Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/454

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§ TITLE I6.-·—~(J‘ON» penscs in connection therewith, shall bc covered into the Treas 1 ury of the United States. (June 7, 1924, c. 345, G 3, 4f§_Stat. E $049.) ( 763. Un! wful port use; departures.-—-No person, firm, or _corpol·ation shall use any port of or place in the United States _ to furnish, prepare, or outfit any vessel, boat, or other craft intended to be used in violation of this chaptér, nor shall any S person permit, or cause to be permitted, an; vessel, boat, or 7 other craft intended to be, used in violation of this chapter to depart from any port of or place in the United States. (June 7 7, 1924, c. 345, § 4, 43 Stat. 649.) ‘ ’ 7 764. Unlawful porf entry; possession of fish unlawfully .; caught.--It shall be unlawful for any vessel, boat, or other craft having on board any halibut caught contrary to the pro- Hsions of this chapter to enter any port or pla/gg in the United · States, or for any vessel, boat, or other craft to enter any such ( port or place while upon or in the prosecution of any voyage I during which the vessel, boat, or other craft iisllcd or was -2 used in fishing for halibut in prohibited waters in the close sea- t son. It shall be unlawful for any person knowingly to have in I his possession any halibut unlawfully caught under the"pi·o· Y visions of this chapter. (June 7, 1924,.0. 345, 5 5, 43 Stat. ( “‘*9·) Q . · · 0 . ‘ a 765. Canadian vessels and nationals.———Every national or in— , habitant and every vessel of Qanada found violating the pro- .8 visions of thisvchapter shall be delivered as soon as practicable y to an authorized ofiicial of Canada at the nearest point to the , place of seizure or elsewhere, as the officials of the United S States seizing the same and the authorized otlzicials of Canada may agree uponyand the witnesses and proof necessary to the C prosccntiont of said . persons and vessels ot Canada shall be , furnished with reasonable promptltude to the authorities or ( Canada having jurisdiction thereof;. . (June, 7, 1924, c._ 345, t _§ 8, 43 Stat. 649.) . ‘ _ _ _ t 766. Patrols; searches.-—'l`he President shall cause a patrol I of naval or other public vessels designated by him to be main- ( tained in such places and waters as to him shall seem éxpeg dient for enforcing the provisions ot this chapter, and any I ollicer of any, vessel engaged in such service, and anygother ·( onieers designated by the President, may search any vessel, I boat, or other craft in the territqial _ waters of the QUnited Q States and any vessel, boat, or othereratt: ot the United States ,, on the high seas when suspected of having violated or being I about to violate the provisions ot this chapter. (June 7, 1924, , c. 345, ‘§ 7, 43 State 649.) _- _ ~‘ , ’ 767. Seizure and forfeiture.-Every vessel, boat, or craft , employed in any manner in violating the provisions of this. ( chapter shall be seimd ·_by any collector, surveyor, inspector, i oiilcer of a revenue cntter, or person specified in section ,766 of S this title, and. except as provided in section 765~ot this title, every such vessel, boat, or craft, including its tackle, apparel, l furniture, cargo, and stores, shall be forfeited to the United I States by proper proceedings in any court ot the United States , in Alaska, California, Oregon, pr Washington. (June. 7, 1924, I c. 34.*5, § 9, 43 Stat. 650.) > '] ‘ 768. P lty; Fisheries Commission °excmptuI.·——·Any person , violating ny of the proylsions of this chapter shall be lined I not lcs than $100 nor more than $1,000 or imprisoned not I more an one year, or both, but none of the inhibitions c0n· y ,tain‘cd in the chapter shall apply to the International Fisheries g Commission when engaged ln any sclentldc investigation. _ (June 7. 1924, c. 345, §§ 6, 10,43 Stat. 649, 650.) . 6 ( 769. Duration of chapter.-·-'[‘his chapter, which may be cited S as the Northern Paclflc Halibut Act shall continue as force 7 until- the ternllnntion of the convention concluded by the United 1 states and Great Britain on March 2, 1924 (F‘ort;v·third Stat- q ntes, page 1841), for the protection ot the halibut nshcry ot the 4 *2

SERVA T1 ON 440 northern Poeifle Ocean, (Jam 7, IQQ4, c. 345, 5% 1, 12, 4:3 tl Etat. 648, 650.) ` Jhapter 1 1.-·-REGULATION OF LANDING, CURING, AND SALE OF SPONGESC TAKEN,. F GULF UF MEXICO AND FLORIDA. /_ Sec. , · ‘ . it

 Taking or catching, in waters of Gulf or Straits of Florida, commerclal·sp<mges ot legs than prescribed size, and landing or

pqssession of BRIDE.

