Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/473

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· 459 e TITLE .z$.mee1.e11vA;. mm


_ ,)•¤¤·t 1.-CRIMES ·· cmeter · OO _ Sec L gmane geuxse mamma or Govenuumwr - : gg; Qpysssxs AGAINST REUTRALITY- ..”*. ...  ;. 22 3. eemuees nelxusr ewcexvn mnmcnzsn we czvxx. meme or · exmenxs .. ;. ... ... ... 52 {_ newegg.; mlxxsr ermntezvs er Gcvmnzumur- .. ...- 7: e. O<m·=e»zs¤a—.¤mr.aex»ze me enxcxu. numms ... .. . ... 171 G, ugygxees mnxar runmc Jusmcm Q. .. ... ... `S 2 31 iv. Oneness AGAYHST cunnmzcr, comme, mc . .;. .. 261 _ e, ommnzens muzxezn Posnn Snnvzcn ... - . 801 e. Omusm turns: mutex um museum: eox¤mc¤---- $81 ( 1;;, suv: fawn nm Pmxicm ,.. .,..;. . .; L2; 11. Oveexsm wmrmu mxxunex, nunmxn, mn TERRITORIAL Jn-_ ezsexccrxox or Ummm Sums ... . _ .. .,, , 451 gz, mma: me oemn ermxszs urex sus .. .--L...-- 48: 1;;, ceeenxu orrnzesns IH`T&IlT0lIES  ;. .512 14, REPHALING rnov1s1ez<s..--..;..-..-..; ... ... .. 531 Part 1.-—CRIL@ES Chapter 1.-—@FFEKSES AGAINST EXISTENCE OF GOV- ERNMENT. O · - _ 1 a _. Sw?. '. O I. TFGCBOB. ‘ K ' 2. same; puntehmentw--» V

 Misprleien ot·t1;easo_n;·punisbme,nt. ‘•

,4. inciting rebellion erlnsnrrcction. ` .5. Criminal ce e _ nee with foreign zoveynments; redress ot pri 1 . este . “ 6. Seditlens conspiracy. » ° O_ . - ?. Recruiting ter service against United Statu. 8. Enllstlng to serve against llnltede Stetea; T

 1. (Crimngl Cale, section 1.)· Trea•o¤.·—>·\Vhoeve;·.

nwing allegiance to the United Stetw, levies war against then or edherm to their enemim, glvlngthem nid and cemfoxjt within the United Stetemer elsewhexe, le Euilty of treason. (R. S § 5331;‘Qln1·. 4, 1®9, c. 821,.$ 1, 35 Stat. 1088.) O_ . . - Cole, seetiq 2.)‘ Sane; p¤niehment.—-Whe ¢?»·e:j is eenvicted et treason death; or, at the die cretien et the eonrt, imprmomd not me then _¤ve years mla deed not {ees than O 10,000, to be levied on and collected · eut_ofany or et his prederty, real gieteonel, of which _lu· gms theewner at the timeot mmltting treason, any me er eenieynnce to the contrary netwiwstnndinzt and ever: person eo eenvhctw ot trams dull, mereoier, be lnespnble o1 molding any o¤ce.¤nder the United (B. B. S Mer.4.19®, e. 821, |12,%Stat.1088.) O ‘· ~ 3. `(Cri¤fsnl Code, 8.)®Htwrlw of trqeen; pen- . ishment.-—-··Who@, eww; ellmnnee to the United Stated end ‘ having knewluke et the eowlmon ct. Any trueon against them, ceneeels nada deed not, as seen as my be, and make the Ame to the Qgesident er to some jndgeettlu Iinlted Ststu, er te tha governor or to some judge or jouetiee , of a pertlmla: Qute, is guilty ot mimmlsion et treme and shell be lmprhemd not more than eeven yenrs and deed not more than SLOW. (B. ees  ;¥81'._4, 1969, e.O321, { 8, St Stat. 1%.) . . _ - _ A 4. (Crlnlnal Code, seetien 4.) Inewm; or lane- _ r•c¤m.·--·Wnoever lnelteg, new m or engages in wv rebellion or unmet the eetherlty et the United Stnta the l¤·n_ e1‘* mm nid er eemtori thexfem, he e ~» = ·~=· net more than years, or heed Mt mem, $16,Qw, or beth; and mil, mermvu, be, inwynbie et § ¤¤y •@ce United States. (R. B. ·$·5334:_ll¤r.4,19@,e."&1,I4.85·Stlt. IGS.) . . -5. (Grimm! Cade, semen 5.) mth foreign- governmmtng redren of private ex-

