Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/47

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gg TITLE UTI VE DEPARTMENT} zishments are authorized to presc be per diem nies ofgullow- pa wwe not exceeding $4 in lieu of subsistence t0·1Z}€!SOI}3-“.€Dg8.g€d Ti ih held work or traveling on odicialhusincss outside of the § 1 metric: of Columbia nndoawny from thirdesigneted posts of o I i may when not otherwise Hxed thy low. The annual estimates fo; or spproprintioxms from which pcrrdiem allowances ere to be un pzsérl shell specincslly state the rates of such allowances. , (Ang. fd

_ 1914, c_. § 13, 38 Stat.»680.). , c l e e , i

S 76. Free tuition in schools for- children c of mpleyees of YG; hailed Ststes.-——The children. of employees of the United States hi: sectioned outsideof the District oi Columbia shall be ndmitted of ,;.. the public schools without piiymentoi tuition. {June 29, si: mrza, o. H9, §_1._42 Sturt. 689; Feb. 28,.1923, ic. 148, 5 1, 42. Stat. d`é 1:;47; Tlune 7.1924, 5 1, 48 Stat. 558;¤Mar; 3,1925; cg , 42 -;77_ §i1, 43 Stat. 1233.)` _ _ ., . Q · "` S77. Rentrictiw. on payment of expenses of, carriages or m< vehicles for personal or omcial ‘use.—No`.pn-rt `of wany , money 1 sh ‘s ;¤ppropriete<`i bynny shall be used for purchasing,. mein-8 lon _;;;iuing, driving, or .operstlng any carriage or vehlclelfother. 1 fo new those for the of the President of the- United States, co me heads of so thefexocutive denartments, and the Secretarywto su me President, .other_,than those usedtfor C1‘8IlSf)0l‘lZIlti.0'l1tj-0;_ ci1 property b€]Q¤gllIg_’tO*.0f4i1D~t.h€ cust.ody<.ot_ t.lre_.United States); Vex for the persoiraliorofhcial ot tiny officer or employees of ,o.*ny.` sh of the executive depert1nents"ore.otherGovernment ,es¢¤b11sh- rap ments at Wnshinmon, District- of Colmnhla, unless theF’same, inshell be speci¤cnlly°`»a`uthorized”V by 1¤wv,or,.,.pro¤1aeairordn terms or ty appropriation`o{m0ney,£nndYh1l such carringés vehicles. ..011 . y so procured and used for oilicial shell have consplcu- _‘ by n onsly painted thereon all thé'.,fu11 name of the ex=~__c: l·¤·¤zt"ive·'departme¤nt. or other hranchrofe the public service `to Q which the some belong and in the service ofwhich theesame are tie used. ‘(Mer..18,190g4,·c.. 716,5} _3, 33 Stat."142; ,Feb. 3, 1905, c._2*.)7, §`£,'83Stat.=687.)- L it ° j" [t l E »_ `an 78. uifpaynento for nurcliiieor operation, of li; passenger·carrying" véiclese-e—No, appropriation made up " in Act sl1nlll·be,'lnvailnbl¢_fol‘ me purchayseot any meter-pmpenneco m· or horseedrnwn lpgssenger-o¤rryl.ngi» vehicle .1or the service ,.off mi f any of the executive depnrtmentsori ¤m¤_‘o¤vemme¤: estab ]islllIlélllZS,,01’. any hranchryeof the Governinent service, ot ‘z<pociiic»ai1th`0r1ty; is given. therefor. J There .,shnl1 not be er? Be penned outlet sny. pclation inode by Gonkress for , the purchase, maintenance, remix, or- mention of moto:-;pr¤peuea,‘_ m· or horse·drawn` vehlclev for brunch of to the upuhlicservice ot the United*·'Sint@__.un1ess the Ennio is__spc·”_ gcln ciiicnllyhuthorizod law. i tic ye; r thereoshall be in detail torlsuch neces- A1 sary gs arelntendedltto be useditor purchase, .s,_ maintenance, orloperation of fall ~motor—prope1lcd·t orc sh 'horse-draven mow¢er·ca.rrylng,-vehiclu, ?mci£yiog t&e,sl;lmq_ tb required, the public for which said vehicles are ing pe ¤<·uded,* the omclals or employees by whom the some are nr _ tube (July 16, 191¤1, c..141, I5, 38TStat..508.`?)` ; `, t ’ ml

  • 79. Same;‘riv.¤* and harbor `i‘ improvoment¤.+¥e8ectio¤ 78 of. e1=

this title shell D0C`.b8L£0!1It1’\1Q€1.8.§ npplylnzito ‘tho_purchdse, eb , maintenance, ,a.nd··~repalr To! motor boatgjrucks, ·¤me¢= pa welnicles needed in _@.rryingY.ont S the v varloiis projects adopted .:76 hy, tjgngresejor, the improvement il)1'%»Ql'VBtlOIl, s.ndo‘pr•¤tectionr · of rivers and harbors. (Mgr: 4, 1915, c. 142, {10, 38°Stst. 1054.) · 80.,;Sa¤e; workof Ucportmont ol _Agriculture.+—Noth· can lng in section 78 tltleiuhelll ·be'construed to Yapp1y,to oth xhc h`ire‘ot motonpropelled. and horse#drnwn`psasenger·car vying, isa vehlclu motor necessary_ in the held- work og the ncpartment ot Agriculture, or to the ”malnt ce, repair; or Ns ¢;1»;rution of ve.hlc1eS so hired. (Aug. 11, 1916, <:.;313,, 39~Stot. Ex _° 81. Same; r‘ehicles_.·tr•nofcrred by Secretary of `War- to Sec-· sh rotary of .Agriculture.—~Sectl,on_t78 of this tltlosmll not apply ot to vehicles transferred by the Secretary not War to the De·"·wl i `86270°·——-26·e—¥··¥·8’> S ‘