  1. 82. Same; possession primo facie evidence.

F83. Punishment for violations of law; liathillty of vessels. ’84. Jurisdiction of prosecutions. · . 85. .Enfo·rceme·g; 'otoiaw prohibiting taking of épongeso of specihvd sizes; employment of vessels of the Coast Guard and of employees of Customs Service. » Section 781. Taking or catching, in waters of Gulf or Strgits, nf Florida, eompergisl sponges of less than prescribed size, md landing or possessi? of'same.--1t is unlawful for any citizen of the United `State ,__or person owing duty of obedience to be laws of the United' States, or any boat or vessel of the Juited States, orpersou belonging to or on any such boot or reséel, to take or catch, by ai1j"meius.or method, in_ the waters =¤ ‘ >t the Gulf of Mexico or the Straitsot Florida outside of State ‘

errito_rial limits, amy. 'commercial spopgesl measuring when

vet less-than ufive lnche{s_ in their maximum diameter, or for my person or vessel to land; deliver, cure, Oolfer 10} sa1e_,·or uive in possession at any port or place in the United States, or m any boat or vessel ot the United. States, any stxclrcommerciatl _ nponges; (Aug. 1§,_1914, 0,253, Q 1, 38 Stat. @2.) . 782. Same; possession prima' facie evidence.-—·-The presence »t Sponges of a diameter, of lesethon five inches on apy vessel rr boat of theYUnltecl Stzms erigegedlixi spongiué in the waters >f the Gulf ofiliegzico or the"Straits of Florida outside of State

erritor1ol limits, or the possession of any sponges ot les than P

he said diameter sold or delivered by such vesmls, shall be ee mma- facie evidence. ot a violation of the provisions of this chapter, (Aug. 15, 1914, c. 253. 5 2, 88 Suit. 692.) 783. Punishment for violations of hw; liability of vesselsw- Bvery ‘persou,·pa1rtncrshlp, or essoeiutiou guilty of Ia violation >£ the provisions ot this chapter shall be liable to a mae of not nore than $500, and in "additiou such Hue `shall be e lien » tgohnst the 'vessel or boat- on which the otlehse is committed, md said vessel or bout shall be seized and proceeded against >y process of libel in any. court having jurisdiction of the rffense. (Ang. l5,· 1914, e. 253,} .3, 38 Stat. 692.) " ` 784. Jurisdiction of prosecutions.--—Any violation of the prorlsions of this chapter shall be prosecuted in the district court pt the United States ot the district wherein the offender is Found or into which he is tlrst brought. (Aug. 15, 1914, e. 253, 5 4, as sw. 692.) · , 4% _ · 785. Enforcement of law prohibiting taking of sponge: of npeeihed pizza; employment of vessels of . the Coast Guard and of employees of Customs Service.-—-The Secretary ot Dommerce ehull enforce the provisions ot this chapter, and te is authorized to empower eine}: omcersmzd mpkoyees ot the Department of Commerce as he meydwignate, or such omcers. and employees of other departments as may be detailed for the mrpose, to make arrests upd seize vessels and sponges, and npon his request the Secretary of the Treas<ury_mey employ tho ressels ot the Coast Guard or the employees ot the Customs Service to that end. (Aug. 15, 191-1, c. 253; § 5, 38 Stat. 692.) Dhopter 12.--g-WATER PGWER. Bee. _

  1. 91. Short title of chapter.
  • 92. Creation of Federal Power Commission; members, quorum, seo],

and chairmen. · '93, Executive secretary; detail ot engineer omcer. 794. Performance of work ol commission gene:-olly.