Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/578

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§ 122 TITLE 19,--CU etér and not exceeding two inches in length, Ib cents per gross, and longer leads shall pay in proportion in addition thereto; colored or crayon leads, copy K or iodélible leads, not specially provided tor, 40 per ccntum ad valorem. · . Pm. 1453. Photographic cameras and parts thereof, not specially proyided for, 201per centum ad valorcm; photographic dry plates, not Specially providedior, 15 perccntum ad valorem; phot0grapI1ic_ and m0vi¤g—picturc`11lms, sensitized but not cxposed or developed, four-tenths of 1 ccht per linear foot of the standard width°=ot one and t1iree·eightl1s inches, andall other widths shall pay duty in equal p;·op0r"tion' thereto-; photographicillm negatives, ·iIl1[)01‘t€d.,iIl any form for use in any way in connection with movi11g·picturc exhibits, or for making or reproducing Pictures for suchcxhibits, exposed but not developed, 2 l cents per linear foot; exposed and developed, 3 cents pe: linear foot; photographic-iilm positives, importedjn any form, for usé inanyway in-comxcctioxywithymoving-picture exhibits, including herein all moving, motion, uiotophotography, or cinematography film pictures, prints; positives, or duplicates of every kind and nathrc, and of- whatever substance made, ·] cent pct linear foot: Provided, That upon the importation oi photographic and motiontpicture iilms or Illm negatives, taken from the United States and expbscd in a foreign; country by an American producer of motion pictures operating temporarily in said foreign country in the course of production 'of,_a picture G0 per centum or more ot which is made in the United [States the duty shall be 1 cent per linear toot, and the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe `such rules aud regulations as maybe necessary for the entry of such films or- tllm negativw uhdc1 this proviso: Provided further, That all photographic films im ported under this chapter shall be subject to such cénéorahij as may be imposed lby the Secretary of the Treasury. _ PAR. 1454. Pipes and_smokers’ articles: Common tobacco pipes land pipe bowls made wholly of clay, valued at not more that 40 cents per gross, 15 centapcr gross; valued at more than 4( ccntapcr gross, 45 per centum ad valorcm; pipe howle com 'mcrclally kinowu as stummels; pipes, cigar and cigarette holders not specially provided for, and mcuthpieceo for pipes, cigar ant · cigarette holders, all the foregoing of whatever material com poaéd, and in whatever condition of manufacture. whethel wholly or partly Bntsncd, or whether bored or unbored: lwqches for chewing or smoking tobacco, cases suitable _Io1.• ~DiP¤¤» @881 and cigarette holders, ¤l1iSh8d_0l‘ partly huighcd; cigarette books, cigarettvbock covers, cigarette paper lh ¤l1,forma,’ cx cept cork paper; and all emokeré’ articles whatmoeycr, and part: thereof, hniahed- or uahnlehed, not specially proyided tor, 0: yvhatcvct material composed, except china, porcelain, parinn blaqae, earthen or stone ware, 00 per centum ad vnlorem; mecr schaum, crude or immauutacturcd, 20 per centum ud vnlorem. ‘ t Pan; 1455. All theraxostitic bottles, carafcs, jars, jugs, enc other thormostatlc containers, or blanks and plstoha of suc! articles, ot whatever m•taria1‘ composed,. constructed with a vacuous or partially_·vncuous—i¤su1¤tion ance to mhint•.ln‘th• temperature of the contents, whether imported, Hulnhed 01 uxmnishéd, with or 'without n jacket or main of metal ou other material, shall pay the following ratesjof {ditty, namely Having a capacity of one pint or less. 15 cents each; havin;

 a capacity of more than one pint, 80 ce¤ts·ench;_md in addi

tion thereto, on all ot the foregoing, 45 per centhm ndialorem parts of any of the foretolnihot including those above meh . tiorwd, 55 per contunfad vnlurémz ·Pmv£de4, That nllohrtlclel apeclhcd in this paragraphwhen imported shall hnvethe hum ‘ of theimakor or pupchaser and ,beneath`the same the name 0: the country of origin logibly, `lndellbly, and ¤0§8Di¢\16\1§]] otclwd with aclcl on the glass part, and die stamped OQ the __ jacket or casing of metal or other materiel,. in n wplico the shall not be covered thereafter: Provided further, Thtt excl label, wrapper, box; or carton ln which my of the fotegolnl

