Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/493

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479 y TITLE I8.——-CRIMINAL conn .4.; ` S prisoned not there than Qfteetyyenrs. (B, S. j 5414; Mer. 4, s 1999, c._321, 5 148, 35 Stat. 1115.) . l f , 1 283. (Criminal fiodo, sectinn 1492) Connterfeiting hatiensl c hsnk netes.-·—Whoever shell fsleely rnnke, forge, or counterfeit, t nr enum or procure to be made, forged, or gounterteited, on s shnll`,wi1iing1y“aide; assist in falsely making, forging, or coun- t htrfoiting, any note in imitntioxnot, or purporting to be in t intention ef, the circnlnting notes issned by any banking as- c ,e·n·intion new or hereafter nnthorised and acting under the t time of the Unitetf States; or whoever shall pass, utter, or .( M publish, or attempt to pass, utter, or puhlish, any false,. forged, g my eennterfeitetl note, p1_;rp50rti11g to be imued, hy any such 5 ,;e¤ot·intioz1~doing n hnnking business, knowingthe nemo to be p feleely made, forged, or counterfeited; or whoever shall ialsely ,s einer. or cnnso or procure tobe falsely altered, hr shall wi1l· j inet; nid or nesiet in falsely, altering, any such circulating en notes, or shall pass, utter, or publish, or nttemgt to pass, ntter, f ur publish esl true, any falsely éltored or spurious circulating E note issued, on- purporting. to have been issued, by any such _, t hnuking association, knowing the same to be falsely altered or — § ezpurions. `ehnll be nned not more than $1,000Faud ikprisoncdd not more than ntteen years. (R. S. § 5415; Mar. 4, 1909, c. t

<21Q ·§ 149, 3§·Stnt.·.1115`.) _ , t - ’ I

~264. (Criminal Code, sectionl150.) Using plates to print W notes without authority; distinctive paper.-—-·Whoew·or, having i, eentrol, custody, or possession of any `plate, stone, or 0tb%I‘\ lz thin; or any part thereof, from which has been printed, or ii syhich may be prepared by direction of the Sevfetary of the b Trenmry for the purpose of rinting, any obligation or otllef ,c security ot the United- States? shall um such `plate, stone, or G other thing, or nny part thereof, or knowingly snder the sage E to ho need fer the purpose of `brlntiug any such or similar. t obligation or other security, or any port thereof, except as may iz he printed for the use oi the United States by `order ot they d proper eEcer thereof ; or whoever by any way, nrt, or means nh shell make or execute, or enum or procure to "be mode or I eiecnted, or shall assist in making or ereonting any p&te{ S stnne, or other thing in the `llkenem ot any qlnté designated ‘ im- the printing ot such obhgemn of other security; or who- lz ever shell sell any ench plete, stone, or other thing, or bring la into the United Stntwsor any place subject to the jurisdiction I thereof, any forage place, any such plate, stone, or other U thing, except nnder the dirmtion of the Secretary of the hm- a any or other proper o&oer, or____with any other intent, fin either lz ones, then that such mm, stone, or “othm· thing be used for 1; the printing ot, the ohligtinns or other securities ot the United s Stn tes ;` or whoever shell have lmhts control, custody, or poem- a sion sn? Plate, stone, or other thim in nnymenner made nite: p or in similltnde oi gnny plate, mono. or other thing, from A which nny snch ohltption or other socurlb hu printed, with intent to such eate,-» stone, or other thing, or to simfer s the ssme to be used in terpng or eounterfeitlng any such o ohligetiontor other security, or Any part thereof; or whoever t shell heye in his ion or custody, except under authority o from the Secretary to! the Trmsnry or other proper omcer, any t obligation or other eecnrlty mode or executed, in whole or in u part, sitter the simiiitndé ot any obligation, or other security p iesned under the authority ot the United State, with intent m to sell or ptherwise na the or whoever shall print, c photograph, or in any other manner make or execute, nr 1 to he printed, photographed, or executed, or it shall aid in printing, photographing, mnhng, lor executing any wgrnvlng, t· photograph, print, or impression in the likecnme nf any such Q nhligntien or other eeenrity, or nu part thereof, or shall sell h any such engnving, photograph, print, or imprewton, except s to the Unitw States, or shell bring into the United 8taten or u any plane subject to the jurisdiction thereof, from any foreign ti plane, any such ongrsving, lphotographp print, or lmpree- t, x