B AND U£iMINAL PEQOEDURE }—·—~3 AND CRIMINAL PROCEDURE Part 2.··j·CRIMINA.L rnocmwrm r. Chapter - Sec. 1 15. Gssmzau. movxsxozws- ..., . ,,.. ,...,.. ,,,, .. ,,,,. t ,,,,. ,,,_,,,,,,,,, 541 1 16. LIMITATIONS ,,..,”.*...,... - ..,__,_, _,,,,,,,,,,¤,,____,,__,,__, _____ __,___ 53; 17. ARREST, mun, up cgummmmv , .. ..,,..,,. ,, __,_,,_,,,,, 591 1 18. Smncu wtnnww .,,., · ...,.,,,______ ,,,,,, ,__ au 1 19. FINES, rumnavxtzs, mn mavmwcnms .,.,...,,. ,,,, _,,_ 641 I. 20. EXTBADITIONQ ...,..,,.. ...,,, ,_.,. ,_,,,,_,,,,_____,,,,,____,,__ 651 L 21. Wazcrs om-fmmon ... ,..., .,,, Q,. ..,. ._ ”____,w S,- cm L . 4 1 rm-: 3.-rnrsonmns Arm THEIR *1*nmAT1¤m¤·r• 1 A · . · 1 22. Gmmamm mzpvxsroxs. .. ,. ...,...,,_______,____, 69; 23. Umtmn STATES musoxs m cmzmnn, ,_..,, ;. _,,__,,__ ,,, m_“__, 741 1 24. LEAVERWORTH, KANSAS, PENITEHTKABY- ..,.__,,___,,___ ,, ,__, 76}; I, 25. ·A‘TLAN’I‘A, GEORGIA; tPENITpNTIARY--;_--,m .,,,,__ ,, ___,,_____ 79}, [ 26. 1<`m>muL IN¤¤s·i·izuL INs·rrm·;102i mn Womans, _,,___________ 311 2 27. Ummn S;u.:c¤s Ixnvssmn. nzmuunou  ; __,.,,____ mx _cepted.·———·Every citizen oi the United States, whether actually resident or abiding within the same, or in any. mee subject to ’ the juri_sdicti0_11 thereof, orrixr any foreign country, without the permission or authority dt the Govcmmént, directly cx Ladirectiy; conmnencgs or carricé on any verbal asv written <;·c=rm· .sp0nde·mgze or ir1tercourse with any foreip govgmment or any omcer qr gge¤t thereof, with gn intent to ixmueuce the measures _ or conduct of any fqeign government or of any cmcgr or agent _ theredf, in relation to any disputcs·01·· c0ntrcver§es vE*ith_ me

 » United States, or to defeat the measures`01! thé Government at

the United; Statesyaxxd eicxiy persqn, being a citizen of or rm· dent within the United States or in jay pI‘acé subjiect ta this jarisdiction thereof, and not duly authorized, coumcls, gévisw ,. or assists in any such correspondence with intent., shsil M , fined not more than $5,009 and imprisoned mt than thrcb ,' yamisf but nothing id this section amp be tqabridge _ the right of a citimexr to apply, himself or his agent, to aw foreign government or the agents theieof mr at apr _ injury which he may have sustained fmm Such government or _ any ct its L agehts <>r` (1R. S. [ 5%; 4, IMS, i c. 321, _§ 35 Stgt. 1%8.) ’ _ · [ 6. (Criyxhal Code, secticu 6.) Seditiam ·¢0¤@•¤cy.—-—If I two or more pe rsc¤s·i¤ my State or '£{‘erriwry, or in my plgce V subject toi tx jurisdiction ot the United States, conspire. to ig `OVGITHPOW, p down, or to destroy by toms the Government at [ _ the United States, or to levy war agalrwt them, mj to oppose · _ by force the_ authority thereof, or by force tc pmvwt, mailer, ~ ' of delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by tome tb seize, take, or pmesg any prawn at the- United ' 8tate§ contrary to the a.utho·1·!ty` thereof. they shall each he [ mxed not more than $,0w, or impx·is0¤ed` not mom than dx _ { yéars, or both. (R. 8. § 5338; Hm:. 4Q H 3 c. &1, I 6, Stat. 10%.) _ _ , - _ t ’ 7. (Crimidal Cade. icctimn TQ) fe! ’ agnimt Uxtitné Stntmvwhmver mcmtw midgets or mmm I yvjthiu the United Stétes, or in my puaé subject tg the jurist diction thereof, to engage in armed mtility sadg, R of opens the United States, or in mbieéb `_ to the j@diction thereof, a station - mz the enlist · mem: ·0t mdb poldiam or to nerve in my memuer in

  • armed hostilityhmiuiiii United States, shall be not
  • mom; than $1,090 and imprisozgedt mt more uva years.

7 (BQB. I 5&7 ; Mn:. 4, QI.909, ca {7, 35 Stat..1 ;t)` .» *

  • 8. (Criminal necdwm 8.)· tg cern ggsim

{ Udt¤Q_ St•te•.·——-Evergr pefsén eww cx wtthina the · Uniteé States ag in sixy plam sgbjact m the jurisdiction thereeft

 intent tot save M   hmti1tty$·_:g¤im€_t&e Unite}

» Qtatea, nbmlltbe nm ¤¤d.impris¤¤ed uét mam than three - · years. (B. B. | @%; Mar, 4, 1909, c; 321, { 8, 35 Stat. mw.) ~ ‘