S, OFFICERS, AND EMPLOYEES§ 86 rtmont of Agriculture, under the provi“sions of section 5 ot tale 23. and section 561 0** u`”*`ltle 16, —(Ma1·, 15, 1920, c. 100, B, 41··Stat. 631.) l l [ l B2. 0&;ers in arrears;—No·ino_uey shall be paidlto any person I his compeusatiou who is in arrcar to the United States, ltilvhe hasnccounted for and paid into the Treasury all sums rowhich he may be liable; lu all eases where the pay or sab y of any person is wit‘hhelc1"in pursuunce of this~ section, the moral Accounting {Omoo, ifVreq\1i1*ed· to do so by the party, s_ agent or attorney, shall report iorftllwith to the Solicitor the Treasury the` balaizce due; and the solicitor Shall, within sty days thereafter, order suitito- be commenced against such linquent andhiao suretlés. (R. S. $1766; _Juue»10,‘1921, o. 18, >Stat.23.)*. · ‘ oi 83;;Restricti1ms on paying foes or dud in societies.-—Xo rmey appropriated by any Act shall bél expéuded for meu_»be1··_ ip fees or duesfof oiilceror employee of._the_·United Smtosi {of the District of __Columbia» -111 hny society or association or rl expenses of attendance of may person qt anyolmeeting or J nvgntiou of”mcmbgrs· of any or association, uuleasu

   orfékpensés are authorized to·- belplxid by spe- " "

lic appropriations for `such purposes or laré provided for ih

presé·§terms an nsome general appropriation. _ This · section; &‘

lallllxiot be so construed ds to prohibit thQ—P¤YI¤€nt from thé r l"; mropiiiatiolus for the Department of Agriculture of expci*iées _ `· tideutalllo the delivery of lectures, the¤viug of instruction, · the hcquinjiug of iufonnation ut meetings by itSv;§§plUy€€S_ _' l gubjects relating to She work of the department Authorized l

  • 1aw. ,(Juuo»26, 1912; c. 182. S 8. 37 Stat. 184;l_Mar,A, 1913, l

145. Sfsggc. 854.) j o I l 84{ Annugljor m•mthlylc¤¤pensb.tion.—Where_the compcnsu- l -_ Cm- of guy pcrsonllin thé service of the -United-_S@ilws l1s‘ mual ior monthly the iollowing mxlcs for _ diyision ot time

 ; computgtione `ot pay for lsérvloes   rendered aié estab?}

thed :V c0mpcnsation`sha1l`bel dlvidwad into twelve equinb sta11:uents,oone· of..whlch‘ shall be the for each scaleluduff onth ; ‘ and `_i¤._ makin: `paymcnp, for lin lfra<¤:i<m¤1`p¤rt of a ` Duth one-thirtieth oiloucg 0; such lustéllments, or ot, aw moughly ~mp¤nsatio¤, qhb.11 Qbotlgne daily mté or pay, For the g “ éqmpuiihg _ such l cbmbensatioxk and l for com;i¤ting’ timé for " rylcas rendered during, a ltractions.1, phrtlof a niomh in lcon?. mtion w`it:h» amnualor monthly. cqmheuqgtion, ¤.& had évérx =` outhl sllallgebe Iiéld¥·\Z0 or thlftyl d¤Y¤.= without r@rdo

 actual gnumberl of guys mummy calendar Qout.h,*thu§» ex- ·~

udlngl the- 31st of any cilcudar umonth» rho computa4 · m gud treating ‘February_las ifit raétuallyihad thirty dayé. my person o11tering,rtheoservlce. 6t United States during thirty-one »day_:;;1onth_u¤d until, the eau the.r¢o£ All bo_ eutitléd` to payifor that Imonth from the Edata of `entry ( o·_thq ;dnyl oil éald `monthyboth days `induslve; and any zrsou entering l said igrvlpe rho month of February la; sérvlng untgll _¢11q»,em1` tbgreofi emu be enuuéu 'to one 0nth’B_»P8Y. léss as thi1Ttiethé·theréoY us tlrore wcrefduys npséd prior to or entry.} For loue dajrk unautlzgorizod mace _’ii on the 31 day ot calendar montl;`$ u ny shhll be »foi*feitod‘.` (June 30, c, 3914; o§w__§_, 34 lS_].;1lQ. A~.. N 85, Ctbmpplisnfiort for dork; or » ““ Arétnries of__;etired cyixls.-—$Except as lilrovldcdiby chaptg§§4_of this title, no allow- _· * 0 . ico or compensation for clerks or sccreteu·ies of oiilcialrs of ° l .l 6‘U¤ltcd States ret11•ed_from ,aotive_`servi<.·e shall be author- i sd, "—(?JuIy -J.,_ 1%8; 4:. {1, 30 St:nti»644;)» U ll `ll ·* 86; Holidays; {DI perdiom employees.--—Tl1e empl0y¢o§·_of the xvy Yard;vGo\}erumé¤t Printing Qilice; Bureau of Pl‘l1ll'-lllg sum! l 1gr&vinz,lm1d_ all other per diem employees of the Govotxnaut ou*duty__at’oWashlngtm, or elscll1ere, in the Urlited Stutos, all bojallowecll the following holidays, to wit: The lst day ‘ Janudxy; the @6 dd ol FGDHIQY, the day of Each your ulch lsvcelobratéd up "Memorlul" or "Dec0rutiou Day,’° the t 0