Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/460

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§ 809 rrrm rameol to a new licensee, or tssm an new license to the orlsiml upon rea@nable terms, then the eoeamlssiea shell t@ tram yearlto year ap anmaallltcease to the tha lleensee under the terrns and conditions of the orlginalqlieem until the prowty "ie taker: ever or a new license is imaed as aforesaid. (Jane 10, lair, c. %5`§ 15, ~l1 Stat. 1072) · ‘ 309. Temporary nm by Goveraragnt of _ project works for national safety; eenpematioa for me.——~··\¥hen’ in the opinion of the President of the United States, evidenced by a wrimen yarder addreesed to the holder of amy llceaee hereunder, the safety of the United States demands it, the United States shall have the right to enter upon and take pmesaiogn ei any project, or part thereof, constructed, maintained, or operated g under Said license, for the purpose of manufacturing nitrates, explosives, or munitions of war, or for any. other purpose involving · the safety of the United States, to retain possession, management, and control thereof for such length of time as ma 6 · appear to the President to be necessary to aecomplleh said 4 pnrpows, and then to restore possession and control to the · party or parties entitled thereto;_and in the event that the 4 United States shall exercise such right it shall pay to the 4 party or parties entitlexl thereto just and fair compensation — for the use of said property as may be fixed by the commission · oupon the basis of a_ reasonable proilt-in time of peace, andthe · cost of restoring mid property to as good condition as eiisted ‘ at the time ofj the taking over thereof, le§•=the reasonable 4 yalue of any improvementsthat may be made thereto by the 4 United Statesand which are valuable and.-serviceable to the T licensee. (June 10, 1920, c. $5, § 16, 41, Stat. 1072.) _ _ 4 816. Disposition of charges arwag from licenses.———Atll pro? 4 ceeds from any Indian reservation shall be to the credit ‘ of the Indians of such reservation. “All other charges _. arising 4 from licenses hereunder shall be paid ilto the Trmury of the J llnlted Statw,. subject ‘to the following distribution :. Twelve 4 and oae-half per centum thereof is hereby appromiated to be ° `pld into the Tr y of the United States and/credited to ‘* Miecellaneous receipts ?’; 50 per centum oi the charges arising J frorn lieensm hereunder for the occupancy and pee of public ’ lands, national monuments, national forests, and national parks 4 elmll be paid into, r®rved, and appropriated as a part of the 4 reclhmation fund creatw by sections 372, 373, 381, 3%, 391, 392, 4 411, 416, 419, 421, 431, 432, 434, 439, 461, 476, 491 and 4%, 1 Title 4.3, Pvanrc Lawns ;A and 371,5 per eentum of- the charges 4 army; from licenses hereunder for occupancy and use ot, I natlohal forests, national parks, public lands, and national 4 monuments, from development within the Mt1ednrles_ of any 4 State shall be paid by the Secretary of the Treasury to such _4 State; and 50 per centmnof the charges arising from all other 4 liceases hereunder is- hereby reserved and appropriated as a 4 special ifnnd in the Treasuryto be expended under the direction ‘ 4 of the Secretary ot War in the maintenance and operation of `1 dams and other navigation structures owned by the United ·4 States or in the `constrhction, maintenance, or. operation of 4 headwater or oiheiimprovements of navimble . waters of the 4 United States. (June 10, 1920, c. @5, § 17, 41 Stat. 1072.) ‘ I `S`11. Operation of inavigation f•cilities;_ rules and result- 4 tions; pennltles.———-The operation ot any navigation facilities { . which maybe ·constructed' as a part of or in connection with l _ any darn or diversion structure "bullt under the provlsioas of _* this chapter, whether at the expense of a licensee hereunder { or of the llnited States, shall at all times be controlled by 4 such reasosmahlerules and regulations ln the interest of navl- _4 gation, including the control of the level of the pool caused by 1 such dam or diversion structure as may he made from time to 1 l time by the Secretary of War. Such rules and Qlatiems I may include the maintenance and operation by such Licensee . at its own expenseot suclrlights and sigmnh as may be·dl· it rooted by the Secretary of War, and such ashways na may he I

