Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/541

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527 _ _ TITLE 19.--CUBE Tmasury Ehnll make appropriate rules and regulations for ·t·zm·yin.g out the provisions ot this section. (R. S. § U3; ‘ July 31, 1894, c. 174, $5 19, H, 28 Stat. 210; June 10,1921, c. 18, · 1;;:04, 42- Stat. 24;) ‘ " »_ —‘ —· 1 T _1 43. Snmerduty in respect to accounts, and the penalty for l ‘ omisgions-Collectors, comptrollers, and surveyors shall attend, in person nt the porté at which their duties nre to_ be per-· t rm-med; and (shall keep Tnir ond true; aicounts and record; of Q , _ all their transactions, as 0mC€l'S oi the customs, in such mang

 mm and form as may {rom time to tlmebe directedby the ·

secretary of the Treasury; and shall nt all times submittholr- _ woke, papers,. and accounts to the inspection of ouch pergonst ns may be nppointed for thnt~·pnrpose_; and sha!} ont 2111 erory ` m¤_mth,· or ormer, if they shall be required, transmit their m·t·o~uu‘ts for settlement to the omer or officers. whose duty it shall be to make sntltsettlémont. And if any collector} comptroller, or surveyor shell omit to keep fair and true, accounts, t or shall refuse to submit forthwith his books., papers, and accounts to inspection. as mqniredé-’by law, or if oenny collector shall omit or refuse to_render»hiS accounts for settloménb for ` tp term exceeding three months. after the some shall hnvc been required by the proper omcor, the delinquent 0Eeor shall be liable to n penalty of $1,000 to be recovered with costsof suit. ·‘ tR.S.§2640.) ·· ‘ ¤‘ - " · · 44. Some; ncconnts to include all omalunents well as exptemed.-—4B\·er,v collector, comptroller, and surveyor shall account to the _ for all the `expeums incident to his ottice. Such accounts malt be rendered on ohth,. at such times and in snob tormsyand shall be supported by such proofs, as shall be prgcribcd by the Secretary ot t.ho"'.1‘ y._. (B. S. § 2641.) .. ’ j * ‘ _ · 45. Same; lint of clerks and %nnt.•f ‘expg¤ditures.——Every collector, comptroller, and snrwcyor shall, togéthor irith his ncconnts of the expenses incident -t0 his, odce, render ( list of the clerks employd by the- rate ot compensation, allowed bo, meh, and tho·dnt1qs· which they severally `pertorm; and also an account of the sums mk! for ettmonery, own! or oontlxmt expenses, incl. and odce rent, étatin; the- purpogseseior which the prealsm vented are amnled; (R. S. § 2648.) 46. Sade; alkctés frgnéera; Hstnf and account of cxpcnitnrag until: estimate.-—·The ‘colloctor_o:t custom; ot ucl: ot, the districts on the northern. nwthmstorn, · and northwestun trontiora shall render, wtth his `scconnts not the to his otnce, n list otthe clerks and other o&·crn‘o£’;the tcustoxnn emdoyed by him, stndng the rate · of allowed to exim, the énttes they qoyerallyt pertorm, and emo an goconnt ot. the sums wid for unumieryp fnel, and all other omg; expenses, lnolmlng amos rent; for all _· ot which e s_,ho shall nnbmit anestimnto each month in “ advance, and shall state the purposes for which any premises are used; nnti shall also render an nocurntenccount otrgll tees and eomxnlmions oollocted Kb! him. (R. B. { 2644.% _ 47. Stone; nocomtv rmdcred quarterly.--All nccounts for salary, compensation, and emolumonts ehnllbe `rcnered qnnr- n ter]?. at the end-of each quarter of the Bscnl year, (R. `S. `v§2645;) _ l —‘ 48. Expenses; expenses in foreign conntriég.—·Al1_cg_§tonis,t omcors and employees, including customs omeers and employees in foreign c~ountries,` in addition to their mixDm&tim‘/éhnll receive their neoeenary traveling sinuses ond nctnil incurred for snbsletence while traveling on`*d~¤ty and nwny hom their designated, station, and when transferred from one omcial station to lanother for duty mny,bo`· within tion and nnder written orders ot the Secretary of thi the expenses incurred for packing, cmttng, freight, and drasage in the transfer of their household e¤ects and other per-. - eonnl property, not exceeding in all u Ave pounds. (Mer. 4, 19%, o. 251, jg 5, 42 Stat. 1454.) l