'STOME DUTIES UM t are wrapped or packed, when imported; shall have the name of the maker or purchaser and beneath the same the name oi g the country o.f origin lcgibly, indellbly, and conspicuously · stamped or printed thereon. , » Pan.-1456. Umbrellas, pnrasels, and sunshndew covered with

material other than paper or lace, not embroidered or ap-‘
fpliquéd, 40 per ccntum nd valorem; handles and sticks my

· umbrellas, parnsols, sunshadesy and walking `cnnes, Bnished » or unilnished, 40 per centmn ad vnlorem. ‘ · I Pan, 1457, Waste, not specially provided for, 10 per centum · nd valofem. · _ , { __ ·_ Pu, 1458. White bleached beeswax, 25 per ccntum nd · v~al0re·m_. . · o . _ t E Pas. 1459. That there shall be levied, collected, and paid on ' the importation of all raw or unmannfactnred articles not » enumerated or provided tor, ‘a duty of 10 per centmn ad . vnlorem, and on all articles manutnct¤re<lQ in whole or in part,

  • not Specially provided for, a duty of 20 per cenjtum ad vulorem.

’_ Pan, 1460. That each ind every imported article, not enumerl - L v_ ated in this ,_ chapter, which is similar, either in material; [ quality, texture, or the use to which it may ne applied to any

  • . enumerated an this chapter as chargeable with duty.

‘ sl1all§y the same. rate of duty `which is levied on the enumer- 'tl ated. article which it most resembles in nny of the particu_lnrs

  • before mentioned.; and if any nonenumeratcd article equally
  • resembles two or more enumerated articles on which different

3 rates of duty are chargeable, there be lextied on such non-. ’ enumerated article the- same rule of duty as is chnrgeable on V the article which it 1`QS&‘Hlbl\éS paying the highest rate of `duty ;‘ ‘ and on articleaa not enumerated, manufactured ot two or more P materials the duty shall be assessed at the highest rate at which the same yvould be chargeable it composed wholly ot 5_ the component material. thereof of chic! value; and the words l " component material of chief value" wherever used in this ) {chapter, shall to mean that component material which -· shall exceed in value any other single component material of ~. the article; and the value of each component material shall be l determined bi the ascertained value ot such material in its

condition as found in the article. _ If two or more rates dt

P duty shall be applicable to any imported article, it shall pay l s duty at the highest ot such rates. (Sept. 21, 1922, c. 356, Ph Title I, {1, 42 Stat. - " .” _ SUBTITLE II.——·FREE LIST Q 122{ Free list.--»Except an ogherwise specially provided for in

 this chapter, the articles mentioned in the following paragraphs,

Y when imported into the United States or into any of Ita pos- - sessions (except the Philippine Islands, the Virgin Islands, and i the islands of Guam and Tntulla), shall be exempt from dgty : 19 scmzntmn 15

Pan. 1501t Acids and ncld nnhpdrltlesz Chmnnlc acid; hyclro-

I, tluorlc ncld, hydrochloric or mnriatic acid, nitric acid, sul- I, phuric acid op *011 of vitrlel, and n1i;fnres_0t nitric and sul- . phurlc acids, vnlerlanlc acid, and all anhydrides ot the tore- é_ going not smlnlly provided for. , . . , _ Pan. 1502. AconiteQ `alocs, asateticla, cocculna indlcna, ipecnc,

‘jalnp,‘nmnnnn; marshmallow or althen root, leavm and mowers;
 mate, and pyrethrnm or insect {lowers, all the foregoing which}.

B are natural and uncoxnponmdw and erein a crude state, not é advanced in value or condition by shredding, griwng, chlpg ping, crushing, or any other pxecmn or treatnaent whatever Y beyond . that asentlal to proper packing and the prevention of 3.. dma! er deterioration pending manufacture: Pro¤i»ded, That

no article containing alcohol shall he admitted tree ot dnt!
· under this paragraph. · _ ‘
Pas. 1508. Asataa. nnmanmactntedt