Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/590

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1 § 156 _ Tzrne 19.-#—C'i . · \~ articles to which they amy, in snob detaii»aa··rnay be neeesm; for u1€‘§¤d8.DC‘8 of appraklngomcera. In auch cases and npc the proclamation 15;; the·P1:esiden$ becomim; effeetrlverthe 1 Uvalorem duty or ourymseo in whole or an partnpon the vah of the lulported, article in the country ot exportation eh: thereafter he based upon the American lselliné Price, as. dehm _ in section_239 of thla title, of ‘any·.sin;lla1·_ ;coxnpetitlve` attic manufactured or producedIin..tl1e United States embraced wit in the classeor kind of imported articles upon yvhich the°Pre: dent has madea. proélamation under this section. _ _. · The adlvaloretn rate lor ram of duty based .up0n—such Ame lcon sellingprlce 'shall be the rate found, upon, said investig tion by the Pres1dent,_t9 be shownby the said dilferenees 1 costs of production necessary to equalize". auch dillerences, br no such rateshlall be decreased: more 50 per centum of tl rate specified in Subtitle I of the chapter" upon such Article nor shall any such rate be increaaed. Such rate or rates · duty shall become effective dayshtter the date oft] said proclamation of President, whereupon the duties 1 estimated and provided- shall be levied, collected, and paid ¢ such articles when imported from any foreign country into tl United Statu or into any otiits possessions —-(enceptl the'Phill pine Islands, the Virgin Islands, and the islands of Gunmgaz "'lfutulla). It there is any j,mp0rted,article within the class 5 .kind· of articlesfixpon whichthe President has made public iinding, for whichthere is no similar cornpetive articleomon featured or produced lu the United States, the value of Sill rimportexiiartide shall be determined under the provisions · pnragrnphsV`(1),‘ (2), and (3). of section 234 of .thia(3$Q (Sept. 21, 1922, c. 358, Title III, { 815(lo), 42 Stat. · 156. Sana; methods of ascertaining dmerancen in coats 1 production; investigation by Tarif Conminlon; restriction on redaa££•:•tiom.—-e-In ascertaining the dwérmceal ln costa e production, under providons or sections 15·l_ and- loo · ~thla title, the P1‘E5id€Dt,‘iIl so far__as the finds ltpractlécabl shall take into consideration ·(1) the cllderences in condition ine production, including wages, costa of material, and ,0thi items in costs ot production ot such or émllar articles ln_ tl United States and ln izompeting foreign countries; (2) tl diderencea in the whol&e selling prlcu of domestic an foreign articles in the principal markets of the United Stew (8) advantages panted to a" foreign producer by a 1'oralg 7 governmmt, or by a person, partnership, corporation, or aw ciation in a foreign country; and (4) any other advantages < Tdisadvantagas in competition. Kr ' Investigations to amlat the Prealdent lngaacertalnlng dlfle ences in costs of production {under this section shall be mad ‘by the United States Tariff Commission, and no proelamatio shall betaaued under this section until auch lnveatmtion sha have been made. The commission shall give reasonable publi notice of its hmrings andimall give reasonable opportunity 1 parties interested to be prwent, to produce evidence, and to l heard. `The commission is authorized to adopt sn& reaaonabl procedure, rules, and regulations as it may deem nmeasary. ‘ The President, proceeding as hereinbefore provided for 1 proclaiming ratea of duty, shall, when he determines that it 1 ehown that the differences in eoata ot production have change or no_ longer exist which led to 'auoh pnzoclamation, according! as so ahown, modify or terminate the same. Nothing ln thi eeetton shall w construed to authoriw a transfer of an attic! . from the*dntia—bla llet to the free ulbt the hfreetlwt gl

 the dutlable list, nor a change in form ot duty. Whenever 1

·` le provided in any paragraph of Subtitle I of mia chaptex that the dntyor dntiee shall not exceed a apecllled ad valorex rate upon the articlee provided for in auch paragraph, no rat determined under the provision of this section and section 154, ,155, 157 to 169 ot this title, upon such artlclu shall excee