am cnwzyan pnoczmvnn y § 269 non, ; except by direction of acme proper GQCQT et me Suited States; 01* 'wlmever shall have er retain in his central ur possession, after a distinctive paper has been adopted by he Secretary of the Vfreaetgxy for the ebligatiena and other eecuritiee of the United ·Statee,( anylsimilag NP9? adapted te he making of any such obligation or other secmjity, except mder the authority of the Secretagy of the Treaeéry er. some vther proper 0i'fi<;·e1¢: of the United Staten, shall. be nnéti notnmmte han $5,000, 0; impxieoned net more than nfteen years, or beth. {R. S. § 5430; Mar. 4, 1909, c. 321, § 150, 35,Stat. M16.) i 265. (Criminnlf Code, section 151.) »~Uttering¤ férgéd obliratinnw-—\\’h0eve1•," with intent `to def;jaud,_ shall pass, utteszr »ublish,l0r sell, or attempt te pass, jxttet, publish or sell, er hall bringfinto the United States or any glaee snbject to the uriadiction thereof, with intent to paesfpulwlish, utter, or sell. »1·*shall keep in possession cr" conceal with likemintent; any nlsely it made, viforged, counterfeitedf `gr altered obligation er when secuiite of cth_e United States, shall be fined not mere ` han $5,000 and innprieoned net; inoze than nftgenfirenrs. (RQ SA. l 5431; Mar. 4, 1909, c. 321, 5 151, 35 Stat. 11g6.) _ _ 266. (Crjiminal Code, sentient 152.) Ufaking impreasiene ef cols -0r implementa.—Wh0ever, iwithont autherity from rtlw Jnited iStates, shallwitakeQ precnxge, or make, upon Ima, {eil, vax, plaster, paper, 0; any other snbetnncge er material, an mpression, stamp, 01·_i1nprint ot, from, er by tithe use of any »edplate, bed piece, die,O fell, een}, type, or other tool, mplcment, instrument, or tiling seed of fitted er intended to ·e used in <»prin·£ing,' stamping, or impressing, er in making when tools, lixnplenienta, instrnments, or image ite be need or lited dr intended to be used in printing, stamping, or impressng any, kind on aeeénpnea met obligatienr on ether security ot ,1 he `Uuiteei States neyv authorized ep hegéqtaer to be authoraed by the United States, er circulating ne ae er evidence ei lebt ci any tien nude! the lawn thereof, shall »e dned nut more than $5,000, er imprisoned net mage than ten tears, or lgoth. ’(R. S. S`5-$32; Mar. 4, 1909, c. 321, § 152, 35 itat. 1117.) ·° V F i · . _ Q * ,267. (Criminal Code, section 153.) Unlawful ef mpresaienae-~Wh0ever, with intent to defraud, Shall have in nie possession, keeping, custody, er control, yvithent authority rom the `United States, any imprint, stamp, on im ien, aken er made upon any t y; tance er material whatmver, ef my teel, implement, instrument, er thing, used, or nttecl er ntended to be used, te; any at the purpew mentioned in the mag section]: er whoever, with intent te-» defraud, shall ell, give, er deliver any such imprint, etapp, or lmpreeeien te my ether, person, shall be Sued net more than tance, or im— nrisened not more than `itm years, er beth. e (R. 8. { 553: {ar. 4, 1999, c. 321, { 153, 35 Stat; m1117,) v ‘ 268. (Crininnl Code, 154.) Dealing in counterfeit ecnrities.-Whmver shall buy, sell, exchange, transfer, receive, ir deliver any false, forged, tceunterfeited, er altered ebliga— ien er ether security at the United Statm, or cirenlating note »t any bankim association exnanised or acting under the laws bereet, which has been er may hexeafte: be imned by virtue »! any t Act of Cengrm, . with the intent that the same be awed, published, er need as true and genuine, shall be fined mt mereethan $5,000, er imprisoned not more than ten years, »x· both. (R. S. 5 5434; Mar. 4, 1909, c.-321, § 154, 35 Stat. 117.) i " 269. (Criminal Cade, aectinn 155.) ,Secreting_ er embegzling mln and matetfgialn fer printing secux·itiu.——Wnoeve:, without lntherlty fren: the United States, shall aeceete within, emwle, er take an carry away from Any building, mem, e$c·e, tpartment, vault, sate, er ether place where the name is kept, heed, emplgiyedzplaced, lodged, or depesited by authority ef be United Staten, any bed piwe, bmplate, roll, plate, tile, seal, ype, or other teal, implement, or thing used er Htted to be _ an