rseararzoy MQ wgilm by the Swretary el Oemmml: ter wins}; failure te eemply with any each rele w @1% meh lkensl mah he deemed guilty oi a , a cd was enamel, is thmet shall be as www m mmm 819 et all, éwter. (June 19, 1929, c. Q 1& 43. me mm) 812, Publicacrvlee licensee; by State or be eomm§&a as ta service, rates, chugea, e¢¢.,——-—As a to dition of tec ll , every Homage this chapter n·la&· is a pnblieeervtce corporatiea, or a perm, mociatlen, or &{·?? gmtlen owning or operating any project and developing, trane alttlng, or distributing power for sale er use in mblic scraia a_ shall abide by each reasonable rcgnlatlen of the scrylcee be rendenwad tocnmomcrs or censnmers of power, and of rmi ~ and charges of payment therefor, as may frem time to than be prescribed by ally duly coestltutcd agency ol the Sean- which the service is rendered or the rate charged. Thea an case of the development, traumxissten, or distsrlbntion, or we ln public service of power by any licenm nnkr this chaps? r or by its customer engaged in public service within a Stanwhich has not authorized and empowered a commission or other agency or agencies within aalé State to regulate anal control the services to be rendered by such ttc or by ie; customer engaged in public service, or t& rates and charger ot payment therefor, or the amermt er character dt securities to °be..issued by any of said parties, lt is d as-a ceneilian of such hcense that jurisdiction la hereby conferred upon we commission, upon complaint of any or apos its owninttiative, to exercise meh regnlatiw and control nmil such time as the State ¤a1l_ have mrovieed a cmnxteaion er other authority for saw regulation and centre}: Pr&ed, That the jurisdiction of the eemmimen shall cease and determine as to eachspecinc 'mattu of and centre! premsmx ln this section aaaohu as me State shall have a cont: mission or other - authority ter the and eentrol of thatzspeciflc mattexf (Jnae.10, Nm, c. &, `§ 19, 41 Stat. IOY3. ; §13. Power mertngiate htcratste coadcrec; regulation of rates, charges, a• ferth.—·4··When mid power er any naw; thereofpahrah enter. into interstate or `forclgn commerce the rates andthe service renelerecl by any starch licensee. or by any summary corperanon, the stock ot which is owner! or controlled directly or indirectly by such licensee, or by any person, 'corpwation; or [association purchasing pewer {rom such licensee for sale and distrihation or use lnpnblic service shall beyreaaoaabk, nondiscrlminatory, and jest to··the mstomer and all HBIWSODRUIQ dlscrirntnatory and `anjust rates or services are hereby prohibited and declared to be unlawful; anelwhen- eva: any of the tltatess directly ‘ concerned has not provided et commission. of other authority to enraree the requirements of this section `within such State or to regulate ana control the amount and character otsecuritles to be by any of seen partiesor such States are unabl ite agreethrongh their prop _ erly, constltutm authoritlw on `_ services te be rendered nr 0n.the·.rates or charges of paym t therefér, or on the amount or character of securltleshto be i ucd by any of said parties, inrisdlction is hereby confenred- upon the comnzlssiong upon complaint of any person aggrieved., npon the request of any Stateconcerned, ar upon `lts ewn initiative to enforce the pm. ‘ visions of this section, to regulate and control so much ot the séwlccs rendered, and of the rates and chargesof payment therefor as constitute interstate or foreign commerce . and Y0. regulate, the lmuance of securities by the parties included within this section, andaecurltles issued by the licensee sub- c lect to such regulations shall be allowed `only for the bona Edo narpcse of · Hnanclng and conducting the business of- such licensee. - _ _ { - , l _ _ The administration ot the- provisions of this- section; so far as applicable, shall be according to the procedure and practice m nxlng and, regnlatlng the rates, charges, and practices of