vous nurms § 55 r 49. Restriction on payment for services.--No otlleer or clerk { whose! duty it_is to__ make payments on account of the salary or weges of any omcer or person employed in connection with the cumoms service, ehall make any 'payment to any omcer or person so employed on meeount of serviéee rendered, or et salary, unlessgsuch oillcer or person so to be paid has made end subscribed an oath that, during the period tor` which be is toreceive my, neither he, nor any member of his family, has received, either? personally or by the intervention of another party, any money. or codpeneetion ot any descriptieu whatever, ner any promises for the same, either directly or indirectly, for services rendered or to be rendered, or acts performed or to benperformed, in connection with the customs: or has (purchased; for like services or acts, from any importer, consigneeg agent, or chstomhouse broker, or other person whomsoever, any merchandise, at less than regular retail market prices therefor. (R. S. { 1790.) ‘ _ .50. Oath to expense •ec•unts.—Colleetors of cdgtoms are required, 'empowered, and authorized, when requested, to administer oaths, required by low or otherwise, to `egeounts for trnvel or other expenses. against the United States, with like force and emzct `as oillcers having a seal; for such services when rendered, or when rendered on demnd by notaries public, wheat the time are also salaried, omcers or employees of the United States, 110 charge shall be made; and no fee or money paid for the services herein described shall be mid or reimbursed by the "United States. (Aug. 24, 1912, c. 355, §`_8, 37 Stat; 487.) · _ ‘ - ` 51. Limitation on compensation.···—Except in the eee of lnhorers; noreoxnpensation nxed under sections}, 8, and- 7 ot this title shall be greater than 30 per centnm in excess of the ·1imlt•tions° of existing luv. `(Mqrg 4, 1923, c. 251, 5.7,42 Sm:. 1454,) y __ ~ _ ° 52. Pnynent of eenpensntion and expenses.-—'1’he compensation of all custom_s omcers and employees, lncludieg the Director and Assistant Iylrecters ot Customs, r herein. provided tor, and, the expenses authorized by section 48 of thisettltle, shall be paid from the eppropriation for the collection tot the revenue from customs. (Mar. 4, 1923, c. 251, 5 8, Q Stat. 1454.) r · _ _ b _ ‘ 53. Apportionment ,ef eoinp¢n¤ation.—-Collectors and ell other oiileers of the customs, serving for a less period than e y¤eor,"shell not bephid torfthe entire year, but shall be allowed in no ceé¢`a·,gres1ter than an pro rata tot the maximum com—_ penfsation of such 0¤cers respectively for the time only which they actuallyeerve es such collectors or omeers, whether the mme be under one or more appointments, or b€fo&_(}P after contlrmation. `And no collector or other omcer shall, in~‘-any ease, receive for his servléee, either. as fees, salary, dues, penalties, ‘forte_ituree,` ·or _ othervriee, for the time he may he in service, beyond the maximum pro rata rate provided bylaw. And this section shell be applied and enforced ln regard to all 0$cers,- agents, arg employees ot the United Stdtes wl1om· ·_ soeyer, eas well `whrme compemation is determined by njcommiesionyleu disbursements; not to exce& an annual maxit mn;n,,ea’these `puid by ealery or otherwise. (B. S. S 2687.) .

 $4. Bobks to be furnished--—All blank books, blanks, and

L ntetionery lot every k&d required by collectors and other o¤l· goers ot the euetmns shall, ee soon aethey cen beprepered for {delivery, byjcr the direction of the Secretary of the

 Treesury, be furnished to them- for the use of their respective

omg, new requisition made by them. (RS. 5 28%.)

   account •{ mosey- received or collected.--

every collector ot ceetome, every ecmntroller, and eyery surveyor performing or having the duties or o- o collector, shall render, n quartorqmrly secoent, under oath, to the Secretary of the Treasury, inrsneh form ee tm ‘ tary shall prescribe, ot all sums of money by each. of them