· , . \ undress norms ..- .576 ry m‘mo»>&¤·r•te°¤ wedhd. (Sint. 21, 1922, on ;c.,3¤6, Title Ill, { 815(c), 42 Stat,942.} _ . nd - 1§7. Seine: mal-tar prednds.-—For· the,¤¤fl>¤•¢S~ ot sections ue154to159otthtstit1e,enyco¢l—tarpre®ctprerldedror1¤ rlf paragraphs 27 or 28 ot, Subtitle Lo! (NB'¢hlHEl.' Shall be coned atml1nr..`to°'or competldve with any mported cool-tmele /D1‘()d¤¢t_W'hk!h accomplishes ruults eqnnlto tho. _· h- necomplmhednby the domestic product véheu , used substanga-·aomyI.u»e nuns manner. (Sept. ‘2»1,.1sz2, e. ssc, anus nr, · Q 315(d), 42 Stat. 943.) ~ . · . >r·’ 458. S•nxe<;' preddentihl. rules and regulat,ions.-+-’1!he`Presirt- dent? is suthor§ all needful rules and resnlunons for in carriing out fthe provisions d‘•ectim‘ 154 to H0 Yofthh. title, ut ($¢DL 21, ¢· 356; Title HL] 3}5(¢).`42 SWF? 9430 ` he 152. §•¤e;_ rnlg andregnlednn for entry uM deghration lg, `o!·ir®es.——·The Secretxryot theifreesnry icmthorlzed to Og and regulation as kem n ry for gm theentry and declaration of imputed Marticlaot the els; or so kind of articl Prwdent has made {proclagu mation under the p _ fone-odaection 155 ot this title and

g. for the form not invoice .nt time oi entry. (Sept.; 21,

p. .1922,1;. 356, Title HI, `|» 8150),42 Stat. $3.) » gi __ _ Dmtrmo lzivrsyrxoxrxoir _ &· 160. Investigations hi of_"'I‘reu¤y; to u_` Secretary by appraisers as to mice oi imported arti- ,h_ cles; withholding appraisernent.-=—(a) Wmnever the Secretary Di ot the Treasury (herelnatter the “Secretary·"),_a1ter ,e_ such lnvwtlgation gs he deems necessary, dads that an indus try in the United Statuvisbeim or la likely to be injured, if or is prevented from being established, by reason of m portetion into the United Staten ot a or kind od torein Dt merchundlse, and that merchandise or inch clam or kind is at being sold orisllkelytobesoyin theUnited-Statesor elsey E Q where nt less its fair value, then Muhull make such duck M; ing public to the extent he deerm necemry, together with is Br description. oi! the class or kind ot to which it m· applies in such detuilu may be necessary tore the of N the apprulsing omcers. — E r _ ld (b) Whenever,_·ln the cose ot any imported rnerchnmise ot §_ la clsss er kinda; to which tbeheeruary hasnot so nude W; public a nndlng, the apmalser or person. actin as nppruher LF has reason, ‘ to believe. or suspect, from the invoice or other R, papers or from information pr&ted to him, that the purchase _, priw is less, or that the expor·ter's~ sales pricej ts lesajorllkely ‘ to be less, than the foreign market value (or, in the ‘ absence r" ot such value, then_the.cobt ot production). he shell forthwith, I? under 'regulations prescribed by the nouty the Secre- '” tary of·snch· fact a.nd..withbdld NA §D§>¥•is@nt report to the u collector uslto such merchandise until the further order ot the E" Secretary, or until the Secretary has made public an tlndin¢`ss

  • ° provided in subdivision (el in mud to such merchandise.

E (May 27, 1921, c. 14, { W1, 42_Stat. 11.) _ Srmur. Dunrmzrs Dun · in 161. Amount of duty to be collected; determination of forls eign mnrket value of ‘koods.··—·(n) In the case of nll imported xl mercbnndlse,_,w·hether dutlnble or tree ol duty, of s class or

 kind as to which the Secretary ct the Treasury has niade publs llc n tlndlng ssprovldcd in sectiondddof this title, and as to

to which the {appraiser or person acting as appraiser hss model

o no uiiprilsemeht to‘tl1e‘c0llectorl before such dnding has s

lt been so made public, it the purchase price or the exporters r, sales price is less than the foreign market value (or, in the n absence ot such value, then the cost ot production) than shall

e be levied, collected, and mid, in addition to the duties imposed

ls thereon by law, ul special d¤mDl¤B duty in un amount eqnnl d to such dwerence, · `